The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Baci has a profile on Bunspace also. I tried but just can't get into it. It'shard enough for me to update this blog. Maybe I'll try again. The Secret Santa sounds like fun though.

I love the pictures of the three of them sharing the pellets!What a great picture.

Will you be going to the Bunny Spa next weekend?
Nope no bunny spa for me. I'd like to go sometime, but I really have no way of getting there easily and my bunnies would probably hate me for like a week if I took them lol. Plus I groom them all myself really often so they don't really need nail trims or scent gland cleaning or anything like that.

I've been getting hay 9 or 10lbs at a time lately just because shipping is cheaper, and the 10lb box is easier for me to carry and store. Sometimes I feel like it's not worth it because 10lbs with 3 piggy bunnies doesn't last me very long. I can never decide if I want to go back to ordering larger boxes, then just end up getting smaller ones. Maybe I should just get a big box this time - maybe something other than timothy since their last couple of boxes where timothy. I like Kleenmama, but Sweet Meadows is cheaper and honestly my bunnies don't care which I get - heck, they eat cardboard and paper so they shouldn't be picky about hay lol.

I've been drinking the funky koolaid for a loong time now, lol. I've had bunnies since I was a little yay hay!

I'm really only big on Bunspace around the holidays. I go weeks and weeks without checking in there during the rest of the year - but because of the Secret Santa, I sign in there almost every day from Oct. when the exchange sign ups start, all the way through Dec.
My buns do like Sweet Meadow but there's something about the "meadow" smell of the timothy that bothers me personally. I suppose I could get used to it but I'm pretty hooked on Kleenmama right now. It's definitely pricey, no doubt about that... I'm not terribly compelled to switch yet though.
Ah I see. The Sweet Meadow hay doesn't bother me. I haven't really noticed it smelling different than other hay I've tried - but then again, I don't have the best sense of smell either.

I like Kleenmama's blue grass, and the third cut timothy. I still order those from there every once in awhile. But last time I ordered the regular timothy I wasn't that impressed. I don't know if I got a bad batch or what, but the bunnies ended up wasting a lot of it. It was only that one time, so it could have just been bad luck, but Sweet Meadow Farms is cheaper and I've never had any issues with them, so I use them most of the time. Plus that farm is really close to where I use to live in MA, which I think is kind of cool.
I'm glad it's friday :biggrin2:

Chris and I are going out to dinner tonight, which isn't something we do all that often. Usually I just cook at home. This morning I got up to walk Kit and say bye to Chris before he left for work, and Chris was all dressed up. I asked him if he had a meeting at work or something, because usually he dresses pretty casual for work, and he said no, he's going out on a date and wanted to look nice to impress a lady. He's so silly - I thought that was really sweet of him to get all dressed up for our dinner. I have to find something nice to wear now, I can't let him outdo me!

I've been having a kind of rough week with my sister. She's having a lot of problems lately, I literally talked to her on the phone for like 6 hours yesterday trying to give her advice and cheer her up. She got fired from her job, then broke up with her fiance and the father of her two kids, and to top it all off, her dog got loose early in the morning the other day and attacked another dog, so now she has to pay some other ladies vet bills when she doesn't even have a job anymore to be able to afford to take care of her own children. She's in a tough situation and I really feel for her. I wish I could do more to help.

The bunnies are doing wonderful. All the other pets are too. Doing the Bunspace Secret Santa has been really time consuming this week - it takes me at least a couple of hours a day to go through and record everyone who wants to sign up that day.

I'm so tired today. It's only noontime and I feel like all I want to do is crawl back into bed. But I have to clean the house and run a few errends and stuff then get ready to meet Chris at the restaurant we're going too. At least it's the weekend soon, I usually get more sleep on the weekends.
Ah I was laughing my butt off this morning taking pictures of Kit. I took pictures and videos of him playing with his tennis ball. After awhile, he was getting sick of getting his picture taken, and from there on out, these are the only types of pictures I got...





I seriously got like 20 pictures of him sticking his tongue out at me. It was soo funny! I get the "picture", Kit, the camera is going away for the day!


Haha thanks! It wasn't so much a matter of timing - because he was literally standing in front of me with his tongue out while I was trying to get normal pictures of him. I couldn't have missed getting at least a few tongue pictures if I tried. Kit is such a goof.

Thanks for the comment Ali! But I could never ever part with my goofball Kit!

Dinner was great :) We had a lot of fun!

I didn't sleep well at all last night. I kind of half slept all night - ya know like when you're sort of sleeping, but you can still think? And you can control what happens in your dreams and stuff...So of course I woke up still really exhausted. Anyways I brought it up because while I was laying in bed not sleeping, I heard the bunnies running around. I went in their room and all three of them where running bunny 500's and doing binkies all at the same time. Made me really happy :) I haven't seen them binky for a long time, apparently because they like to do it in the middle of the night when I'm normally sleeping.

My lovely pets are just doing a really good job at making me happy today :biggrin2:
What is it about bunnies...why do they have such a hold on me? Ah I'll never know. I went from uttering every swear in the book and making up some new ones while cleaning their room, wondering why the heck I put up with them, to asking Chris what he thought about getting a 4th someday.

I spend a lot of money on them, I spend a lot of time with them and taking care of them, and what do I get in return? I get an apartment full of rabbit hair, I get allergies, I get frustrated when I have to spend 2 hours on a beautiful Sunday afternoon cleaning up after them, just to have them poop on the floor again 10 minutes later. They are barely affectionate....and that's being generous.

And I don't think I'd have things any other way. I can't ever picture myself with out a rabbit in my life. I think I'll always have at least one. I know I'd really really miss having them around if I ever didn't have any. They frustrate me sometimes, but I love them.

