The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Thank you :) I have 2 nieces now - Brianna who just turned 4 last month and has the prettiest red hair (the picture I'm going to post of her with Barnaby doesn't do her hair any justice, it's very very bright red now), and now Emily, who for now has dark blue eyes and dirty blond hair. My sister lives in upstate NY, pretty far away from me, so I don't get to see them as much as I'd like too, but I love to buy stuff for the girls. I've been trying to talk my sister into letting Brianna stay with me and Chris for a week or two.

Brianna's so cute. She came over once when she was around 2 I believe, maybe 3(?) and was absolutely obsessed with the bunnies. She was barely talking at that point, but would sit next to the bunny gate, point at one of the bunnies, and say "She wants out of there!". So I let her hold Barnaby a few times (sitting on the floor, with me and my sister right there to supervise) since he's pretty calm once you get him out of the cage. She was good with him but it kind of turned out to be a mistake, since the whole time she was there all she did was constantly ask to hold Barnaby. I had to keep a real eye on her too, because she kept trying to feed the bunnies. It was one thing when she tried to feed them pieces of hay, but quite another when the offering was chocolate cake! But I think she must have spent most of her week that week just sitting in front of the bunny room watching them!

The funny thing is, that she must have remembered that time or something, because now when I talk to her on the phone, she always has to remind me that I'm the one with the bunnies. She asks on the phone if she can see my bunnies almost every time I talk to her.


Here's Brianna and her new baby sister Emily!



My little fox boy is loving the new bed. Of course, like everything else we bring into the apartment, he thinks it's his.


The sticks on the bed are pieces of a willow basket that Kit stole from the bunnies and chewed up on our bed. :rollseyes

Chris and I went to the movies today. It was fun, we saw "Scott Pilgrum VS the world". I liked it more than I thought I would. After the movie we felt like walking a bit, and went for a walk together on the Hudson River Waterfront Walkway.

I didn't get any pictures becauseit was kind of a spir of the moment thing, but it was really pretty out and I had a great day withChris. It was a lot of fun to get out with just him. Even though we livetogether,it's hard sometimes to get to spend realquality time with each other.Either one of us has todo something, one of us is having company, or something. Not to mention that usually we have to constantly deal with animals jumping all over us. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, but it's nice to get a break from it once in awhile.

I have some pictures of thebunny room that I took while I was still working on it. I still actually want to work on it more, but it's not bad for now. I want to get some shelves to put up on the walland stuff like that.

Here's after I finished painting. I love how the color really looks diffrentdepending on the lighting at the time you're looking at it.



Here's how, for now, I have the cages set up.

Berry & Ziggy's cage. I made my 3 story cage into 1 2 story cage and one 1 story one. The 2 story cage has a makeshift top right now. I haven't decided yet if I want to order a new top for it, because ultimatly I hope that Barnaby and Ziggy will get alone enough that I can keep them together all the time again, so then I'll just put the cage back to 3 stories.


Barnaby's cage, with bunny supplies stored on top...


This is the penned off section...



It doesn't show in the picture, but half the pen is actually a door that can be opened up to give the bunnies access to the whole room (and the whole apartment, if I don't gate them in the room), and me access to get into their pen/cages.

When I'm sleeping or out of the house, I keep the NIC pen closed - so they just have access to their cages and the pen but not the rest of the apartment. That keeps the dog and bunnies apart, and the bunnies out of trouble. I alturnate between letting Ziggy and Berry and Berry and Barnaby out, since Ziggy and Barnaby can't be out together when I'm not home. Lucky Berry gets along great with both boys, she she's never confined to justa cage. When I am home - either everybunny gets free range of the apartment, or if I'm too busy to keep a close eye on the boys, one of them is confined in the pen while the other two have the run of the rest of the room/apartment.

Confusing?I really hope the boys rebond soon, so I don't have to juggle bunnies anymore! I think the new setup is helping them to get along better again, because a lot of times now I've seen Ziggy and Barnaby laying next to each other through the cage bars :)

Ah here's the other half of the room, but it's so boring in this picture. Nowit has a new arearug tocover the laneloum and a bunch of bunny toys.


