Thank you Susan

Sorry about my little rant there last night guys! I was in a very over-sensitive mood and feeling quite down yesterday :embarrassed:
I slept in the spare room last night (it's a long story), and bless her little furry paws, Dotty came in too! She came for her usual cuddle on the bed before sleep, and she came in for a cuddle several times during the night. And then first thing this morning she was in again, on the bed, for her regular morning cuddle. And then did tons of binkies on the bed, on top of me lol, and on the carpet next to the bed. Bless her! She loves the spare room because of the carpet, it means she can do tons more binkies! And she definitely does!
It's been pouring with rain the past few days on and off, and the poor bunnies haven't been outside since last Monday

I can't wait for some nicer weather so they can go out to play again!