The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Aww I went into the bunny room awhile ago and Barnaby was doing the frog leg thing! Ya know, laying on the floor with both his back legs out behind him. It was so cute! That's seriously the first time I ever remember seeing him lay like that. I ran into the living room for my camera and of course my battery is dead. So I tried to take his picture with my cell phone camera, but Kit ran into the room with me and Barnaby jumped up just a few seconds before I was about to take the picture. Oh well, maybe he'll do it again sometime.
Haha what a shabby bunny! Kinobe is molting a lot too. Maybe a lop thing! lol.

HOw long as it been since she bred? I hope you get fertile eggs too! I decided to try my blazing blizzard one more time this year...
Uhh I don't remember off hand exactly what day it was her and Haku where last together...but I have it down in her files. She should be laying soon though - I'm thinking in the next couple of days. I so hope they are fertile!!

And speaking of sister is due to have her baby any day now! Her due date is Aug. 2nd but she thinks (and hopes) that the baby will come early. I'm excited that I'm going to have another niece! Brianna, my sisters first daughter, just turned 4 this month.
I feel so bad.

If you remember, about 3 weeks ago I posted about a friend who's 19 year old cat passed away. Well last night, one of her rabbits passed away too!

The rabbit was so sweet. He was actually found running loose in Central Park originally. I was going to adopt him, but he was so friendly and sweet that my friend fell in love with him and ended up keeping him (she has 3 other rabbits as well).

I can't imagine loosing two of my beloved pets, only 3 weeks apart from each other. I still never got around to sending her a gift/card after she lost her now I need to look for a memorial gift for the cat and the bunny.
Ah the fur...the fur is driving me insane!

Ziggy AND Berry are shedding now. :banghead Again!

I think I just spend about 3 hours cleaning the rabbit room. It was covered in fur. I had to take everything out of the cages and wipe it all down with a wet cloth to get all the loose fur out of the corners, I still don't think I got it all but it's much better than it was. I cleaned the fan and the air filter, because they where all clogged up with fur too, it was gross.

I held both Berry and Ziggy on my lap for awhile each, to brush them and cut their nails, and just give them a check over. I have so much fur stuck to me from holding them, I look like I'm turning into a rabbit!

Stupid Ziggy threw a fit and boxed at me with his front paws. I think he tried to bite me, but luckily he missed. He HATES being held, but too bad for him because I needed to clip his nails and brush him so he didn't just end up eating all that fur.

I'm going grocery shopping later tonight, sometime after the rain stops (Hopefully). I think I'll look for some kind of treat to buy for the bunnies, since I know putting up with shedding can't be fun for them either. Especially when I insist on brushing them everyday.

I still need to buy them some new toys too. They have so many toys already, but I have to always alternate them or they get sick of them. I think they might like something new, but they already have just about every toy that's made for bunnies!
Today was Kitsune's bath day! Chris is allergic to dog saliva. Luckily, Kit doesn't really lick himself that much, so we don't really have much of a problem keeping Chris' allergies under control. But I still bathe Kit pretty often, to keep him nice and clean and smelling good and so he doesn't bother Chris' allergies.



I also dremeled his nails, brushed his teeth, and brushed him. He's so clean and smells so nice now.



But he's such a trouble maker! This is him, on the second floor of the bunnies cage, eating hay that he stole from their litter box! He jumped straight up from the ground into the second floor of their cage, when he thought I wasn't looking!


I love my happy puppy! I don't know what I'd ever do without him. He's so much work, but he makes me so happy.


Here's Mr.Haku, hanging out in his empty food dish. I think he's trying to tell me something ;)


And the lovely Aurora...



I spent some time today reorganizing my house plants. My shelves under the plant lights where getting a bit overcrowded since Chris keeps buying me new plants. Here's what it looks like now...





Some of the other plants I moved around to different locations around the house. I repotted my spider plants and got a hanging pot for them, so they're hanging from the kitchen ceiling now.

Does anyone know what this plant is??


Chris got it for me while I was gone the other week, but no one at the store knew what it was, and it didn't have any kind of stickers or anything on it. It's really cool - there isn't any dirt in the pot it's in, just some weird mossy type stuff. I think it's really cool looking, and I want to try to find out what it is so I can make sure I take care of it the right way.
I love your geckos! Sooo pretty :)

And your making me want to get that plant stand. I don't know what plant that is, and I am work so I don't have any of my books with me! If no one replies by then I will go look it up :)

The plant stand would probably be easy to make, for cheaper, I was thinking. I want to either buy or make another one. I think I could make a similar frame with PVC pipes but then I don't know what to use for the shelves, and I'd still have to buy the light fixtures and lights.

