The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Yup...the SS always has a big turnout. I remember the first year I did it on Myspace, I think we had something like 15 bunnys, and I thought that was a lot ha. Now each year on Bunspace we usually get between 150 and 200.

Myheart, with 150 already it's not like a couple more would hurt lol. I'm expecting probably at least a few more to join late.
What gecko forum do you use? I'm a member of a few different ones but I'm not as active on them as I am on other forums.
Oh cool - I'm already a member there, but I haven't been on in a long time! I lurk sometimes, but almost never post anything.

Are you JadeIcing there too? Ha I'm DragonRain. I almost always use the same screen name.
Lol this is completely random but funny...

If you go to google maps, and do a directions search from Japan to China, it actually gives you directions. Apparently it takes 2 days to get there following the directions they give you. And the best part, is this step in the directions...

43.Jet ski across the Pacific Ocean

I love how they had to bold the Pacific Ocean, lol.

If you don't have a car, and decide you want to walk instead of drive, it will only take you a mere 31 days 18 hours, but Google maps warns you...

"Use caution – This route may be missing sidewalks or pedestrian paths."

Riiggght. Thanks google.

It has crazy steps in the walking directions like...

207.Continue on the walkway
208.Go down the hallway
209.Take the elevator down
210.Take the elevator up

But apparently somehow you're suppose to still have a Jet ski with you, because how else are you going to cross the pacific ocean ya know?

I wonder if the 31 days 18 hours is if you just walked straight without sleeping? I bet it is lol.

Haha I'm easily amused.
I bought some hardware cloth this morning and used it to make a grate for the bottom of Ziggy and Berry's litter box. Crossing my fingers that it keeps their feet cleaner, since they won't be able to stand in the dirty litter anymore.

But I cleaned their cage today and of course Ziggy had peed all over the first floor of the cage, it was all under the litter box again.

Kit has some weird toy obsession today. He brought every.single. toy. he owns into the living room. And believe me, he's a spoiled dog, he has A LOT of toys. I cleaned them all up so I could vacuum, and like 20 minutes later they were all over the living room floor again. I left them there this time for Chris to see because I think it's funny. I'll have to take a picture before I clean them up this time.
I never really thought about the travel from Japan to China, but maybe it will be worth investing in a jet-ski for.... :ponder:Will have to think about it for a while longer...

Do you think Kit is trying to tell you something?!!! Maybe he wants that mail-puppy to come back for another visit. Maybe he wants a baby brother of the fury kind to play with. ????

I don't think it's funny at all. If you need to get from Japan to China, of COURSE you'd jet ski for over 700 km, duh. :rollseyes (j/k) LOL. I told my husband and he says it's a fake... is it really on google maps??

Yeah I think Janet is right. Kit probably wants to find the bunspace mail toy ;)
Yeah lol for real, go on google maps and do a directions search from Japan to China, or the other way around.
I think Kit wants a baby brother! :innocent

Chris says I can get another dog in 2012, if the world doesn't end, lol. Kit will be around 3 then. I think that is a good age for when we get another dog. Kit will still be young and playful, but he'll be old enough that he'll be pretty well behaved and I'll be able to focus more of my attention on training a new puppy.

I made Kit home made Halloween cookies yesterday. I've been making his treats homemade for a few months now, because he has food allergies and all the commercial dog treats I've tried seem to bother him. I posted the recipe on my Examiner page (I have a few rabbit articles on there too, if anyones interested).

Homemade Halloween dog cookies

Kit LOVES his cookies. He's so funny. I put one on the living room desk because I was going to give it to him after our morning walk...but while I was in the bathroom, he jumped onto the computer chair, then onto the desk, and ate the cookie.

Oh the grate I made for Ziggy and Berry's cage is working really well! I'm happy...all those painful wire pokes I got while making it where worth it. Hopefully after awhile of not being able to stand in dirty litter, their feet will be nice and white!

Kitsune pictures!

Here's from yesterday with all his toys on the floor.




Whenever he wants to play, he comes up to me and forces toys into my hand, lol.


