The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Yup. I never played any of the other Civilization games. Chris said he did, but never really got into any of the other ones. But we've both been having fun with the new one.

Bunnies woke me up at 2 in the morning last night. I guess they must of heard me telling Chris I was happy that they haven't been waking me up lately. Silly bunnies. Then Kit woke me up another time - I bet the bunnies told him too! Kit sleeps in the bunny room next to the bunny pen now instead of in bed with me and Chris. I have to say that I'm a bit jealous :p Chris is happy though, he never really liked having Kit sleep in the bed with us.

I've been slacking with my slave duties. I ususlly clean the bunny room on Tuesdays but I didn't do it yesterday. By the time I felt like cleaning, it was later and I had to go grocery shopping for the week. Oh well, I'll clean today.
Aw I'm a proud pet mom today!

First of all, I am soooo proud and happy with how well my bunnies have been getting along lately! Working with my trio has been so frustrating at times, but lately they have been getting along amazingly well.

Theen I'm also proud with how well Kit and the bunnies have been getting along lately. I don't know if it's because he's been spending more time near the bunnies, since he sleeps in their room now, or what...but when he goes up to their pen all three of the bunnies run up to him and give him kisses through the pen bars. When I let them out, they love to snuggle and groom him and he's soo sweet and gentle with them.

Today at one point the bunnies where all out running around. I gave Kit a carrot to chew on, his favorite snack! He ate about half of it, then ran into the bunny room with the other half and dropped it on the floor in front of Barnaby. He's done that before too - but it's always so heart warming when he does it. Who would think that a dog would be willing to share his snacks with rabbits? All the bunnies shared the carrot and Kit just layed there and watched them eat it.

I don't know why I always picspam all my pictures at once. I took a bunch of cute ones of the bunnies today, but I think maybe I'll space them out more and post some now and some tomorrow, so I don't have one huge picture post.

Here's my honorary bunny, Kit, waiting at the bunny pen to visit his buddies...



My boys sharing dinner...


Zigs grooming Barnaby. I think it's funny that my smallest, calmest bunny ended up being the dominate one of the group!


All the bunnies eating together. I took a bunch of pictures of them like this. I think it's really cute - the outline of them all together like that looks like a heart. <3


Another rainy day, and I find myself once again being used as a pillow by a very sweet, but very wet dog. Poor Chris had to go into the office today, so he's walking around in the pouring rain. I had to walk Kit in the pouring rain, which is a feat since Kit HATES the rain. But he needs to go outside to go to the bathroom.

Ah I can't believe tomorrow is October 1st already. For me that means I'll have a lot of work ahead of me, because I run the Bunspace Secret Santa and start sign ups on October 1st. If anyone here also has a Bunspace account and is interested in the gift exchange (It's gifts for the bunnies, not the humans!) here's the group...
Bunspace Secret Santa

Last year I also participated, even though I run it. I just happened to get matched up with a lady who I've been friends with online for years before I even found Bunspace. We always joke around that one of her rabbits, Ollie, and my Berry are dating online. :p

So she sent the bunnies amazing gifts for Christmas last year. One thing she included where these 'crunchy butterflies' - they had twist ties on them so you can attach them to the side of the cage. Of course Ziggy made short work of them and chewed them all up. I asked my friend where she got them after I repainted the room, thinking that they'd look really cute in the room now. Instead of telling me where she bought them, she had her bunny Ollie send Berry a little surprise in the mail.



It's so funny that my pets get tons of packages, and I rarely ever get anything. I wonder what the delivery man must think, always delivering packages to "people" with funny names like BerryMelon and Kitsune.

Here she is reading her love letter from Oliver...




I put a few of the butterflies up last night. The rest of them I put away in the bunnies toy drawer, for when the ones they have now need to be replaced (IE for when Ziggy eats them again).



I feel like such a creeper. I always read your blog and I don't think I ever post anything. Lol!

Those butterflies are adorable! Whenever I try to decorate Kashi's cage he ends up destroying the decorations in nanoseconds. He's really earned his 'Great Destroyer' nickname.

What is it with small dogs who are terrified of rain?? Aiden was outside yesterday morning and it started drizzling so I went to go let him in, and he was cowering under the barbecue cover. So I called him inside...called him again.....commenced begging, and finally went out and rescued him and carried him back inside. And he was bred to be a hunting dog. Still boggles my mind.

I love Ziggy's back sticking out of the litterbox in the last picture, btw. XD
Dragonrain wrote:
Oh I spend way to much time in my life waiting for hay to be delivered, lol.  I'm SO inpatient.  Ask Chris, patience is defiantly not a virtue I possess!  When I'm expecting a delivery I'm always all...waiting for it all day.  Even though I know it will still get here even if I don't wait.   :p  I don't even know why I'm waiting for it, because it's not like the bunnies need it right now anyways.

