The difference between

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honeybunnie8 wrote:
When we are drunk here...we are drunk..wasted or sloshed....

......ripped....toasted...plowed......inibriated...."had a little too much"....

...and to the nice policeoccifer "Intoxicated????Me???Noway.....sir."
Here's another one we were discussing in a different thread:

The pronunciation of the word "Basil". Thats my oldest rabbit's name,and I almost spelled it Bazzel, because I pronouce it like the British.

The British say Bazzel (like Razzle, Dazzle). Americans say Baysil (like Hazel).

How do canadians and aussies say it??
JimD wrote:
honeybunnie8 wrote:
When weare drunk here...we are drunk..wasted or sloshed....

......ripped....toasted...plowed......inibriated...."had a little too much"....

...and to the nice policeoccifer "Intoxicated????Me???Noway.....sir."

my favorite is still the french...(not really english, buttranslateable). If someone in drunk in french, they say he/she is "bienbu", meaning 'well drunken' sorta works translated :?
Dwarf_Angel04 wrote:
honeybunnie8 wrote:
JimD wrote:
honeybunnie8 wrote:
When weare drunk here...we are drunk..wasted or sloshed....

......ripped....toasted...plowed......inibriated...."had a little too much"....

...and to the nice policeoccifer "Intoxicated????Me???Noway.....sir."

We can't forget tipsy....:cool:
...... and plastered ;)
Its probably just a northern calithing but the kids at chico state called it being faded....
Sometimes we call it wasted. And we call it tipsy aswell, but thats if you aren't pissed yet - youve just had a few!

That is actually a REALLY good example of the way we spell basil! Ireally didnt know that Americans speak words differently to us!

Oh there is one though, Vitamins... you say it differently to us?
yup...we say "Vite-ah-mins", whereas you say "Vit-ah-mins", right?

Also, the word "schedule".. we say "ske-dule" and from what I know, brits say "shed-ule"
Haley wrote:
yup...we say "Vite-ah-mins", whereas you say "Vit-ah-mins", right?

Also, the word "schedule".. we say "ske-dule" and from what I know, brits say "shed-ule"

Canadians tend to follow British rule for verbage, and 'schedule' isone of the words that drives me nutz! Here people tend to pronounce it"shedule"...ewwww! I don't know why, but I cannot stand hearing itpronounced that way. Oh, that and 'lieutenant'. It's pronounced"leftenant" here and in Britain...ewww ewww ewwww!

There can also be some differences in the way French and EnglishCanadians speak. For instance, English Canadians say they are going to'vacuum the floor', while French Canadians 'pass the vacuum'. And whileEnglish Canadians 'turn off the light', French Canadians 'shut thelight'. Little idiosyncracies in language...:D

Haley wrote:
Here's another one we were discussing in a different thread:

The pronunciation of the word "Basil". Thats my oldest rabbit's name,and I almost spelled it Bazzel, because I pronouce it like the British.

The British say Bazzel (like Razzle, Dazzle). Americans say Baysil (like Hazel).

How do canadians and aussies say it??

So far as I know, Canadians say 'bazzel', not 'baysil'. At least,that's how I pronounce it. (Just like Basil Fawlty :bunnydance:) Butthen, I also say 'erbs', not 'herbs' am not sure which culture I'mfollowing...British? American? I'm so confooosed....;)
Hi Bassetluv, I say basil like hazel, but that doesn't mean all Canadians say it that way.

Here's another we spell "colour" you guys spell it color.(Even when Ido a spellcheck it says colour is spelled) I knowthat their are other words spelled differently too, can't think rightnow.

I think Americans or Canadians call long horse rides through forests etc a Trek?

Where as the english call it a Hack.

Also you have zip codes, where as we have post codes.

You also write the date down differently to us. You put month/day/year

It really confussed me on the Bon jovi tour dates site!

We put day/month/year.

I think I would call a horse ride a trailride..or maybe just "going horseback riding",a trek seemsmore like hiking to me..and Ive never heard of a hack (except likecomputer hacker..aka hack).

While we do say zip codes, we also call it a postal code (although Idont know if anyone actually says it, but if you're at the post officefilling out paper work, it will usually say postal code).

Okay, I thought this was really funny and I hadto ask about it here so, I was watching Neighbours earlier and Sky waseating an ice lolly but she called it an icy pole! Is that whatAustralians call them? :D
thats funny that you call it an ice lolly! never heard that or ice pole!

we call it a popsicle! and I think what you call a "lolly" we call a "sucker" or a "lollipop" in America.