The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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i hope your ear infection clears up soon and you start feeling better ! those are always the worst.
Aren't they? Thanks! I'm already starting to feel a bit better. I hate being sick in the hot weather, it's so uncomfortable.

Icks this is the worst ear infection I've ever had. Advil is my best friend!

Chris got the day off of work tomorrow because hurricane Earl is suppose to affect this area tomorrow. I doubt it will be that bad, I think his work just wanted an excuse to close up shop for an extra day. Now Chris has a 4 day weekend, since Monday is labor day!

All the pets are doing well. Nothing new really to report. I'll try to get some new pictures posted tomorrow. I took a bunch of the fish the other day!

I bought the monitor for our new computer today! It's a 24'' HD widescreen LCD monitor....should be soooo much better than this old laptop monitor that's been giving me headaches for weeks now. Chris is going to buy the computer Tuesday night after he gets paid, so the monitor will be here before the computer. But once the computer gets here, we can set it all up. It will be sooo nice having a nice working computer again! I think this laptops retirement is overdue.
So much for the hurricane today, we didn't even get a single rain drop from it. Not that I should be complaining that we didn't get hit by a hurricane! I was just hoping it'd bring us some rain and help to cool things down a bit.

Berry and Ziggy escaped from the bunny room last night at like 4 in the morning. I was so tired I didn't feel like herding them back into the room, so I just closed the bedroom door (the bedroom and bunny room are both bunny proofed!). Other than a few stray poops, they didn't do any damage. I was surprised the dog wasn't going nuts having them in the bedroom, since he sleeps in bed with us usually. He barked at them once but other than that just ignored them.

Did a short bonding session today with Zigs and Barnaby. They've been doing a lot better together since I moved the room around. I see them laying next to each other through the cage bars a lot, or grooming through the bars. But they still chase each other a bit when they're out together in the bunny room. They've been doing pretty good together in neutral territory though.
Oy vey...only a crazy bunny mom/slave would wake up at 2 am on a Sunday morning in a cold sweat after realizing, somehow in her sleep, that she forgot to order her bunny masters new hay.

Yes my hayaholic crew is almost out of hay, again. I just ordered them more, yup at 2 in the morning! But I'll probably have to go on a quest to find them hay this weekend because since it's labor day weekend, their hay probably won't ship until Tuesday, which means it won't get here until Wednesday or Thursday.

I made the bunnies cute little name tags for their cage today.

I would share pictures, since I'm up now anyways, but the camera is in the bedroom and I don't want to wake Chris up.

Chris takes these pills when he works out - they are basically I guess just for energy and stuff, I don't really know. They have a lot of caffeine in them and ground cyan peppers. Anyways, he put one of the pills on the table getting ready to take it and it was so windy, the wind blew it onto the floor. And Kit ate it :shock:

I called the emergency vet since his regular vet was closed, and they told me to make him throw up. So that wasn't pretty, puke all over the living room rug, but luckily he threw up the pill completely intact and is perfectly fine. It was still stressful though.

I missed the cutest picture ever today! Berry was flopped out sleeping and Barnaby was all snuggled up next to her. It looked like he was guarding her while she slept.

My stupid ear infection came back with a vengeance. I been feeling pretty crappy lately because of it. It does feel a bit better again today though, so here's hoping I don't have to deal with it much longer.

Picture time! I got a bunch of videos of the bunnies too but I don't feel like uploading them right now.

Here are the name tags I made for the bunnies. I like Berry's the best. The pictures didn't turn out that good though because the flash reflected off the plastic tags.





Handsome Courage the betta fish...



I have a bunch of the bunnies too...I'll post them separately later I think, I need a computer break. We're ordering the new computer tomorrow!

I tried to watch the princess bride with Chris. I say tried, because literally every time I watch that movie, I fall asleep! Everyone always tells me how good it is, but I wouldn't know because I've never stayed awake through the whole movie, lol.

To continue my pictures...Here's Kitsune.



Here he is hanging out in the bunny cage. He looked so funny sitting on Barnaby's bed like he was waiting for Barnaby to serve him tea or something.


And now for what you've all (lol all none of you who read my blog!) been waiting for...bunnies!!






