The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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I have been looking for a certain kind of purse for moonths now. I wanted a backpack purse, which is pretty much just a mini backpack. I had one before and loved it, but I lost it a year ago when I moved. Those kinds of purses are easier for me to carry around. I don't like having to actually hold my purse, especially since I use it a lot when I'm hiking or taking the dog to the park - times when I want/need to have my hands free.

I needed one with only zippers too, because most of them seemed to have ties or snaps and that makes me too nervous that my stuff will fall out. Well I finally found one that I like on ebay the other day and bought it with some of my birthday money. It wasn't expensive, but I'm excited. I haven't gotten a new purse for over a year!

The rest of my birthday money will probably go to the dog. I need to get him a crate bed and some doggy toothpaste, and he's due for his 1 year check up/boosters next month.

Kit has been such a mommas boy lately, which is weird for him. He's usually more into spending time with his "Dad", but lately he follows me around and every time I sit down, he HAS to be on my lap. Such a sweetie :inlove:

The bunnies are doing well. They are finally letting me sleep again. I don't know why they where so extra crazy for that one week or so but things seem to have gone back to normal now.

It's rainy today and they are predicting rain for the next couple of days at least. But I don't mind. I just got a bunch of new DVD's to watch and books to read and Chris got the new Final Fantasy game that I've been playing.

I'll have to take new pictures of the pets tonight or this weekend sometime :)
Happy Belated Birthday! Not exactly sure what a backpack/purse is. I just stuff everything in my pocket when I'm walking and if I have no pocket they just go into my waistband and hoping it doesn't slide into my pants!:shock:
Haha that's what I've been doing for nearly a year now, the pocket part at least, but after an incident with one of my pockets having a hole in it, and losing both my wallet and my keys, I decided it was time I bought a new purse!

So I'm a member of a dog forum, and one of the sections there is a raw feeding forum. I've been going back and forth for months now trying to decide if I want to try switching Kit to a raw diet again. The first two times I tried it, it didn't agree with him - but I suspect that was due to his chicken allergy that we didn't know about at the time.

I pride myself on the healthy, 'natural', diet that I feed my rabbits. They get very limited amounts of pellets, but I spend a lot of time preparing their salads and even started growing a lot of foods for them. I feel like I should do the same for my dog as well, only feeding him a 'natural' diet isn't as easy for me and I don't think I'm fully convinced that it's the right decision.

Anyways it makes me sad the things the raw feeders say about rabbits. All this stuff about how rabbits can't be compared to cats and dogs at all, they are just food items pretty much. I try to tell/teach them otherwise, and I get bashed.

The way these people act, it's like it's a cult or something. Anyone who has different ideals then they do they bash and talk down too.

It makes me sad because I would truly like to learn more about the diet, but I'm afraid to ask them questions now. Every time I ask a simple question it's like I turn into a bad person and an idiot. Not to mention last time I asked a question, I politely told them that there would be no way I would feed rabbit to my dog, so please suggest other options. What replies do I get, they tell me to feed rabbit. Um hello, did you even read what I wrote at all before you responded?

Ah well, I guess I'll just research on my own and see what I come up with. I'm not in any rush, Kit is on a very high quality kibble that's working well for him. I'm just big on feeding my pets the best I possibly can, I just haven't decided yet what I think is the best for my dog.
Chelle, I have a FABULOUS book (cost me 10.00 at used and out of date section)

Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats The Ultimate Diet
By: Kymythy R. Schultze

It answered all my questions...hope it helps huni Good luck!!!
Thanks for the birthday wishes Dave! I'm glad Berry is doing so well too!

Denise I will check out that book! I actually have a few other books I want to get from Amazon so I'll add that one to the list. I'm really finding it frustrating trying to find the perfect diet for Kit - I'm so use to feeding herbivores and it's a whole different ball game dealing with carnivores!
It finally seemed to have stopped raining here, after about 3 straight days of rain, but it's still insanly windy! Our house is so drafty that the wind is getting through even with all the windows shut. It's making all kinds of creepy sounds and slamming doors, and making all the animals on edge. The dog is barking at every little sound he hears and I have a horrible headache now. Hopefully the weather will calm down soon.

I know I kept posting that I thought my betta fish, Courage, was dying. I had a friend over during last weekend who knows a lot about fish and she looked at him and said he is having problems with his swim bladder. That's why he isn't swimming around as much I guess.

I looked it up online and it said it's usually caused by diet. I thought he got a pretty good diet though. I'm not sure if it can also be caused by old age? I've already tried things like feeding him some pea and fasting him but he's still the same.

