The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Yeah maybe, I have no idea. I've been running 3 times a week on top of working out and doing karate and kendo, so I really have no idea when I hurt it but I must have done something to it. Ah well, hopefully it heals on it's own because I don't have insurance right now and don't really want to pay to go to the doctors for it.

I have this weird obsession with always wanting to make changes to the bunny room, I don't know why! I just redid the whole room a few months ago, now I'm itching to change it again, even though probably in all actuality it's fine how it is. I dunno, it's fun for me I guess.
We got Kit a new toy online, and it got here today. We had to wrap it for him, because Kit loves opening presents! Here's the ending of his present opening...


And playing with his new toy, but this video isn't that great. I took a bunch of videos of him playing with Mr.Bill, but I couldn't stop laughing so I ruined most of the videos worse then this one because I'd laugh and shake the camera around too much. ;)


I'm going to be hearing a lot of that toy now I'm sure. But it's so funny! Kit can't play with it without making me crack up.
I am SOO happy!

I know I wrote about here what a bad month January was for me this year.

Firstly, because that's when Berry had her stroke so I was dealing with a lot of stress involving all that. Her vet bills where very expensive (still not paid off!) and the vets weren't very optimistic that she'd make it. But yay, look at my Berry now - you can't even really tell anything was ever wrong with her. She's living the good life and is a very very sweet and happy girl.

Secondly, because last January, right after new years, was when the desktop computer me and Chris had been using for a year broke. It wouldn't turn on at all. Chris tried to fix it as much as he could, with no luck. We didn't know exactly what was wrong with it, and didn't have a ton of funds to put into either fixing it or buying a new computer, which is why until very recently, we where stuck using my 7 year old laptop for a computer.

But I was very upset when the computer crashed, because I lost just about over a full years worth of pictures that I didn't back up. I was so sad - I lost pictures of the day Chris and I got engaged, lots of pictures of the bunnies including some of the last pictures I had of Zeus, friends, family, and alllll of Kit's baby pictures starting from the day we first met him at the breeders, up until right after his first birthday.

So yeah, I was really really sad when I thought I lost all that. Buut we have our new computer now, which is awesome, and recently Chris bought this thing that you can take a hard drive out of a computer and make it into an external hard drive. Last night he tried it with the hard drive from the computer we thought was totaled and....

I got all my pictures back!!!!

I'm so so sooooooooooo happy! I wanted to cry looking at them all last night - Thousands and thousands of pictures that mean a lot to me, and that I thought for sure where gone forever. So yeah, lesson learned, all my pictures are backed up now!

So now I have this insane number of pictures ha, I would just love to share them all but I know that along with people probably just not caring, it would be way insane to even begin to show a portion of them. But I will! lol.

Here's a some to start, that made me cry. Barnaby back when he was, I think, the happiest he's ever been - with his best friend in the world, Zeus.










Ah I have so many pictures - pet birthdays, Christmas, ones from the day I first got Ziggy and Berry - alll Kit's baby pictures. I'm so beyond happy to have them all back! I have to sort through them all this week to get them ready to upload online so I'll have a backup of them if anything ever happens. I'm sure I'll share more of them, a little at a time!

Chris and I spent the day in NYC yesterday. We went to the Museum of Natural History and then after we finished walking around there, went out for a late lunch and walked around Central Park. I have a lot of pictures of the museum too, but it'll probably take me at least a few days to upload them.

I hope everyone else is having a great weekend!!

Looking at older pictures of Barnaby, I think I should let his fur grow out long again. He looks cuter with his long hair, methinks.




These where from the first day Zigs and Berry moved here...



Berry on her 3rd (I think) birthday...


Some of my favorites of Ziggy...



And a memorial photo I had draw of Zeus, by a member of another forum that I moderate. I wanted to have the picture printed and hung in the rabbit room, but I never got around to it and then I lost the picture for all that time.


I'm pretty much done sorting through all the bunny pictures that Chris got back for me. Soo probably no more old picture spams, unless I post a few of the many adorable Kit baby pictures I have.
Aww, Barnaby and Zeus really look happy together. Zeus was such a handsome little cutie. Love the pic of Barnaby in a pumpkin!! It's like he fell in, and didn't know what to do. Only a matter of seconds until he figure out he can eat his way out...
Thanks! Ah if only Barnaby would eat pumpkin...he doesn't. He's such a picky eater, I have a whole list of foods that he just refuses to touch.

Lucky for the doggy I guess, because I just gave Kit some of the bunnies canned pumpkin that I have stocked up. Poor Kit...Chris gave him a bunch of junk food over the weekend and now of course I'm the one who's stuck staying up all night with a sick pup. I gave him a bath because he got himself all icky, and other than being wet and cold he at least seems to be feeling better now. Maybe we'll get some sleep tonight eventually.

Earlier though I was upset with Kit...he completely destroyed one of our expensive foam pillows. He ripped it up into little pieces while I was in the shower and Chris was watching TV. We only had it for like 2 months too, ah the joy of having pets.

I lied...I found a few more bunny pics to share. These are bad pictures because they where scanned onto the computer, but they are pictures of my first bunny ever, Nibbles! My parents got him when I was just a little kid, like 3 or something, and he passed away just over 15 years later, in my arms. He lived outside in the beginning, but when I got older and researched rabbits on my own, I convinced my parents into letting me move him inside. He lived in a sectioned off area of our kitchen. He was never neutered, but had insanly amazing litter box skills and other than occasionally chewing on things he wasn't suppose to, like my moms expensive new couch cover, he was a really well behaved rabbit. I grew up with this guy and have a lot of good memories of him.