Berry and Ziggy discovered the other day that they can jump up on top of Barnaby's cage now...which was where I stored the hay and bunny supplies.


Here they are hanging out on top of the hay box...of course I took lots of pictures instead of getting mad at them. They looked so cute!





But I was worried that they'd get hurt jumping up there. Or that they'd eventually try to jump over the NIC pen from up there and hurt themselves. So I blocked it off with more cubes. So far it's been working and they haven't been up there again.


That's it for today. I have to get ready and take Kit for a walk and then we're having a labor day cookout tonight. :)
Yay ~ bunny pictures! I haven't been very active on here lately but finally trying to catch up one blog a night.:biggrin2: Wasn't Earl such a disappointment? My sister in MA said they had a State of Emergency and nothing!

Can't b/l this is the same Berry who was rushed to the vet last winter. The 3 of them are so cute. Kit too! Good thing you were able to get the pill out of him, must have been a scary experience. I freak even if I drop a piece of chocolate on the floor. The vacuummake its appearance immediately.
Thanks for reading! I get kind of behind a lot too, but I post in my blog a lot I know ha. A lot of times I'll come on just to post in my blog and won't really have the time to look at anything else.

Earl was a disappointment! We didn't get anything at all here. My family lives in MA too! Right next to the RI border. They said they got a bunch of rain, but I don't think it was from Earl. My dad's so funny...since they called a state of emergency there he was all tying everything down outside and storing water and stuff.

I know I can't believe it either when I look at Berry. She went from barely being able to move at all, to making me nervous that she might try jumping out of a like 3 foot high fence. She's my miracle bunny! She molted last month and her fur looks so much nicer than it ever has before. It's a lot softer too.

I wish I could keep Berry and Ziggy's feet clean though. Their feet always look all yellowish in my pictures because they both love to stand in their litter box. I try cleaning it more often, but their paws still get stained. I think I need to eventually try making a grate or something to go in their box, so they can't stand right in the litter.

The pill thing with Kit was so scary! I was mad at Chris about it, even though I know it was an accident. I told him not to leave stuff like that out though. I'm always so paranoid about stuff like that.
Whew I just sorted through over 600 pictures and videos - I organized them all into folders so I can upload them to our website server to store them for now. Like 583 of them where of my pets, lol.

New computer should be coming tomorrow or Wednesday! Sooo I had to get everything off this computer, because I don't have a ton of confidence that it will start up well again in the future.

The bunnies are absolutely destroying their box. It's funny, except for the part about them doing it at 4 in the morning when I'm trying to sleep. Oh well. I took a picture of their bunstruction, but camera battery died. I'll try to post them tomorrow :)


Hope you're enjoying your vacation! My ear is okay ... alot better compared to how it was! I think it'll probably be all the way better in another day or so. Thanks for asking!

I'm on our new computer!! It was delivered yesterday and when Chris got home we had a little "setting up the new computer" party. We got pizza and it took us awhile to clean through the desk and set everything up. But it's pretty cool. The monitor is HUGE and I'm not sure yet if I like it...maybe it will just take some getting use too. But the computer itself is great - so much better than what we had before. I want to try playing games on it sometime soon. I haven't played computer games for sooo long!

I'm not really use to the keyboard yet either, so excuse any typos. I have small hands and the laptop keyboard fit me really well. Now we have a normal sized keyboard and it's weird to me. Oh and we went from a really old version of Windows XP to Windows 7!

The bunnies are doing well. The made an impressive mess in their room that I haven't gotten around to cleaning yet. I was kind of peeved yesterday because I was waiting like all day for FedEx to deliver their hay. Usually it gets here around noon or 1, but yesterday it didn't get delivered until 6pm. The poor bunnies went all day without hay, because I didn't want to buy a small bag of it if a 10lb box was suppose to come that day. They where happy when it finally got here. I felt bad it took so long, but they had lots of greens to eat at least.

I still have pictures to post but I need to go to the laundromat, and I'm not really sure how to upload pictures on the new computer yet. I'll figure it out soon!
Kit got a visit from Fetch from Dogster. Um basically it's the same as Pacer from Bunspace - it's a stuffed animal that gets sent around the world to all different members on a forum. They send the stuffed animal mascot, as well as another toy that you're pet can keep. So Kit got to play with Fetch for a few days before I sent him on to the next person this morning, and he got a couple of toys for him to keep.

