That's a good idea. My humid hides aren't pretty either, I made them out of Tupperware containers. They work well though so that's good.
So I was thinking a lot last night about how I want to set up the bunny room once those foam things get here. I thought of a bunch of stuff I'd like to buy/make the bunnies. But I'm kind of going to have to do this a little at a time. I'd like to do it all at once and be done, but Chris' birthday is next month, and then Christmas, I'm going to be putting most of my extra money for the next two months into getting presents for those.
Things to (eventually) buy the bunnies (the list)!
Party deck for their cage
Exit ramp for their cage
Bunny Blossom print to hang on the wall in their room
Bunny playland tunnel to hang toys from? Or make something similar
<>Giant water bowls (2)
<>New litter box
<>Wire mesh to make custom litter boxes
<>Other supplies to make litter boxes
<>Hay racks to put inside the litter boxes
<>Rug for the other half of the room
<>Willow toys
<>More hanging toys
<>More toys!
Yeah...Soo I came up with this idea last night of how I want to make them custom litter boxes, that should make cleaning easier as well as keeping Berry and Ziggy from getting stained feet. It's kind of confusing to describe, but I'll be sure to post pictures when I attempt to make it, and let you all know how it works.
I took the bunnies water bottles out of the cages last night to clean them, and decided that I don't think I'm going to put them back in. I think I'll just stick with bowls for awhile, since they are so much easier to clean. But since I have three rabbits all eating/drinking from the same bowls, I want to get them one of those huge water bowls they make for dogs - the ones with the bottles attached so when they drink from the bowl, it automatically refills from the bottle. They way, they shouldn't run out of water to fast, and I shouldn't have to refill their water bowl a million times a day.
Last night I randomly cleaned one of the litter boxes at like 2 in the morning. I spent some time grooming Ziggy. Trying to groom Ziggy is like trying to groom a ticked off grizzly bear! He HATES, despises, loathes being held. As I was sitting on the floor in there room with a very disapproving Ziggy on my lap, Berry was running all around me, licking my legs, biting my socks...then all of a sudden she jumped on Ziggy's head so she could stick her face right up into my face to beg for attention. Poor Ziggy...his Berry hat he was forced to don for a few seconds weighs more than he does! The only thing hurt was Ziggy's ego, luckily.
I know I complained about my bunnies not being all that friendly recently. In hindsight, that was a bit unfair of me. Berry has been incredibly sweet lately. She runs up to me whenever I come near, and when I sit down in the room with them, Berry is allll over me. She runs around me in circles, jumps all over my lap, licks me, gives me little love bites...she's so cute. I think my problem is, that I haven't been taking enough time lately to just enjoy the bunnies. I rarely ever just sit down and spend time with them anymore - usually if I'm with them, I'm cleaning up after them. But it takes me so long to clean up after slobby Zigs and his little presents that he leaves all over the room, that when I'm finally done I just want to go relax or do something else. I need to try harder to just spend some quality time with them, where I can focus all my attention on them instead of on the cleaning or anything else. I think I'm going to start setting aside an hour or so everyday - put Kit in his crate, and just sit down and spend some time with the bunnies - no cleaning, no grooming them, no distractions, just focus on them for awhile.