Well my family already left around 11 this morning. They where going to spend the day here today but it's cold and windy out and they decided they wanted to get home and have some time to relax there before my dad has to go to work tomorrow morning.
Friday was pretty uneventful. They got here around 5 and we went out for pizza, then just hung out at the house for the night playing cards and stuff.
Saturday was insane! First my dad wanted to go see the 911 memorial that's in my town. Well I've never actually been to it before, even though it's very close to our house. I thought it would be close enough to walk too, so we tried walking there. We where about a 5 minute walk away from the memorial when a cop stopped us and told us we weren't suppose to be walking where we where walking for some stupid reason that didn't make sense. So we turned around, walked home and got the car and drove to the memorial. So at the risk that everyone on here is going to know pretty much where I live now, here's some pictures I got there...
That skyline view is upper Manhattan - you can see the statue of liberty on the left and the twin towers use to be on the right. It's pretty cool when you can walk around in your own town and see the statue of liberty and NYC skyline.
And back to my story...So since we had the car, we decide to brave the traffic heading towards the Lincoln tunnel to get to Chili's for lunch. There is no Chili's in our town so we went to the next city over to go there, since it's Chris' favorite restaurant. We had a really nice late lunch, but then when we went out to leave - my brother's car was gone! Yup, we got towed. We parked in the BJ's parking lot and apparently they watch with camera's to see where every single person goes after they park their car. So we had to get a taxi to take us into the worst ghetto section of the city so we could pay the $150 towing fee and get my brothers' car back. My dad was not in a good mood to say the least.
Between getting towed and the horrible traffic, I can really see why we (and others) living in cities choose not to have cars.
After that it was already kind of late and since we had had such bad luck all day, we just hung around the house for the rest of the time until they left this morning.
So it was a pretty crazy weekend and I'm looking forward to just relaxing for most of today. I miss my family though. Every time I see them it just makes me miss them when they leave. I wish we could live closer to them, but Chris has such a good job here that I'm not sure if he'll want to move any time soon. I told them I'll try to go visit them for a few days some time soon. I would visit them a lot more if I didn't have all the pets to worry about.
The animals are doing fine. The dogs allergies are acting up a bit since my family fed him junk food that he's not suppose to have, but he'll be fine. The bunnies are fine but I need to make sure to spend a lot of time with them today, they didn't get much attention this weekend so far.
I hope everyone else is having a good weekend!