Kit loved Fetch. I'm sure he smelled very interesting like a whole bunch of other dogs! Kit seemed kind of sad when I had to take Fetch away from him and send him off, but it's okay because Lulu, Fetch's sister (lol) is coming to our house any day now! I signed up for both and it just so happens that they came around the same time.

Anyways, here are some pictures of Kit with Fetch and his new toys...

"What's in this box?"

"Oh my dog it's Fetch!!"

Kit thinks Fetch smelled particularly interesting on this spot on his head...

"What else is in here?"

Kit with Fetch and his bag of toys...

Playing with his monkey toy...

Fetch makes a good pillow...

Kit wrestled Fetch, and oveously won...

Playing tug with his new rope...

Squeaky toy!

Playing with toys on Fetch...

More playing...

Happy boy!

Snuggling with buddy Fetch before he has to leave...


And here's a link to a youtube video of Kit playing with his new toys. Whenever he gets squeaky toys, he has to learn where the squeaker is. I'm was trying to show him where the squeakers are in the video...

[ame=]Kit & Fetch Youtube[/ame]

The bunny room is a disaster area right now, so I didn't take many pics. But I did take some to update on the bunnies bunstruction work...

Here's what the front door looks like now...

And they have constructed a side door/escape route, as demonstrated here by Berry...

Cleaned the bunny room yesterday finally :p There was hay dust all over the floor from the crappy tiny hay bags I had to buy them while I was waiting for their next hay box to get here.

Last night at 2 in the morning they woke me up with their bunstruction, so I took their box away from them so I could get some sleep. Then at 10 Kit woke me up because he found the box I took away from the bunnies and decided he wanted to play with it.

I think I'll start a regular blog instead of doing it here. Chris and I already have a website server so it would be easy to set it up. I could keep this one just to post about the bunnies once in awhile, but use my other one to write about everything else...since I know no one here is really all that interested in my other pets and boring things I write about :p Seems more appropriate to write about all that elsewhere and just use this one to update about the bunnies.

But until then :p Chris installed a bunch of games on the new computer last night and it runs so nicely. He was playing Starcraft for a few hours last night and then installed some games for me like Sims 3 and Spore. It runs all the games so smoothly, and we haven't even replaced the graphics card yet. It came with a decent graphics card, but Chris is going to upgrade it soon. It so nice to have a nice computer again!!
Ah more hay coming tomorrow! I'm going to start now always having two boxes at once. I am sick of running out of hay and having to get them crappy expensive pet store hay that they don't even really like to tide me over until a new box gets here. This way, when one box is finished I can start the next and order a new one while I still have plenty of it here, just so I never run out.

I have to order pellets and dog food too. This is going to be an expensive month for pet supplies. It just happened that I needed everything for everyone all at once, which doesn't usually happen. Oh well.

We're having a pirate themed party this weekend, on Sunday, because it's talk like a pirate day lol. I need to go shopping tonight for our "pirate feast". I even got Kit a little skulls and crossbones Tshirt for the's going to be funny.

[ame=]Barnaby does binkies at the end of this video![/ame]

[ame=]The bunnies hanging out[/ame]
LOLOL Pirate feast! Sounds fun!! Early Halloween partay? ;)

Oh my gosh, I was squealing when I saw Kit with the toys! Fetch is so cute. What a great idea your dog forum had doing this exchange. Love it!!

By the way, Starcraft.... oh my goodness, I'm so hooked on that darn game. Is Chris playing single or multiplayer? I gotta say, I'm thoroughly impressed by both. My laptop starts to cry when a lot of units are onscreen but most of the time it holds up ok. My desktop died 2 weeks ago, so... I need to buy a new one soon. I want to buy one that is fast but at the same time I've gotten so hooked on using a laptop that I don't know if I would go back to a desktop!

Yeah the Pirate party was going to be kind of a pirate themed early Halloween party, except for Chris said that he wants to have a Halloween party again this year too. We had one last year and it was fun, but we'll see about it this year. It might be kind of much having two parties so close together, I don't know.

