very cold babies!!

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They will be a week tomorrow. I dont see how theycould have either fleas or furmines, they have not been in contact withany one else besides me and their mom, and their mom doesnt have flakeyskin.

I can't help but I hope they are all doing ok andare growing up to be big beautiful babies... I can't ever download yourmovie. It just brings up this thing that says Quicktime.
Vet Update: The vet said that her mammaryglands were just irritated (which Pam said), which is just part ofrabbit motherhood :( She was like well you could put a heating padunder her and that could help her, and my mom was like "Well mydaughter has some nice rabbit breeding friends online, and theyrecommended vitamin E, what do you think about that?" and the vet waslike "Wow, I didn’t even think of that! Yes you could try it on her; Iwill have to remember that to tell other rabbit owners!" (Pam also toldme about vitamin E (THANKS PAM! it is really helping))

The flakey skin on the babies is just dry skin, she said to watch itfor the next couple of weeks and bring them in if it gets any worse.Though she had to look at it under a microscope to see if anything wasalive and it cost us $30 extra just for her to take 2 seconds under themicroscope, oh well, it was worth it!

Well, I am off to feed the babies! :D

ayglnu13 wrote:
Vet Update: The vet said that her mammary glandswere just irritated (which Pam said), which is just part of rabbitmotherhood :( She was like well you could put a heating pad under herand that could help her, and my mom was like "Well my daughter has somenice rabbit breeding friends online, and they recommended vitamin E,what do you think about that?" and the vet was like "Wow, I didn’t eventhink of that! Yes you could try it on her; I will have to rememberthat to tell other rabbit owners!" (Pam also told me about vitamin E(THANKS PAM! it is really helping))

The flakey skin on the babies is just dry skin, she said to watch itover the next couple of weeks and bring them in if it gets any worse.Though she had to look at it under a microscope to see if anything wasalive and it cost us $30 extra just for her to take 2 seconds under themicroscope, oh well, it was worth it!

Well, I am off to feed the babies! :D

Cool, Pam giving the Vet lessons. :) This is for sure a very helpful place. :)

What about the baby with the foot problem? Has is changed? Anyprognosis?


I'm worried about the baby with the"foot". I need to be planning my trip to bunny nap in inabout 7 weeks....hmmm....I wonder how much gas would cost for me to getto Massachusetts? LOL

The Vet said that the baby with the footwill be ok, his foot will fall off in a few weeks and as long as itisn’t infected (which it isn’t right now) he will heal over nicely. Shesaid that when he got older she could find a prosthetic to fit him, Iwould be glad to do that but being 16 I don’t have like $800 :? He isstill a bit on the skinny side but is growing none the less :D



More and more pictures :D

This is their mamma Fae, right before feeding :)

Group Picture!


Baby sayin Hi!!!


This is the rollie pollie one with the foot problem


This is the same baby saying "How you doin" (sounds like Joey from Friends):p


Oh Amy,

I'm so glad to hear of this great news! Congratulations toyou, Pam, and gypsy for helping this litter along. The onewith the lost foot just steals my heart, and I had no idea what Momlooked like. She's a gorgeous little one! What'sDad look like?

I'm so glad to hear all is well with the little foot.

Your pics are just adorable! I don't remember Buster and Tucker havingthat much fur at a week! Those are some VERY furry babies! LOL!:)

Gorgeous mum too!
