very cold babies!!

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Darn it, I exceeded my bandwith.....Does any one know of any good hosting sites that have a VERY LARGE BANDWITH?

The baby with the half of a foot seems to be doing ok, we are going tobe taking him to the vet soon to see what we should do about it. He isthe biggest out of all the babies, so I am not really worried abouthim. Hopefully he will still be able to make it even with out a foot :)

ayglnu13 wrote:
The baby with the half of a foot seems to be doing ok, weare going to be taking him to the vet soon to see what we should doabout it. He is the biggest out of all the babies, so I am not reallyworried about him. Hopefully he will still be able to make it even without a foot :)

Just wonderful! I knowhe had usall worried backthen. If he is the biggest I'm sure he will be just fine. If he makesit, I know he will be loved foot or not.

Ok I have yet ANOTHER question :D I was readingsomething about babies who get bloat. I am not sure exactly what thatis and I am not sure if one of my babies has it. His stomach is justBIG like i dont know why, it was a little big before I had him fed, isthis normal???? What are some of the signs of bloat? And should I beworried about him getting it? He also has a harder stomach then theothers do.

Bloat can sometimes be preceded by aviral/bacterial infection and is very difficult to prevent.It is often associated with late fall/early spring weather.

If the babies tummies seem unusually large after feeding, I would limitthe nursing sessions. Does generally nurse for only a veryshort time.

If he has bloat what should I do...or is thereanything I can do? Here is a couple of pics of what he looks like, I amnot sure if they will help though. Sorry the pics are so big.




He looks fine to me, as I remember mine, but Pam would know best.

I remember my Hols looking like they were going to pop. They were as nearly wide as they were long.

I agree, Rose that they just look likerecently weaned kits. We've occasionally lost kits to bloat(Hollands), but it's hard to tell by just looking at a photo as towhether they are well fed or ill. Generally kits affected bybloat do not hold their body temperature well.

Gosh, you miss a LOT in 3 days!! I hope everybodyis doing fine! Any update on that foot? When do babies eyes open? Justwondering... See ya. Good Night!
Wow thanks so much everyone! The babiy's stomachis going down a bit, it is alteast is less hard then it was before.Hopefully his stomach will become like the rest of them. I really doappreciate what every one has done for me and the babies, I dont knowif the babies would have survived with out ya guys!!! :D

I will be coming to bunny nap the one with "the foot"!!

I have a history with animals with strange limbs. I currently have acat with 7 toes on both front feet, a bearded dragon with 3 legs and 1who is missing a toe....I had a guinea pig with a club foot, but he isnow living with some kids I used to babysit -- they came to visit andfell in love, so he found a great forever home.

my mommy bunny is just a pet no specific breed. Iknow her mom was angora but not sure about her dad. The dadof these babies was a rex. Not sure if he was purebred. Theneighborhood kids, and mine, found him running around the nieghborhoodand caught him and brought him to us because we already had twobunnies. He was very tame and a sweetie. I also have a minnie rex doe.At present I have no way of connecting my video camera to the computerso i can show some pictures. keep up the good work on yourbabies. They are so cute. I bet since you are handling them on a dailybasis they will be very tame.? talk againlater Jill (in Oregon).


I was wondering if you could tell me a thing or 2 about rabbits. Mykids got to pick rabbits out in a contest for Easter. Now I have 4little rabbits and would like to know how to tell if they are male orfemale. I was told they have to be 8 weeks old. They seem to be aboutthat age I will grab a photo If that would be some help. I wouldgreatly appreciate anything you have to say.

Thanks Kristina
rabbithappy wrote:


I was wondering if you could tell me a thing or 2 about rabbits. Mykids got to pick rabbits out in a contest for Easter. Now I have 4little rabbits and would like to know how to tell if they are male orfemale. I was told they have to be 8 weeks old. They seem to be aboutthat age I will grab a photo If that would be some help. I wouldgreatly appreciate anything you have to say.

Thanks Kristina
Hi, Congratulations on your new buns. I have got some links for you about sexing rabbits:

There is also a lot of past posts on how to do this. I think basicallyyou are looking for a 'V' shape or an 'I' / 'O' shape ( i cant rememberwhch it was now!)

V = female

I/O = male

Hope this helps you and let us know of the outcome,

Leanne :)

Hello every one! Just decided to update everyoneon the babies! They seem to be doing well, getting bigger and biggereveryday :Dand they are starting to show some fur! We aregoing to be bringing the baby with the foot to the vet on monday to seewhat should be done about it. Hopefully he will be ok!