I woke up at eight this morning after going to sleep around two. Did I wake up early to rescue a pillow from the Great Destroyer? No, but I had to do it anyway. Did I wake up early to feed my dog? Definitely not, because bizarrely, he sleeps later than me anyway.

No, I've been up for three hours drinking coffee because my first bag of Oxbow pellets is supposed to arrive today, and when I woke up and checked my phone, it's delivery status had changed to 'on truck waiting to be delivered'.

Meanwhile, Kashi has already received his allotment of Zupreem pellets for the day. >.<
Aren't the butterflies cute? Ziggy always destroys everything too. That's why I'm glad I have extra butterflies! I put some of them up high on the cage where the bunnies can't even reach, so at least I know those ones should be safe.

I don't know what it is about dogs! Kit has always hated the rain though. I think it's kind of funny, because the breeder we got him from named him "Rain drop", because he has a rain drop shaped spot on the very top of his head. But he hates rain so much, so we had to change his name! He haaaaates walking in the rain. This morning I ended up carrying him home because he just stands there and refuses to walk when it's raining, he doesn't like getting his paws wet.

Ha that's totally what I'm like too when I'm expecting a delivery!
Hi, I have been following your blog and wanted to tell you all of your pets are adorable. Barnaby makes me want to go out and find a lion head. Kit is about the cutiest dog I have ever seen.
Happy October 1st!!

Jeez this year is really flying by.

What a night last night...I stayed up till 2am working on coding my forum. I'm working on making my own pet forum, it's for all pets and not just one type. It's so much work to code though. Chris is helping me out by making all the custom graphics, but he's so busy with work and his own stuff that it's slow going. There's deffinate progress though!

It's rainy again today. After Kit's fur gets wet, when it dries again he looks all poofy. I keep telling him that he looks like a little polar bear with all his fluffy white fur. I have to groom him today - he'll get the whole spa treatment, shampoo, conditioner, sanitary trim, nail dremel, teeth brushed...He'll be the cleanest dog in the world for a short few minutes until he finds a way to make a mess again.

Todaaay is the day the Bunspace Secret Santa sign ups start! I'm kind of stressing about it a bit because I have a lot of stuff I need to write out still, but this is my 3rd year now running it on Bunspace so I think I pretty much have everything down. It's just a lot of tedious work when you have soooooo many bunnies singing up - if you misrecord one address or leave one bunny out, then you're going to have people unhappy with you.

At least the bunnies are able to relax, even on days when I'm really busy!




Links to all the Secret Santa information on Bunspace...

Secret Santa Thread

Secret Santa Sign up instructions

Secret Santa Group Page

If any of you have a Bunspace account and want to join, it's really a lot of fun!

This will be my 3rd year running the Secret Santa on Bunspace. For 2 years before that, I ran one for bunnies on Myspace (remember Myspace? lol) with Zeus. I started doing Secret Santas the first Christmas after we got Zeus. I kind of like to think that he would have liked me to continue them, so I kept the tradition going even after he passed away.

The gift exchange is for rabbits, not for the humans! So your rabbit(s) get a surprise gift and you get to put together a gift for a bunny/bunnies.

I think, if I remember correctly, that last year we had 186 rabbits or groups of rabbits join the exchange - and not a single one of them didn't receive a gift!

Sooo yeah, if you have a Bunspace account and want to join the exchange, it's really a lot of fun. If you don't have an account, sign ups go until October 22nd so you have plenty of time to make one if you're interested! :p
Hey :)

If you go to Barnaby's profile...

Barnaby's Bunspace Page!

Then under where his picture is, there are a bunch of buttons. One of them says "Send a Message" - it should be the first button right under the picture. If you click on that it should open a message box where you can type a PM. :)
Sometimes I run out of things to do online and RO is a bit slow at night. I should join Bunspace and see what it's all about. Kirby should have his own space :D
I like Bunspace :) I'm not usually terribly active on there, but I really like that each of my bunnies can have their own page. I've met a lot of really cool people on there too.

Chris wanted to take the AC's out of the windows today, so that meant that we had to clean out a spot to store them in the closet. Then it turned into this huge all day thing - we completely reorganized our storage room and we put up Halloween decorations. After that we took Kit to the park and went running.

Long busy day! I still have to make dinner (taco saturday! lol) and then I'm going to let the bunnies run around the living room and probably put in a movie or something.

Here's Zigs doing his favorite thing...EATING!


Eating from the comfort of his hide out...


Barnaby hanging out with his buddy Mr.Lobster...


Berry says "Nose rubz plz!"


I hope everyone is having a great weekend!! :D

KIrby and Penny have profiles on bunspace now. I don't know how to use the site yet LOL! I am getting buddy reqs and comments left and right. I am just approving them but I don't even know where to view them to be honest! I should invest some time.
Ah cool, maybe I'll see you there sometime.

