The Fabulous Life of Dotty!

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sharlaelizabeth wrote:
Jen, don't apologize- you're beautiful! I dream of my girls being as well behaved as Dotty appears to be. Of course, I haven't given them the chance to prove themselves yet...
Thanks! Although I feel anything but at the moment! I've been sick for 10 days now and my skin looks horrible- lack of fresh air, not sleeping and feeling terrible isn't the best beauty product around lol!

Dotty tries her best bless her, but she isn't always the best behaved. There are downsides to a cuddy bedroom bunny. Like the other night when I gave her a new pile of yummy hay and she loved it so much I ended up hand-feeding it to her on the landing- when she got into bed, cuddled and then jumped down she left a total of 19 giant-bunny poos behind! She NEVER poos on the bed normally, so we can only think that she ate too much hay beforehand and was too comfy to move lol.

And then the other night she randomly peed on the bed. We'd gone to bed late and it seems she wasn't happy with that, so at 2am we were sponging the mattress and changing the duvet covers LOL. Fun! Couldn't help but forgive her though when she jumped straight up to cuddle us afterwards lol...

And then last night- I felt rough so didn't sleep at all well. I woke up at 2am and the first thing I saw was a big pair of ears and a big nose peeking at me over the edge of the bed. I sleepily said 'come on then!' and she was up in a flash snuggling up with me. She annoyed Steve though when she nipped him because he wouldn't wake up for a hug. Then she was back up at 4am, and 6am, when I happened to be lying face down under the covers so she just jumped around on my back- that was some awakening, being bounced on by a 14.6lb bunny I can tell you! She finally came back at about 7.15am and snuggled up, and stayed there until Steve got up at 8.30ish.

So yeah, it isn't all great, but most of the time it is! :D

I'm sorry I've been away for a while. It wasn't intentional, just a few things going on here and there, and.... everything kinda got away from me.

We're all fine though! Apart from me and Steve have been sick on and off for the past month or so. Colds/coughs/injuries etc- nothing terrible but we've been quite under the weather for a while now. Amongst other things, Steve had an operation to have a mole on his arm removed 2 weeks ago and I had the misfortune of falling down the stairs at home last week and very badly bruising myself- not much fun.

Barney, Snowy, Mouse and Chalk are all great. We've had Mouse on a mini-diet as advised by the vet as she was getting a bit chubby, so we've cut her pellets down a little and very much limited fresh fruit treats. She's looking better already. Chalk's been absolutely fine since she was sick over New Year's and Barney and Snowy are their regular old-married-couple selves :)

Dotty is good too- although she's been having a few gas episodes over the past couple of months. The last one was last week and lasted all day until late evening. The vets can't see any particular reason for it- no change in her diet and she's otherwise completely healthy and treatment with Infacol, fluids and sometimes Metacam (if she's uncomfy with it) usually works eventually. The other episodes haven't lasted longer than about 8hours or so, and she always fully recovers afterwards.

Anyway, since this is Dotty's bog, I should post some pictures of her! Here are a few recent ones- I took these the other week when she decided it would be really funny to steal a whole toilet roll from the bathroom, run up and down the landing with it in her mouth, and then shred it all over the landing and pretend to be the Andrex Puppy :p:






Destruction in her wake:






'Outta my way!'



'What mess?'



'Don't goooooo'



I should have stopped her and taken the toilet roll away but instead I rushed to get the camera :)

What GREAT photos! I love it when my english lop cuddles in bed with me too!

Dotty is so BEAUTIFUL!
I love her!
Aww! Dotty the Destroyer! :p Gotta love when animals are being cute doing something so "uncute". :) Glad to know that you two are feeling better again!
Thanks for the comments guys! :) Dotty isn't a bad destroyer- she's pretty good with most things and very trustworthy most of the time, but she just can't resist toilet roll. Not long ago she did the same thing- I heard a noise and went upstairs and she'd grabbed the toilet paper off of the side of the bath where it's usually balanced and was running around with it. I took it off of her and she didn't like that one bit- she ran over to the spindle where we keep spare toilet rolls and pinched one off of there and ran off with it in her mouth! I've had to put it on the window ledge out of reach lol. She thought that was hilarious and 'celebrated' with a giant flop in the middle of the landing and rolled around upside down for ages. She gets the empty rolls, and loves them, but just can't seem to understand that the full ones are for humans, not bunnies!

