very cold babies!!

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Hello every one! I have a small request :D Ifevery one could just pray for the little one with the half foot. He wasthe biggest bunny weighing 48 Grams, but today I weighed him again andhe has lost 4 grams :( all of the other bunnies have gained like 6-8grams, but this little bunny has lost weight :( I am letting him feedlonger then the others, but I dont know if it will help :? Thanks somuch every one!

I have another question :D What are some of thethings that could go wrong with the mother when nursing. I am askingthis because one of her nipples is VERY red on the top and it seems tobe bothering her, so I dont let the babies feed from this one becausewhen I did she would throw them off :? Any idea what this could be? Ican take a picture if you guys think that would help. Her other onesare fine, it is just that one that is very red :?

I'm so sorry I have no advice for you on this,but, I would like to say, I will be thnking about the little one foryou. Every time I pop on this site you are always one of the firsttopics I check...

In my thoughts,

Lyndsy and the monkeys
ayglnu13 wrote:
If it is mastitis then what would I be able to do to make it better? :?

Mastitis(blue breast)would be a very serioussituation. A bacterialinfection invades the mammaryglands and you can squeeze out a cottage cheese-likematerial. PennG injections are used, and the kits can nolonger be weaned on an infected doe.

It sounds like the red nipple is just irritated. You can break open a vitamin E gel cap and rub it on the nipple.

Hello every one! I cannot say thank you enough to every one who helped!! here are some more pics!




And a movie, which will prolly work some times, if it says that I haveexceeded my Bandwith then it will be back up with in an hour :D

They are the most beautiful colors, Amy!

I love the pictures you've taken. Your new avatar is too cute!

Ok we have run into yet ANOTHER problem! One ofthe babies has EXTREAMLY flaky skin!! :? Like his skin is just flakyeverywhere, his ears, his nose, and most of all his back. When I ran myfinger backwards on his skin, flakes just came off. What would besomething I could do for his skin??? He is only the baby that is why itis bothering me, I dont want it to spread to the other babies.

fur mites? fleas?

How old are they now?
