I have tons of pictures to post of Dotty, I don't actually know where to start. I said this before but I always end up with more pictures of her because my phone is always on my bedside table so it's easy to just grab it and take a picture here and there when she jumps on the bed.
I'll start with the oldest ones first!
This is her with Steve- she was apparently sat on his hair so he couldn't move- I'm not sure his hair is long enough, but oh well!
And here's where she sleeps in the mornings when I'm still in bed- sometimes for an hour or 2- she even stays there when I get up- if her breakfast doesn't arrive first that is!
'Hey! You're not here anymore!'
She always has her head too close to the bed, and sometimes she licks the wood on the headboard. She just sleeps there for ages, sometimes tooth purring, and instead of having noserubs, she's happy if I just put my arm round her gently instead- which is good because I'm usually still asleep! If there isn't a big enough gap between the pillows for her to sit in, she digs on the bed until I wake up and move them, half asleep!
Here she is 'posing' for pictures with me:
On another day, here's Dotty greeting us through the banisters as we go up the stairs to bed- this particular night I had hay in my hand which she happily stole from me to munch!
(Disclaimer: she would never ever try to fit through the gap, and even if she did, and even though her head fits, there's no way the rest of her body would, she goes against that theory lol! There's usually a board there to prevent her trying it when she's unsupervised, and she doesn't have access to the hallway when we're out/asleep.

Doing her usual pinning me down and licking me to death:
Another day, going after Steve for treats:
'What do you mean you sleep here?'
The other day she had her tail end sticking out from under the bed and it was just so cute I couldn't resist a picture:
She quickly turned round looking a little bit miffed though!
Here she is last night snuggling up on the bed- she was still here as we fell asleep I think lol- she didn't jump down for ages!
Being SUPER lazy yesterday morning (I think)- she would lean round, take a mouthful of pellets from her bowl, and then straighten up and eat them lying down, and then turn back and take another mouthful!
And finally, posing for more pictures with me this morning!
Please excuse me looking terrible- I have sinusitis and haven't worn makeup for days, and my face has started to get all these funny discolorations on, almost like bruises where my sinuses are, except I haven't bruised my face at all? It's weird :?
'That's enough pictures of me now! Bye!'
That's about a million pictures I think! Sorry guys!