The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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I know what you mean about living in big cities, we lived in Denver for a while then I got transfered to South Carolina. We got a large 2 bedroom duplex for what we paid for a small apartment Denver.

I don't live in a big city, but its expensive here because we live by the main University campus. Ugh.

But I can't imagine how expensive NY is..unless you compare it to my friend who lives in CA and its sooo expesnive there too!
Ugh yeah I can't wait until we can move somewhere both cheaper and outside of the city. I've never been a city fan. They are okay to visit, but I'd rather not live in one. Our apartment isn't too small, but for $1,000 a month I'm sure we could be renting a house or even paying a morgage if we lived somewhere cheaper.

The high temp for yesterday was 93*f! It was at least 10* hotter here than it was in Florida yesterday, crazies. At least today it has cooled down some, and there's a nice breeze, so it's a lot more comfortable.

I have new pictures but haven't uploaded them yet. Working on this computer really sucks. Chris and I will hopefully be getting a new one when we get our tax return checks. I finally submitted the federal forms last weekend, and will probably get the states in this weekend.
Ah another friday. This week went by fast.

I've been feeling very tired and sluggish all week though. I think I'm going to call my doctor and see if I can get my B12 shot early in case that's the problem. I don't know if I ever mentioned this on here before, but my body can't process B12 from food right, so every month I have to get an injection of it.

I've been getting into painting lately, ever since my dad came over and brought me my painting supplies that I had stored at his house. I'm working on a 3 painting set that I'm going to hang above my dogs crate in the bedroom. One is going to be of a winter landscape, one of my dog, and one that my dog painted!

Yup, my dog painted...

I put a bunch of nontoxic paints in the bathtub with the canvas and just let him go crazy. It was really cute. I have some pictures but again I haven't gotten around to uploading anything yet. The result is kind of interesting, oveously a more abstract piece lol. The bathroom and the dog where a complete mess after. I'm not sure I'll do anything like that again anytime soon, it took me sooo long to clean it all up. But Kit had fun.

Nothing new with the bunnies. I think they are happy the weather has cooled down again though. It went from 93* on Wednesday, to 80* yesterday, and then in the 60*'s today. I hope it stays cool for awhile now before getting that hot again.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!
I am glad it cooled down here too, although you wouldn't know it by the temp my wife set the a/c at.One side of the house is heated up by the rising sun and the west side gets the afternoon sun so even on cool days it gets warm. I am with you though I am not ready for the heat.
Totally! I couldn't believe it got up in the 90's the first week of April. That's way to hot for me.

We had a nice weekend. Went to the mall on Saturday to get Chris new work shoes and ended up spending most of the day there since we met up with his sister. I got a new pair of sandals and my feet are killing me from the blisters, but it's so much easier to run the dog out for potty breaks when I don't have to sit down and put my sneakers on each time.

The bunnies are fine - nothing new really. I have to order them new hay again today or tomorrow. I've never met bunnies who eat as much hay as Berry and Ziggy do.

The dog is doing well. I switched him to a raw diet a couple of weeks ago and it's really helping to control his allergies.

I cleaned the gecko tanks and all the fish/frog tanks yesterday. The fish are fine, frogs are fine. Aurora is doing well, I'm hoping she's gravid but it's hard for me to tell if she really is or not right now. It takes me longer to clean out the feeder bins than it does to clean the gecko tanks. I'm attempting to breed super worms for the geckos, and then other foods I just buy for them and take care of them well until they make the dinner plate.

Oh, I am attempting to go on a diet and stick to an exercise program. We'll see how that goes. I was using hormone birth control for awhile and gained a ton of weight from it, even though I was on the pill with the lowest effective levels of hormones. Now I'm having a hard time loosing all the weight again - but granted I haven't really been trying all that hard. Chris and I have both been trying to eat better and I've been attempting to work out 5 days a week. I want to go back to karate, I miss it, but we don't really have the money for it right now. I use to take Kenpo karate and worked at the dojo teaching the kids classes. It was a lot of fun, but I haven't been involved in it for about 2 years now. I had to stop to make more time to work on my research while I was in college, and after that never really had the time or funds to get back into it again.
A note about breeding the superworms, the beetles are disgusting. I dislike beetles anyways, but superworm beetles are truley horrific. Your a way stronger person than I if you can go through with it, lol!

