Aw nobody commented my Halloween pictures, even after all the indignity Barnaby had to suffer wearing that pumpkin costume.
Oh well, I thought they turned out cute. I wanted to enter Barnaby in the Halloween photo contest, but I thought submissions ended on the 28th, so I didn't enter.
We had a nice quiet Halloween. Chris and I stayed in and watched a bunch of classic Halloween movies. We had a total of 1 trick or treater, lol. We live on a pretty busy road that's mostly stores, so almost no one trick or treats on our street.
Oh! Happy November! November is Pet Cancer Awareness month. I wrote a short article about it here...
It's something that's really hit home with me, since Zeus died basically because of surgical complications due to cancer. While I was researching for my article, I found a site that said that about 50% of pets will get cancer sometime in their life. That's a really scary statistic! I guess we can never really take our pets health for granted. I know I certainly don't!
The other day I got some pictures of the bunnies room. I still feel like I want to do a lot more work on it, but for now they are happy with it. I'll probably think about working on it more after Christmas.
Here's their pen with the door closed...
Inside of the pen, this is where I have all the crazy layers of flooring lol.
I blocked off this small section because I didn't have anything to cover the rug with, but it turned out to be a nice little area to store all my bunny supplies.
Here's the cage. It doesn' t have it's usually collection of toys in it yet though. I was washing them all before putting them back in.
The bunnies cage sign/name tags.
Another view of the pen, with pirate Kit looking guilty of something standing in front.
This is with the pen door open. I usually move that box out of the way though.
Just a cute picture of Berry.
Sooo now during the day that pen door is open, giving the bunnies free access to the rest of the apartment. If I want them confined to their room only, I put up a baby gate on their door. When I leave the house, and at night, I have been confining them to the pen/cage area. Well I still don't fully trust Ziggy and Barnaby to be together all the time, so usually when I'm not around to keep an eye on things, Ziggy gets the cage, Barnaby gets the pen, and Berry can stay wherever she seems to want to stay since she gets along well with both boys.
I have to clean the bunnies room today. This will be the first time cleaning the big litter box since I made the grate for it, so hopefully it's easier to clean than it normally is!