Spoooky Kit waiting for me to tell him "ok" so he can eat one of his cookies. What good manners! Eh ignore my dirty dishes in the background :p


I'll take some pics of the bunnies today :)
Lol he's spoiled right? I look at the picture and I'm just like....:rollseyes Jeez I'm one of THOSE people. No don't worry, I don't dress him up in baby clothes and push him around town in a stroller or anything like that, but yes he's VERY spoiled.

He really loves toys though! I swear he plays with every single one of them on an almost daily bases.

Uh he needs a new toy box, actually. The one he has is too small, so his toys kind of overflow onto the floor lol.

I took a bunch of pictures and videos of the furkids today...I'm uploading them now :)
Kit set two of his toys up in his bed like this, and I thought it was funny.


And the view from one of our apt windows, it's of exchange place in Jersey City.


Halloween(ish) pictures of the bunnies tomorrow!
I had to show my bf the Japan to China thing, he thought I made it up. lol. Andddddd he was thoroughly amused by it, haha he even took a screenshot to post on facebook.

How bored were you to look through alllllllll those directions? lol. Just imagine the person who made those directions chuckling to themselves at the jet ski one. haha. Nice find!
Lol thanks...but I can't take all the credit, because Chris told me about it! I didn't really read through all the directions, just kind of skimmed it. I was pretty bored at the time though haha. I found it pretty amusing.

Whoa up at 4 AM and I'm not at all tired. Now I'm kind of mad because Chris and I are suppose to have a Halloween movie marathon and I'll probably fall asleep :p

Since it's Halloween now anyways...











Yes Ziggy did practically fall asleep while I was taking pictures, lol.

And speaking of sleep...I'm going to go try to catch some Zzz's.

Happy Halloween!!
Aw nobody commented my Halloween pictures, even after all the indignity Barnaby had to suffer wearing that pumpkin costume.

Oh well, I thought they turned out cute. I wanted to enter Barnaby in the Halloween photo contest, but I thought submissions ended on the 28th, so I didn't enter.

We had a nice quiet Halloween. Chris and I stayed in and watched a bunch of classic Halloween movies. We had a total of 1 trick or treater, lol. We live on a pretty busy road that's mostly stores, so almost no one trick or treats on our street.

Oh! Happy November! November is Pet Cancer Awareness month. I wrote a short article about it here...
It's something that's really hit home with me, since Zeus died basically because of surgical complications due to cancer. While I was researching for my article, I found a site that said that about 50% of pets will get cancer sometime in their life. That's a really scary statistic! I guess we can never really take our pets health for granted. I know I certainly don't!

The other day I got some pictures of the bunnies room. I still feel like I want to do a lot more work on it, but for now they are happy with it. I'll probably think about working on it more after Christmas.

Here's their pen with the door closed...

Inside of the pen, this is where I have all the crazy layers of flooring lol.

I blocked off this small section because I didn't have anything to cover the rug with, but it turned out to be a nice little area to store all my bunny supplies.

Here's the cage. It doesn' t have it's usually collection of toys in it yet though. I was washing them all before putting them back in.

The bunnies cage sign/name tags.

Another view of the pen, with pirate Kit looking guilty of something standing in front.

This is with the pen door open. I usually move that box out of the way though.

Just a cute picture of Berry.

Sooo now during the day that pen door is open, giving the bunnies free access to the rest of the apartment. If I want them confined to their room only, I put up a baby gate on their door. When I leave the house, and at night, I have been confining them to the pen/cage area. Well I still don't fully trust Ziggy and Barnaby to be together all the time, so usually when I'm not around to keep an eye on things, Ziggy gets the cage, Barnaby gets the pen, and Berry can stay wherever she seems to want to stay since she gets along well with both boys.

I have to clean the bunnies room today. This will be the first time cleaning the big litter box since I made the grate for it, so hopefully it's easier to clean than it normally is!
Sorry I didn't comment on your pics, but I did look at them. Honestly, I would have really had a difficult time picking out the best pic. They are all so cute!!

Barnaby is way too cute as a little punkin!! Makes me wish I could have been there to smooch him on the nose.... :p