And I know I've already picture spammed like crazy today, but here are some pictures of the stars of the blog!

Barnaby bean and Berry enjoying breakfast together...


Berry was throwing around this ball, I tried to get a picture of her holding it in her mouth but of course she dropped it right before I took the picture.


Ziggy enjoying their fort...


Barnaby laying down next to the imprisionedZiggy...



Who was also all flopped out napping inside his cage...


And the lovely BerryMelon, who was having a great time making a huge mess with a gaint piece of packing paper I gave them...



I'm sure that's more than enough pictures for one post! I hope everyone is having a great Saturday!!
Hey, I really like the new setup. Splitting the triple condo seems like a good idea in the interim. Berry I guess is the lucky girl out all the time with a nice boy :) It's only difficult for us humans to keep track of who's out and who's not and when to let which bun do what.

The pink color is really calming. It's not a baby pink. It's actually very neutral and just sort of accents the walls a bit. Very nicely done! :) I love all the pics! Keep them coming.

Today's weather was absolutely perfect for a walk by the water. One of my friend's friends got married today -- perfect weather for a wedding too. It's strange to be this cool in August but after the sweltering July we've had, this is a welcome change.
Thanks :) Berry is the lucky one, but she deserves it. She's such a sweetheart. She loves both the boys and is so good with them both.

I'm pretty use to this bunny juggling act by now, but it's a pain sometimes. I have to make sure everybunny gets a decent amount of time out and sometimes I feel like it's annoying that I just have to drop everything I'm doing to go herd the bunnies around.

I'm really really hoping still that I can get Ziggy and Barnaby to get along again. For awhile I didn't think it was going to happen, but it looks more promising now since I changed the room around.

Thanks for the paint compliments. I really like how it turned out. It gives the room a touch of color without being overpoweringly pink.

The weather yesterday was amazing. It feels hotter today but that could just be me, there's still a pretty nice breeze out today. Yesterday would have been a great day for a wedding! I'm so happy it's cooled down, the July heat was borderline intolerable for me. I lived in MA for most of my life, and even in the summer there it's not usually too uncomfortable. I'm much more of a fan of the cold weather than I am of the heat.

I had to get up at 7, on a Sunday morning, because of my pets. Ziggy and Berry where out in the bunny room, and at around 6am they started getting pretty loud. Sounded like they where running bunny 500's and someone was playing with a bell. I wanted to just go back to sleep, but the bunnies eventuallywoke Kit up. Kit gets soooo mad when the bunnies wake him up. His reactions are actually kind of funny. Either he goes over to the bunny room himself and makes noises at them, or he tells on them. If he can't stop them from making noise himself, he jumps up on the bed and whines in my face until I get up and go over to quiet the bunnies down. He reminds me so much of a little kid telling on his brothers and sisters when he does that, it's really funny. I can just picture with his little whines, that he's saying something funny like "Mooooooom the bunnies woke me up agaaain! Go yell at them 'kay?".

So after all that I couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up and took Kit out for a nice long walk along the river. I gotta say, I do really miss living in the woods, but living near so much water **almost** makes up for it.

Now I'm gunna go make Chris some strawberry muffins with freash strawberries for breakfast, yum!

My bunnies are so spoiled. I was slacking with letting Barnaby out (and caging Ziggy) this morning and Barnaby threw a fit. He was thumping so loud I could hear him from all the way on the other side of the apartment lol.

Ziggy and Berry woke me and the dog up again around 6 this morning. I tried to go back to sleep but apparently Kit couldn't sleep anymore and he started playing with a baseball that Chris gave him yesterday. The sound of a baseball dropping on the floor over and over again is very annoying when you're trying to sleep!

I had to clean the bunny room again today, because we have stupid flies in the apartment and I'm all paranoid they'll be attracted to the litter boxes. It's only like 3 flies but they're gross.