Isn't Fetch cute? The only problem was that Kit really liked Fetch, but then I had to send him away. I guess the person who bought Fetch got him at Petsmart or something, so I might have to see if I can get Kit a Fetch of his own sometime.

We should have a RO exchange like'd be fun. I'd totally volunteer to organize it, as long as it isn't too close to Christmas time. I organize the Bunspace Secret Santa around Christmas time and it's a lot of work since so many people join. Last year we had over 180 bunnies in the Christmas exchange!

Chris is hooked on Starcraft now too! He's been playing single player. I don't think he's really tried multiplayer yet.

I like laptops more than desktops now. I don't know if I just got so use to them after using them for so long or what. But the computer we got is a desktop, because Chris likes them better and he really needed a nice computer for his work. I think I'm going to get myself a laptop or at least a netbook sometime though.

Chris had to dress up for work today, because they have investors coming in or something. We went to the mall to get him a nice dress shirt and I was like...:shock:...there's no drooling emoticon lol. He looked so nice. I don't think I've ever really seen him too dressed up before. Which made me think...we really really need to start seriously thinking about what we want to do for a wedding! :biggrin2:
Oh I spend way to much time in my life waiting for hay to be delivered, lol. I'm SO inpatient. Ask Chris, patience is defiantly not a virtue I possess! When I'm expecting a delivery I'm always all...waiting for it all day. Even though I know it will still get here even if I don't wait. :p I don't even know why I'm waiting for it, because it's not like the bunnies need it right now anyways.

I just had to herd Barnaby back into his cage so I could let Zigs out for the day. I decided to pick him up so I could smorgle my face into his luxurious soft wooly fur. He is sooooo insanly soft! He wasn't happy with me picking him up though.

Barnaby has the nicest fur. But Berry molted lately and I think she's trying to give him a run for his money, because after her last molt her fur looks and feels the best I've ever seen it since I got her. She looks so sleek and soft. Ziggy is still kind of scruffy looking. I wonder why the other two have such nice coats and he doesn't?

Kit got a visit from Lulu, Fetch's sister lol. Also, I took some pictures of him in his pirate attire, since I'll probably be too busy (drinking grog lol) to take pictures of him during the party. Oh my pup is the cutest little pirate in history! I luffs my Kit so much it's insane. He's so disgustingly cute. Now just wait until Halloween, when I'll show pictures of Barnaby in his Halloween costume (He'll probably try to kill me though).

How do you guys type without a puppy lap warmer?

All the stuff he got with Lulu...

"Oh my dog a giant cookie!"

Hanging out with Lulu...

Yup Lulu is just as good of a pillow as Fetch was...

Pirate Kit!

"I can has your plunder?"

"ooooh please can I has it!?"

Pictures of bun-nehs in my next post I promise! I just have to charge my camera first.
Heheh yesh Kit is a silly pup!

How do you think he looks with his long hair? I was keeping it cut short for awhile, but decided to try letting it grow out this winter. It's kind of a lot of work for me to keep it looking nice and white and tangle free, but I think he looks cute. His fur is soooo soft for a dog. I'd say he's easily just as soft as the bunnies are - which I'm really happy about because before I got him I always thought dog fur was kind of gross.

Here he is with shorter hair...

And longer...

I think it will probably get even longer than that too.

Ack we had this crazy storm here yesterday! All of a sudden around 5 something the sky got cray dark and we got crazy thunder and lightening and the wind was insane. Before I could run around closing all the windows the wind blew a bunch of stuff over - it was literally ripping clothes off the hangers in one of the rooms. I was so worried about Chris coming home in it, but luckily he was fine! But we did lose power for awhile and I think we where getting something crazy like 100mph winds. A house down the street from us got hit by lightening so all we could hear was a combination of intense wind, thunder, and sirens. The storm didn't last long but it caused a lot of flooding and knocked down trees and stuff. It was crazy.

The bunnies are doing well. Has anyone ever seen a bunny with a bigger nose than Ziggy? Seriously, look at this thing...




He defiantly has the biggest bunny nose I've ever seen! I like to rub his giant nose and tease him about it sometimes...he's a good sport and doesn't seem to take the teasing to heart ;)
