Some of my buns

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Hi Donna, how's things going with you andall the babies? They must be getting big. Are either of the moms pregnant? I truely hope not.

How's Kevin doing? Say hi to him from me.

Looking forward to many more pictures of all your babies.

I bet seeing the otters today was amazing. They are so graceful to watch.

Just got done reading your entireblog and if I could I would turn myself into a creature and show up on your doorstep! What a fabulous life - who would ever have thought that prairie dogs would make good pets - those photos made me laugh so hard! I must forward them somehow to my Aunt & Uncle who have a farm so that they might look at them in a different light...
Hi Susan & thank you :)Hopefully soon you'll be able to start in the garden - I think spring is finally here! :biggrin2:

Will say hi to Kevin for you. He is doing pretty well and I hope it keeps up! Both mamas are looking really good and are doing great - I don't think they are pregnant. I am keeping watch just in case, but I unless they were bred real close to when they left the meat farm they shouldn't be. But it's so hard to say. But I hope they are not either - and I don't *feel* like they are so I hope that proves to be true.

However, one of our Angora's Tahiti has been watching the NZ babies... they are across from her cage... well yesterday she went to town building a nest! I mean pulling hair out, packing hay! lol. Since she is spayed she can't be pregnant but it still gave me pause! lol. I've had actual pregnant rabbits not build a nest as good as hers! :p

Thanks JulieW! :)We love our kids - I don't even call them furkids anymore, a lot of people get confused! Pdogs have always been a favorite critter of mine but never in a million years would I imagine them to be such great companions, or so friendly, and cuddly. It never ceases to amaze us - absolutely pass along the pictures - if people could see Prairie dogs like this and really see their personalities they would think twice - I know they would. My partners son was here at Christmas didn't want to look at the pdogs said they were stupid, etc. He latter admited to his dad, after seeing them in our house & how they interacted wish us, he felt bad because when he lived in North Dakota he used to shoot them. :XI am glad it gave him something to think about, and made him feel bad! That was a really great sign. :)

Don't worry you don't have to turn into a creature, you can show up as you are!
Look at all those cute babies!

Noel is just gorgeous and so sweet sounding! Oh my goodness I wish she was MINE! it sounds to me she is becoming the bun of the house! She looks so happy and content and I just would LOVE to see her funny antics in person!

How far away is Ontario from Washington state? I think I may have to come up to your refuge for a week this summer and just lounge around with all your beautiful animals!

You're soo lucky to have such wonderful pets like them! And Norman...he's toooo cute! I love chihuahuas! And he is just adorable! I love it how he and Noel are so close! And Chester is soo cute! :)

Woooooooooooooow. This is the first time I have read your blog and it's GREAT! I LOVE the pictures, Peter is adorable, Noel is a total case. How incredible.

How does your set up work? Like, do they all free roam or what?

I love your blog. I might set up camp here.
LOL Thanks Emily! :)It's about a three days drive from Washington to our place - if you fly, it will be faster! :)Come on over!

Thanks Tracy! :)We have a few setups. All of our senior/special needs buns live in the house, as does Noel & a couple others buns. Everyone else currently lives in our completely enclosure porch, but will be moving to our new building which is 20 feet by 70 feet, that we just put up in the fall. My husband builds all their enclosures from scratch, and we also have outdoor grassy runs, will build indoor play areas in the building, and all of the buns are loose in the house at various times of the day. Many of our rabbits have come from situations where they have never been outside of a cage, let alone in a house, but they love it and even get along with our dogs, and Prairie dogs, and the cat too. Well most of them get along with the cat.... :pa couple have tried to beat him up.

All of the buns are handled daily, spend time in the runs and in the house, and are spoiled as much as humanly possible. Both Kevin & I work on the farm, so I spend every day with them. If I am gone for more than a few hours, we have a full time caretaker who takes over lol. Some of our buns and farm animals too are special needs so they are always supervised no matter what.

Our indoor rabbits have NIC inclosures but are loose most of the time, just not if we are not here. Noel has the run of entire place because she is such a good girl, and also thinks she is a Chihuahua.

My dream is to build another building where I can have open enclosures for all of the buns, and an exam area, etc. Maybe one day? If I win the lottery!

A few pictures of Bob bunny! I think I have other pictures of him on here. He was surrendered to us. He was living in loose on a balcony in an apartment building :shock:He is currently playing with Norman Chi by the woodstove on their comforter. :)

Sleepy Bob

She's kissing me again!

No pictures please!

Should I pee on these shoes?

A few of the girls in our herd in the front yard this morning

and snuggle time with Chip


Im just catching up on your blog... Im so sorry to hear you lost some of the babies. But youre doing such a great thing for all of the bunnies. I know it must be heartbreaking though to lose them when you had so much hope of giving them a great life.

