The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Yeah, having layers to absorb the urine does help. Believe me, you don't realize how much work and how annoying it is to clean under the foam mats until it actually seeps down there. 1 tiny little pee puddle becomes this huuuuge wet area because of the way it spreads under the mats :( It's a huge reason I switched from those foam mats to one large foam mat with no "seams" that connect. It's meant to be placed under kid sized pools so it's pretty big. I had a post about it during the summer when I found this little treasure. She still managed to pee once on the side and it did spread below, but it was only one random time. Most of the time, the towel and the bed pad soaks up most of the damage.
Yeah I'm sure it's annoying! The set up I have now - the area rugs I use seem to do a pretty good job at blocking the pee from soaking down under the rug. It's still annoying to clean, but at least all I usually have to do is clean the first rug - I don't have to lift the rug to clean the other rug under that or the floor.

Ha I have two area rugs, one on top of the other - because the first one I got was a nice, kind of expensive sessile rug that is a huge pain in the butt to clean liquids off of. Then I got a cheapo low pile rug from the clearance section at Home Depot. I put the nice rug down first, then put the cheap rug over it, because Ziggy kept peeing on the sessile rug and cleaning it was driving me insane. My goal was to get Ziggy to stop peeing all over the place, then eventually remove the cheap rug. But no luck so far.

Sooo my idea now is I'll have that foam flooring, then the sessile rug, then the cheapo rug, then maybe an incontinence pad, because I think that might be easier to clean than the cheap area rug. Lots of layers! Hopefully enough to keep the pee from soaking in to far and to cushion the bunny sounds more. If stupid Ziggy ever stops peeing all over the place, maybe someday I can get rid of the cheap rug and just use the nicer rug and the foam.

This is all just in the penned off section in their room that I'm thinking of now, where they spend the most time - the other half of their room is, right now, just the linoleum with some towels laid out for Barnaby because he won't walk on the linoleum. I want to be able to take up the towels and use the foam cubes or a rug over the linoleum there too, maybe, if it works out.

Where did you get the large foam mat? Do you have a link or anything? I know I saw it on your blog but I don't remember when it was, to go looking for your post.

Silly spoiled bunnies. I don't think I've ever put this much thought in flooring before lol. It's Ziggy's fault...sometimes I wish he could just live in the bathtub or something. :p And speaking of messy Ziggy, I've been procrastinating cleaning up after him all day! Guess I should go get to that.
lol! That IS a lot of layers. Cleaning rug is tough though, that's why I got the incontinence pads. There are disposable ones too. Something like 300 pads for ~$30 so maybe that would be worth the money. The washables I got are about the same price, but the reason I got the washable ones was because they are bigger and 1 pad covers Penny's entire pen so she can't go digging them up at the edges.

The foam mat was from Toys R Us. I spotted it by the cashiers and then circled back to get on the checkout line a second time lol It was only $19.99 and I thought it was a great purchase. It's really big, about the size of 6 foam mats put together in a rectangle.
Ah thanks! I do remember when you posted about that. I just ordered a couple sets of the puzzle piece foam though...I think I should be able to keep the pee from soaking down to them. I wanted something to get here kind of fast - we have a new tenet moving into the apartment that's right under the bunny room. I want to get the foam on the floor before she moves in, so hopefully I won't get any noise complaints about the bunnies running around all hours of the night. I don't know when the next time I'd go to Toys R Us is. But I'll deffinatly look for those mats next time I go! Even with the foam I ordered, I'll still have like half of the bunny room to cover at some other time - I keep them in their pen at night now so that's the area I'm concentrating on soundproofing the most.

Cleaning the cheap rug I have as the top layer isn't tough. The fibers of the rug are really short and tightly woven, so the pee usually just sits on the top for a really long time. If I don't catch it, and it does get a chance to soak down into the rug, it's easy to clean with just a spray bottle of vinegar and paper towels. The stain comes up really easily. I've never had pee soak all the way through the rug, I think because I always catch it before it gets a chance too. Probably another plus is that as long as the rug doesn't smell bad, I don't really care how stained it looks. I got it really cheap and my hope is still that I can just throw it away someday when/if Ziggy ever stops peeing on the floor.

