Ha, that's okay about the dog. I guess some "bunny people" aren't "dog people" too. Seriously I was never really a huge fan of dogs either. I always really just loved rabbits, and more exotic type pets like reptiles and such. Cats and dogs I could take or leave pretty much, kind of felt neutral about them. Then Chris and I decided to get Kit, and he completely changed my views about dogs! There are a lot of what I think are pretty negative stereotypes about dogs, and Kit does not fit into any of them. He's amazing, and I don't think I could ever see myself not having a dog now!
I love the weather! It was 67* in our apartment with the windows open and I was cold for once this summer. I'm weird and actually like being cold. I'd muuch rather be cold than hot, and I'll take 67* over 106* any day! The heat is so uncomfortable for me. But yeah, yesterday was the first day in a long time that I actually wore socks and a long sleeved shirt in the house. I think it's suppose to warm up to like 87* again this weekend, but I'm not really personally looking forward to it. I wish it could just be fall weather now.
Kind of an off start to my morning today. Woke up to find that I left Ziggy out last night, and he peed all over the floor. I took Kit out for our morning walk, despite the rain, and we found a cat that looked like it got hit by a car. So we took the cat and dropped it off at the vets. They'll take care of it and try to find it's owners, or a new home. Then on the way home from the vets we saw a little kitten that looked like it was probably only 7 or 8 weeks old by itself on the side of the road, but it ran away when we got near it. There are so many stray cats around here. It makes me so mad, because these stupid people around the block from us let cats breed constantly under their house. I always see tiny little kittens around there, and they are never friendly. One of them is the one who attacked Kit before. My town has a real problem with stray cats. If the town picks them up, they are transported to a shelter in Newark where they are held for 7 days to see if they are claimed or adopted, after that time they are euthanized. They only have 7 days there, and stupid people are breeding cats under their house thinking nothing of it, not even trying to find them homes just letting them become more strays, when most of those cats will either be killed by cars, or picked up as strays and euthed since they are all pretty much feral and the adoption rate of cats like that is very very low.
Ah well, I did a good deed today at least. I think maybe I'll take it easy today, since it's raining anyways. All I feel like doing is climbing back in bed, and snuggling up with Kit and a good book for awhile.
And I know no one cares, but yesterday was grocery day and of course Kit had to investigate to see if we got anything good. Let the blank stares ensue...
Sorry, no new picture of the bunnies. They've been being pretty lazy and boring lately. I didn't want to bore anyone with 1,000 pictures of them sleeping.