The Three Musketeers

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Well, we´re all here keeping warm inside. Terrible weather at the weekend with loads of rain and very high winds. I laughed at Snowy and Bandy huddled together in front of the window looking out yesterday and probably glad they were inside. All are doing fine and the scuffles seem to have gone again so I´ll leave it a few weeks and may attempt to get them all living together which should solve the problem if I go away again. It means I can rearrange their living quarters and can probably gain a little space back for my stuff lol.

I have now nearly finished transitioning their pellets. Only a few left of the old so by Wednesday or Thursday, they will be completely on the new. They seem to like them and I have noticed that Houdini´s poops are much greener, don´t know if it´s the new pellets which have a higher fibre content, they´re the Excel Tasty nuggets. I also bought some mixed flowers and dandelion and they seem to love it. I think they sell the same kind of thing in the new pet shop so I´ll buy them now and again as something special, I am now officially spending more on food for them than for me lol.

I am always amazed at how they can tell the time. Bandy went to lie down in his xpen last night at just after 11, they all did that the other night and I just put the doors on. I told the other two who were sitting in front of the telly that it was bedtime and in they went. Sometimes, they are just such good boys. Well, they know that as soon as the door closes, it´s feeding time. Who´s got who trained :yes:

Pooh! to the nasty weather. I know I am tired of it myself although ours is the cold and snow. I pictured the 2 of them lying together looking out like two kids watching the rain and wishing it would stop because they are bored inside.

Well you could save yourself some money and help your plants grow by using their poops as fertilizer.

I am really hoping for your sake and theirs that they can all live together peacefully.

They are funny critters aren't they and so smart!
Denise, the weather is mad at the moment. Woke up this morning to blue skies and sunshine. It was cold so wore my parka and bunny scarf. Lunchtime and in car, it was so hot, coat off and as soon as stopped, coat back on. Who knows what it will be like tomorrow.
Yes, they did look like two kids looking out of the window and wondering what it's like in that big place downstairs.
With all the poops Houdini does,I could grow giant plants, my little poop dispenser. But I will be watching the other two to see if their poop goes lighter. At least, they are enjoying the new pellets, so worried I'd bought 20kilos and they'd hate them :eek:
I'm sure it will be great to have them all together. I know I can't wait till I finish bonding Penny with Dakota and Flopsy.

Pretty crappy weather here too. Cold and rainy, but also slushy with the snow still on the ground. Can't wait for spring :)

Yes, all our buns have trained us well :p
We are preparing for what could be a major snow/ice storm starting tomorrow. Usually we only get a decent amount of snow once a winter but this will be the third time. Plus every time it has it has been on a Wednesday. Weird.

You sound like me with the hot flashes. Right now with the winter I'm either cold and it feels like 10 degrees out or I'm burning up and it feels like 110 out.

Maybe theirs will change as well. I opened a new bag of hay the other day and for the past two Thumpers has been a lot lighter. I'm not sure if it's the hay or maybe that he is eating a bit more than usual which he does sometimes. I have always assumed he liked the taste of the new bag more than the last like if he had a bag that is the thicker, harder hay and then I open a bag that is more grassy he'll go nuts for the first few days since he prefers the grassier hay.
Sorry it´s been a few days, have been going on via the app but I find it so much easier to write on the laptop. I had a few problems with connecting via the WIFI so I´ve had the telephone company sorting it and they brought me a new router yesterday. Could connect fine with the tablet, phone and TV but not with the laptop which was showing a limited connection so not working. I tried a few things yesterday but have just put the troubleshooting error on google and found a thread which said that cos I´d updated to Windows 8.1, it had installed a windows driver which wouldn´t work with the router. I´ve just installed the same driver not from windows and it´s fixed. Do you know I always feel great when I manage to figure something out and sort it on the computer...yippee, I´m back up and running.

I saw the news at lunchtime today and the weather over your way looks terrible as does the weather in southern England, I think they may have to build an ark quite soon.

We here are blessed with mild temperatures, some lovely sunshine today which the boys have enjoyed and at nearly 7, I am still sitting with the door open.

Boys are just exploring and resting and not much else. Their poops are much lighter so I am assuming it must be the new pellets, they are liking them. They are also chomping on the hay cubes a lot of the day so that´s probably helping as well.

I downloaded a couple of photos which I have to upload to photobucket so I´ll probably do that tonight.
I am really looking forward to milder weather. We got lucky and although we did get snow and ice we did not get too much and then also rain which helped to melt everything. The kids did miss two days of school and hubby didn't go in to work on Thursday which was nice especially as it was our anniversary so nice having the day together. It is supposed to get warm this week and today is sunny finally so I'm enjoying it.

Probably is the new pellets changing the color of their poo. I wouldn't worry at all as long as they are eating and pooping like normal.