The cat in the first picture was the cat I had as a teenager. She's gone now too. She was a pretty evil cat, but I loved her. Her name was Agatha, aka Aggie. She was a pretty little calico with a really horrible attitude. I use to really like cats, but after dealing with her I never wanted another one again, lol. Which works out fine anyways, since Chris is allergic to cats.




Aw thanks :) I'll see what I can do about sharing some of his baby pictures here soon. He was the cutest puppy! I'm SO happy that I got all those pictures back.

I have to do something about the bunnies litter boxes. They are driving me insane. I need to make some kind of a grate for the bottom of them or something, so the bunnies can't stand in the dirty litter. It seems like no matter how often I clean the boxes, no matter what litter I use, Berry and Ziggy get pee stains all over their feet. I finally thought they where getting better since I started cleaning out the boxes every other day, then this morning for whatever reason Zigs and Berry had both slept in the litter box, got pee all over their feet, then got little pee footprints all over the inside of their cage. Yuck!

The thing is that they need large litter boxes too. This is the only commercial box I've found so far that's tall and large enough to work well for them...

If I get boxes smaller than that, all my bunnies don't fit well inside. Of course they all HAVE to be in the box at the same time, for some reason. If I get one with lower sides, Ziggy pees over the sides. So I have one of those high sided big Rubbermaid litter boxes, and then I just use modified plastic tote boxes. The biig ones, and I cut holes in them so the bunnies can get inside.

I think I'm going to get some new totes, some grating, and try to rig something up so that the bunnies can't get pee on themselves anymore.
Kit baby pictures, as requested. Aww I love my Kit so much!

Here he was as a newborn...


With his doggy family! Kit is the little porker with the all white body that's squished up against the mom, you can't see him that well.


This was at his breeders house, about a week or two (I can't remember exactly) before we took him home with us.


First day home! Here's our little Kit, sleeping on Chris' lap in the middle of the kitchen floor. Kit loves his dad! The first thing he did pretty much when we got him home was jump up on Chris' lap to take a was a long ride home! He looks so little here!


Here he is wearing his first collar!


This is a classic Kit picture, he's such a goofball. Thinking "inside" the box!!


We call this toy his "wife", for oveous reasons. He still snuggles with it and kisses on it all the time....despite the fact that his wife has seen better days now.


Floppy eared baby...looks like Kit needs to grow into his legs lol.


This was when he was around 5 months old. By 5/6 months, he pretty much looks like how he looks now as far as his coloring goes. You can see his coloring changed a lot from when he was a newborn till he was 5 months. But at 5 months, he pretty much looks like the Kit we all know and love - he just had a tiny bit more growing to do, and his fur has grown out since then.


That's it I guess. I have a lot more, but I don't want to overdo it. After the 6 month mark, he pretty much looks like what he looks like now, and I know I show plenty of current pictures of him.

Looking at all his baby pictures really brought back a lot of good memories. I can't even put into words how happy I am that I have all those pictures back!
Ya know the strange thing, and I think I've mentioned this here before, is that I never really saw myself as a dog person either.

I kind of started thinking about getting a dog while I was in college, when I had just the bunnies. I loved my bunnies, of course, but wanted a pet who would enjoy spending time with me and be more friendly/social. Also I love hiking and spending time outside, and I wanted a pet that could double as a hiking buddy, so I didn't have to go alone all the time.

Chris and I decided to get a dog after we moved in together. He was a huge pain in the butt as a puppy, there where times when I seriously questioned our decision to get a dog...he was both mine and Chris' first puppy of our own, that we had to raise and train completely on our own, and I don't think we fully realized how much work it would be!

But it was SO worth the trouble - Kit is an amazing little guy. I have completly fallin in love with him, and because of him, I don't ever see myself without a dog now.
Kit is so adorable! He looked pretty different as a puppy, but still has that sorta playful charm ;) Love these pics. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks. I was surprised at how much he changed, actually. He was the cutest puppy ever. Sometimes I miss his puppy days, especially looking at those pictures. His fuzzy puppy fur was so adorable.

In all actuality though, he's nearly 2 years old and he's still just as playful as he was when he was a pup. I like that - he's a lot of fun, and keeps me on my toes! I've always had a thing for machevous animals. :biggrin:

The bunnies are doing well. I cleaned Barnaby's cage and some of the room today. I'm trying out an every other day litter box schedule, so I'm cleaning litter boxes everyday, but different ones. It's easier and takes less time than cleaning all of them at once. I think I've been doing a better job at keeping their room clean, but we'll see. I really need to get new litter boxes and try to rig up some grating or something so Berry and Ziggy's feet don't get all stained all the time.
I think I'm going to get these...

For the bunny room floor. I need to remeasure the room first though to decide how many I want to get for now. I'm kind of thinking I might even do two layers of the mats in the high traffic bunny areas. They're not too pretty, but I'm planning on covering them over with area rugs anyways. I'm hoping that the extra cushioning on the floor will help to buffer the sounds of the bunnies running around on the floor, especially at night. We'll see I guess.

Those definitely help with the tippity tappity sounds they make. Just be careful if any of your buns pee on the floor... Penny likes to pee in the cracks (connecting sides) of those mats and so the urine seeps down, then spreads because of the flatness of the mat pressing down......... :grumpy::grumpy::grumpy::grumpy::grumpy::grumpy::grumpy:
Hm yeah Ziggy does pee on the floor. He's not too bad, but at least a few times a week he pees in random spots. I'm thinking I'll do layers - I'll put those foam things down, then their rugs, then maybe get some of those bed incontinence pads you recommended on top of everything. All the layers should hopefully help minimize the noise, and make things easier for me to clean.

If the pee soaked down to the floor it wouldn't be a huge deal I guess, since the flooring is linoleum so it's water proof and easy to clean, but it would still be a pain to have to move and clean everything to get to the floor.

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