If I get the incontinence pads, I'd just get the washable ones. I'm thinking of getting two of them, so while I'm washing one I have a backup. I'm a dork and always try to be all green, I don't like getting disposable things if there's a good, reusable alternative. Plus the bigger size is a plus, the more area the pad covers, the less pee I have to clean up off of other things.
Okay so I feel a little bad...I let a few pet birthdays pass and totally forgot about them. I usually remember bunny birthdays and of course Kit's, but it's a harder thing to remember for the fish & lizards and stuff. Then today I was looking at their records and realized I forgot their birthdays.


Courage the betta fish turned 2 on July 10th!

Haku the leopard gecko turned 2 on July 17th!

Aurora the leopard gecko turned 2 on September 20th!

Uh, Happy birthday guys! Heh...better late than never right? Don't worry, I don't think they're too upset that I forgot ;)
Me too! I get all my pets Christmas gifts, but I'm not usually too big on birthdays for the smaller pets. I don't even usually get the rabbits birthday gifts, except for maybe a few extra treats. All my pets are spoiled all year round, so I figure that makes up for no birthday presents.

And lizard gifts ideas? I'm thinking of getting Haku and Aurora some new hides or something. Not sure yet though.

I ordered 2 sets of those foam puzzle piece things, there suppose to get here sometime between next Tuesday and Friday. When they get here, I'm going to be doing another major over hall of the bunny room. I'm going to reset the cage up to one 3 story cage again and move stuff around, I think. We'll see how long the new setup will last before I want to change it again.

That's a good idea. My humid hides aren't pretty either, I made them out of Tupperware containers. They work well though so that's good.

So I was thinking a lot last night about how I want to set up the bunny room once those foam things get here. I thought of a bunch of stuff I'd like to buy/make the bunnies. But I'm kind of going to have to do this a little at a time. I'd like to do it all at once and be done, but Chris' birthday is next month, and then Christmas, I'm going to be putting most of my extra money for the next two months into getting presents for those.

Things to (eventually) buy the bunnies (the list)!
<>Party deck for their cage
<>Exit ramp for their cage
<>Bunny Blossom print to hang on the wall in their room
<>Bunny playland tunnel to hang toys from? Or make something similar
<>Giant water bowls (2)
<>New litter box
<>Wire mesh to make custom litter boxes
<>Other supplies to make litter boxes
<>Hay racks to put inside the litter boxes
<>Rug for the other half of the room
<>Willow toys
<>More hanging toys
<>More toys!

Yeah...Soo I came up with this idea last night of how I want to make them custom litter boxes, that should make cleaning easier as well as keeping Berry and Ziggy from getting stained feet. It's kind of confusing to describe, but I'll be sure to post pictures when I attempt to make it, and let you all know how it works.

I took the bunnies water bottles out of the cages last night to clean them, and decided that I don't think I'm going to put them back in. I think I'll just stick with bowls for awhile, since they are so much easier to clean. But since I have three rabbits all eating/drinking from the same bowls, I want to get them one of those huge water bowls they make for dogs - the ones with the bottles attached so when they drink from the bowl, it automatically refills from the bottle. They way, they shouldn't run out of water to fast, and I shouldn't have to refill their water bowl a million times a day.

Last night I randomly cleaned one of the litter boxes at like 2 in the morning. I spent some time grooming Ziggy. Trying to groom Ziggy is like trying to groom a ticked off grizzly bear! He HATES, despises, loathes being held. As I was sitting on the floor in there room with a very disapproving Ziggy on my lap, Berry was running all around me, licking my legs, biting my socks...then all of a sudden she jumped on Ziggy's head so she could stick her face right up into my face to beg for attention. Poor Ziggy...his Berry hat he was forced to don for a few seconds weighs more than he does! The only thing hurt was Ziggy's ego, luckily.

I know I complained about my bunnies not being all that friendly recently. In hindsight, that was a bit unfair of me. Berry has been incredibly sweet lately. She runs up to me whenever I come near, and when I sit down in the room with them, Berry is allll over me. She runs around me in circles, jumps all over my lap, licks me, gives me little love bites...she's so cute. I think my problem is, that I haven't been taking enough time lately to just enjoy the bunnies. I rarely ever just sit down and spend time with them anymore - usually if I'm with them, I'm cleaning up after them. But it takes me so long to clean up after slobby Zigs and his little presents that he leaves all over the room, that when I'm finally done I just want to go relax or do something else. I need to try harder to just spend some quality time with them, where I can focus all my attention on them instead of on the cleaning or anything else. I think I'm going to start setting aside an hour or so everyday - put Kit in his crate, and just sit down and spend some time with the bunnies - no cleaning, no grooming them, no distractions, just focus on them for awhile.
Ahh I swear Holland lops are slobs! Absolute slobs!