Yesterday, I was sorting out some washing- bedding etc and she decided to jump around on the pile on the floor. I just couldn't resist covering her up with my dressing gown, thinking she'd get mad and run away, but instead she just cuddled up underneath it for a nap!






I spoke too soon about feeling better, too. I'd just barely gotten over the rotten cough at the weekend and then I felt a familiar pain- a headache so bad I was in tears, pain all across my cheeks and feeling like there was a vice on my temples. Sinuses! Yay. It's about the 5th time I've had sinusitis in the past 9 months or so, and it's horrible. I've just had bug after bug since about October almost on top of each other, and I haven't felt well in months. My throat isn't particularly sore but my tonsils have been enlarged for what seems like forever and it's like swallowing a big lump, I keep getting episodes of achiness and shivers, I'm so tired I could sleep all day (and I hate sleeping during the day), and perhaps the yuckiest symptom of all is that I keep getting white lumpish things at the back of my throat. Not spots like when you get tonsilitis, like chunks of stuff that stick on my tonsils and make me gag. Yuuuuuck. I have a doctor's appointment later with a nicer doctor- the one I saw last time pretty much told me to go away and it was just a virus but I don't know why I keep getting them. Aaaaaarrrgh!

Sorry, rant over! It's just been getting me down recently :(


whisker pic:faint:

dont worry about ranting - i sometimes think Gps can only cope with something that is easily cleared up. the one im with at the moment is very good although getting near to retirement:(

great dotty pics - not sure i'd trust any of mine to leave the towels on the bannister alone:p
Cute pictures! I love snuggly bunny pictures (especially with gratuitous whisker-age)! :D

As for your tonsils, I know how that goes! I had those nasty little lumps sticking to mine for three years (on & off). I went to an ENT doctor (ear/nose/throat dr.) and he told me that they were called tonsilloliths. They were horrible. Eventually, I just had to get my tonsils out. Can't get tonsilloliths without tonsils! :biggrin2:

I hope you feel better soon! :hug:

Ok, so in my 'comeback post' last weekend I made a promise for 'very soon' Dotty pictures, and Barney, Snowy, Mouse and Chalk pictures in their blog. I failed on the 'very soon' part, sorry!

I've now had sinusitis since mid-Feb I think? And it's just getting worse. I ended up calling the emergency doctors last weekend, who prescribed me Tramadol because they didnt have time to see me, to last me until my doctors surgery re-opened again on Tuesday. So I spent 3 days feeling completely drugged up to the eyeballs, lol. On Tuesday, my GP said that both sides of my nose were almost completely blocked up, and one side looked a litle bloody. :shock: She prescribed me a course of steroids for a week, to reduce the inflammation 'once and for all'. Lol. I've been on them for 4 days now and I'm not noticing any difference. I still have the same amount of pain, and the steroids have done nothing except made me feel stupidly hot, like I'm in a sauna or something. I'm still barely sleeping more than a couple of hours a night either. I've now run out of Tramadol as well and it's the weekend now :( My GP said that if the steroids don't work, then I'll have to be referred to an ENT doctor but she didn't want to have to do that unless she had to because more often than not, they suggest surgery, and that does not sound fun at all!

So, that's why I haven't been making good on my promises. I've barely left the house all week, I've just been too sick to do anything much at all :(

Since it's such a lovely sunny warm day though, I decided that the bunnies should have their first Garden Adventure of 2010, so I'm sat out here now, watching them binky around- it's like they've been asleep all winter and have just woken up- even Barney is running around binkying like crazy!

I've taken lots of pictures but Photobucket is playing about with me and doesn't want to upload them just yet- I'll keep trying though and post them as soon as I can- I have a great couple of Dotty binkying! And I'll post in the others' blog their pictures too as soon as I can :)

So, I'm sorry guys, please bear with me- I've not forgotten!
JadeIcing wrote:
Photobucket hates us. :pThough you could upload them to the forum...
How do I do that?! I have missed a lot lol- didn't know anything about this!

And Nummy, thanks! Dotty is absolutely lovely- she's just the right combination of naughty, cheeky, crazy, with an overdose of affection lol. Glad you like the pictures :D