The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Ziggy thanks you all for the birthday wishes!

I feel bad that I didn't take any pictures of him on his birthday, but I've had a horrible ear infection and strep throat both for a few days now. I have to charge my camera battery, but will try to get updated pictures of everyone soon. :)
Thanks! He is a handsome guy. Poor guy is still molting though so his fur looks a bit crazy lately. I'll try to get new pictures this weekend.
After over a year of owning my dog, I have become an expert at typing with a dog head resting on my arm. :inlove:

Every time I sit down at the computer, Kit runs over to me and puts his front paws on my lap, his way of asking if he can sit with me.

I tell ya I never considered myself a "dog person" before, ever. But this little guy has really stolen my heart.

Yesterday Chris got home from work early. We decided to spend some time at the park. So I took Kit and Chris took his kendo stuff to practice. It was such a nice day - it was so clear out we could see across the water perfectly. I got a bunch of tree clippings that I'm hoping I can root to start some new bonsai's. If they don't root, it was still worth it, because the tree clippings look so pretty in the kitchen.

On thing that ticked me off though. I was playing with Kit and an older guy walked near us with a little dog - looked like a little chihuahua doxie mix or something. Kit looooves other dogs, so whenever someone else has one that is friendly and wants to approach us, I welcome it. So Kit and the little doggy where playing a bit, but the owner really annoyed me. He kept asking where we got Kit, and if we "wanted to trade dogs". That made me sad, because his little dog was so cute and if you love your dog, how could you ever say something like that? And I don't think this guy was kidding either. Then he tells us "my dog is a virgin"...ummmm okay. He kept saying things to imply that he wanted to breed Kit and his female. Which to me would be wrong for so many reasons. For like an hour this guy kept bringing his dog over to Kit, I know he was hoping they would breed. He didn't even bother to ask if Kit is neutered or not - which he is.
Oh my gosh, that is so creepy!! I don't own dogs so I have no idea if that sort of a conversation is "normal" between dog owners, but, I would think not...:?:shock::grumpy:

And you're right, how could anyone who loves their pet ever say something like that? :(

I was telling one of my fellow rabbit volunteers about the hard time I've been having with bonding Kirby and Toby and how I was sorta giving up and was thinking about introducing Kirby to one of our shelter buns instead; she asked me if I would consider putting Toby up for adoption if I couldn't keep 3 buns. The question struck me so oddly that I wasn't sure if that's what she was asking... I could never give up my existing bunny for the prospect of a new bunny. It seems so cruel :(
I don't know how anyone could casually ask if you want to trade dogs. Granted after Charlie spreads trash all over the kitchen, living room and dining room, the thought has crossed my mind...he's just to loveable of a dofus.

I am glad you enjoyed the nice day in the park.
That is super weird. People are just wierd.

But I hear you about the dog thing; I been attack over 4 times, and I hated dogs. But then my ex boyfriend had 2, and I fell in love. Now I love all dogs, but I am still really careful with strangers.

So I thought I would tell you, I call my chinchillas "Chinwillas" (Like godzilla) because thier little monsters, and I have been caught calling my rabbits Bunhallas because its like the monster version for them :p

People are totally weird!!

I don't know how anyone could suggest to replace a pet. I'm so attached to all my pets, another one would never take their places.

It's weird how many people will approach you when you have a dog with you. Waaaaay more than when you are alone! When we first got Kit, I was really shy and having strangers come up to me all the time took some getting use too. I'm so use to it now, having Kit has really helped me get over some of my shyness. Although it's still not always a good thing having so many strangers want to talk to you, because you get your fare share of weirdos!

I call my bunny room "Bunhalla", a twist on the word "Valhalla" from Norse mythology. Valhalla is where the Norse gods and the warriors who die live, kind of like a Norse version of heaven, for lack of a better comparison.

Chris and I are pretty into mythology and stuff like that. If you can't tell, considering our first house rabbit together was named Zeus! Our dogs name, Kitsune, means "fox" in Japanese. Kitsunes are popular in Japanese folklore and usually have magical powers. We were going to name the dog "Loki" at first, after the Norse god of mischief - until we found out that the landlady's son named his dog that. We couldn't have two "Loki's" in the house, especially if they both lived up to their namesake!

I hope everyone had a good easter! Chris and I don't really celebrate religious holidays, but we did go to his families house for dinner. We brought Kit with us because Chris' sister really wanted us too. He was good, other than peeing on Chris' shoe! Chris' family fed him so much ham and table food, it was no wonder I was taking him outside every hour just to make sure he didn't pee in their house - a little dog, a hot day, being in a strange house, and tons of salty ham does not make for a good combination!

