The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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I think there is can definatly see the first one, but you can see an outline of the second on the bottom of the first..I guess we will just see!

I love Barnaby..I think lionheads are my favorite breed. So adorable.
Kitsune is beautiful. I can't wait for the day that I get to have a dog! I have all these big dreams of having a small ranch with dogs, ponies, goats, sheep, donkeys, alpacas, chickens, and so on and so forth. I will have dogs one day, even if I don't get the farm! If I get that, I could even have a sanctuary for feral domestics, like they have at Great Lakes Rabbit Sanctuary!! OK enough with the pipe dreams. ;)

Barnaby (that's the right one, right?) is so ridiculously fuzzy!!! He's like a little puffball! How cute!
Thanks Myia! I hope you're right. I wanted to look again today but she was in the moist hide shedding last I checked on her so I'm going to just leave her alone today.

Claire thanks for the comments on Kit. He's my baby. I waited 5 years to graduate college and move before I could get him - but the wait was well worth it! Having a sanctuary would be awesome - I'd love to be able to do something like that someday.

Yup that's Barnaby - my fuzzball. And those pictures are after his haircut, so you can imagine how much fluffier he was before!

The NIC you see in one of the Barnaby pictures is the bottom of the shelves I made the other week. I can't keep stuff on the bottom level since the bunnies would just get into it, so instead I put bunny beds and toys in those cubes.
The rabbits new hay is suppose to be delivered today - which is a good thing because I gave them the last of the old hay last night and thought I was going to have to make a trip to the pet store to get a bag to last until the new stuff gets here.

Not bad since the hay was just shipped yesterday! Not even a whole day to get here.

It's funny because Sweet Meadows farm ships their hay from Auburn, MA - which is only about 30 - 40 minutes away from where my parents live and where I grew up.

We took Kit to the park last night and I spent a couple of hours walking around with him while Chris practiced kendo. It was fun :) I have a lot to do around the house lately - I've been trying to sort through all my stuff and get rid of what I don't need/want anymore. I have too much stuff and it's starting to get kind of cluttered, which I don't like. I have boxes of things that I still never even unpacked from when we first moved, over a year ago!

I was thinking of Zeus a lot this morning. It will be 2 years since he passed this Aug. He was only 2 when he died. It makes me sad that soon, he will have been gone for longer than he was even alive. I don't know why, but his death effected me a lot more than any other pet death ever has.
Bleh I just wrangled Ziggy to cut his nails, clean his scent glands (yuck) and brush him. Him and Berry are both shedding. I hate cutting their nails, I wish I could use the dremel on the bunnies like I do with the dog.

I was going to do all that with Berry too, but Ziggy hates being held and it was such a pain, that I think I'm going to hold off and deal with Berry tomorrow.
I never heard of a gecko shedding when gravid :?
Maybe I am just crazy.

I hate clipping nails. I only do it when they start to scratch me LOL.

Why can't you use a dremel? I heard of other people doing it to thier rabbits.
Ziggy especially HATES being held, so I think it's faster and less stressful for me to just clip them as quickly as I can.

I'm just always paranoid that I'm going to nick the quick and make them bleed, but I've only actually done that a couple of times in all the years I've been cutting bunny nails.

I cut their nails pretty often. Ziggy had sore hocks before I think from his nails being too long and changing where he put the pressure on his foot.

Aurora was deffinatly shedding - I saw her pulling the shed skin off her leg. I thought it was normal for them to shed while gravid. Another breeder I talked to before told me they have a prelay shed a few days before they lay their eggs. Last year when Aurora laid her dud eggs, about 3 days before she laid each time she went through a shed.
Ziggy is still mad at me for cutting his nails yesterday :grumpy

He keeps running away from me when I go into the bunny room, and would only come near me when I had raisens.

Today I'll probably groom Berry, but I'll be really sad if she gets mad at me too. We really formed a bond when she was sick and I was taking care of her. I know when they get mad at me it won't last too long, but it makes me so sad anyways.
I spent lots of time with the bunnies today! Groomed Barnaby and Berry, and luckily neither of them got too upset with me. Ziggy finally forgave me too, after more offerings of raisens.

I tried taking a video of Barnaby! I've never uploaded videos before but I made a youtube account a long time ago and have been meaning for awhile to start posting videos of my pets.

So I'll post it but it's not the best. Remember this is my first try! And um, don't mind my fiance singing like a dork in the background lol.


Sorry I couldn't get the link to embed the video into my blog to work, so if you want to watch you'll have to click the link.

I hope everyone is having a great saturday!!
Aw nobody liked my Barnaby video. Oh well. I was all excited that I finally found out how to get videos online. I have one of Zeus that I'd like to put on there and some cute ones of the dog that I'll eventually get around to uploading. Now that I have one of Barnaby, I'll have to of course get some of the other two eventually too.

