very cold babies!!

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pamnock wrote:
Wait until dusk and try putting the nestbox in. Watch from adistance to see if she'll nurse the kits (try putting a little treat inthe nestbox).


I tried putting them back in just a while ago and she did the samething she did the last time I tried putting them in...*grunt* *pounce**grunt* *pounce* I am going to try putting her in a crate tonight, andif that doesnt work I dont know what I am going to do :?

Leave the nestbox in her cage overnight withoutthe babies in it so she can get used to it and hopefully she'll scentmark it. Put a few treats in it.

This is just a tough time of year for Holland reproduction. Ipalpated 8 does tonight and not one of them took :(Matthew's Himi is preggers though :)


Amy thats what iwas afraid was going to happenone of his toes is alreadyturning black , it looks likeit has lost bloodcirculation , at thispoint other than vetting thelittle guy i am at a lossas to what to do /Maybe Pam has a good suggestion

WTG!!!! on the pregger Himi Pam
Bless your Heart, Pam, for giving us Hope.

* * * * *


We're all pulling for you and the babies. If there's a way to help them, Lord knows you'll be the first one there for them.

Prayers and thoughts are with you from this neck of the woods.

pamnock wrote:
This is just a tough time of year for Holland reproduction.? I palpated8 does tonight and not one of them took :(?? Matthew's Himi is preggersthough :)


Wow - 8 does and none of them took! :shock: Boy... I guess it's a tough time of year.

I hope you have better luck in April.

* * Yay Matthew's Himi! * *

That little mon needed that after his recent losses. I'm so happy to hear that, Pam! :dude:

What happened with Todd and Teffani? Is she pregnant?

Amy, I am so sorry you are havingtroubles. I will keep you in my prayers. You are in the very competentarms of Pam.

I feel so bad for you and the babies.

pamnock wrote:
Matthew's Himi is preggers though :)
*Happiness* for Matthew and of course, his Himi!!

Ok, I have to say, Basil's husband just came home and I probably won'tbreed them for 6 mon or so (when she's 1 and he's about 7 mon andhopefully we will be settled in our new house bythen --that's really the determining factor), and I'm already a nervouswreck. I think she will do ok with how she mothered Orion andnow Saphy, but all these bad first time mom's...

I'm praying for that little guy with the foot issue. I'veseen some nasty foot injuries (especially on guinea pigs) but they allseem to get along just fine. Best of luck to you and yourbabies. We need to send some motherly thoughts to that momma.

Carolyn wrote:
What happened with Todd and Teffani? Is she pregnant?

I still have to palpate Teffani. I just got the does done tonight who needed nestboxes before I left for the weekend.

:(my rabbit had babies 3/29/05 theywere also all over the cage and i did the same thing w/ them to warmthem up. as far as i know mom has not fed them. I talked to someone atthe vets today and she said i shouldn't have touched them.That if mommahasn't fed yet most likely she wont. she said most likely they wontmake it. Also she said hand feeding has never worked for her they don'tlive. i liked the idea of putting the babies to mom but I'm afraid oftouching them again. we lost dad last week.any ideas?
First of all You are in my prayers alsoAmy! As I was reading the different comments I saw one that talkedabout putting some of the pulled fur and putting it in a crate w/ mom.That gave me an idea! After she lost her first litter for some reason idecided to save the pulled fur in a ziplock bag. I took that fur andput it where she likes to lay.Pretty soon she started pulling out herfur again, like when she was preparing her nest, then pretty soon shewent to the nest spit the fur out of her mouth and then jumped in andthe babies started feeding. I am so graetful my prayers were answered.sorry i have no pictures of my babies but maybe soon. Once again Amyyou are in my prayers. Jill:D
jillpil wrote:
First of all You are in my prayers also Amy! As I was readingthe different comments I saw one that talked about putting some of thepulled fur and putting it in a crate w/ mom. That gave me an idea!After she lost her first litter for some reason i decided to save thepulled fur in a ziplock bag. I took that fur and put it where she likesto lay.Pretty soon she started pulling out her fur again, like when shewas preparing her nest, then pretty soon she went to the nest spit thefur out of her mouth and then jumped in and the babies started feeding.I am so graetful my prayers were answered. sorry i have no pictures ofmy babies but maybe soon. Once again Amy you are in my prayers. Jill :D

My babies were also born on the 29th also! :D I am so glad it worked out for you! What breed of bunnies do you have?

I tried the nest box thing with that mom and all she did was use it asa litter box she peed EVERYWHERE in it, I just think she doesn’t wantthem in her cage :? If I take her out to feed them she doesn’t care,she will lie on her side and everything comfortably...she is suchastrange rabbit :?

Is it healthy for the rabbit to be feeding her babies outside of her cage? Would this be an OK thing to continue?


The person at the vets that told you not to touchthem is wrong. its a common myth.I have found babies scattered on thewire lots of times.i pick them upput them on a heating pad leave themthere for an hour and put them in the nest box.The mother wont retrievethem and if you leave them on the wire they will die ofexposure.Everyone that raises rabbits does not bring the nest boxesinside.If a doe builds a good nest the babies of larger breeds do justfine outside even in winter.My minlops and dutch did just fineoutside.bluebird
I'm glad this worked for someone. I'm worried tobreed Basil now...hopefully she'll do ok. Saphy is from a hand fedlitter. It is the first time I've heard of it working, but the breederworked very closely with my vet, who is wonderful, and things wentreally well.

Good Luck,
Carolyn wrote:
What happened with Todd and Teffani? Is she pregnant?


I went out and palpated Teffani this morning. She is mostcertainly pregnant and is due on April16. She is such a doll -- the Polish aresuch an awesome breed :)

pamnock wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
What happened with Todd and Teffani? Is she pregnant?


I went out and palpated Teffani this morning. She is mostcertainly pregnant and is due on April16. She is such a doll -- the Polish aresuch an awesome breed :)


WooHoo!! Matthewmust be so psyched!! Thanks for the wonderful news.:)

* * * * *


How are the babes today?


Carolyn wrote:

How are the babes today?


They seem to be doing fine! They are getting fuzzy and they are keepingreally warm. Their mom still won’t let them in the cage but she does okwith them when she is out, maybe she just likes her space. The one withthe foot problems seems to be growing right along with his brothers andsisters...hopefully he will pull through :D

I will be sure to let ya'll know if anything happens :D

Thanks for the update, Amy! I've been thinking of them and you a lot this morning.


Prayers continue,
