Those boys! Tell them they are supposed to behave themselves. Bandy's the smart one to steer clear of it all. I'm glad they are at least settling down a little now. Maybe this all has to do with not splitting up bonded pairs. You know how you are always supposed to keep bonded pairs together for vet visits, etc. Well I'm sure your boys are bonded to you, so when you're gone, the group dynamic gets messed up and throws Snowy and Houdini's bond off. I know not much can be done about it, but it might explain it a little. They're just such rascals
I'll bet it was a bit sad to have your mom leave. But that was a nice long visit for the both of you to spend time together. And that's pretty sweet that she misses the boys. Of course, how could you not

I'm glad she made it home safe and sound, and you got to spend a nice few days there, with no emergency room visits
I LOVE watching them nomming away. So cute! Bandy seems very into his veggies. It was funny to watch Snowy. He looked like he wanted Bandy to come play. He kept coming back over to see if Bandy had finished yet and finally gave in and ate some more herbs, when Bandy wouldn't stop eating. Such cute boys
Sooo... Sherlock just finished here. What did you think of it? I liked it, and really love the actress playing Watson's wife. What a shocker there in the last show! Never expected that! I felt like the stories weren't quite as interesting as the first two seasons though. My expectations were up, so maybe that was the problem. Still loved it though.