You can't tell if she is gravid? Usually its not hard to tell. Was she ovulating when you put her in the tank? My gecko is about to lay in 5 days or less, and I saw the egg from the start. Remember it should only take a max of 4 weeks to lay (That is if they didn't breed right away, mine did and its taking only 2)

The karate sounds like fun! I really want to do belly dancing, but the classes cost way to much. But I am also trying to lose weight and I am finding it really difficult..but I start roller derby in a month so I know I need to get on it, or when I start practices I am going to be beat to a pulp! lol!
Haha yeah I know - I've been breeding the supers for awhile now so have plenty of experience with the beetles. They don't bother me at all. Lots bigger than the mealie beetles I was use to before, but I don't mind bugs.

Yes she was ovulating, and I *think* I can see at least one egg, but I'm always second guessing myself. I bred her last year too, she laid two eggs, but they were both no good - which is understandable since it was her first time laying eggs. It's hard for me to tell if what I'm seeing is actually eggs, and how far along they are. Maybe I just need a little bit more experience, I don't know. I should try to get a picture and see what you think.

Karate is really fun. I actually took some belly dancing classes for free in college! That's fun too, but I only took the classes for a semester. It was too hard to work them around my schedule.

Roller derby sounds fun! Losing weight is difficult for me too. I really don't have much motivation. I've been wanting to start dieting/working out for so long now and I'm always just like "Oh I'll start tomorrow". But I really did start today! I'm hoping that after a few weeks of forcing myself to do it it will get easier and just be more of a habit. We'll see I guess.
Yeah, take photos. I have been doing it for soo long (I worked at a pet store breeding before I ever got into it myself) that usually I have a pretty good eye.
I think even if my geckos lay bad eggs, I am still going to incubate them anyways. Sometimes they perk up. But this is both thier first time, so I am nervous.

I wish our classes were free..the university charges an insane amount.

Yeah..the "Start tomorrow" lol we all do that. Well good luck on keeping to it!!!

Yeah I usually incubate the eggs for awhile just in case, but no luck last year. Hopefully this year will be better.

I'll get some photos today and upload them tonight or tomorrow. I have a bunch of the bunnies I keep meaning to upload too.

I've had a migraine for like 2 days now. Yesterday I felt like I had a fever but I'm not sure, I'm feeling slightly better today except for my head. I'm so sick of being sick all the time. I'm just frustrated and not in a good mood today I guess.
Thanks! They do suck! I use to get them a lot, but luckily haven't been getting them as often lately. I'm finally feeling better now :)

It's almost 3 am and I can't sleep! I'm really tired, but just have a lot on my mind. Tomorrows going to stink, since now I'll be tired all day.

I ordered the bunnies their new hay, so it should be here by friday at the latest. I think I should have enough to last at least until then.
Do you order from Sweet Meadow?Your shipping is so fast!

I ordered another 30 lbs from Kleenmama last Thurs. It should get here this Friday. I had to buy a 40oz bag of Orchard grass to tide me over! :(

I suffer from migraines also, and tension headaches... it really is the pits :( I have light-triggered ones. It used to be just odd lighting situations and really bright flashing light, but now sometimes even sunlight at certain angles trigger a migraine. It's so awful :(
Thanks so much!!

Yup I've been using Sweet Meadow hay lately. It usually takes around 3 days to get here at most. My bunnies love Kleenmama, but the shipping cost is so expensive. They like the Sweet Meadow too. Sweet Meadow doesn't bother my allergies too much either.

Last time I didn't order in time and had to buy pet store hay to tide them over. But those bags at the pet store, even the biggest 40oz bags, last my bunnies like a day! They love their hay.

Bleh yeah migraines are awful! My mom gets them a lot too and is on medication for them. I use to get them a lot more often then I do now. Now I just get them once in awhile, but when I do they usually last a few days and nothing I take helps much.

I uploaded the pictures to my computer but you have to bear with me here - my computer is being extra slow today and I still need to put the pictures on photobucket.
For Myia - Here's Aurora's tummy as of yesterday.

Sorry it's not a great picture. I tried to get better ones but they all came out blury for some reason. I can try to take more another time, I didn't want to bother her for too long.

Pictures of my puppy love, Kitsune. Sorry I always have a lot of him, he's too cute! I gave him a haircut since I last posted pictures of him.








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