Well-Known Member
Hi a motel is usually a one or two story placeto rent rooms. They do not have bars orrestaurants. They are usually much cheaper thanHotels. (My aunt & uncle use to own one years ago).
A motel here is like a hotel that alsoprovides accommodationOk so what is a 'Motel'? Is it like a hotel? or isit what you call a hotel?
I guess I'm a bit older than most of the people in this forum, but Icall a handbag a purse, a wallet is what you put money in, male orfemale (in your purse of you're a galOK, so tous Brit's, a purse is where you put moneyin (a ladies, men call it a wallet). Americans its a bag (what we calla handbag)...
So what do Americans call a purse (what we put money in)?
My mum mainly wants to know
Sorry if it soundsconfussing!
Also my mum went on holiday to Toronto - she was at a hotel, eating herdinner. She asked the waitress for a napkin, and they laughed at her,and bought her back asanitry towel. Its just so funny!
Im not offending your language though, I would love to live in America!
There really isnt that much difference between our language though, butwhen the difference occurs some funny things can happen!