But he seems okay. I lowered the water in his tank so it's easier for him to get to the top of the water. He spends most of his time resting in his plants instead of swimming around, but he's still eating and seems to be doing okay.

I'm mad at the post office here. They where suppose to deliver my purse on Saturday but then didn't because of the bad weather. I understand that, but instead of the carrier telling the truth and saying that she just didn't come to the house (I know she didn't because we where home all day) they updated the tracking number to say that I didn't answer the door. So now I have to reschedule a delivery which in the past hasn't worked out - on Wednesday I'll probably end up having to walk 40 blocks to go pick up the package. So frustrating. This is like the 5th time this has happened to us since we moved here. I'm not going to get anything sent by them anymore, I'll just pay extra to have FedEx or UPS ship stuff.
It's so nice out today! I took the dog to the park for a couple of hours and he had such a good time. He was a mess by the time we got back home, and so was I since he thought it would be a good idea to jump on my lap when he was covered in wet sand. But that's okay, we had fun.

The bunnies are doing well. I'm considering giving Barnaby a hair cut. It's starting to get warmer and I don't want him to get too hot, plus then I'll get a break from taking care of all that hair. He's starting to look a lot like a giant fuzzball.
Haha yeah! That's Kit for you. He's a snuggle bug and it doesn't matter to him if he has half of the beach trapped in his fur.

I think I mentioned before that my sister is pregnant? She has a 3 year old daughter already named Brianna and is pregnant with her second. Well she's I think about 20 weeks this week and just had an ultrasound today. The baby is a girl!

It was so cute Brianna called me and screamed "I'm going to get a sister!!" into the phone. I was the first one they told, since I'm Brianna's godmother and will be the new babies too :biggrin2:
Happy friday!!

I gave Barnaby a hair cut!

So this is his before shot...


And here's after...



I think it came out okay. It looks better in person than in the pictures. Now until it grows back, I don't have to worry about stuff sticking to his long hair and keeping it brushed out all the time.

Here's the little beach near our house and my puppers playing in the sand.






Thanks! I didn't want to cut his mane so short that you couldn't still tell he was a lionhead, but now it's not always hanging down in his face. And I cut off his weird side wool because that's the hair he usually gets stuff stuck in - pieces of litter and hay and such, and it really annoys him.
Happy spring!!!!

It's been soo nice out! Yesterday Chris and I took the dog to the park for a couple of hours and had a picnic.

I forgot to shut all the windows before bed last night and didn't freeze!

The bunnies are doing well. They haven't woken me up for awhile now so that's awesome. I still have a gift card to Binky Bunny that I have to use to get them some new toys. Ziggy's 3rd birthday is on April 1st. I can't believe all my bunnies will be 3 or older after April.
Another rainy day today.

Yesterday Chris and I started our spring cleaning and then his sister came over for a few hours.

This friday my dad and brother are suppose to come over to spend the weekend. I haven't seen them for like 6 months now so it will be nice to see them if they really come. I'm not getting my hopes up too much though, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they canceled. But if they do come, they are bringing the rest of my stuff that I had stored at my parents house. We've lived here for over a year and I still haven't gotten all my stuff here yet.

The pets are all doing really well. They are all happy and healthy. Even courage the betta has seemed to be doing better lately. I don't have any pictures to post today, but hopefully soon.
Thanks! I like his hair cut too, I think he looks cute.

Today is my froggies 3rd birthday! They got some nice tasty worms this morning as a birthday treat.

I've never posted pictures of my frogs here. Because, well, to put it bluntly, they are pretty ugly :p

But I love them all the same. They're so ugly, that they're cute. ;)

And they are aquatic frogs, and I suck at taking clear pictures of animals under water.

Happy 3rd birthday to Pez and Starburst!
Thanks! My frogs hatched on my brother's birthday so I always remember what day it is.

Can't believe that soon my goldfish will be 3 too, and then Ziggy will be 3 in April. After April 1st, the only pets I'll have under 3 will be the dog, and my betta fish (who has been doing a lot better lately, by the way).

I guess 3 years ago was a big pet year for me - sorta. Well even though Ziggy, Berry, and Barnaby are all that age, I haven't had them all that time. Barnaby was 8 months old when I got him and the lops where already 2.

I keep thinking that I want more pets, but I know I shouldn't really get more for awhile. Until we move or until a few of the ones I have now pass - which hopefully won't happen!! The only pet I'm expecting to pass anytime even remotely soon is the betta fish - since all the rest of them should have pretty long lifespans - 10+ years on all of them (hopefully!).

I have really wanted sugar gliders for like 6 years now but still don't feel like the time is right. At least I'll have plenty of time to research, so when I do get them someday I'll be fully prepared.