I did some research and my plant is some kind of Neoregelia - A genus of bromeliads, but I haven't narrowed it down to the exact species yet.
Repotting cacti is painful - ouch!

Sooo the laptop I've been using since Jan, when our desktop broke, is like 7 years old now. Every time we have the funds together to get a new computer, it seems like something else more important comes up. First it was paying for Berry's emergency vet bills, which I'm still in dept over, and now we need to get a new bed - frame, mattress, boxspring, the whole 9 yards. And because Chris is a video game artist/designer and uses the computer a lot for his work, he wants a really good high end computer and monitor, which are of course a lot more expensive.

I don't know if it has something to do with the lappy being so old or what the deal is, but being on the computer a lot lately has been giving me some pretty had headaches. It's weird because I can play video games on our tv and that doesn't bother me at all, but something about this computer screen really seems to bother me.

I'm going to take a break from using the computer so much for awhile. Maybe a week or so to start. I'll still use it, but I'm going to severely limit my use. I want to see if not using it so much changes how often I get these headaches at all. Plus, I have a lot of projects I have been wanting to work on, but I just haven't been able to get up the motivation lately. I figure that I'll need something to do when I'm not wasting time on the computer, so hopefully I'll be able to muster up the motivation to get some of them done this week...or at least started.

I'll still check in here and post to my blog though - maybe just not as often for awhile. I don't know why I even bothered posting this since I'll most likely still be around, and no one really seems to follow my blog much anyways, but I just figured I'd post it anyway.
I read the blog all the time :)

Do you think that maybe the laptop is getting old and the refresh rate of the screen is getting too slow? Slow refresh rate could tire your eyes. Your eyes would see "flickering" even if your brain is not interpreting the screen as flickering.

Don't worry I'm not going anywhere - just going to try to spend more time away from the computer so I can get a break from these headaches.

Helen - yeah, that's what Chris said too. Not really much I can do about that though. We'll probably get a new computer and screen in a month or two (hopefully), but until then we just have to keep dealing with the laptop.

This is the first time I've ever even had a computer last this long. For some reason all our other computers always crap out after only a year or two.

Um yeah, I'm already failing at spending less time on the computer. Because it's 2am and I can't sleep, and what else am I suppose to do this late at night? :p
Dragonrain wrote:
This is the first time I've ever even had a computer last this long. For some reason all our other computers always crap out after only a year or two.

Um yeah, I'm already failing at spending less time on the computer. Because it's 2am and I can't sleep, and what else am I suppose to do this late at night? :p
I'm sure that to some degree it's our own education of how to take care of our computers. Before I became a computer geek my computers wouldn't last a year without being infected with something, a piece of hardware going kaput or some OS files being corrupted to goo. I bought a Sony Vaio lappie years ago and it's a 12" screen one -- looks like a netbook (little bit bigger, but thickness is the same), in fact it even has specs like today's netbooks. But it cost me $1400 back then. It's still kicking, and the best part of it is it's the best screen I have on any computer I own to date, period. I guess it was worth the money. I bring that Vaio with me on vacation because it's small and light, and it performs like a dream :) At home it's a little too small to use day-to-day. /geek

I'm still up too, so what does that say about me? :) I've been doing stuff all day and finally got to settle down to play my new game, Starcraft 2, at the conservative hour of 00:00. :p Have you played Starcraft 2?
I haven't played Starcraft 2! How is it??

I spoke a bit too soon about how wonderful my old computer is, lol. This morning I woke up after sleeping only like 2 hours, and remembered that I forgot to pay one of my bills online. I went on the computer to pay it, and the stupid thing froze and then wouldn't turn back on again. Some windows files where really messed up and I had to reformat. It took me like all day to get the computer all up to date again.

So yeah, didn't do a great job at staying off the computer today!

Ugh then tonight I fed Kit his dinner - I feed him usually dry food for breakfast and wet food for dinner, just so he doesn't have to eat the same thing all the time. While I was cooking dinner for me and Chris, apparently Kit took a big chunk of wet dog food and brought it into the living room, and smeared it all over the floor! It was all over the floor, ground into the area rug. Bleh...and it was fish flavored wet food so the whole apartment smelled gross and fishy.

