The difference between

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wow what a great topic!

in the rep of ireland we do have to pay for our bags they go up inprice from 15 cents to 2euro for re-usable bags and there planning onputting them up more:shock:

I wish they would put cameras up overhere. We only have speed cameras. They are uselessthough as asoon as someone has gone past a camera they speed offagain.

Do you have speed cameras?

If I lived where you are I wouldnt bother having plasticbags! Thats way too expencive, but I suppose they ARE tryingto make you not buy them. Oh how the world works :disgust:
Our bags are free, and we reuse them for things like cleanimg litterboxes or cleaning up after dogs on walks.

We don't have speed cameras, just speed bumps or humps (really the samething, sometimes they just call them different things).
our speed cameras are useless too but i know they are updating them,

the road laws here are pretty tough, i dont know about anywhere else but we have a points system

for examble if u get caught speeding u get 3 points. and if u get 15 u get you get banned from driving for a year
Thats basically the same as here, you get points for speeding etc etc.

I really think speed bumps help loadz. But you cant reallyput them on a 60mph limit. If there was no speed cameras along themsome people would go as fast as their car could go.

And theres me who sticks to the speed limits hehe.I alwaysget someone up my ass trying to push me along to make me go faster.

i agree, theres so many accidents on our roads here for such a small country i think anything to slow people down is great,

they recently brought in a new law if your caught driving with yourphone on your lap u get alot of points on your licence, which is greatno more idiots texting, not watching the road and driving up ur arse
They made a new law in CA that goes into effectin 2008 that you can't drive with a phone in your hand, so you can onlydo hands free devices.
missyscove wrote:
They made a new law in CA that goes into effect in 2008 thatyou can't drive with a phone in your hand, so you can only do handsfree devices.

Over here you are not allowed to drive and talk on your mobile phone atthe same time,if you are caught you will get a hefty fine,if you needto talk you have to pull over to the side,also tailgating is againstthe law here in Adelaide ,again if you are caught tailgating the policewill pull you over and give you a hefty fine.

And also,if we were to drive around with no number plates here,we would be in serious trouble

We also get demerit points if you break the road rules

yeah we have speed cameras and speed humps,haha even though they don'tmake much difference to someone who is in a high speed chase:disgust:


cheryl13 wrote:
yeah we have speed cameras and speed humps,haha even though they don'tmake much difference to someone who is in a high speed chase:disgust:
I got a little tired of watching all the "high-speed chases."Luckily they have pretty much stopped televising them. Peoplewere getting into them just so they could get on tv.
What does fairy mean in the states?

Ive just been looking at an English - American dictionary and it saysfairy lights = christmas lights.. (Dont say fairy in the states unlessyou want to be looked at in a different light!)

Fairy= a magical human-like creature, oftensmall and with wings although it depends on the story. LikeTinkerbell in Peter Pan.

Fairy= a bad slang term for a homosexual man, especially a "flaming," more feminine one. Very derogatory.

Fairy lights- never heard of that one!
naturestee wrote:
Fairy lights- never heard of that one!
This is an antique fairy put a candle in it and use it as a nightlight.


Yeah i call them fairy lights. And a fairy is also a human like creature - tinker bell.

I see why it said that you shouldnt really use the word fairy in the US as it means a gay person!

We call them gay, or a poof, or sometimes they can be a tranny!
Depends on what kind of crowd you hang outwith. Like I said, it's very derogatory. A gay manis not the first thing I think of when someone says fairy, same with myfriends. Queen, yes because I used to hang out with a dragqueen. What a shame that womankind lost that man!:D

Something makes me think that you don't use queen in the UK to mean aman who dresses like a woman, especially for performances.Since you actually do have royalty. Or do you still call themdrag queens?