I'm back! Still in one piece.
Since I know it's what everyone cares about the most - I'll update on the pets.
Chris did an amazing job watching them all for me! Even despite the fact that I had no cell phone reception at all while I was in Maine, so for the most part he was on his own. I was so worried when I couldn't get my 3 times a day updates on everyone.
The bunnies are doing great - I'll have to clean their cages really well tonight since Chris didn't keep things as clean as I like too, but other than that they are perfect. They all came running up to me when I got home, it was so cute.
The fish and frogs are good. The filter I had in my frogger tank broke while I was away so that sucks, but the frogs are fine. Their tank was smelly when I got home but I got a new filter set up and running and have been keeping a close eye on the water perimeters for them.
Geckos are great. I think Aurora is gravid again. I'm hopeful that her next clutch will be fertile but we'll see.
Kitsune is good too

He was a pain in the butt for Chris but I can understand why, because he's use to me being home with him all day and he suddenly had to spend most of the day home alone, so he had a lot of extra energy when Chris was home.
As for my trip - I had a good time but am glad to be home! It was a ton of traveling, I'm so sick of being in a car now. The camp site was a lot of fun but we really had to rough it - they didn't even have and facilities like a flushing toilet or showers. :rollseyes But it was tolerable, mostly since we only ended up staying there 2 nights.
On Sunday we hiked up the mountain. I'm using the term hike loosely here, it was more like rock climbing than hiking. The trail was a very very steep climb over tons of boulders for most of the climb. We did get to the top though! In total it took us 11 hours to get to the top and back again.
We did a little nature sight seeing on Monday morning and then ended up leaving the camp ground a little early. We left Monday afternoon even though we had paid to stay until Tuesday morning. But we where all really sore, and there was really bad weather Monday, so we decided we didn't really want to hang out in the rain and left early.
I spent Monday, Tuesday, and some of Thursday just hanging out at my parents house. We went to the beach a couple of times and I helped my brother repaint his room. It was nice to spend a few days with my family, I don't see them all that often.
My dad drove me home yesterday and of course our drive was almost 2 hours longer than it was suppose to be because we got stuck in horrible NYC traffic. My dad and brother spend the night and then left this morning.
Chris is so sweet. He must have missed me. When I got home yesterday he was still at work, but he had three new flower plants that he got me placed around the apartment, and each one had a really sweet letter attached that he had written to me each of the three nights when we didn't get to talk to each other. <3<3
I have a bunch of pictures, but I think I'll post this and put them in a separate post.
All in all, I had a great time. I missed Chris and the pets and wish I didn't have to spend so much of the trip sitting in the car, but it was really nice to get out away from the city for awhile!!