The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Haha I know right? I know my bunnies are happy with how things are now, but I always want to do everything I can to make things better for them. I think they'll enjoy their new room set up, once I finally finish it. I'm going to try to talk Chris into going to the hardware store with me this weekend to look at paint :)
I love rabbit room improvement It's like my one and only hobby. :)

That picture of open-mouth chewing is so great!!

BTW, Starcraft 2 is pretty darn good so far. I wasn't expecting much, and after playing beta, I wasn't wowed. It is clearly not the same as SC1 while the gameplay is generally the same idea. But I have to say now that I am playing the release, the single player mode is really impressive. SC1 and its expansion were not that fun in single player mode. SC2 is so far very strong in both single and multi player. It has its quirks but that's what patches are for :) I've been playing hours of it already and it's slowly becoming addictive. I can't tell you how many hours of my life I wasted playing the original game!
Rabbit room improvements are fun! I don't know what I'm going to do after this latest improvement is finished, except for continue my quest for new rabbit toys! Well, I'm sure I'll eventually want to move it around again or think of some new way to make it better.

I'll have to get Starcraft 2 after we get our new computer!

We're going to look at beds tomorrow, and will also probably go to the hardware store to pick up paint for the bunny room and a few small things we need for around the house. There's a lot of little things we could use to make the apartment look nicer, but our next big purchase after the bed is a new computer!

Barnaby and Ziggy got in a fight in the living room yesterday. It wasn't too bad, but I had to vacuum after to get up the fur they pulled from each other. Sigh. I wish they would just get along. I don't know if I'm ever going to get them back to being friends again. They are both nice bunnies, but I think they're just mad and a little afraid of each other now.
Dragonrain wrote:
I'll have to get Starcraft 2 after we get our new computer!
You definitely need a big bad computer to run SC2. I thought my laptop would be ok, and it runs fine most of the time. But anytime the mission is about to get to a pivotal moment and a movie plays or you get rushed by 50 enemy units onscreen, my laptop starts to struggle and the game displays a helpful "closing applications may help the Starcraft run faster" message :p It's only moments where tons of moving troops are mobilizing in your game screen that my 4GB RAM laptop starts to slow down. My laptop isn't all that powerful, but it's better than your average laptop. I think it's midrange, but not meant to be a media/performance laptop. If you want to play SC2 with zero hassle, Chris' idea of a "nice computer" will do the trick! The min system requirements is a joke. I would be shocked if a computer with the min. requirements could even get to the mission screen :)

Poor bunnies I hate it when bunbuns fight. It's so stressful and scary :(
I'll have to look at what they suggest for the minimum requirements. I wouldn't even dare try to run it on this laptop though. It's not a bad laptop, but it's old and Chris suspects that the hard drive or something might be starting to go. We're pretty much using this one as minimally as we can at this point - hopefully it will hold out until we get our new computer, just because I use the computer to pay bills and such.

But yeah we're definitely going to get a really nice desktop. Since Chris makes games, he needs to run a whole bunch of programs that a lower or even mid range computer just wouldn't be able to handle well.

Bunny fights are scary! Luckily the boys are both fine. I think it was my fault, I should have stopped the bonding session while they where doing well together, but I let it go on for too long. It's hard sometimes to determine how long I should leave them together.

I'm waiting for hay to be delivered!
Chris and I just bought a new bed!

It's being delivered tomorrow morning.

After we picked out the bed, we went to Bed Bath & Beyond and bought a bunch of new pillows, and a few new sheet sets and stuff like that. That store is dangerous, I could spend sooooo much money in that store!

The kiddies are all doing well. Not really anything new to talk about. The bunnies hay got here yesterday just in time. I ordered it early this time so I didn't have to go get expensive pet store hay for once.
I'm making everyone want to get a new bed parents are thinking of getting a new one after we told them we where getting one.

We got it at Sleepy's...didn't really get one of the big brand name beds. We originally wanted to get one of this foam mattresses, but didn't want to spend that much right now, so we got a regular spring one. It should be good though.

Today (Aug. 8th) is the 3 year anniversary of the day Zeus passed away.

