The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Oh my goodness, have you just described yourself (Berry), Chris (Barnaby) and Kit (Ziggy)? LOL! The descriptions are hysterical!
Haha thanks. I dunno, I didn't mean to describe them like us (Chris, Kit & I). I can see why someone would think I did...but I think there would be some key differences if I where to actually describe us.

Kit is such a funny little dog. He's 15lbs, big for a Papillon but still pretty small. But don't dare tell him he's small, because he's convinced himself otherwise.

He acts all rough and tough, but he's got the cutest little puppy dog smile on his face almost constantly. Papillons are suppose to be graceful and elegant, but Kit is a klutz. It's so funny.

But he's super friendly, very smart, and absolutely the most hyper animal I have ever met. He drives me crazy sometimes. He'll be 2 this December and everyone told me when we got him that he'd start calming down once he was an adult, but if anything he has even more energy now!

But he's so much fun. I don't know now what I'd ever do without him. He's such a big part of our life. Chris, who was never as much of an animal person as I am, calls Kit our son. I think he probably has more toys then some human children do too!

Here are some pictures I got of him yesterday...








I have to try to get a good video of him playing, so I can show people how crazy he is! I got a few videos of him yesterday, but they didn't turn out that good. I was messing around with the camera too much while I was taking them.
Hehe no one on the bunny forum likes my doggy posts! That's okay, I get the same reaction when I post about my rabbits on the dog forums I go on...ppl are just like "*blank stare* Okay talk about the dog now!"

Bunnies are fine. We had company yesterday and all the pets where really hamming it up for attention. Mostly Kit, but the bunnies got their share of attention too. Even *gasp* Barnaby was out letting ppl give him nose rubs and following ppl around for treats. I know I've had him for over 3 years now, but I still can't believe the changes in his personality from when I got him and now. He wouldn't even take treats from my hand for almost a year after I adopted him. Now he's following around complete strangers begging for treats! I'm so proud of him.

I had a dream about a little black and white bunny last night. I always have these dreams about getting a black and white bunny. It's weird. I've dreamed about this same rabbit like 50 times now. Maybe there is a little black and white bunny in my future? Who knows...I've always wanted a Dutch bunny though.

Pictures of my little stinkers from this morning!

The bunnies are all loving the box fort I made for them the other week. I've caught all three of them, at different times, flopping over sleeping in there.

You can see that the bun construction team has done some work on the doorway.






Pictures of pictures! Of random stuff in the bunny room. That blue dragon statue thingey is the first gift Chris ever gave me, when we first started dating over 9 years ago! And then my Zeus pictures and stuff. I have to get a shelf put up eventually to put up my Zeus memorial. For now it's on top of Barnaby's cage.



I'm so happy it was nice and cool today! We had the windows open and I actually got was great! :biggrin: I guess it's suppose to get kind of hot again, unfortunately, but I'm enjoying the cool weather while it lasts!
Hahaha - yeah, blank stare is what I had when reading about your dog. Sorry!

The weather was pretty alarming today. I was shivering in my living room at a brisk 73 degrees indoors! Brrr!!! I went out today with a long sleeved shirt and a coat! While I may have looked like a lunatic to some, I got the last laugh when I was walking around the city at 9:30pm and it was really pretty darn cold!

I really like the bunstruction going on there. Great work :)
Ha, that's okay about the dog. I guess some "bunny people" aren't "dog people" too. Seriously I was never really a huge fan of dogs either. I always really just loved rabbits, and more exotic type pets like reptiles and such. Cats and dogs I could take or leave pretty much, kind of felt neutral about them. Then Chris and I decided to get Kit, and he completely changed my views about dogs! There are a lot of what I think are pretty negative stereotypes about dogs, and Kit does not fit into any of them. He's amazing, and I don't think I could ever see myself not having a dog now!