I barely spent any time on the computer this weekend - this morning I signed into Bunspace to take care of SS stuff and I have nearly 6 pages of messages from people who want to sign bunnies up for the secret santa. :coolness:

I can't believe we went from it being hot and humid and having the AC's running, to a few days later it being so cold that we have to keep all the windows shut. It's like there's no transition period between the temperature shifts anymore. I have to say though, I'm really enjoying the cooler temps!

Yesterday I decided to really go crazy cleaning the bunny room. I let the bunnies run around the whole apartment while I worked on their room, which in hind-site turned out to be a bad idea. Ziggy pooped in the living room and then took a leak on one of Kit's dog beds. That ticked me off - Kit loves that bed and now I have to wash it which is a huge pain in the butt. They got fur EVERYWHERE. It looked like the living room area rug had a layer of fur all over the top of it. The couch was furry, there was fur flying through the area in the the time I got them all back in their clean room it took me nearly the rest of the day to clean up the rest of the house after them.

Annd I had to pick up Ziggy. I cut everyone's nails and groomed them all and Ziggy thew a fit. He was sulking for hours after I got him back in the bunny room. I was actually starting to get worried about him, thinking that maybe he had a tummy ache or something, because he was sitting in a corner sulking for hours! But he's fine - I gave him a little snack and he perked right up, ran up and jumped on my lap to get it. Ha food is for sure the way into Ziggy's heart!
Bunny names...

So I'm not sure if people here know, but my bunnies all have longer names than what I usually call them on here. I like to tell the stories of how they got their names, I dunno why.

Barnaby was named Kiwi when we got him. We changed his name to "Barnaby Jones", but just call him Barnaby. There's not really a lot of good nicknames for the name Barnaby, but I sometimes call him Bean or Barns. Barnaby Jones is a detective in a show from the 70's (I think the 70's), but we got his name from the cartoon "Frisky Dingo" lol. There was this episode where one of the characters sang this song, and it was something like "I have the greatest friend in the world, Barnaby Jones!" or something along those lines. At the time Barnaby was hanging out with Zeus - they bonded almost instantly and where best friends from day one. We named him Barnaby, because we thought the name was cute for a bunny, and he was the greatest friend in the world to Zeus :) We got him as a friend for Zeus.

Berry was named Amelie when we got her. Her full name now is BerryMelon Amelie. I liked the name Amelie for her, but Chris couldn't really pronounce it right lol, so we just kept it as her middle name. I asked Chris to help me name her, and he picked BerryMelon. As you probably have read already, Chris is a video game artist/designer. BerryMelon was a character of one of his video games. Her name turned out to be really fitting, because BerryMelon the game character is really tough, but feminine. And BerryMelon the bunny is my tough miracle bunny, but also very girly. For nicknames I usually call her Berry, or BerryMel.

Ziggy was named Toki when we got him. I like to rename my pets usually when I get them - a new name for their new life. We had a hard time naming Ziggy. One day the David Bowie song "Ziggy Stardust" came on the radio, and Ziggy went nuts running around doing binkies. When the song stopped, he stopped. We took that as a sign and he got his new name! His full name is Ziggy Stardust. I usually call him Ziggy, but sometimes call him Dust, Dusty, or Dust bunny. I feel like in a small distant way, Ziggy is Zeus' namesake. Ha because Zeus was the god of lightening, and lightening bolts are drawn as zig zags. Ziggy sort of has a little zigzag pattern on his face. I's a really distant relation I guess. I love blue colored bunnies, but after Zeus died I didn't want another bunny that looked too much like him. Ziggy is a broken blue and a lop instead of an uppy eared bunny like Zeus was. I think Ziggy was the closest I could have gotten to a blue bunny without looking too much like Zeus.

Sooo those are my bunnies full names, and how they got them! :p
My little hay monsters went through another 10lbs of hay. Luckily I had a new box all ready to go. Got to remember to buy them another back up box soon!!
Dragonrain wrote:
My little hay monsters went through another 10lbs of hay. Luckily I had a new box all ready to go. Got to remember to buy them another back up box soon!!
Oooo!!! Thanks for the reminder!!! How far away is payday?!! (I really wish they had better timing with this stuff... ;))
I'm no fool! I had such a hard time with it last time, spending an extra $30 on just NINE lbs of hay to tide me over. My hay monsters are down to their last 2 big rubbermaid bins of hay so I ordered another 45 lbs from Kleenmama. Orchard grass this time so I'm stoked.

...gosh, if someone told me 5 years ago I'd be ecstatic over dried grass, I'd tell them they were drinking the funky koolaid. :p

How funny that all your buns have full names like that! I know Ali (JadeIcing) has very cool names for her critters. Mine don't really have whole names. Penny has a middle name though.

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