All my pets are spazzing out thanks to daylight savings time!
Ah they are going to drive me insane. Why are they so smart?
So ever since we switched the clocks back last weekend, Kit and the bunnies have been p*ssed that their normal feeding times are an hour off. I feed both Kit and the bunnies twice a day. The bunnies get a small amount of pellets for breakfast, then a giant salad for dinner.
Anyways, when it is the time they *think* they should be fed, which is now an hour before I feed them, the bunnies start thumping and rattling the bars of their pen/cage. And Kit goes into the kitchen, stands near his food dish, and barks at me.

So twice a day now, I have all 4 of them going at once, thinking I'm going to starve them or something if, god forbid, I feed them an hour "late".
Case in point, this afternoon I was working on the computer, when around 5 pm (I feed him at 6) Kit starts barking at me to feed him. I tell him to relax and he goes running into the kitchen, opens the cabinet door where we store his food, steals his food measuring cup, and brings it over to me at the computer. Lol look at him....
"Hey mom, have you noticed that my food cup is empty?"
"I think you should probably fill it for me, I'm hungry"
"C'mon mom I'm hungry!"
"feeeeeeeeeeed me!!"
"If you don't give me my dinner, I'll be forced to eat this cup"
"Okay, you leave me with no choice"
And the bunnies...I should take a video of how loud they are. But when I walk into their room they stop and they all stand there and stare at me like "What? Us being loud? No that must have been someone else, we are all little angels. Oh by the way, can we have some food now?" lol.
Bunnies are quiet animals my butt!
Haha it's funny/cute and annoying all at the same time. Hopefully they'll adjust soon!