Here's Brianna and her new baby sister Emily!
My little fox boy is loving the new bed. Of course, like everything else we bring into the apartment, he thinks it's his.
The sticks on the bed are pieces of a willow basket that Kit stole from the bunnies and chewed up on our bed. :rollseyes
Chris and I went to the movies today. It was fun, we saw "Scott Pilgrum VS the world". I liked it more than I thought I would. After the movie we felt like walking a bit, and went for a walk together on the Hudson River Waterfront Walkway.
I didn't get any pictures becauseit was kind of a spir of the moment thing, but it was really pretty out and I had a great day withChris. It was a lot of fun to get out with just him. Even though we livetogether,it's hard sometimes to get to spend realquality time with each other.Either one of us has todo something, one of us is having company, or something. Not to mention that usually we have to constantly deal with animals jumping all over us. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, but it's nice to get a break from it once in awhile.
I have some pictures of thebunny room that I took while I was still working on it. I still actually want to work on it more, but it's not bad for now. I want to get some shelves to put up on the walland stuff like that.
Here's after I finished painting. I love how the color really looks diffrentdepending on the lighting at the time you're looking at it.
Here's how, for now, I have the cages set up.
Berry & Ziggy's cage. I made my 3 story cage into 1 2 story cage and one 1 story one. The 2 story cage has a makeshift top right now. I haven't decided yet if I want to order a new top for it, because ultimatly I hope that Barnaby and Ziggy will get alone enough that I can keep them together all the time again, so then I'll just put the cage back to 3 stories.
Barnaby's cage, with bunny supplies stored on top...
This is the penned off section...
It doesn't show in the picture, but half the pen is actually a door that can be opened up to give the bunnies access to the whole room (and the whole apartment, if I don't gate them in the room), and me access to get into their pen/cages.
When I'm sleeping or out of the house, I keep the NIC pen closed - so they just have access to their cages and the pen but not the rest of the apartment. That keeps the dog and bunnies apart, and the bunnies out of trouble. I alturnate between letting Ziggy and Berry and Berry and Barnaby out, since Ziggy and Barnaby can't be out together when I'm not home. Lucky Berry gets along great with both boys, she she's never confined to justa cage. When I am home - either everybunny gets free range of the apartment, or if I'm too busy to keep a close eye on the boys, one of them is confined in the pen while the other two have the run of the rest of the room/apartment.
Confusing?I really hope the boys rebond soon, so I don't have to juggle bunnies anymore! I think the new setup is helping them to get along better again, because a lot of times now I've seen Ziggy and Barnaby laying next to each other through the cage bars
Ah here's the other half of the room, but it's so boring in this picture. Nowit has a new arearug tocover the laneloum and a bunch of bunny toys.
And I know I've already picture spammed like crazy today, but here are some pictures of the stars of the blog!
Barnaby bean and Berry enjoying breakfast together...
Berry was throwing around this ball, I tried to get a picture of her holding it in her mouth but of course she dropped it right before I took the picture.
Ziggy enjoying their fort...
Barnaby laying down next to the imprisionedZiggy...
Who was also all flopped out napping inside his cage...
And the lovely BerryMelon, who was having a great time making a huge mess with a gaint piece of packing paper I gave them...
I'm sure that's more than enough pictures for one post! I hope everyone is having a great Saturday!!