I love the weather! It was 67* in our apartment with the windows open and I was cold for once this summer. I'm weird and actually like being cold. I'd muuch rather be cold than hot, and I'll take 67* over 106* any day! The heat is so uncomfortable for me. But yeah, yesterday was the first day in a long time that I actually wore socks and a long sleeved shirt in the house. I think it's suppose to warm up to like 87* again this weekend, but I'm not really personally looking forward to it. I wish it could just be fall weather now.

Kind of an off start to my morning today. Woke up to find that I left Ziggy out last night, and he peed all over the floor. I took Kit out for our morning walk, despite the rain, and we found a cat that looked like it got hit by a car. So we took the cat and dropped it off at the vets. They'll take care of it and try to find it's owners, or a new home. Then on the way home from the vets we saw a little kitten that looked like it was probably only 7 or 8 weeks old by itself on the side of the road, but it ran away when we got near it. There are so many stray cats around here. It makes me so mad, because these stupid people around the block from us let cats breed constantly under their house. I always see tiny little kittens around there, and they are never friendly. One of them is the one who attacked Kit before. My town has a real problem with stray cats. If the town picks them up, they are transported to a shelter in Newark where they are held for 7 days to see if they are claimed or adopted, after that time they are euthanized. They only have 7 days there, and stupid people are breeding cats under their house thinking nothing of it, not even trying to find them homes just letting them become more strays, when most of those cats will either be killed by cars, or picked up as strays and euthed since they are all pretty much feral and the adoption rate of cats like that is very very low.

Ah well, I did a good deed today at least. I think maybe I'll take it easy today, since it's raining anyways. All I feel like doing is climbing back in bed, and snuggling up with Kit and a good book for awhile.

And I know no one cares, but yesterday was grocery day and of course Kit had to investigate to see if we got anything good. Let the blank stares ensue...




Sorry, no new picture of the bunnies. They've been being pretty lazy and boring lately. I didn't want to bore anyone with 1,000 pictures of them sleeping.
67 degrees? I'd be in sweats and socks, and a blanket around me while shivering on the couch... I'm pretty sensitive to the cold, as you may guess. I just broke out the sweatshirt hoodie this morning. It must be autumn.

I agree, you did a good deed for that cat. Whatever its fate may be from the vet's office... you did your part getting it off the dangerous road. That's really sad that people are actually breeding all these stray cats. Can they be reported to the authorities? There's gotta be something that says you can't do that, right? I mean, in such quantity.

It's cute that Kit has to poke his nose through every bag to see what you bought. I think there's something very satisfying about having a dog who loves you. You get a lot of active interaction and you can hug them in bed. I can't imagine hugging a bun to sleep :biggrin: At least not without waking up with claw marks.

So, Zigs was up peeing all night, huh? Bless your patience...
Yeah...I'm pretty sensitive to the cold too. I guess my logic least when it's cold, you can always dress warmer. I think winter clothes are comphy! But what can you do in the summer? You can only take off so much clothing outside without getting arrested, lol.

I have reported that cat lady...twice! I don't know what else to do. One time I reported her because one of her stupid cats attacked me and Kit when we walked by the house. Kit had pretty bad scratch and bite wounds and had to go on antibiodics. His vet said if one of the scratches had been a half an inch to the right, he would have most likely lost his sight in one eye. :X And all we did was walk by the house...the cat came flying at us from under the house. It was probably protecting kittens or something. Then I reported her another time...but of course there's still crazy numbers of kittens being born under her house. It's so frustrating.

Kit loves to snuggle, but only with me and sometimes Chris. He doesn't just blindly love everyone. He's friendly, don't get me wrong, but he won't just go up to anyone and snuggle with them.

Kit is so sweet to me though. Every morning when I wake up, he jumps on my lap and gives me a hug (yes he hugs! lol) and we snuggle for a few minutes. It's such a great start to my day. He doesn't do that with anyone else, not even Chris.

Berry actually is pretty snuggly with me too. Barnaby will snuggle up on the couch with me once in awhile, when we're watching tv together. And Ziggy, you couldn't pay him 1,000,000,000 carrots to snuggle with a stinky human!
Ziggy always seems...more like a rabbit than the other rabbits here. It's weird. Like, if you look up how a rabbit is suppose to act...that's pretty much Ziggy. Of course not that that's a bad thing at all.