I just love looking at all your pictures. If I ever come visit Susan again in Ajax we'll have to arrange to come meet your prairie dogs- Im so jealous!
trailsend wrote:
I wanted to share this because I thought it was cute. A local guy came over today (all the local people think we are crazy) and he comes into our livingroom, there are eight baby rabbits lounging around WITH Norman the Chihuahualol, the three Prairie dogs yelled Yahoo when he walked in, and in the middle of the room was Noel doing this lol. The look on his face was priceless, he honestly did not know what to say lol. The entire time he was here Noel was running about, sleeping in Normans bed with Norman, drinking out the water bowl with Norman, stealing things and running off with them - it was just really funny. Local people are not used to seeing rabbits like that.
:laugh: I can just imagine! That is hilarious! Did he say anything?
Tonyshuman - OMG bless your heart! lol :pThere is another rabbit out there with a personality like Chesters? :p

Haley- Thanks! :)The other babies are doing good and growing like weeds and have SUCH personality, so that helps, but it is still heartbreaking. But I know, it's life. Yes, if you are ever up this way, absolutely come visit! :biggrin2:

Montana- lol it was so funny! He didn't say a word, just kept starring. Then Norman & Noel were playing and chasing each other, and the guys eyes kept getting bigger, but he never said a word! lol. What was even funnier was last winter when Kevin invited this contractor who was working across the lake over to dinner... guy comes over and sees a playpen set up in our livingroom in front of the woodstove and starts to ask us if we have a baby, when our lamb, Bravheart, comes strolling out of the kitchen! LOL you want to talk about surprise! :p

I don't think I have any pictures of our first bunny, well Nibs, was my first bunny, but Fortune wasthe bunny thatstarted everything and turned our farm into a bunny Sanctuary and took over our entire lives! She is a big girl! I was holding her at this flea market we had gone to... when we got there I was shocked to find birds, chickens, rabbits, geese, etc. So anyway, I asked to hold her before Kevin could stop me, the guy hands her to me and a few minutes later this guy comes along and says he wants to buy her for meat... ah, no, she's mine. lol. Kevin is just staring at me shaking his head. Anyhoo an hour later, we left with four rabbits, 12 ducklings, 2 baby turkeys, 2 geese, 2 ducks... a few chickens... LOL.



and one of Jackson, just cause he's so dang cute


'Anyhoo an hour later, we left with four rabbits, 12 ducklings, 2 baby turkeys, 2 geese, 2 ducks... a few chickens... LOL. '

Ha ha, I like that!

You have such a big heart!
LOL Thanks Flashy! :hug:

Kevin doesn't like letting me leave the farm now, because someone almost always comes home with me. Like the time we came across our goats... they were underweight, one had a tumor, they were full of mites and fleas... Kevin pulled me aside and said "don't take those goats." I turned around and said "I'm taking these goats."

They are both doing wonderful now, healthy, happy - and fat! :)
Just a few pictures from this afternoon. I just found out a few days ago that our one year old Chihuahua, has an enlarged heart. Our Vet thinks he was born with it. I'm devastated - however after doing much research and talking to several Vets, and many other friends who do rescue and others who own Chihuahua's I realize all is not lost. He is on medication which he'll take forever which is not a big deal - I'm just upset that he has this at such a young age. It's not unheard of but it's rare. I know he can still live a long, happy & healthy life and I am glad we caught this now and that now we can treat him for it and take care of him. We love him to pieces and I can't imagine what we would do without him. Or the bunnies, since he is their guard dog. I've dealt with this before but always in senior rescue doggies. So it's been a stress filled week. But all the bunnies are all just great :)

One of our NZ babies - look at those ears! :biggrin2:


Lounging Rexies


Norman & Frisco


Hi Montana! Norman the Chihuahua is doing great, thanks for asking :)Since my surgery on Friday I've been online reading, but everytime I try to type something I get to tired... now I'm too tired to do anything but too bored to do nothing lol - so I figured I'd better make an effort!! I do have some new pictures :biggrin2:

First of all - not bunny related, our blind "ram" we bottle raised and never castrated because of the infections he had since a baby (our Vet said he'd never be able to reproduce and it wasn't worth the pain) apparently is still a ram - although he doesn't act like it! Thursday I went up to the barn and found our ewe, Lila nursing a little black lamb with a white tail... and the only other sheep we have is her son who is castrated! LOL I couldn't believe my eyes... my baby, made a baby!!


This is Hope - she just arrived on Thursday... since I've been in bed since Friday, I only have this one picture of her upon her arrival... she is super sweet - I made it into the bunny room tonight and she gave me a kiss :)


Our three month old Great Pyrenees puppy, Max :)


Me, Norman, Noel and a few of the local deer critters the other evening :)


and here is Zara in Norman's bed...

AWWW I am so excited about the baby lambie!

Did you band the ram when you castrated him? We had an older lamb who we castrated and his testicals slipped out of the band.... long story but it was a mess....

Most likely, your ram had a non-descended one.

Lucky You! lambs are SOOOOO cute! "maaaaa" :biggrin2:

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