very cold babies!!

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generally theyfeed soon after having thelast baby, When you first foundthem was the tummy fatand round or wasit kinda shriveld up and wrinkly .?

if she didntfeed right off youmay need to get themsome colostrium ( sp ) whichgenerally you can get at a feed store , ,can you bring the mother tothem or them to themother , flip her on herside and attach each babyif necessary hold her downgently so they can get that f irstfeeding if at all possible .
When I found the babies it didn’t look like theywere fed, they were all over the cage and VERY cold. I just took thebabies down to put them in her nest box and she immediately went overand tried to pounce on them :X so I took them out.

I put them on my bed (in their box) with her and i took the doe in myhands and flipped her over on her side and let the bunnies eat. She wasSO mad at me at first and tried to kick, but after the first baby shelet them eat fine. I am not sure if I did the right thing but they weretrying to suck on each other and they were making little squeakingnoises. I also have another question....the doe only has this normal?

After I let them eat I tried putting them back in the cage with her, intheir nest box, and she tried to pounce on them again. What should Ido?

:X b ad mommy!!! sounds like yourgonna have to keep bringing thebabies to her, keep them on a heatpad and warm ( low )2 nipples ??? ok thats way out of myleague i have never heard thatbefore but t he waysome people breedit dont surprise meany , try ruffling her tummyfur and see if there is any morenipples hiding somewhere (sounds funny i know )butshe may justnot be filling upwith enough millk yet tobe able to find them .

question , can youfeel any dampness under hertummy , you should be able to feel wet ,if she is lactating , i have towonder if maybe she doesnthave enough milk to feed theselittle guys ? or maybeisnt letting down enough .

Im so glad you got them ontoher for that crutial firstfeeding hurray ! foryou good job. i would let her be all themad she thinks she needsbe but by thesounds your gonna have tokeep hitching them up toher so they can feed. let me know . imhere for you .

I searched EVERYWHERE for more nipples (soundswerid I know) my brother was even helping me. Unless I am missing some,she definately has 2. I even let one of the babies crawl around on herbelly to see is he could find one. But he kept going back to the othertwo. :? What would happen if I fed them all with just the 2 nipples?Would that be too much for the mother?

What breed are the babies?

I would keep the babies inside and warm at least until they are able tohold their own body heat. This may take up to 24 hours withkits that have been chilled. You can either take the nestboxout and see if the doe will go in it to feed the kits, or put the doeon a towel on your lap, give her a little treat, and put the babiesunder her to nurse. The doe is more likely to relax in thisposition, which is important in triggering the "let down" hormoneresponse to allow the milk to flow from the glands.

Domestic rabbits generally have 4 pairs of mammary glands (nipples)This number may vary from 6-10nipples. There are 2rows of teatswith 2 generally located at the pectorals (chest-- between the front legs), 4 along the abdominals (belly) and 2 at theinguinals (groin area). You'll note that they are locatedmore along the sides of the abdomen and not directly down the middle.

The kits generally prefer certain nipples -- scent glands help direct them to the location.

I would just leave the kit's leg alone right now, so you will not do more damage to the delicate tissues.

gypsy wrote:
question , can youfeel any dampness under hertummy , you should be able to feel wet ,if she is lactating , i have towonder if maybe she doesnthave enough milk to feed theselittle guys ? or maybeisnt letting down enough .

Colostrum is produced the first few days, so the milk won't haveactually come in yet. This is when the milk glands willreally fill up. Before then, there may be little evidence ofthe doe actually producing milk.

I thought they looked like little Hollands:) Holland Lops can be nightmares to get healthybabies out of during this time of year :(

Well right now they are inside, their motherlives inside also but in our basement, which is also my room. Everytime I take the babies near her she gets SUPER mad and thrashes. So Idont know how I am going to get her to nurse them peacefully :? I triedgiving her a treat when I had her first feed them and all she did waskick and try to run away. :X
Will she still produce milk if she isnt relaxed?
She'll still produce milk, however the babieswill have difficulty extracting it unless the hormones "kickin". Wait until dusk and try putting the nestboxin. Watch from a distance to see if she'll nurse the kits(try putting a little treat in the nestbox).

If she tries to attack them again, try puttingher in a small carrier overnightwith hay and any fur shepulled. This can be used to line the nestbox, so it will haveher scent.

Babies can be very difficult to hand feed, as they may aspirate theformula and die of pneumonia. So, if at all possible, it'sbest to try to get them to nurse from the doe.

I don't know ifI'm supposed to hitreply to the first or last entry, but oh well.Congratulations on the babes!! They are adorable! Ihope little "boo boo foot" is o.k. My Cloey (pictured here)had 6 babes Monday night! We lost her first litter, becausewe didn't know she was pregnant - her "sister" turned out to be herbrother! lol The kits wereeither born on the cage floor or dragged out by daddy, Ithink. Thanks to Bramble & Daisy & Gypsy foryour earlier advice! All is going well. They have alittle peach fuzz today. I'll try to snap somepics.

Two quick questions - Carolyn said they can get pregnant"whenever". Please tell me she couldn't get pregnant withanother litter WHILE pregnant! I separated mom and dad about2 weeks before due date. Also, there was a littledot of blood in her litter box yesterday (Tuesday). Is thisnormal a day after birth?
kidsbuns wrote:
Carolyn said they can get pregnant "whenever".Please tell me she couldn't get pregnant with another litter WHILEpregnant!

What I had stated was: "They ovulate when stimulated by the act ofmating. This is why they can become pregnant any time theymate."

If they're already pregnant, you'll only have one litter. Ifyou mean can they get pregnant after the litter is born,we had a casewhere a doehas becomepregnant the night she has alitter if the buck is put back in with her.


Well I just weighed the babies and marked theirear so I could tell them apart. Three babies weigh 40 grams, and theother 2 weigh 48 and 50 grams. I am hoping this is a normal newbornbunny weight. Any thoughts any one?

Oh thank you for clarifying that! Imust have misread your first statement. Cloey had her babesMonday, and I was thinking "please tell me she can only be pregnant onelitter at a time." And I know first hand that shecan get pregnant asap because I sawthe male on her the sameday she lost her first litter, and sure enough she delivered 31 dayslater. WOW. Now I know what "multiplying likerabbits" means! I'm keeping them apart until he'sfixed!
I have heard that if a mother attacks the babiesyou can put soy sauce on the nose of the mother and the kits and thenshe may calm down after smelling only soy sauce (I don't actually knowif this works). I have also heard you can hold the mother while gettingthe kits to feed. (Even if you have to hold her down). I hope the onewith the hurt foot is doing better!! Let us know how they are doing andsend more pictures!!
kidsbuns wrote:
Oh thank you for clarifying that! I must have misread your firststatement. Cloey had her babes Monday, and I was thinking "please tellme she can only be pregnant one litter at a time." And I know firsthand that she can get pregnant asap because I saw the male on her thesame day she lost her first litter, and sure enough she delivered 31days later. WOW. Now I know what "multiplying like rabbits" means! I'mkeeping them apart until he's fixed!

Do you have any pictures of your bunnies? I would really love to see them :D

Here is another problem we are having, this is apicture of my little bunnies toe. It is the same bunny who has half afoot :( I told my siblings we shouldn't name him so that incase he diedwe wouldnt be too attached....but they named him...Mr. Wriggly :( boy Ireally hope he makes it :(

Any idea whats wrong with his foot?



P.S. the hair attached to his foot is gone now.