The difference between

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Hi a motel is usually a one or two story placeto rent rooms. They do not have bars orrestaurants. They are usually much cheaper thanHotels. (My aunt & uncle use to own one years ago).

Hmm so you can rent a room? or is it like anapartment? And do you rent it for however long youlike, like a house. Or is it like a hotel and you makebookings for a week etc?

Also what is a redneck?
The rooms are like the ones in cheap hotels, andyou usually rent it by the night. Some motels and hotels letyou rent by the week or month for business visits or as a temporaryhome.

A redneck is a white person, usually one who grew up in the country,who is uncouth and usually uneducated. Usually poor and/orworking in menial jobs. And often proud of it too.Another slang term is "white trash" although those have city variantstoo. There's a whole series of jokes on you know you're aredneck if... (apologies if anyone is offended)

You know you're a redneck if:

If you have five cars in your yard, but your house is the most mobile.

If you go to your cousin's wedding to get a date.

You've been married three times and still have the same in-laws.

You consider a six-pack and a bug zapper high-quality entertainment.

The billboard that says "Say No to Crack" reminds you to pull up your jeans.

You think the last words to the Star Spangled Banner are "Gentlemen, start your engines!"
I usually think of a redneck as a countrydweller, and white trash as an uneducated or just stupid-acting person,usually in a city (I see alot of white trash, alot of wealthy whitetrash, actually.) Redneck comes from the idea of a whiteperson who bends over, resulting in a sunburnt neck.
Linz_1987 wrote:
OK, so tous Brit's, a purse is where you put moneyin (a ladies, men call it a wallet). Americans its a bag (what we calla handbag)...

So what do Americans call a purse (what we put money in)?

My mum mainly wants to know :cool:

Sorry if it soundsconfussing!

Also my mum went on holiday to Toronto - she was at a hotel, eating herdinner. She asked the waitress for a napkin, and they laughed at her,and bought her back asanitry towel. Its just so funny!

Im not offending your language though, I would love to live in America! :D

There really isnt that much difference between our language though, butwhen the difference occurs some funny things can happen!
I guess I'm a bit older than most of the people in this forum, but Icall a handbag a purse, a wallet is what you put money in, male orfemale (in your purse of you're a gal :D) and a napkin iswhat you use at the dinner table. A "feminine napkin" is what youchangein the restroom.

Don't feel bad...I learned "Spain Spanish" when I was in High School.Imagine my embarrassment when I thought I was asking for a "cup" ofcoffee in Southern Mexico, and it translated into a "toilet bowl" fullof coffee. Aargh. I only found out years later why that woman gave mesuch an evil stare.

Best remedy for losses in translation - smile, laugh, have a chuckle. No big deal.

There really aren't any big differences between anybody. We just seem to have ways of articulating ourselves differently.

Best to you and your Mum-

This isnt to do with language etc. But I was just thinking...

It was my birthday yesterday! Whooopppiee! The 28th October....

Anyway as I was born in the UK on the 28th, if I was to move toaustralia for example, my birthday would be on the 27th in australia?Am I right? Or is that just a theory? :?I was justthinkin it yesterday as Cherly was asked the time and date where shelived yesterday and she is like a day behind.

Anyone know if I am right? lol or will your birthday still be on the 28th october?
I think you would still say that your birthdaywas the 28th of October, though, yes, if your mother had been somewhereelse when she gave birth, the day might be different.
Thats actually amazing that it could be on a different day :DWell it is to me anyway! lol

My friend has just come back from America (Boston) to see BarbaraStreisand in concert, and she bought me back a HUGE pack of OreoCookies :shock:And theywere'double stuf'! :shock:emphasizing thewordwere:Dtheywere very tasty indeed.
Australia and NZ should be ahead of most placesin the world, I know that a few small islands around NZ are the actualfirsts when it comes to welcoming in the new day and NZ is the firstlarge country to start each day over...does that make sense? ThenAustralia etc.

One thing I was thinking about today was the names for toys, I see alot of people say 'stuffed animal' on here and that always brings tomind that very thing - a dead animal that's had it's guts removed andbeen stuffed and preserved :faint:.

Even though I know that when people say that they are refering to toyswith polyester stuffing it still amuses me. We call stuffed animalssoft-toys here.

Regarding motels, I don't know about other places but here they aresort of like units/blocks/flats (perhaps apartments in the states?) andthey have their own kitchen which doesn't always include an oven butsometimes does.Otherwise you are expected to bring your own little gasoven with you. You rent them like you would a hotel room.
Hah thats a good thought! I call themsoft toys, as they are not always stuffed 'animals' - they could belike a train or something.

But some people over here call them stuffed animals. I neverthought about the other meaning for it. We dont really have aname for that sort of animal stuffed, there just 'real life animalsthat have been stuffed' lol

We would call a motel an apartment then - self catering accomodation.
Heh! I got ripped off today from 10p!I got given my change, to go home and to find out it wasnt a 10p theygave me. But a quarter dollar!

Im going to treasure it though! :DYay cant wait to go to America some day!

I was watching an america video earlier and they said 'later'. But he said 'la-ter'

we say it laet-er.
Ive been to America once. I went to Florida wheni was a kid. Sometime in the future i want to go some where that notall tourists go to in America. I love the countryside so anything likethat would be great. :D


Cat x
Yesterday me and my friends were discussing how we say words differently - I mean english people.

We was discussing:

Scones = My friends say Scone as in Gone. But I say Scones... Hmm The other way:?lol

Kebabs = My friends say Kebabs, and I say Kee-babs

Later = And we both say Laet-er (Recently the weather lady has been saying Later the american way.

Data = Date-er

Project = My friends say Project and I say Pro-ject

But what I am interested to know is do Americans say Kee-bab or Kebab?

Its really funny because if you say both Kebab and Keebab too much theyboth sound the same. Or with me because I say Keebab , I cantsay kebab :?lol


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