The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Haha thanks - but I don't think it will be growing much until my fiance and I can move into a bigger place (hopefully our own house), and I have no idea when that will be.
So I think my Dad and my brother actually are coming over tomorrow! I was kind of expecting them to bail out, but so far they haven't.

I ran off this huge list to my dad of places that Chris and I would like to go while he's here - hiking areas and stuff like that. But my dad didn't seem to interested in that stuff - that's the type of stuff he can do everyday back where he lives.

So then I was trying to think of places to take them in NYC, since they haven't really seen much of the city. Nope, they don't want to do that stuff either.

The only two things they've expressed interest in so far, is that they want to go see the 911 memorial that's in our town, and they want to drive to some sandwich shop about an half an hour from here that they saw on tv. lol

Now that I know they are actually coming I have to get the house looking nice. But knowing my dad, he'll find some crazy reason why we should imedently move out of this apartment and go back to MA with him. :shock:

Oh well, it should be fun having them here for a few days.
Not long. My dad has to get back for work on Monday so they are leaving sometime on Sunday. Or at least my dad is. I offered to let my brother stay longer if he didn't mind taking the bus back home again instead of driving back with my dad, but I don't think he's going to take me up on that. Or at least he hasn't yet.

They are on their way here now. I'm excited to see them but at the same time, I am going to miss having a nice relaxing weekend with Chris this weekend. I'm so tired today and not really feeling well, but I still have to clean a bit and then will have to keep them entertained.

Lets hope the get past the George Washington Bridge with no problems or else I'm sure they'll be in horrible moods. That stupid bridge is the reason they never want to come see me, lol. Last time they drove home from here they got stuck on the bridge for 4 hours!

I probably won't be around again until after they leave on Sunday, but I'm sure I'll have some new pictures to post. I hope everyone has a great weekend!! :)
Well my family already left around 11 this morning. They where going to spend the day here today but it's cold and windy out and they decided they wanted to get home and have some time to relax there before my dad has to go to work tomorrow morning.

Friday was pretty uneventful. They got here around 5 and we went out for pizza, then just hung out at the house for the night playing cards and stuff.

Saturday was insane! First my dad wanted to go see the 911 memorial that's in my town. Well I've never actually been to it before, even though it's very close to our house. I thought it would be close enough to walk too, so we tried walking there. We where about a 5 minute walk away from the memorial when a cop stopped us and told us we weren't suppose to be walking where we where walking for some stupid reason that didn't make sense. So we turned around, walked home and got the car and drove to the memorial. So at the risk that everyone on here is going to know pretty much where I live now, here's some pictures I got there...












That skyline view is upper Manhattan - you can see the statue of liberty on the left and the twin towers use to be on the right. It's pretty cool when you can walk around in your own town and see the statue of liberty and NYC skyline.

And back to my story...So since we had the car, we decide to brave the traffic heading towards the Lincoln tunnel to get to Chili's for lunch. There is no Chili's in our town so we went to the next city over to go there, since it's Chris' favorite restaurant. We had a really nice late lunch, but then when we went out to leave - my brother's car was gone! Yup, we got towed. We parked in the BJ's parking lot and apparently they watch with camera's to see where every single person goes after they park their car. So we had to get a taxi to take us into the worst ghetto section of the city so we could pay the $150 towing fee and get my brothers' car back. My dad was not in a good mood to say the least.

Between getting towed and the horrible traffic, I can really see why we (and others) living in cities choose not to have cars.

After that it was already kind of late and since we had had such bad luck all day, we just hung around the house for the rest of the time until they left this morning.

So it was a pretty crazy weekend and I'm looking forward to just relaxing for most of today. I miss my family though. Every time I see them it just makes me miss them when they leave. I wish we could live closer to them, but Chris has such a good job here that I'm not sure if he'll want to move any time soon. I told them I'll try to go visit them for a few days some time soon. I would visit them a lot more if I didn't have all the pets to worry about.

The animals are doing fine. The dogs allergies are acting up a bit since my family fed him junk food that he's not suppose to have, but he'll be fine. The bunnies are fine but I need to make sure to spend a lot of time with them today, they didn't get much attention this weekend so far.

I hope everyone else is having a good weekend!
What pretty photos!
Over here in Tempe and Phoenix the driving sucks too, but our public transportation is horrible so really there is not choice.
WOW I like the pics I bet it was a great place to visit. It's too bad that they had to leave so soon. But nice they came to visit
Thanks to you both for the comments!