I did get some stuff done today though. I did some sewing, and started to go through my clothes. I have way to much clothing, and I've been meaning for a long time now to sort through it and get rid of some of the stuff I don't wear anymore.

The bunnies are doing well. I'll try to get pictures soon. I cut a watermelon today for dinner and gave all the bunnies a tiny piece each, they loved it! I figured it's a nice cool treat for a hot evening.

I'm going to take Kit out tonight around 10:30 to see if we can see the northern lights! They're suppose to be visible tonight and tomorrow night, but I'm not sure if we'll be able to see them here with all the lights on outside.
I don't know if I posted about this before...but I'm trying to spend more time with the bunnies. I spend time taking care of them everyday of course, but I wasn't really spending much time just to hang out and enjoy them.

So now, for at least an hour a day, I put Kit in his crate for a nap and give the bunnies the run of the house. I figure this has an added benefit of getting Ziggy and Barnaby together in neutral territory - hopefully it will help with their rebonding so that eventually I can trust them to be together all the time again.

Berry is so sweet. I don't like to pick favorites, but Berry has a special place in my heart. She follows me around the house every chance she gets, and is really the only one of my bunny who pretty often seeks out my attention.

Barnaby played fetch with me with one of Kit's toys. It was so cute. He was running around doing binkies and even layed his head down for pets. <3

Ziggy was kind of cranky today. I dunno what he's upset about today, but he just wanted to do his own thing so I gave him his space mostly, but I did get a bunch of cute pictures of him still.

Picture spam time!! :biggrin2:

Group photos...




The boys...


Berry and Barns...




Ziggy...chewing with his mouth open!


Sweet Berry...


Berry and Zigs...


Barnaby playing...


Tongue picture!


Cute little cotton tail...


Ziggy was hanging out on this shelf. Chris had to do a double take when he saw him, he thought he was a decoration!


Bunny butt...




Grooming pictures...




Yeah the living room isn't bunny proofed - if anyone noticed all the wires that show in the pictures. I only let them run around in that room when I'm in there with them though.
Dragonrain wrote:
This would be a AWESOME avatar pic! Its frickin' adorable!!!!! :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:
You can see all the bun's perfectly and they all have cute little expressions and just..awww! Oh, and the back ground looks "professional" ;)
Thanks!! :biggrin:

I think I will change my avatar picture soon. I like that I can use a picture that has all three of them together. I don't have many good pictures with all of them, so I was glad I got a few today!

I forgot to add that I bought the bunnies two giant boxes of hay today! So hopefully they get here before they run out again. Tomorrow I think I'm going to order them more pellets, and a few toys if I can find good toys for them.
Thats great! They will love you for that :)

And I was just thinking, you got some GREAT pics of all of them, you could have one of those changing avatars and make it change to a few different ones of them together and ones of them alone! :biggrin:
Thanks for the picture compliments :) I would like to make one of those changing avatars - I wanted to make one and also include my dog and my other pets with the bunnies. But I don't think I'll be able to make a fancy avatar until I either reinstall all the programs back onto this computer, or until we get a new one in a few months.

Since I had to reformat the laptop, we lost all the programs we had on it. We had photoshop, and a lot of really good animation/design programs since Chris uses that kind of stuff for his work. I don't know if I want to go through the trouble of installing all that again on this computer, since we're going to just get a new one pretty soon, and Chris has a feeling that it's the hard drive that made it crash, and that it might just do it again.

I'm shopping online at Leith Petwerks because I wanted to get my bunnies an exit ramp for their condo, and a party deck for the third floor of their cage. Then of course I added a bunch of toys and stuff to the cart, and now the total is over $200. As much as I'd love to spend that much and more on them, right now really isn't a good time too. I just spend a bunch on them restocking up their hay supply, and we're trying to save money since we're getting a new bed this weekend, and then a new computer after that.

I can't decide now what to remove from my cart to make it cheaper. I know I can always buy them more stuff another time, but since I'm planning on moving around their room, I wanted to get them a bunch of new toys and stuff so that the floor in there doesn't look so bare and boring anymore.

I think I'm really going to wrack my brain and see if I can think of any cheap alternatives for toys. I'll build them some new box forts and such. I have this sudden ambition to work on their room. I'm going to move their cage into the bedroom for awhile so I can paint their room and move it around without stressing them out too much. Then when I'm done with all that, I'm hoping that by the time I move them back into the bunny room, that maybe I can get Ziggy and Barnaby rebonded, so that when I put them back in the newly designed and funner room, they can all be free range in it all the time. We'll see how things go though.

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