Don't get me wrong, they are great rabbits - adorable, sweet, funny...but no rabbit I have ever owned has been as messy as my Hollands.

Case in point - I gave each of my bunnies a little piece of carrot this morning. I gave them all about the same size piece. After they all finished, this is what they looked like...






See a difference? Lol...and if you'll look at the above pictures of Berry, and notice her gross stained feet (Ziggy's look the same, but no pictures of his today), and then look at Barnaby's feet....


Yeah. These are three rabbits who all live together. They eat the same food, live in the same room, use the same litter boxes that are on the same cleaning schedule. Somehow Barnaby manages to keep himself spotlessly clean...Berry and Ziggy, not so much!

So speaking of messy bunnies...I'm starting to really go crazy cleaning their room, to get ready for when the foam flooring gets here. I took out one of there area rugs and have it soaking in the's so gross. Later today or tomorrow I'm going to work on the cage (cleaning it like crazy and putting it back to one 3 level cage) and then I have to clean the second area rug, mop the floor, and after that I should be ready to put down the foam floor, whenever that gets here.

When people talk about getting bunnies, I almost never hear people warning potential new owners about how much they shed! That's one thing I had to find out the hard way...each of my 4lb and under bunnies shed WAY more than even my 15 lb dog does. I vacuum their room every day to every other day, and every time this is what I get...


A vacuum FULL of fur. All that is rabbit fur that I vacuumed off their rug this morning. Yuck.

Gotta love messy bunnies! ;) I'm somewhat of a neat freak, so spend waay to much time cleaning up after them. I'm hoping after I re-set up there room again, that this time it will be a little bit easier to clean.
LOL!!!! Carrot stains are sooo cute. I can't believe how messy your lops are! Barnaby wouldn't be caught dead with such a mess ;)

But yeah, I do believe you about the fur. Ay carumba.
Ha they do look cute all covered in carrot...but Barnaby is such a neat freak. He takes after me, I guess.

I don't know how much more punishment my vacuum can take. It always gets all clogged up with rabbit fur and it's so gross to have to clean out. I think when I have the extra money, I'll think about getting a new vacuum.

The foam thingeys came from Wal*Mart yesterday. Jeez they where packaged so poorly. Two HUGE boxes, then the foam puzzle pieces, one set in each box, and a ton of packing paper. I don't know why it was necessary to package each set in a separate giant box, but oh least they got here quickly.

Yesterday I got both rugs washed, now I'm just waiting for them to dry. Once Chris wakes up and I can get into the bedroom/bunny room, I'm going to work on the cage, cleaning, and getting their room put back together. I'm not sure If I'm going to like the cage better how it was, or how I'm going to move it. I guess I can always rearrange again if I don't like how I move it around.
Awe... I wish I could have smooched on those carrot-stained lips!!! :p

I had a BEW for a foster-bun earlier this year, and he used to get the cutest carrot-stained lips. I almost wish every-bun would get them, so that we all knew they enjoyed their most delicious meals.

Yeah...they're carrot lips are so cute...I even got some carrot breathe bunny kisses from Berry, it was so sweet.

I kind of wish they stopped at the carrot lips though. Cute messy bunny faces are one thing, but their bad litter box habits and sloppy natures are quite another.

I spent a ton of time yesterday moving the bunny room around. It was kind of frustrating and I'm still not done but I think the end result should look okay but more importantly, be easier to keep cleaner. We'll see how it works out.
I like working on the bunny room though :) After I moved it around last weekend Chris just kind of laughed at me, and asked how long was I going to wait before moving it around again. I think it will be awhile - But I do have fun setting up the room for them.

I feel kind of bad though. One of the area rugs is still wet. I layed it out in there room anyways because it dries better when it's out flat. But I haven't been letting the bunnies out in their room much because I don't really want them running around on the wet rug. Plus it's the nice rug that's wet - when it dries I am going to cover it with the crappy rug again.

The bunnies don't seem to be too upset though. In a few days at the latest the rug should be dry and they can have their room back. In the mean time, they have been getting lots of extra run time in the living room.
150 individual bunnies or groups signed up for the Bunspace Secret Santa.

Ack...that's over 150 bunnies I have to make sure get Christmas presents this year...ah plus my 3 of course ;)

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