The Fabulous Life of Dotty!

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Aww thanks Denise- I'm sorry to hear you've been having a rough time recently- I'm glad Dotty helped cheer you up! Sending plenty of these your way ==>> :hug:

Dotty has been an absolute rock for me this past week or so with everything that's gone on (my Grandad passed away yesterday). I was away the other night visiting, and when I got back the following evening I went for a lie down on the bed. Dotty was immediately up there, jumped on me, sniffing me all over like a puppy who'd just been reunited with it's long-lost owner, and she just laid straight down snuggled up against me for a cuddle. She's gotten good at being able to lie down while I'm sleeping/resting- occasionally giving me kisses but not being so demanding for noserubs herself. It's like she knew I was in need of the love more than she was or something.

I have some newer pictures of Dotty to post- the other week all the bunnies were in the garden, and I was sat outside with my laptop working on the Today thread. I got her out of her pen, and she sat on the garden table with me, getting noserubs and cuddles. She just laid on the table for about an hour, good as gold!

I'll upload the pictures in a bit if I can- I have food poisoning after some dodgy food I ate on my hen night last night so been throwing up all night and all day :expressionless

:bunnyhug:you poor thing. once again dotty shows just how much of a comfort our bunnies are. there is a poem by rudyard kipling called the power of the dog. if he were writing today it could definitely be the power of the bun.

am also sending hugs and good wishes your way.
Oh, Jen. When it rains, it pours! I am so sorry to hear that you lost your Grandad). Hopefully the Steve bunnies help you pull through. :hug: Just remember, no one would want you to be sad at this point in your life.
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate all the support :hug: All my friends, both 'real-life' and on RO have been so great to me recently and I'm so thankful to have everyone.

In return, I give some Dotty pictures! Firstly, are 2 pictures of what I found when I went up the stairs a couple of weeks ago:



And a couple of pictures that Steve took of her snuggling on the bed:



More to come...
kherrmann3 wrote:
I really just want to kiss her big nosey!
She would totally let you as well!

Thanks, Rebecca! I will do an update on the others soon! I actually have some pictures of Snowy all flopped out and a couple of others to post :)
OMIGOD! Way too cute, those up close nose and whisker shots!

I got a nose nudge from Roxanne... she is warming up to being a snuggle bun for me...

And thanks for the Dotty fix... this is one bunny I can never get enough of! She is just a doll!

luckily i saw the warning in time:biggrin2: full on whisker pics:faint:am going to have a lie down.......will get hubby to wave at dotty as he passes thru bristol today:biggrin2:
JadeIcing wrote:
:biggrin2:Give me Dotty!
Nope! :D

Donna, glad you caught the warning! I wouldn't want you to have come to any harm through the shock of Dotty's nose lol!:p

Here's her binky video- taken on Sunday morning- I posted it yesterday:

That video made my day better! :) Hooray for little happy binks in the hallway! :D On a side note: Dotty says you don't feed her enough. She's a poor little bunny, wasting away on a "tiny" salad! j/k She sure does chow down, though! :p She must be so happy to have found you two!
OMIGOD - what a great video! I love her food dish, too!

My Checkered Giants seem to binky more than Juliette or the Hollands - I can pass by Roxanne's hutch and she is the binky machine... same for Remy and Jared... Calliope and Grace need separate and bigger cages and I know I will see more binky action.

Hello Dotty followers!

I have been really scarce round the forum of late- I've really not been feeling too great. It seems that anything I eat randomly gives me stomach pains that vary from distracting to agony- I thought it might have been stress before the wedding but my doctor isn't so sure so is sending me for tests. It's not all the time and it's not everything I eat, but it does make me feel quite under the weather :(

Anyway, I thought I'd just update this blog with a few iPhone pictures that I've taken of Miss Dotters over recent weeks! She is still cuddly as ever- in fact probably more so. It's like having a small child that wants to get into bed with mummy and daddy all the time LOL- she jumps up first thing every morning and insists on finding the cosiest, comfirst spot to snuggle up next to us- yesterday morning she fell asleep with her paws across my neck and her nose resting on my chin for an hour, lol.

Anyway, here she is!

The morning before the wedding with her 'I can't believe I'm not your bridesmaid!' face:


Floppy Dotty:


Feeling hungry, but not wanting to get up...




Hiding under a towel the other day- she wanted cuddles as I was drying my hair but my towel had to do instead!



Tipping up her food dish to get the pellets out, as she does daily:



And poking her head through the banisters like she does whenever we go upstairs for noserubs:


And these were pictures I took with my camera the other day when I was sick and having a Hills marathon in bed. She wasn't a fan of The Hills, but she did jump up for a grape or two!







No more?


More! Yay!



And a craisin? Why yes please!



FINE. Withold the craisins. See if I care!


'You're watching The Hills? RUBBISH!'


That's the end of pictures for now! I'll get some fresh ones soon hopefully :)