Driving is horrible here. I live about 20 minutes outside of NYC so the traffic is always awful.

Our public transportation is pretty good here. There are lots of trains and buses that run very frequently. The think that sucks is that the prices keep going up - the price of a ticket for the train Chris and I take all the time is going to go up by like 25% next month.

It's another rainy day today. This is the 3rd or 4th day this month where in one single day, we've gotten more rain than the amount we normally get in a month.

I reaffirmed my hatred of NIC's yesterday. My dad brought over the rest of the stuff I had stored at his house, which included all the old NIC panels that I use to use for Zeus and Barnaby's cage. I decided to use them to make some storage shelves for the bunny room. It was not fun and looks pretty crappy I think. I'm hoping it will look better once I put stuff on it.
I really hate my NIC too..but I realized financially there is no need for me to spend another $100 when I have a perfectly good cage that is in fact larger, especially when I found a perfect hamster cage, but it itself is $100!
Yeah I understand!

I don't use NIC cages for the bunnies anymore though - I just wanted to make some shelves with them to store some stuff in that room. When I used NIC cages I could never make them sturdy enough, even though I always zip tied them like crazy. Zeus would climb up the cage like it was a ladder and I was always afraid it was going to collapse on him or that he would fall or something.

So when we moved I spent around $500 on my rabbits Leith Petwerks condo - which my rabbits love and I think looks really nice.

I have some other cage sitting in our kitchen closet too - it's like 40ish inches long and has a green pan/tray thing on the bottom. I've seen them online and have seen people recommending them, but I wanted my rabbits to have something bigger. I was trying to decide if I should sell the other cage or what, but I think for now I'm just going to keep it stored. Might come in handy some day.
Leith condos are great, the price is just hard to get over, but once you do you realize it's a pretty nice bunny abode indeed. I don't like to keep that as my only space for the bun though. I always have given Kirby a "front yard" to his bunny castle so he can run and binky. I tore out the carpeting in there when he was eating it. Without the carpet, the Leith condos are pretty easy to clean too. I'd say they are a good purchase :)

I still have Toby's baby cage, which I bought as a "starter cage" from Petco. I figure it would also come in handy some day, just like you said. Every so often (maybe once a year or so) the shelter gets a horrendous influx of rabbits and they run out of cages in a big bad way and they might be able to use extra little cages to tide them over as well.

NYC traffic is the worst. It once took me 45 minutes to get from midtown to the Brooklyn Bridge down the west side highway. On weekends it easily takes me 30 minutes to get crosstown (12 blocks). It makes me want to scream sometimes...
Wow those cages are nice, but pricey. In November James and I are moving and getting a bunny room, so I am pretty sure I won't care about the NIC cages then, because it will be in a seperate room.
I would definitely keep thecage. We have 3 carriers in the house nearby for an evacuation and 3 cages in the shed for emergency housing. 2 years ago when we had the freak ice storm in Oct, hubby was home alone with the buns. At the time we only had Baci and Sebastian. He thought a tree was about to come down on the house and grabbed the two buns. We stayed at my sister in law's overnight and the two cages came in handy. Also as nerdy as it sounds, I don't have the heart to give away the cage thatBaci was adoptedin, and kept his original litter pan!
Yeah I think I will keep the extra cage. Just in case. I have an extra small dog crate that could be used for the bunnies in an emergency too. I have a bunch of carriers too - I think like 4 of them. I keep thinking that I should get rid of some of them but I guess they're good to have around in case I ever need them.

The Leith condos are great! I eventually took the carpet out of mine too. They're easier to clean with just the plastic bottoms, then I give the bunnies some fleece blankets and a dog bed to lay on. I don't use it as my only space for the bunnies either - they have free reign of their room. Even with the whole room to run around in, they do spend a good amount of time in the cage still. They especially like to sleep on the top and middle levels.

My rabbit room is in a separate room off of our bedroom. No one sees it except for me and Chris and occasionally people who we invite in. It's not like it's in the living room where everyone hangs out or anything, but I still wanted something nicer than the NIC cages. I just suck at making those cages, and I was always so afraid they where going to collapse or something. The rabbits love having levels, but I never felt like I could make them sturdy enough with the NIC's, so they always had single level cages when I used those.
Happy 3rd birthday Ziggy!!!

Ziggy, at least I was told, was an April fools baby! Today we are celebrating his 3rd birthday!!

I can't believe all my bunnies are 3 now.




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