The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Thanks! :) I think he looks so silly with his little beard. That pumpkin costume is the only bunny sized costume I have, and only Barnaby is small enough to wear it. I guess the other two lucked out!
Will Kit ever take off his pirate costume, or will that be his winter-wear as well? I bet he has such a big head from people telling him he is so cute with it on.... :p
I LOVE the Halloween pics, I would love to get my rabbit to wear something like that but no way. I haven't been on here in a few days, Saturdays are always super busy for me, so I didn't see the pics until just now. I was also meaning to ask you to post a few of your rabbit treat recipes. I tried one that I got off the internet and they were just awful my rabbit wouldn't touch them! :biggrin:
Awww, Barnaby is so pretty in costume. Kit seems to really like his furry bud as a pumpkin. That pic of them together is so sweet. I also like the pic of Berry. She looks so girly!
Thanks everyone!

Lol Kit's pirate costume is the only clothing he really has. He has a coat and boots (to protect his feet from the road salt - it hurts his paws) that he wears in the winter, but he doesn't have any more regular shirts or anything like that. He's wearing his pirate costume in his latest pictures because I took them for/on Halloween.

Thanks for reading SydneyNova!

Barnaby and Kit are good buddies. They like to snuggle up together on the couch.

I think Berry looks girly too. It's funny, because you wouldn't really think that a rabbit would look/act like a boy or a girl. But Berry is my first female rabbit, and she's very feminine.
RO is going so sloooow tonight! Unless it's just my computer, maybe Chris is downloading something.

Bleh I feel bad...Chris just got paid today and I already spent over $60 buying hay and pellets for the bunnies, and food for the dog. I decided to try Sweet Meadow Farms pellets for the rabbits instead of getting their regular Oxbow. It was only $1 or $2 extra in shipping to throw in a 5lb bag of pellets with my usual hay order. The pellets themselves are cheaper than Oxbow too. If the bunnies like them, it will work out well.

I got Kitsune a new type of food too. I got him Taste of the Wild instead of his usual Wellness Core. Now that he's older and his stomach doesn't seem to be as sensitive as it was when he was a puppy, I'm hoping I can try a rotation diet with him again. Taste of the Wild is still an awesome, grain free, hopefully it works for him.

I hope I didn't make a stupid decision trying a new rabbit food and a new dog food at the same time. Watch none of them like their new foods...then I'll have to spend even more money on pet food this month.

Tomorrow Chris and I are going to the Liberty Science Center, because they have a woolly mammoth exhibit that features baby Lyuba - the preserved baby mammoth they found awhile back.

I'll leave you all with a couple videos of crazy Kit, acting crazy. I took the videos Halloween weekend, so yes he's wearing his pirate shirt in them lol. I swear he doesn't wear that shirt constantly, I just took a ton of pictures/videos over Halloween weekend. If you get sick of the squeaking after watching my 3 videos...imagine how I feel! This is what I hear almost constantly allll day!




I hope everyone has an amazing weekend!!

I've been going slightly crazy working on the Secret Santa! We're up to 173 members now :shock:

I've got pictures from the Liberty Science Center! Even though we live so close to it, this is the first time I've ever been there. It's kind of geared more towards kids, but we wanted to see the mammoth exhibit before it leaves and we actually had a lot of fun playing around in the rest of the museum. They had a small little animal exhibit there that was really cool.

The last few pictures I'm going to post are of a preserved baby mammoth, so if stuff like that bothers you, don't look!

The view from some of the windows in the museum...



Fish! Some of these fish where bigger than my dog huge. The pictures don't do them justice!




A gecko...


This Alligator Snapping Turtle was soo cool. He was trying to hunt while we where just standing there watching him. For anyone who doesn't know, they have a little pink 'lure' on their tongues. To hunt, they stay really really still except for they wiggle around this lure, it looks like a little pink worm. Fish go inside their mouths thinking they are going to get a meal, and instead they become a meal!



Lyuba, the baby woolly mammoth. This was the big thing when we's only going to a few museums in the US before going back to Russia, so this was probably a once in a life time opportunity to see it in person. Chris and I both watched the special about how they found Lyuba and the studies they did and stuff, so we thought it'd be cool to see it in person. Honestly, it made me a little sad. I know it had been dead for millions of years already, but it was still a dead baby animal. It was crazy how much detail was intact after all that time. I think this is the most well preserved mammoth that's been found to date.




That's it. Well, I actually have a lot more - but mostly of stuff like lizards and fish and frogs and stuff. But I'm not going to upload those ones here just because I don't think many people would be all that interested anyways, and a lot of pictures didn't come out all that well since we couldn't use flash.
Wow!! Very cool pics of the baby mammoth. I agree with you that it would make me sad to see her because she is a baby. For scientific purposes, she is fascinating and a wonderful find. I hope they are able to learn more from her.

Thanks for posting the pics. They are all very cool in my opinion. I haven't been to a museum in a long time. Perhaps I'll have to tear myself away from the bunnies for a few hours to visit one... :p

Thanks for commenting :)

Chris and I have been going to museums a lot lately. We've been to 3 different ones in the last couple of months.

I'm trying to find a new comforter! It's fun looking, but frustrating because I'm too picky. Our bedroom has a winter theme, so I want something that will look nice but be durable because Kit sleeps in bed with us.