The bunnies are doing well. It's been in the 70's here for the past couple of days and Ziggy and Berry both look like they are molting, even though I thought Berry was finished with that weeks ago. They are all enjoying having the windows open again I think. Barnaby is running around the bunny room right now while the other two relax.

Barnaby has really been coming out of his shell lately. I don't know what sparked the change, he usually isn't friendly and is a very nervous bunny, but lately has been coming up to me and Chris for treats and letting me pet him a lot more. I don't know if having all the other animals around is calming him some or if after over 2 years of living with us he's just finally starting to trust us more - or maybe a little bit of both. Barnaby really loves Kit. It's strange and really cute how those two interact (only while I'm supervising!). I really do swear that Kit is Zeus reincarnated.

I didn't get any new pictures yet, but I charged my camera last night so I'll try to get some soon.
I bet Kits wondering when he can go back and get all those goodies again. I am glad that Barnaby is doing better. I can relate, I had a rescue bun that took a long time just to get a few pets without her whimpering.

Glad you had a nice weekend.
I really like Mythology too..
I feel stupid I didn't catch the Valhalla thing..I am half Norweigen and really should have known! lol! I like to follow Norse mythology because it was so close to my Norweigen ancestors :)
In fact, I am getting a tattoo of a Acorn..the symbol of everlasting life!
Thanks Dave. I'm sure Kit would love to get his paws on some more ham! I'm glad Barnaby is getting friendlier too. I thought he was always going to be timid, but maybe it's just taking him a really long to to get completely over how he was treated before I got him.

Myia that's an awesome idea for a tattoo, you'll have to post pictures. Chris really likes Norse mythology especially, our house has a bunch of random stuff like acorns and statues of Thor in it. We have a lot of celtic decorations too. I've always liked learning about the ancient oriental religions and myths, and then Chris got me more into mythology from other places. It's interesting stuff.
If we didn't have to live so close to NYC for Chris' job, our financial situation would be so much better!

I keep talking to friends who are paying like $400 - $500 for rent. We pay double that - our rent is $1000 a month for our apartment. My sister pays way less than that to rent a house in upstate NY, and my parents morgage is half of what our rent is.

Then on top of that, we have to pay all our own utilities, cable internet & phone, the cell phone bills, my student loans, Chris' student loans, and a bunch of credit card bills.

I'm a little stressed about money this month because I need to take Kit to the vet for his yearly checkup and all that. It's going to be at least around $200 - $300 for everything, and that's not including the heartworm test and meds that I'll have to shell another $200 out for in July. Yes, vets in this area are crazy expensive too!

We had a credit card that we kept for stuff like this - just for pet medical expenses or for emergency vet bills, but of course we maxed out that card when Berry got sick.

I'm just venting. We always make everything work each month, it's just tight sometimes when we have extra expenses like vet bills to worry about. Chris only gets paid once a month so it's hard to plan ahead for a whole month sometimes too.

I wish we could move. I don't like living in the city and everything here is extra expensive. But Chris really likes his job.
Does your vet take Care Credit? I just signed up the last time Baci needed dental work. Good thing about it is their is nointerest as long as the monthly payment is paid in full. We have 2 vetsthat we use. Thebillfor the more expensive one goes to the Care Credit and theother- cash. Fortunately for me they only charge me 1/2 the cost for any anesthesia that is necessary.

We both commute over an hour for work. The luxury of a country quiet living won over the luxury of a shorter commute! Will Chris compromise?
Well because of the traffic in the city, it already takes Chris about an hour to get to work using public transportation/walking. We don't have a car right now because we really just can't afford too - and would't use it much anyways because of how horrible traffic is here.

So when we can afford to get a car, then yeah I think moving somewhere further out away from the city will deffinatly be a possibility! Or even if we could find a place thats more in the country, but still has transportation to the city. We just need to save up a bit of money before we can even think about moving.

Yes the vet takes Care credit. I actually already applied and got approved, but have never used it yet. I was hoping to just be able to put the amount on one of the cards we already have, or pay cash, because really I don't need another bill to pay every month. But at least I know it's there if I need it.
It's like 90* out here today and I hate it! Where did spring go? I need a good solid month of 60*'s cool spring weather at least! I hate the heat. It makes me so uncomfortable.

I asked Chris to help me put the AC back in the window and he laughed at me. He's loving this weather. Ugh. It's giving me a migraine.

I think the animals agree with me, with the exception of the lizards who like the heat. The dog and the bunnies though have been extra lazy all day. No one wants to run around and play when it's so hot.

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