The difference between

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A popsicle here is a brand of iceblock - that'swhat we call the, er, frozen stuff on a stick? We call them iceblocks.Lollies here are 'candy' in America. In NZ we say basil as 'bazzle'too, and we say herbs :D. I always think erb sounds weird! It's like aburping noise or something, hehe!

Most of our words are pronounced, and always spelt, the British way.
Oooh I love Jacket Potatoes! We dont call them that in the US though.

Here, its just a baked potato, and then you can add toppings.

And Herb we say erb. I know people named Herbert who are called Herb, so thats what it reminds me of and it sounds weird :)
Ive never actually heard of anyone called Herbert before!

It reminds me of Sherbert Lemon's :D (a sweet/candy)

I know people called Bert though, maybe its our shorter version of Herbert?

We call them Baked Potatoes aswell as Jackets. I love them with reallycrispy skins! Loadz of people here leave the skins though, which Ithink is the best bit!

Do you have mayonaise?

Oh also what is 4H??

Yeah, we have mayonaise. we dont eat it on fries though (I think canadians do that? Or is it Vinegar..I cant remember).

4H stands for Head, Heart, Hands, Health. From their website:

·What is 4-H?4-H is a community of young people across America whoare learning leadership, citizenship and life skills.

4-Hers do this in a number of ways. First, they can start locally in a4-H club. There, they can learn about any topic they would like. 4-Herscan then go on to participate in public speaking contests, 4-H fairs,conferences locally and nationally, and so much more! Some youthparticipate through afterschool programs or other opportunities.

I dont know a lot about it, but I know they have fairs and such where they show animals.
We have mayonaise on chips aswell. Its really nice!

You say garage differently to us. We say it like this...garidge. I personally think your saying is better as you dontspell garage with a idge at the end!

The following information was gathered from my 4-H Volunteer notebook

On January 15, 1902, A.B. Graham, superintendent of schools inClark County Ohio, established the Boys and Girls Agricultural Clubs(earlier name for 4-H) when he organized the Springfield TownshipAgricultural Experiment Club.
The purpose of 4-H is to provide learning experiences and opportunitiesfor youth which will help them grow and develop to their fullestpotential. The 4-H youth development program encourages individuals toreach their potential through:

Hands-on and experiential learning that encourages learning by doing.
Growth through successes and challenges.
Exploring a wide range of opportunities.
Providing supportive and nurturing environments, and relationships thatempower peopleto voluntarily help themselves and each other.

The 4-H program is for children from 8 years of age and in the 3rdgrade thru the age of 18. 4-H age is the child's age as of January 1 soif a child is 18 on Jan 1 they can go that whole year still in the 4-Hprogram. The children don't have to live in a rural area to be in 4-Heither.

Children can take projects in sewing, fishing, computers, photographyand livestock to name a few. The children attend 4-H meetings eitherthrough a club that's specially meant for their project or a general4-H club that accepts all projects. The 4-H program is ran onvolunteers that have knowledge in the project(s) their clubs allow. Forexample, the club I'm an adviser with the children have to take therabbit project because that's what our club is 'about' and the advisersmust have experience with rabbits.5 out of the6advisers have children inthe club or had children in theclub. I'm the onlyone that doesn'tfall in thatcategory as I left the 4-H program as a member and wentrightto being an adviser. One of our advisers is aspecialty breed judge (can only judge Netherland Dwarfs). However, thechildrencan take other projects if they choose. If they takeprojects that the advisers aren't familiar with then the children areon their own to complete their project as they have a book to guidethem. Some children in our club take photography because we have anadviser that's a professional photographer.

The children then go on to have their projects judged/shown at the clublevel, county level (fair) and an optional of state level(state fair).

Ingeneral the clubs teach the children about communityservice and leadership.Themeetings are ran by theclubs officers with the advisers there for supervision. Each year ourclubhas the children do a communityservice projectand many times we do more. Our club meetsat a local VFW(Veterans of Foreign Wars)with no charge and they only thingthey ask is that we helpwait the tables atthecounty speechbanquet.TheVFW paystheclub/organization that waits the tables so in reality theclub gets paid to hold their meetings at the VFW. Each year ourchildren adopt a family from the 'needy trees' located in Wal-Mart. Thekids then set a selected amount of money they will spend on each memberof the family based on the fund raisers they've done for the year. Oneyear our club donated new lights in our barn for the fair.

4-H really helped me as I used to be the child in the back that didn'tsay a darn thing! I then became an officer for the club and now thechildren can't get me to stay quiet!It's reallyafun program and I'm getting thechance to experience themember andadviser partbasically at the same time.All my 4-H kids used tobemy fellow clubmembersso my relationship with them is totally different thenthe other advisers. I'm more on a friend level and easier to approachthen the 'motherly and fatherly' figures in ourclub.

I'm sure that's more then you wanted to know about 4-H!

I eat my fries with mayonaise, but that's something I picked up fromwhen I lived in Germany. My friends here all think it's really wierd.They eat their fries with ketchup. Sometimes I'll mix the mayo andketchup. My friends think I'm :craziness crazy loco. They just don'tunderstand.

t and Loki
Never tried mayo on chips before, I usually like my chips with just salt, maybe a little vinigar sometimes.

I noticed that a lot of the times on youtube videos that feature eitherAustralian or British accents, that people from the states always thinkthat the Brit accent is the Aus one and vice versa - I wonder why?Especially with soft cockney accents, I don't see how you could get thetwo mixed up myself.
minilops wrote:
Never tried mayo on chips before, I usually like my chipswith just salt, maybe a little vinigar sometimes.

I noticed that a lot of the times on youtube videos that feature eitherAustralian or British accents, that people from the states always thinkthat the Brit accent is the Aus one and vice versa - I wonder why?Especially with soft cockney accents, I don't see how you could get thetwo mixed up myself.

yeah, ive noticed this too. I can tell but lots of people cant.

My bf and I were watching a show the other night and there was a guywho definitely had an Australian accent and my bf kept calling himBritish. Its also embarrassing when they put subtitles on shows if theperson is speaking with a heavy English (British) accent. Like, gosh,how stupid can you be to not understand English, even if it does have adifferent accent.

A lot of people think English people have reallyposh accents, but we really dont! You should hear some of the Geordiesand Mackams up here talk! I can't even understand them half the timethey have such strong accents!;)
I know this subject has gone into all differentdirections. It was mainly for language but now its grown evenbigger to different objects/things we all have!

And I was wondering in American cars... I know the driver sits on theoposite side to the UK, and drive on the other side of the road, butwhat order are the pedals in?

Wehave from left to right - Clutch,Break,Accelerator (Gas)- ABC from right to left.

If they are in a different order its going to be so confussing driving in the US when I move over there!

( P.S Please let me in your country!:D )

Oh also my friend who is Jamacian/American wentshopping with me yesterday and the car window was steamingup. So she asked me if I had a do-rag?

Thats what we call a Duster. A yellow cloth with red stitching round the edges.
Im not sure about the clutch...I drive an automatic.

It raises another big difference though..I noticed in the UK a lot ofpeople drive manual transmission cars. In the US, almost all areautomatic. I'll ask my boyfriend about the clutch when he gets home.hedrives a manual jeep.