It's always such a hard day for me. Hopefully I can just keep busy and try not to think about it too much. Zeus has been gone now for longer than he was even alive. He was only 2 years old when he passed.

I'm trying only to think of the happy memories I have of him. Maybe I can make the day more into a celebration of his life, instead of just being upset that he's gone. We have so many funny and happy memories of him. He was so little, less than 2 lbs., but had the biggest personality of any bunny I have ever met. He could have a real attitude sometimes, but had an amazing sense of humor.

One of my favorite memories of him, was of the day we first got him. I thought he would be really nervous and afraid in his new surroundings. But we decided to leave his cage door open, in case he wanted to explore at all. He wasn't nervous at all...he wasted no time and spent most of that first day running around the room and doing binkies. He was completely comfortable around us. It was like he was just meant to be with us, and he knew it! Chris and I where sitting on the bed at one point and Chris started eating a piece of banana cake. All of a sudden little baby Zeus launches himself into the air - lands right on Chris' chest, climbs up to his mouth, and tries to shove his face right into Chris' mouth to steal some of the cake! When Chris closed his mouth, Zeus got all upset and started digging at Chris' mouth.

Zeus and Barnaby where such good buddies. I have never seen two friends at close as they where, animal or human. I truly believe that Zeus saved Barnaby...Barnaby was neglected and depressed when we adopted him, and Zeus taught him how to love and play again. Watching those two interact together was so heart warming. I've seen other bonded bunnies, including my current rabbits, and how they interact - but the friendship that Zeus and Barnaby had went so much deeper. It was really something special.

Zeus and Barnaby became such an item, that for a long time after Zeus passed I had a very very hard time seeing Barnaby, and not seeing his little blue buddy next to him. It was so heartbreaking for me, that I went so far as to consider rehoming Barnaby. But of course I couldn't do that. I still see a piece of Zeus when I look at Barnaby. I know Barns carries Zeus' memory in his heart, just as I do.






I tried to keep my mind off things today. It's worked so far, for the most part.

Our bed was delivered at 7am this morning, so we had to wake up at 6:30 to be ready for the delivery guys. It's only 5 now but I feel like I've been awake for ever, and just want to crawl into bed for the night.

Tomorrow sometime I'm going to the hardware store to get paint for the bunny room. I'm going to get a really light pink. Sometime during the week I'm going to move the bunnies into the bedroom for awhile, and work on their room. I've been having fun planning how I'm going to move things around and such.
I spent way more time than I'd like to admit today making my bunners a box fort. Kit helped help I mean got in the way and chewed on all the boxes. I'm not going to give it to them yet though, not until I redo their room and set up their new play area. I want to fill it with lots of new toys and stuff so it's extra fun for them.

So my box collection is officially depleted. Hopefully I have some time to collect more boxes before they destroy the latest fort, then I'll just make them a new one.
Sometimes it feels good to have that box collection gone. I always reclaim a bunch of space when it's done with, but of course, it just builds up again over time!

Hope your bed is everything you wanted it to be :)
Thanks! The new bed is great. I felt so well rested for the first time in months when I woke up this morning.

That's actually the main reason I made the box fort yesterday - I wanted to get rid of the boxes. I have to move everything out of the bunny room for awhile so I can paint, and I didn't want a huge pile of empty boxes in our bedroom, so I cut them all up and made a bunny fort. I don't really like having a collection of boxes around taking up space, but the bunnies love to play in them so I guess it's worth it.
I wish I could get extra boxes..My mother works at Lowes but it is too far for me to go to. But I do like my mini maze!

Chelle, I have a super nice comfy bed that was cheap that I love. It is only a full, so it is a bit crowded with james, but still comfy! But when we go to his mothers house (they are really close so we visit them on the weekends) he has one of those air mattresses..I hate it. Ugggh my back hurts so bad and I never get good sleep! It is amazing what a good bed can do. After getting this bed I have now, I will never settle for a cheap mattress.

What color are you painting it? Or did I miss that?
I'm painting it a really light pink. It's almost not worth all the work it's so close to white, lol, but I think it will look nice anyways. I figured this would be a good time to paint, since I have been wanting to move the room around for a few weeks now.

