The Three Musketeers

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Well time for photos.

This is Snowy hiding behind Bandy, fro where I sat opposite, looked like it haha

My new plants, wonder how long these will last

The three of them hanging out together after supper last night

That's all for now folks !!!



They do like to put the panic into us. Snowy looks like a little baby bun laying next to Bandy :)

Those plants look really nice... at least until the buns devour them :p
Jenny, it always makes me laugh by the size difference but Snowy is definitely the boss lol.

They have already started on the plants, I love watching them climbing up to eat the leaves.

As promised, the video of the boys getting under my feet at cleaning time. Sometimes, I feel like putting them outside until I finish but I do love their inquisitive nature and their unending nosiness. :wink

Thanks Aubrey, I think they´re adorable little rascals sometimes as well haha. I never tire of taking photos of them or videoing them, I love it when they are totally relaxed or snuggling together grooming. I think I do it cos I know that this way, they´ll always be with me. I will be looking at their photos at the weekend when I´m away. I´m going Saturday and back Tuesday, my neighbour is looking after them again but I always worry and miss them like mad so I look at their photos and their videos and I feel better.
Haha, they're so cute :D I think bunnies are some of the nosiest animals there are, because Bandit is just the same. If I'm using a dustpan and brush in there he has to come right over and nose at it, and push things around, sit in the pile of sweepings, dig through it just in case there's any tasty morsels etc. They always have to be up in your business. :p

I can certainly see why you needed to get new plants ;)
Well, here we are back again after 4 days in the UK and the two boys are at it again. I let them out last night but had to call them in after an hour as they were driving me mad with their antics. They do get quite agressive but never hurt each other and I would be fascinated to know why. That short period of not being together doesn´t break the bond but they it creates issues which they take a few days to work through every time. I´ve been keeping my eye on them today and have had to shout at them a few times and separate them once but they will work it out, they have done the last two times. The only thing I am thinking of doing is maybe trying to house the three of them together again which should stop this. Obviously I would have to do it supervised and ensure I have easy access if anything breaks out. I was thinking that eventually it would allow me to take out the centre separation and make it into a square rather than the arrow shape it´s in at the moment. I might start this weekend and put them in together in the morning to see how it goes.

On another note, had a great time in the UK again settling my mum at home after her 6 week visit here, she is sure missing the boys. Weather wasn´t great and very cold but it was nice to spend time with family but good to get back to my lads, I do miss them and always worry if they´ll be OK when I get back and they were. My friend Santiago who looked after them says that they are eating loads but says that the little one who´s on his own eats more pellets and hay and the other two prefer their greens. Isn´t it funny how he´s getting to know them.

Starting transitioning the pellets tomorrow as I don´t have too many of their old ones left. I gave them a couple of the new ones this morning from my hand and they all ate them so looks like it will be OK.

I also bought quite a bit of stuff for them over there, mixed hay and grass speciality bags and more hay food cubes which they really enjoy. Would have bought more stuff but just can´t fit it in the suitcase. When I went in Pets at Home, they had such cute bunnies but also some pairs which were up for adoption. Also loved the Degus, they have such cute faces.
Sorry to hear your buns are having tiffs again but you seem pretty confident in handling it. My buns seem to have flare ups when they're hungry, sometimes in the morning. It's like they think food will come if they battle the little weirdo's. Glad your holiday went well though however the weather was, lets face it that can never really he planned for.
They just drive me mad for a few days until they sort things out, so strange why the separation makes them fall out, strange little buns. Still nippy today but more quiet moments than noisy and shouting at them does work. Poor Bandy is keeping well out of things. Talking of him,I managed to ctch him to cut his nails and groom. He has tooooo much hair lol. This is only a small pile of what comes off that boy nd the other two are shedding like mad as well. :(

By the way, this is Houdini checking out my new slippers.