I guess in reality it's my other two who are the weirdos. Barnaby LOVES to watch tv. He's a picky eater and isn't crazy about food at all. Berry is shy, but very very friendly towards me. She snuggles with me, and follows me around the apartment like a little puppy would every chance she gets. They both have some traits that I wouldn't exactly consider normal for a rabbit.

They (Barnaby and Berry) are also very very clean compared to Ziggy. All that stuff put together almost makes them seem more refined, while Ziggy seems more animalistic.
I just spent some time really cleaning my gecko tanks.

Leopard geckos usually pick one spot in the tank to do their business. So I just put a tile in that spot. When they go to the bathroom on it, I can take it out and clean it, then put it back in the tank. It's kind of like a lizard version of a litter box! I do this spot cleaning every day or every other day as needed, and then once in awhile I go crazy taking everything out of the tank to clean and disinfect it all really well.

Anyways, I thought of this while I was cleaning, and found it kind of funny. My leopard geckos, "lowly" reptiles, have WAY cleaner bathroom habits than Ziggy does. :rollseyes

I wanted to take pictures of the bunnies earlier and picspam today, but my camera battery needs to be charged again.

Dragonrain wrote:
They (Barnaby and Berry) are also very very clean compared to Ziggy.  All that stuff put together almost makes them seem more refined, while Ziggy seems more animalistic. 

This is exactly how I describe Kirby and Toby too, "refined". My husband said to me the first day Penny came home with us "she seems a bit more wild" LOL
Yup that's Ziggy, my wild bunny. I think it's funny that he lives with Berry and Barnaby. I think it would be kind of like having a cave man living with royalty.

Kit wasn't feeling well yesterday. I think he just had a tummy ache because he got into some bacon grease. I'm so used to rabbits, it's hard not to freak out and worry when one of my pets are sick, even though a dog tummy ache isn't nearly as bad as a rabbit tummy ache can be. I'm always on high alert when someone is feeling sick, ready at any moment to rush them off to the vets.

Kit is such a mommys boy when he's sick. He didn't want to leave my side at all yesterday. He didn't want to eat or anything, just wanted to snuggle up with me until he felt better. It's days like that that make me pretty glad I'm not working right now. I know there's no way I'd leave any of my pets home alone while they're sick.

But this morning Kit was up early playing with his toys in the living room. You know he's feeling a lot better, when he's up at 7 in the morning throwing toys around the room. And he ate his breakfast this morning too :)

I cleaned up after the bunnies and the rest of the apartment this morning. Chris is coming home from work early because we have the cable guy coming this afternoon. There's some weird problem with our cable, I don't really know. Chris wanted to be here because he knows I know nothing about the tv or cable and won't be able to answer any of the guys questions. :p I think Chris just set the appointment up today as an excuse to get out of work early on a friday.

Pictures are coming soon...I have to upload them. I'll just post in a new message so this one isn't crazy long.

Ugh :rollseyes

Ziggy is such a little monster. I mean that in the best of ways...but I'd really like to know how the heck he manages to get pee under not only his litter box, but also under the tray I put under his litter box.

Anyways moving on...

Berry and Ziggy. Most of the pictures I get of them are of their noses up against the camera lens. I think they're checking to see if my camera has morphed into a giant raisin yet.




Barnaby bean eating hay, and hanging out with his lobster. This is his favorite toy! Chris and I got it for him the day Zeus passed away, and he always snuggles up with it. He grooms it and tries to carry it around with him, even though it's almost as big as he is!






Here's Kitsune helping me update his Dogster page (it's like Bunspace, only for dogs!)...



