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My boyfriend says its the same for all cars(because you can take one from one country to another and theyre soldin all countries)

clutch, brake, gas from left to right
xxEstellexx wrote:
english=pavementamerican=sidewalkenglish=rabbitamerican=bunny english=postbox american=letter box and i dont knowif the

Is bunny an American thing to say?:?

I never realised that!:embarrassed:
None of these are going to be a "rule" but just an average =P

Instead of Postbox or letterbox most people say mailbox here lol.
Jace wrote:
None of these are going to be a "rule" but just an average =P

Instead of Postbox or letterbox most people say mailbox here lol.
haha..yeah, I dont know anyone who says letter box..
I don't see bunny as being an american word, tome it's just an affectionate word for rabbit. On some definition sitesit lists bunny as what most people call young rabbits.

We say letterbox and mailbox here.

One thing I have always found strange is the way Americans pronouncenames of cars, like Nissan and Mazda for example. On tv shows they say"knee son" and "moz da" and it sounds funny!
We say them how they look.... Ni-sson and Maz-da

I say letterbox and post box. I sometimes say mailbox too though.

And I call my rabbits bunnys also! Its not an americanword. I also say hoppers sometimes :D" Olook, the hoppers come up to the door!"
To me a letter box is the hole in the frontdoor for the postman to push your letters through!

Post box is the red box for putting your letters in to get them delivered.:)
Jace, we pronounce them Niss-Anne and Maz-da!It's mainly on shows like Fear Factor and Survivor that they sayJapanese car manufactures names oddly so it may just be the accents ofthe people from the areas they come from? I find it funny, linz, howyou would say the 'a' in nissan as an 'o'?

The box we put our letters in to send to others we call a postbox, butmostly I take my letters into the postoffice itself to post thembecaused some horrible kids unrinated into our closest postbox not longago so I'm a bit worried about putting mail in there.

What about the weekly putting out of rubbish? Who has big plastic wheely bins and who has large plastic garabage bags?
minilops wrote:
The box we put our letters in to send to others we call apostbox, but mostly I take my letters into the postoffice itself topost them becaused some horrible kids unrinated into our closestpostbox not long ago so I'm a bit worried about putting mail in there.

What about the weekly putting out of rubbish? Who has big plastic wheely bins and who has large plastic garabage bags?
Minilops, that is so disgusting! Why would anyone do that?!:shock:

I say big plastic wheely bins!:D

We have big plastic wheely bins. Bluefor recyclables, green for yard waste, and black for trash.In some areas they have different ones for horse manure, but obviouslywe don't have one of those.

Also, I noticed some people say bunny and some say bunnie, I say bunny or bunnies.
We have plastic sacks for out general rubish,green plastic tub for the plastic and glass, and you just bundle yourpaper recylcing up in string mostly. Only thing you can get big wheelybins for is garden waste here and you have to pay for that every monthso not many people bother.

I have seen a few people write bunnie on here but I think they are just miss-spelling it?
I know in the US trash bins and bags differ bywhere you live. If you live in the city, you are usually required touse a bin that they provide and charge you a fee. In any suburban/ruralareas most people either buy their own trash bins to wheel out or justput the bags out to the curb..

and I think bunnie is a misspelling as well...
minilops wrote:
We have plastic sacks for out general rubish, green plastictub for the plastic and glass, and you just bundle your paper recylcingup in string mostly. Only thing you can get big wheely bins for isgarden waste here and you have to pay for that every month so not manypeople bother.

I have seen a few people write bunnie on here but I think they are just miss-spelling it?
minilops,i did not realize that you still use rubbish bags overthere:shock:i thought they would have changed over by now.

Here in Adelaide we have green wheely bins for our rubbish,a green onewith a yellow lid for recyclable stuff and thenwehavean extra bin for like your grass clippings andleaves and just your general green waste.

I think in Auckland City itself they haveplastic rubbish bins but yep, everywhere else still got the black bags:? and I hate them! Cats are always ripping into them every week.
minilops wrote:
I think in Auckland City itself they have plastic rubbishbins but yep, everywhere else still got the black bags :? and I hatethem! Cats are always ripping into them every week.
ohh ok,ohh and i know how annoying plastic rubbish bags can be,beforethe council changed over to the wheely bins well everyone just usedrubbish bags,and i swear any other day you would not see a cat but onrubbish night there seemed to be cats everywhere walking the street atnight,i'm sure rubbish night was the cats festivities for that week, inthe mornings someones,well more than one person,rubbish wasalways ripped open and you see them out there cleaning up the rubbishlol

it was a bit of a pain,i'm sure everyone was soooooo happy when they brought the wheely bins in:)

We have a black wheely bin for house holdrubbish, and a green wheely bin for recycle-able stuff. Likecans, newspapers etc.We have to wash them alloutbefore we put them in though.They get put outdifferent days a week.

We also have a big green bag for garden rubbish.

Another thing is that Americans on the tv always come back from thesupermarket with brown paper bags full of food. Seriously,how can you carry more than one of them bags? They lookreally hard to handle! Do you all have them everywhere? Doyou not have plastic bags?
We have plastic bags as well.

You can get paper if you want to, but most people dont. i will ask forpaper for my "crushables" like bread and chips and such. Everythingelse goes in plastic.

You know us Americans, we load up on everything! Howelsewouldwe get all that food into the house?!