Well it´s been a up and down week. THe boys are still having the odd tiff but are much better, the pooping still hasn´t settled down and I am so fed up sweeping up Houdini poops from all over the living room. I was laughing cos there´s an add on the TV with the meerkats and they leave a baby one on the door step and the older one says in the morning that he´s a eating and pooping machine...haha it reminds me of someone in my house :pullhair:

I was watching them eat on Saturday night and I was just fascinated by Bandy chomping on all those greens that I had to take a video. I¨ve tried to improve the picture but never sure if it works. Anyway here goes, this is one boy who loves his herbs :nod

I do too and Bandy is such an enthusiastic diner. Love all that movement and getting to see those lickle teeth lol
By the ways thanks for the cute bunnies...I do love white bunnies, Luna included, always wonder how the stay so clean :p
Those boys! Tell them they are supposed to behave themselves. Bandy's the smart one to steer clear of it all. I'm glad they are at least settling down a little now. Maybe this all has to do with not splitting up bonded pairs. You know how you are always supposed to keep bonded pairs together for vet visits, etc. Well I'm sure your boys are bonded to you, so when you're gone, the group dynamic gets messed up and throws Snowy and Houdini's bond off. I know not much can be done about it, but it might explain it a little. They're just such rascals :p

I'll bet it was a bit sad to have your mom leave. But that was a nice long visit for the both of you to spend time together. And that's pretty sweet that she misses the boys. Of course, how could you not :) I'm glad she made it home safe and sound, and you got to spend a nice few days there, with no emergency room visits :)

I LOVE watching them nomming away. So cute! Bandy seems very into his veggies. It was funny to watch Snowy. He looked like he wanted Bandy to come play. He kept coming back over to see if Bandy had finished yet and finally gave in and ate some more herbs, when Bandy wouldn't stop eating. Such cute boys :)

Sooo... Sherlock just finished here. What did you think of it? I liked it, and really love the actress playing Watson's wife. What a shocker there in the last show! Never expected that! I felt like the stories weren't quite as interesting as the first two seasons though. My expectations were up, so maybe that was the problem. Still loved it though.
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Jenny, I constantly shout at them to stop what they´re doing and they do understand me I know. Sometimes when one of them is at the entrance to the enclosure and is thinking about going in, if I tell them not to they turn round and head off the other way, it´s so funny.

I know that it´s the fact that they have no close contact those few days tat sets them off and I am seriously thinking of moving the three of them in together. I will wait another couple of weeks until they get back to normal and then I´m going to attempt to get them in the same place and see how it goes, obviously supervised as I know that I will be leaving them again at some point and I need them to learn to live together. Just means I can then increase the space for all three so they have more than enough space when they´re not out.

It was quite sad to leave her back in the UK on her own. I laughed and said my sister should get her a house bun. She does love seeing them and following them and she was feeding them treats as well so they always jumped on the sofa with her to see if she had anything else. She´ll be back over around easter time so it won´t be long.

Bandy is a so funny to watch when he eats. He has such a wide nose and a cute mouth and he so loves his veggies...well, he loves all food which is why it´s so easy to spot when he´s not feeling too well. He never turns down food. Snowy is funny too although sometimes he does bully him, nothing funnier than seeing a small bun chase off his big buddy and he just lets him.

I loved the series but was a bit surprised as well but we´ll see what happens in the next one. I really liked the three of them together and Sherlock´s interaction with John´s wife as well, it was really well played. It must be difficult to keep up the quality episode after episode but they are doing a really well.
So I didn't read through your whole blog, since its telling me it's 110 pages... Lol But from what I did read, your bunnies are hilarious!! I loves the post about them escaping in the night & trashing your living room haha

I had that happen one night with Kiwi- that little money girl. Her & Papayas xpen is two NIC cubes high. She jumped out sometime in the night, & the SO woke me up at around 5am, saying Kiwi was running around the living room. Ha. Poor papaya was still stuck inside. Now, there pen is three NiC cubes high in most parts. She hasent tried it again since.
Those boys! Hopefully you'll be able to eventually get them all to stay together and for it to be easier when you have to leave them. It would be so much easier if we could just explain the situation to them and reason with them.
Denise had missed you, good to see you're all well and you've found a devoted slave to look after all your animals. Sounds like he's getting into it, he may end up adopting a bunny himself lol. Wish I could sit them down and read them the riot act but they are much better the last few days, just the odd face off.

Mariah, I do remember that night and the state of the living room. I am always so careful and it's ages since they have been able to jump over but Houdini nearly scales the bars for a craisin and I always wonder if he'll figure out how to crawl up and over. They have figured out how to lift and open the door if I forget to zip tie it :p
Both, I remember my dad used to laugh and say I had bilingual pets, my dog could understand both as well, crazy eh :confused:

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