I can't wait to see the pics. I do enjoy seeing the boys so much.
Denise, I remember years ago if it really snowed and the bus couldn´t get up the hill, it used to turn round and we´d go home, we loved it having a little holiday because of the weather. Glad though that you didn´t get too much of it.

I´m actually really pleased with the new pellets and they really like them so I´m just hoping that they keep selling them, think they will as it´s one of the major brands in the UK so fingers crossed. I would hate to have to change yet again.

Here are a couple of photos, I might post a few later from my kindle as I have quite a number on there that I took on the phone. Here is my fluffy butt, he is the sweetest rabbit that you could imagine.

And here they are all together, Snowy grooming Houdini, that´s good news

Snowy and Bandy chilling out at bedtime. I just love Snowy´s little tail when he´s relaxing, quite big compared to him lol

Bandy and Houdini napping in the afternoon

And the three of them together at bedtime, I would love to get rid of that barrier between them...let´s see :bunnieskiss

Your boys are adorable! Bandy is so fluffy, I love it! How much grooming does he require?

The weather here in NY is not so nice. In the past three days we have gotten almost 2 feet of snow. There is talk of even more this week. We could use some milder weather, lol.
Thanks for your lovely comments. When he was really tiny, I never realised he was going to be this fluffy. Of course, I never intended to end up with three rabbits but that´s life and you just get on with it. I groom him about 3 times a week, he´s better now with it than he used to be and will sit still while I comb his hair out for abouthalf an hour. I find it quite therapeutic now so don´t mind. You would not believe the amount of hair that comes off this rabbit, I could have knitted a sweater or a couple of them by now lol. He has the most sweet nature you could imagine, the other two are much more hyper and spend a lot of the time chasing each other as well as grooming but I love the three of them to bits.

I saw the terrible snowfalls in parts of the US, nature surprises us all and the weather at the moment everywhere is just so weird. Hope you´re managing to keep warm.
They are SUCH a cute pair. Bandy looks so soft and cuddly. Snowy looks so plush, I love his little ears.
I soooo want to cuddle your buns! Ha...that really does not sound right.

Snowy looks amazingly soft and plush and that fluffy tail of his really is big compared to the rest of him.

I think Bandy is the handsomest long haired fluffy bun I have ever seen!

I am sure Houdini would keep things interesting. He's a cutie patootie as well.

I would go crazy if I had to switch pellets like you have had to. Hopefully you won't have to again.

We had freezing rain this morning. Just certain items were covered like my front steps and the vehicles. The sidewalk and such were clear. The rest of the week will be in the 30's in the morning but it will be warm later, even into the 70's. I'll take what I can get.
Thanks Denise, they love a nice compliment. Snowy and Houdini.have very soft fur, they love being stroked from head to tail. Bandy's fur is fine and so fluffy. When I groom him, I get absolutely covered. I am taking out shares in a,company that makes those lint removing rollers, I go through loads. Only way I can groom him is if he sits on me but he is a good boy. He has such a sweet face, lovely ears and that big wide nose. Snowy sometimes bullies him but they always end up snuggled together :)
I just LOVE seeing your boys! Bandy's this adorable fluff monster, and Snowy looks so tiny and petite laying next to him. And not to forget the mischief maker. I'm sure he's up to all sorts of trouble :p

Your weather sounds so nice! It's actually not too bad here now. It's finally warming up a bit and has been it the 50's for the last week, so most of the snow in our neighborhood has finally melted. Yay for spring! The east coast has really been pounded. I have a brother over there that sent pics of the snow. But he loves snow, so I'm sure isn't minding it a bit. I hope you guys get some nice weather this week, Denise.
Houdini always has a plan lol. I love seeing my two white furry boys together, they are the odd couple. Talking of Houdini just heard a bang and he has rushed out of their enclosure like a bullet, just rushed to check him and he's fine, goodness knows what happened. Weather here has been lovely today, I could have sat out at lunchtime in a short sleeved t-shirt. Hope you guys keep safe and warm, I love thecsnow but am admiring from afar now :)
It is 66 outside right now...WooHoo! It's been raining a little but I don't mind rain when it's warm enough to get wet. In fact I have been known to take walks in the pouring rain and when my kids were young we'd all go out in the summer to play in the rain. It is very windy as well but nothing new here. Chicago may be the windy city but we are the windy county. I thought maybe it had to do with how flat it is here in VA since I'm from hilly PA but hubby will talk to me from work in a different area and it won't be windy there but crazy windy here. yes, we all have a kite.

Glad he didn't hurt himself. Buns do keep you on your toes. Between the three of them I have to check on noises several times a day. The girls though will freeze most times when they hear me coming and I don't get to know what they were up to. They give me that "we are up to nothing look".
Denise, I know that look very well lol. Just seen about your tornado warnings...I would be terrified. I do hate high winds as they can do so much damage so I don't know how I'd cope. No pantries or basements here to hide in :confused:
These two are super snugglers, never tire of them huddled up together :)

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