kherrmann3 wrote:
Nela wrote:
Was Jen allowed to have a real life?

Hope to hear from her soon
Not with that much cuteness on her hands! lol
Lol! Not allowed as such... more forced...
Hi guys! I'm sorry, I've been absent and lame and rubbish yet again. Sorry! I don't know what to say, except sorry! It's not intentional to not be here anymore- I have been meaning to post in here for WEEKS now, but it just never seems to happen. It's very same-old, I know, but I've been sick still. My sinusitis still wont clear up, and it's to the point now that I've been on serious painkillers for 3 months now. I've been on steroids, nose drops, have been sinus rinsing daily for weeks, and on various antibiotics for so long I can't remember when I wasn't on them! Nothing has worked even the slightest bit, and I'm in constant pain that varies from 'really bad' to 'unbearable'- where I'm clutching my face in tears and can't move, and have had many trips to the out of hours doctors to get even stronger painkillers to get to sleep. The street value of my medicine cupboard has skyrocketed! I had a CT scan this evening, and in 2 weeks I go back to get the results, but the doctors think I'll most likely have to have surgery, just a question of what they'll do and when I guess depending on the scan. I'm quite scared of surgery, but I've got to the point now where I don't care what they do, I just want to feel better! I'm so sick of the pain, not sleeping, the temperature flashes, and not being able to concentrate on anything or see or think properly because my head feels so stuffed up with cotton wool.
It's not all been terrible though- we did finally manage to have our honeymoon last month! The doctors said I could fly with my sinus problems, as it wasn't likely to cause it to worsen, so we booked a last-minute trip to the Maldives. It was AMAZING. Absolutely beautiful, complete paradise and by far my favourite week of my life so far. We didn't want to come home and had such a well-deserved break and rest. Sadly I couldn't snorkel or dive as the travel insurance wouldn't cover me for it, so I had to make do with just staring at the tropical fish in the turquoise sea, but it was enough! Steve really needed the break too, he's been working so hard this year bless him.
The bunnies are all good, too, knock on wood! Dotty is unloved and neglected, as usual. You wouldn't believe how badly treated this bunny is- she only gets a minimum of 4+hours a day of cuddle time, which doesn't include random visits during the day and evening and the time she spends sat by our feet whilst we get dressed, and no matter what she does, she can't get us to wake up and pet her before 6am each morning. She also only gets 2 big salads and 1-2 treats a day! How awful!
Mouse and Chalk are doing well, too. Mouse has lost a little bit of weight, which is good as she needed to. With the weather being so warm here we've had the patio doors open in the evenings, which was a problem as Mouse liked to run out the door and round the garden with us chasing her and our neighbours watching and laughing. We've solved it by wrapping one of the grid pens round the doors, meaning that when they run out now, they are in an enclosed space on the patio, so it's sort of like an extension of their space indoors, and they can run in and out as they please. They love it, and are both binkying around out there as I type!
Barney and Snowy are ok too- just their normal lovey-dovey selves, they run around all night and sleep all day, and then snuggle all evening counting down till party-time

As much as I've been absent from the bunny world, bunnies have definitely not been absent from mine, and they've been such a great source of comfort while I've been ill- Dotty in particular, just because she's cuddly- when I wake up at 4am and can't get back to sleep, she's always there waiting to jump up for a cuddle. Quite often, I fall back to sleep and wake up a few hours later, and she's still snuggled up next to me, fast asleep!
This update is going to be a bit of a let-down because it's lacking pictures I'm afraid- I have a few new ones but I haven't put them onto my laptop yet! It's late now and I'm in need of more painkillers and sleep, but I will upload and post some soon- tomorrow if I feel well enough, but soon, I promise!
Thanks to all those who posted asking after me- it really means a lot, and I'm just sorry I haven't replied here sooner!xx