But boy is it turning out to be a lot of work! It took me so long today to move all the stuff out of the room. I still have to clean it really well tomorrow morning before I can start painting. Then hopefully by tomorrow night the paint will be dry so I can start setting everything up again. The bunnies will move back in on Wednesday or Thursday, when the paint is dry and I'm sure the fumes have died down.

I decided to split up the cage, since my boys don't get along so well anymore. So I'm going to split the 3 story cage into one section that is 2 storys for Ziggy and Berry, and one secton that's one story for Barnaby. But they'll still all get a ton of out of cage time of course.

We started out sleeping on an air matress when we first moved. Theeen it got a hole in it or something, so I'm kind of embarassed to say this, but we where sleeping on the floor for over a year and a half!We just piled a bunnnch of blankets up on the floor and slept on those. So yeah, you can imagion how nice it was for us to finally go out and buy a bed!

Today was such a crazy day. Spent all day moving furnature and stuff, so I was really sore, then I had to go grocery shopping for the week. When I got home and got the food away, Chris decided he wanted to try to fix our stupid shower curtin. Um yeah, in the process of fixing it, it pretty much collapased, bring a few of the tiles down with it. Theeen while we where working on fixing that, Kit took a leak on our new bed! We haven't even slept in it for 2 nights yet, and he already peed all over it. Grr. Luckily, we had a matress protector on it, so the pee didn't actually get on the matress, just all over our blankets. Kit doesn't usually have accidents I should add, but I didn't take him outside when he asked because I was helping Chris fix the shower. Plus since the bed is so new, he probably doesn't understand really that he's not suppose to use it as his own personal bathroom.
Ahh what a long day!!

I worked on the bunny room from 9am till Chris got home at 7pm, took a two hour break to make lasgina for dinner, ate dinner, than worked on the room some more until 11:30. Like 12 hours of working on the room today, and I'm not done!

But I cleaned it crazy good - I took the cage apart and cleaned it like crazy then but it back together again, soaked all the litter boxes and plastic toys, washed dishes and bottled and bascially just everything!

Theen I painted. That took awhile. Got paint all over myself. Then after I was finished painting I cleaned the rugs while the paint was drying, then started working on putting everything back into the room again, which I didn't finish but most of the bunny stuff is set up. The cages are, and their rugs are back in the room, at least.

I put the bunnies in the spare cages I have and kept them in our extra bedroom while I was painting, because I didn't want them to breath in the fumes. But Barnaby didn't poop all day! I think he was stressed about being in a diffrent room, in a diffrent cage. I was getting worried about him. So I set up a bunch of fans in the room to dry the paint faster and opened all the windows even though it was hottttt, and got the air filter going in there. The paint only took an hour or so to dry and after a few hours it didn't even smell much anymore. Sooo I took a bunch of time to set the cages up, even though I wanted to wait to do that tomorrow, so I could move Barnaby back into his own cage where he'd feel more comfortable.

As soon as I put Barnaby bean into his regular cage, he jumped right into the litter box and started munching away, and pooped! He was holding it until he could get to his regular litter box, or something. But he's perfectly fine and back to normal now, thankfully.

My feet are so sore. I don't think I've been on my feet for this many hours straight since I climbed that mountain. And I still have a lot of work to do tomorrow - but the room is already looking so much better than it did before!!

My sister is going to the hospital tomorrow morning to be induced! So with any luck, my baby niece will be born tomorrow. :)
Congrats on your new niece!

I can't believe you did all that in 12 hours. I don't know if I could have done all that alone in 12 hours. Kudos!! Are you all done though?
Baby Emily Rylee Jean Hughes (quite a name huh?) was born on Aug. 11th, at 6:37 by c-section. She weighed 6lbs 11oz and both her and my sister are doing well.

I was going to post a picture, but eh, I know she's my niece and all, but babies are so ugly! :p At least I think they are. Maybe later I'll post one later anyways.

No I didn't finish the bunny room that day I worked on it 12 hours straight. I'm pretty much finished with it now, other than a few bags of stuff that I have to find a new location for.

The bunnies are back in the room now though and seem to be really enjoying it! I took some pictures but I kind of want to wait to post them, because I want to add a few things and make it look even better first :biggrin2:


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