I know what you mean. There are days when I'm like, gosh I wish it was back when I had just Kirby. Upkeep was easy. I didn't spend hours daily keeping my place clean so I wouldn't suffer allergies. Feeding was easier. I spent less money on food. And I got to devote myself to one Kirby.

But then I think about how much I enjoy watching Toby's mischief and how Kirby lights up around Penny...

My buns hardly show affection, except Penny. I would be lucky if I got a nip to show acknowledgment of my existence. But the effect.they have on me is tremendous. I also think that while I may not be entertaining the idea of any additional buns now, I think I'll always have at least one in my life. Though I have a feeling this assessment will be reevaluated if I lose Kirby one day. I have absolutely no idea just how badly I will take losing him some inevitable day. I can only hope at that time I still have room in my heart for a furry bun.
Yeah I can relate. I always use to think I'd want a lot of rabbits some day, but now I have 3 of them, the most I've ever had at one time, and some days I find myself wishing I had just stuck to one.

But then the other day I was asking Chris what he thought about finding another friend for Barnaby someday (Probably not anytime soon though), and keeping 2 separate pairs instead of my unstable trio. But you know with my luck, something would happen with Barnaby and the new rabbit and I'd have to keep them separate, another cage to clean.

I think in the future I might try to stick to having just one bonded pair.

When Zeus died I didn't think I'd ever want another bunny. But of course, at the time I still had Barnaby. Then I adopted Berry and Ziggy for Barnaby, because Barnaby isn't friendly to humans and seems to get depressed as a single bunny. In retrospect it probably would have been better if I had just gotten one addition rabbit for Barnaby instead of two at once, but Ziggy and Berry where already bonded, and needed a new home around NYC around the same time when I moved to an area just outside of the city. It just felt like it was meant to be for some reason.

My rabbits really aren't affectionate. Which I understand and accept, that's just how a lot of rabbits are. But sometimes I wish I had more of a relationship with them - that I was more to them than just the person who feeds and cleans up after them. But at the end of the day, I'm just happy that they are happy.

RIP box fort! I took down the bunnies giant box fort yesterday while I was cleaning. It got to the point that it was so chewed up, it was barely holding together. I gave them a new box - nothing fancy this time, just a box with a hole cut in it. I figured they can do all the work making windows and doors this time.

When I had just one, I think life was pretty good. Kirby didn't always look engaged and stimulated. He was probably a little bored but he was not lonely, I think. I spent hours and hours with him every night. If I was home and I wasn't eating dinner, I was with Kirby. He and I got really close once he got over his shyness. It was my own compulsive human need that resulted in Toby. And after a year when they didn't work out I got Penny. But in retrospect I got them more for me, because Kirby was happy as he was. He has his moments when I can tell he's more happy with a bonded friend. But Penny puts so much added stress on me that I do often feel like I wish I didn't do it and just stuck to my two boys. I think having two singles is as fine as having one bonded pair. It is a little more work but at any rate, two rabbits in the home is a good number. Especially a home the size of a city apartment.

I think that the buns are thankful that they have humans who take care of them. That includes feeding and cleaning but also spending the time to play with them. At the shelter we can usually pick out the bunnies who we suspect didn't get socialized in their previous homes and it is a shame. With time we usually see those bunnies blossom and show their true happy bunny selves. So I think that our buns are thankful that they can be themselves in our home without being on guard. They just don't know how to show it in ways that we understand.
Thanks Vircia!! I think he is too, but you know I'm biased! ;)

See I think Barnaby was lonely after Zeus died. Zeus was always his lifeline - Barnaby is very nervous around people but he LOVES being around other rabbits. His personality really shines when he's around other rabbits - when he was alone he just seemed depressed. I would have been happy then with just one rabbit, I didn't want more rabbits after I lost Zeus, but I knew Barnaby wasn't happy by himself.

All my current rabbits are second hand bunnies. I don't know a ton about how they where cared for before me - Berry and Ziggy I think where well cared for, Barnaby wasn't but I don't know all the details. His "owners" were two kids, both under 5. When he came to me he had 12 broken toes and was completely terrified of people. He's made a lot of progress since he came to live with me, but I don't think he'll ever be what normal people would call friendly.

I like to think that they are thankful that they have me - that they have a nice stable home environment where they are kept in clean surroundings and never want for anything. I know they are happy, it's not that they don't show that.

I accept and love them for who and what they are, and I have a lot of fun watching them and knowing that they are happy, even if they normally want pretty much nothing to do with me.
I am so glad you posted this. I have been upset by my rabbits complete anti-social personality, I truly believe that if his room stayed clean and his food dish magically refilled he wouldn't have any want to see me at all, this isn't to say I don't love and respect him for who he is I just wished he loved me as much as I love him. Just comes with the territory I guess.
Yeah I think with most rabbits that's just how they are. I'm not offended or anything by it - but I do sometimes wish they where more affectionate.

It's hard if you have had an affectionate rabbit in the past, or have other pets who are complete love bugs, then it's hard not to want to compare the unfriendly bunnies to the friendly ones.

Something is wrong with my knee. I don't know what I did to it, but I can't keep it bent without it aching. It's not a really intense pain or anything, it's tolerable during the day, but it's enough to wake me up at night when I bend it in my sleep.

Yesterday I was laying on the couch watching tv, and Kit sneaked up on the top of the couch. I didn't really notice him there, then all of a sudden he pounced on my face :shock: 15lbs of furry papillon launched into the air and landing on your face is painful! He gave me a bloody nose, lol. Chris yelled at him, but after the fact I thought it was kind of funny. Too bad we didn't get that on video!

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