Winter cometh! We are getting a new mattress..s more reason to stay in bed on those cold mornings!
Okay I'm completely confused! So I wear contacts usually. My sight isn't horrible, but bad enough that I do wear either contacts or glasses almost constantly.

So I've been to the eye doctor in the last year, and both my eyes take the same prescription. Kit and the bunnies woke me up, so I figured I'd see if I can get some writing done early before Chris wakes up, then I'll have more time to do other stuff today.

So I go to put my contacts in because I can't see the computer screen that well without them. I put one in my left eye and it must have had dust or something on it, because it hurt really bad, so I took it out again. After looking for my glasses to no avail, I tried my contacts again but started with the other eye first.

WTH...I swear I can see out of my right eye better than my left (left has a contact in and right doesn't). It's so weird. I can SEE like perfectly unaided out of that eye. I can see out of it better than the one that has the contact in. How could my eyesight in one eye have improved that much seemingly overnight? I keep looking in the mirror, thinking something must be up. I must have a contact in that eye and not have known it or something!:?

It's the weirdest thing. I guess maybe I'll go to the eye doctor again now. I have weird eyes...they are two different colors, and now apparently one of them improved significantly in the span of one night??!?


I bought the bunnies an automatic water dish last night. One of those little numbers with the bottles attached so it refills as they drink. Ziggy and Berry drink a lot! I'm wondering though if they are just going to get food and hay in the water and dirty it all, because it will be annoying to change the big bottle of water a million times a day. We'll see, I'm hoping it works better than the little ceramic water bowl they had. If it works well, I'll probably get another one for outside the cage too.

Ziggy hasn't been peeing outside the litter box as much now since I added the grate to it. Now I'm kind of wondering if maybe his almost daily accidents where caused by him thinking that the litter box was too dirty? I don't know, because I keep them really clean, but it seems weird that the addition of a grate would make him use it more consistently. I'll take it though! Last week he only peed once on the cage floor, and twice outside the cage on the rug (yes the rugs I just cleaned ugh). 3 times in one week is a big improvement for him though. I'll have to see if he keeps it up. He's still leaving poo all over the place though! But at least those are easier to clean than pee is.

The grate is working really well though. I feel a bit nervous still because both Ziggy and Berry had sore hocks when I got them. But their feet are slowly but surely turning nice and clean and white, so hopefully the grate never starts to bother their feet.

I'm about 1/3rd of the way through doing match ups for the Bunspace secret santa. I'm really hoping to finish with that part this week.
Sometimes eyesight does change, sometimes it's just how well rested you are. I know there are days when I am just blurry all day long and need my glasses. 99% of the time I don't bother with glasses unless I know I need to see from afar for something. Every year my eye doctor says my eyes are a little bit different one way or the other and I'm like eh, whatever. It's negligible because in part he bases how focused I see the test images upon what I say is "focused". I know my eyesight best and I go with that.

Can we see a pic of your grate? It's great that Zigs is peeing less. Pee is so annoying to clean off the floor. Since putting in the grate, I haven't had to deal with some of Penny's behaviors, so it does do wonders! I doubt that Penny's recent urine improvement is due to the grate because I've had it for a long while now and she was peeing until she decided she wouldn't.
Yeah I'll get a picture of the grate today or tomorrow, I have to clean the litter box anyways. It's nothing special, I made it with hardware cloth and zip ties lol, but it works well. The holes are the perfect size that poo fits through but not too large that I'm worried about the buns getting feet caught. I think it's the same type of stuff that some people make wire rabbit hutches with.

Ziggy is still peeing on the floor, but the amount has cut way down. Where he use to do it pretty much every day, he's down to around 3 times a week now. It seems to have started right after I put the grate in, but it could just be a coincidence. Either way, I'll take it! I hope he keeps it up.
All my pets are spazzing out thanks to daylight savings time!

Ah they are going to drive me insane. Why are they so smart?

So ever since we switched the clocks back last weekend, Kit and the bunnies have been p*ssed that their normal feeding times are an hour off. I feed both Kit and the bunnies twice a day. The bunnies get a small amount of pellets for breakfast, then a giant salad for dinner.

Anyways, when it is the time they *think* they should be fed, which is now an hour before I feed them, the bunnies start thumping and rattling the bars of their pen/cage. And Kit goes into the kitchen, stands near his food dish, and barks at me. :pullhair:
So twice a day now, I have all 4 of them going at once, thinking I'm going to starve them or something if, god forbid, I feed them an hour "late".

Case in point, this afternoon I was working on the computer, when around 5 pm (I feed him at 6) Kit starts barking at me to feed him. I tell him to relax and he goes running into the kitchen, opens the cabinet door where we store his food, steals his food measuring cup, and brings it over to me at the computer. Lol look at him....

"Hey mom, have you noticed that my food cup is empty?"

"I think you should probably fill it for me, I'm hungry"

"C'mon mom I'm hungry!"

"feeeeeeeeeeed me!!"

"If you don't give me my dinner, I'll be forced to eat this cup"

"Okay, you leave me with no choice"

And the bunnies...I should take a video of how loud they are. But when I walk into their room they stop and they all stand there and stare at me like "What? Us being loud? No that must have been someone else, we are all little angels. Oh by the way, can we have some food now?" lol.

Bunnies are quiet animals my butt!

Haha it's funny/cute and annoying all at the same time. Hopefully they'll adjust soon!