And looking out the window! There's a screen in the window if you can't tell from the picture. This is the bunny room window. I only let him do this in the bunny room and bed room, because those windows are over the section of the roof you can walk out on. If he ever fell through the screen, god forbid, he'd only have about a 2 feet drop to the roof. But he can't reach the window himself anyways, so I have to pick him up and put him in the I'm always right there with him when he's spying out the window. He likes to watch the birds that always hang out on our roof.



That's it for now. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Your lops are so adorable together. I always thought petting lop heads were a little strange because I'm so used to petting the tops of up-eared rabbits. The lop skulls under their fur are so very round. They look so cute with their little round heads :)

That lobster is an interesting friend for Barnaby. Who knew a bunny could love a lobster! :hearts I'm glad it was there for him, though.

Is bunspace like a blogger site for bunny people? I never got sucked into that, but have always wondered how to use it. Kit is such a pretty dog, btw. I think the bandana adds character :)

BTW, the view out your window looks alarmingly familiar LOL I think I used to walk by rows of houses that looked just like that when I used to go out to lunch during work. I worked in that really, really tall building in JC by the ferry pier.
Thanks! They look so cute together, their colors match well. :) Their heads do feel different than up-eared rabbits! I don't really think about it much, I guess I'm use to them now. But before them, I had never had a lop before, so they took some getting use too.

Ha yeah Barnaby's lobster is weird. We wanted to get him something quick on our way home after Zeus passed, but didn't want to go into a pet store. We got his lobster at like Shoprite or something like that, so we didn't have much selection. He really likes it though!

Bunspace is has forums kind of like this site but then you can make each of your bunnies a little page. Kind of like a combination of forums and facebook for bunnies.

Like here's Barnaby's page if you want to check it out...

Kit says thanks for the compliment! He likes his bandanna too. Every time I put it on him, he prances around like he knows how cute he looks.

The buildings must just look similar to ones in JC, unless you went to lunch in Bayonne? Well makes sense that there would be similar buildings, since the two towns are riiight next to each other. The ferry pier at exchange place? That's cool. We're not too far from the JC city line, but far enough that you don't feel like your in JC. I'm not a huge JC fan, although Chris lived there for like 10 years before we moved together.
I really like the lobster because it's not red, but colorful, and my fave features are the "V" eyes. It's adorably funny! I am glad you got him a "friend" so he could at least snuggle with something his size. It sounds like he and Zeus were close.

Yeah, by Exchange Pl. I guess the houses must just look similar because I've never walked the streets in Bayonne for sure! Yeah, JC is the pits. Living there must be kind of boring and gray, I think. It's so dead at night despite how annoying crowded it is during business hours.:grumpy:
Yeah there was no way I wanted to live in JC. Chris lived in a pretty bad area of it too. It wasn't dead at night in the neighborhood he lived in, but I would never go outside myself at night where he use to live. I use to stay with him there during my college vacations and stuff like that. It's much nicer, and safer, where we live now though.

We can see some of the Exchange place area buildings from one of our windows. At least some of the taller ones we can.

Barnaby and Zeus where insanely close. Poor Barnaby was so depressed when Zeus passed, that for awhile I was afraid we'd loose him too. He barely ate, and pretty much just sulked all day, for like 2 months. :shock:

Ops I meant to link to Barnaby's bunspace page in my last post but must have forgotten, in case you want to check it out...
Ha because Barnaby is full of bunnitude!

The bunstruction team started work on their fort at like 3 in the morning this morning. Ripping up cardboard and digging on the sides of the fort...I think it was Barnaby this time. Luckily the dog seems to be getting more use to the rabbits nocturnal noise, and he hasn't been getting as upset or barking at them lately.

I have an ear infection that started on friday and then this morning I woke up feeling sick. I can't tell if I'm actually sick, if it's just all because of my ear infection, or maybe if my allergies are acting up again...or a combination of all 3. We had to turn the AC's on today because it's hot again, yuck. I was really enjoying the cooler weather.

We're getting our new computer soooon! Thankfully because this one is still giving me headaches. I'm buying the new monitor this week and then Chris is going to buy the computer after he gets paid next week.


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