I had a good weekend. Didn't get much done yesterday though. We have been working on changing one of our small rooms (like a walk in closet sized room) from a storage room to a "hobby" room. So basically we want it to look nicer and will keep stuff like my paining supplies, and Chris' board games and stuff in there instead of just random junk. But Chris found one of his lego sets that he never opened and I started helping him with that, thinking the set would take like an hour tops to build. Well like 5 hours later, we have a very cute little lego town on a shelf in our living room. :rofl:

We have ants in our kitchen, which is kind of crazy since we live on the 3rd floor. But they keep hanging out around the dogs dish. I've been cleaning and mopping the kitchen a lot to try to keep the any numbers down. Hopefully it won't get too bad.

The pets are good. Even Courage the betta fish, who I was sure wasn't going to be around much longer, is doing well now.
In case anyone's interested, I uploaded a few of Zeus' slide shows from a different website onto my youtube account, and also a slide show with pictures from Kit's first year with us.

I keep meaning to make Zeus a memorial video with all his pictures combined in it. Maybe someday I'll finish it.

Anyways here are the links for anyone who's interested. The audio on Kit's video is messed up, I don't feel like dealing with it right now :p

Zeus' first year

Zeus' 2nd year

Kitsune's first year
The video of Barnaby was cute! Didn't have time to watch on the weekend. My guys don't ever play with their toys, but then they don't have a cool little hut that they like to sit on top of that they have to clean the toys off of!
Barnaby LOVES that thing. I actually got it for Zeus when he was still alive, because he was really small and fit really well under it. Barnaby fits under it, but it's a tight squeeze. He spends hours and hours sitting on top of it though! It's his little look out spot.

So I've been lurking a lot on a Sugar glider forum lately. At my last job, I worked with a pair of gliders - they where educational animals. I fell in love with them and now that I live in a state where they are legal as pets, really want some. I know I will get some someday - but I can't decide when! I know I don't really have the money for the added vet bills right now, but I was thinking about maybe starting to buy a cage and supplies a little at a time so that when I do get them, they will be spoiled from day one! I could buy stuff slowly over time - I'm weird and think it's really fun to buy pet stuff. I love all the little hammocks and toys and pouches that you can buy small animals. But it seems stupid to start buying stuff now if I'm not even going to get them for a couple of years. Hmm.

After Chris gets out of work today we're going to the movie theater to see How to Train your Dragon in 3D. Haha we're dorks and always go to see cartoon movies - the last movie we saw in the theater was Up. I really like dragons though, hence my screen name, and I heard this is suppose to be a good movie. I'm excited, Chris and I haven't gone on any actual dates like this for awhile :)
Wow, I didn't realize how big Barnaby is! He is so much cuter in video.:biggrin2: Everytime I whip out the video camera, all the buns just stop what they're doing. Almost as if on purpose!

Sorry as corny as it sounds, I can't view the videos of Zeus. I tried the first 3 second and I can feel myself teary eyes. I'm a nerd like that, I get emotional reading about rabbits who crossed the rainbow bridge. I was forbidden by the husband from reading about any rabbits who crossed over. B/c then I'll tell him about it and get him upset.
Isn't Barns cuter in video? Pictures of him never seem to do him justice - he's adorable in real life and I can never seem to capture it very well in photos.

That's okay, I understand not being able to watch Zeus' videos. I cried when I watched them this morning and they weren't even meant to be sad videos since I made them both while he was still alive. I tried awhile ago to make him a memorial video and just got so sad, I never finished it. I still miss him so much even though it's been so long (he passed Aug.8th, 2008).
Thanks! Lionheads are so cute. They are starting to get popular around here now. I've never seen them sold in pet stores but I've seen a ton of adds for them on craigslist.

I think in the future I want my next bunny to be a Jersey wooly.
I remember walking through the barns at the local fair every summer and seeing the lionheads--they were my favorite as a kid. They also sell them for like $5, $15 for a flemmie. I'm so glad I don't go to fairs like that anymore (that was in MI)! We have them in pet stores around here, and sometimes at the shelter--but they go fast when they're there!
I went to some kind of fair/livestock show thing last summer when I visited my sister in upstate NY. They had a whole huge barn full of bunnies, but for some reason not many lionheads. I actually don't remember seeing any lionheads there! That was hard for me, they where selling adorable baby bunnies for only like $5 and I was soooo tempted to take one home with me, but I didn't.

I've never seen them in pet stores around here but then again, I don't spend much time in pet stores. I actually refuse to shop in the pet stores around here, but if I'm in the area I like to stop in and look at all the animals. Don't know why, since it usually makes me sad, but still. I see tons of netherland dwarfs around here in the stores, once I saw a few dutch, but I've never seen a lionhead.
For some reason all the Pet Company pet stores that I've been to in downstate NY sell lionheads. I was somewhat surprised but they seemed to be a "feature" pet at the front of the store. They had regular bunnies in the back too, but lionheads were at the forefront of their bunny displays.

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