Ziggy is such a slob. He always manages to get pee under his litter box somehow. And he peed in two spots on one of the area rugs in their room. :X I don't know what to do with him. He's confined to the bunny room only, because Chris would not be happy if he peed all over the rest of the apartment. I'm not happy that he's peeing all over the bunny room! It's such a pain to clean it everyday. He poops on the floor too, but at least those are easier to clean up.

Ha I know Ziggy is so handsome and he knows it! I just wish that the other two would rub off on him a little bit. When Berry and Barnaby are out, there's not a single poop on the floor, not a single pee spot. The worst they do is that they love to do bunstruction on their cardboard fort together so they get pieces of cardboard all over the floor, but that's no bid deal to clean.

Then I let Ziggy out, and it's like a tornado hit the bunny room. He makes enough of a mess for all 3 of the bunnies put together. He poops allll over the area rugs and pees on them once in awhile, throws hay everywhere...he's just a walking tornado in a cute little bunny suit!

I'll try to take more pictures of the bunnies tomorrow!! I charged the camera battery, so maybe I can catch them doing something cute.
Dragonrain wrote:
Ha I know Ziggy is so handsome and he knows it!  I just wish that the other two would rub off on him a little bit.  When Berry and Barnaby are out, there's not a single poop on the floor, not a single pee spot.  The worst they do is that they love to do bunstruction on their cardboard fort together so they get pieces of cardboard all over the floor, but that's no bid deal to clean.

Then I let Ziggy out, and it's like a tornado hit the bunny room.  He makes enough of a mess for all 3 of the bunnies put together.  He poops allll over the area rugs and pees on them once in awhile, throws hay everywhere...he's just a walking tornado in a cute little bunny suit!

LOL I love your descriptions! "Bunstruction" is perfect! Tornado in a bun suit is another good one ;)

Ziggy sounds like Penny... makes enough of a mess for all 3 buns and then some. Sigh. Why can't we all just get along? :)
Haha thanks.

Ziggy is my problem child, lol. But I luffs him. I've just pretty much learned to accept him. He's been a pigsty since I got him pretty much and I'm not sure if that will ever change. He really makes me realize why so many people call bunny owners slaves! I'm just lucky that my other two are so much cleaner than he is. I'd probably go a bit crazy if all 3 of them where as bad as Zigs is.

I had all 3 buns out together for a short amount of time yesterday and the boys didn't fight! They ate together a bit without feeling the need to give each other amateur hair cuts, and then I separated them again. Things are going slow, but I'm seeing definite progress.

But I don't think I'm ever going to get a full nights sleep again. Every morning since I moved the room around, the bunnies make a ton of noise starting early in the morning and it drives the dog crazy, who in turn has to drive me crazy. I usually end up taking Kit out for an early morning walk and letting Chris sleep in later, since he can sleep through the noise the bunnies make and he has to work all day. At least I can take naps during the days if I need too.
I guess some buns are just like that. I'm maybe 50% of the way into acceptance of Penny's messy habits partly because I am actively doing stuff to deter her, partly because I convince myself to simply clean less often and let her build up a mess for 12 hours, and then just clean twice a day. If I clean when she makes a mess (which is what I do with my other two buns) I'd literally be cleaning all day long, which I in fact did for a long time and it drove me insane. It's been a long way coming to this 50% midway point with her...and I have a ways to go. You seem to take general pet shenanigans better than I do, though. Bless you. ;) There is hope for me yet, however. I used to go ballistic with the stunts Toby used to pull. More in terms of behavioral aggression, general naughtiness, than messiness. Toby and Ziggy have that in common too! And I love Toby heaps now, and I would give him my left arm if he asked for it. Hah!

And, isn't it ironic that the one who can sleep through the bunny noise is the same one who has to work? Thank goodness it's not the other way around!
Yeah, I'm glad the pets don't usually keep Chris up, even if they keep me up half the night. I would feel bad, since he's the only one working right now and in most cases he's not the one who wanted the pets in the first place.

I don't go crazy cleaning anymore either. I always try to keep it relatively clean, keep the litter boxes clean and spot clean as much as I can (or feel like) once or twice a day and then twice a week, on trash nights, I have big cleaning days and clean the whole room from top to bottom.

I'm pretty chill when it comes to...most things, but especially to my pets. Yeah cleaning up after them really sucks sometimes, but it's part of the price I pay for having them in my life, and the joy they bring me is well worth the trouble of having to clean up after them.
He may be a trouble maker and a complete slob, but how can anyone not love this face...


Sleepy Ziggy all flopped out in his cage. I gotta admit, I am pretty use to Ziggy and his weird flopped out sleeping positions, but I had to take a good hard look at him this morning to make sure he was breathing :shock:
Zigs is the king of dead bunny flops! I swear he could sleep through almost anything too. I have a hard time getting sleeping pictures of the other two, because they usually wake up when they hear me come into the room. But Ziggy sleeps through me coming in the room, taking his pictures, poking him. He's so funny.

I think he would look funny as an uppy eared bunny. His loppy ears suit him.
Haha, no my buns wake up in half-flopped position when I get too near. Ziggy sounds like a real deep sleeper!

Kirby has DBF'ed in the same exact spot in his condo, BTW! :hearts
Ha so cute!!

I think it's funny when they sleep in that spot. It looks so cramped there. They for some reason choose to cram themselves in that tiny spot in front of the ramp, instead of going to lay somewhere else in the cage or out in the room.

I think Ziggy was trying to get the others to pay a toll to go up the ramp or something. Maybe he wanted them to give him their breakfast? But BerryMel and Barnaby where busy playing outside the cage, so Zigs fell asleep on the job. He doesn't make a good bridge troll afterall, I guess!

I didn't get to sleep last night until like 6am, then I got up at 8 to walk the pupcake and see Chris off to work. I don't know whats wrong with me, but I just can't get to sleep lately. And even though I've been running on an average of 2 - 3 hours sleep a night, I just don't feel tired at all.

The weather here has cooled down a bit. It's still pretty nasty and humid some days, but then other days it's nice enough that I can turn the ACs off and open the windows without being insanly uncomfortable. I've been in a fallish mood lately. I honestly can't wait for this summer to end, it's been way too hot and uncomfortable for me. In attempts to try to bring fall around quicker, I made apple pies last night. They are sooo good! I make amazing apple pies.

And to continue my fall mood, I took some fallish pictures of my babies this morning.

Ah I love this silly crazy dog so much it's insane. He's so cute it's sickening!






Ha I think the ones with him and the apples are funny. He was all like "Do you think you could get me something better to eat?"

Here's some of Barnaby...









And Ziggy, who was the only one to taste test the apples! Silly Zigs was like "Well I can't think of what else I would do with apples!"




But wait! There's more. My (not very enthused) scaly couple...






That's it for now. I have some really cute pictures/videos of the dog, but I'll save those for later :p

Everyone think nice cool fall thoughts! If it heats up again this summer, I may just melt.

The naughty ones are ALWAYS the smart ones. Ziggy knows that apple ain't good for nothin but in his mouth. :)

LOL... hall monitor... ramp troll... he's a bun of many hats.
He would be a bun of many hats, except he gets fired from all his jobs! I mean really, what good is a ramp troll if he konks out dead to the world in front of the ramp? A herd of elephants could probably have attempted to go up his ramp and he still wouldn't have woken up! ;)

And his hall monitor job...well he went to the bathroom all over the hallway floor so yeah...that's not usually a good thing to do if you want to keep a job.

Good thing I'm a nice bun mommy and let him live at home, even though he's well into his adult life. Poor boy just can't hold down a job.

If Ziggy was a human, I think he'd be a rebel punk kid who always gets fired from jobs for stupid reasons and has to live in his moms basement. He'd probably be in a band and dye his hair all kinds of crazy colors.

Berry would be one of those little miss perfect girly girls. She'd get all A's in school and build houses for homeless people and would hang out with her lame mom at the mall. She'd probably get a good job as a psychologist, marry a doctor, and live in a big house with a white picket fence and 2.5 kids.

Barnaby would probably be like a nerdy business man. But he'd have crazy hair and be a little self centered. He'd go to his high class job but then go home and play video games or watch anime till 3 in the morning.

Haha that was fun :p

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