Wrote out my post... then hit back space to erase something, and lost everything - the page back spaced instead... grrr.
Thanks Montana! So when are you coming to visit? My hair has been red forever, but I just recently went redder and darker - you think it works?
Here are some pictures. The Barrie rescue babies are doing well, growing up. All the babies and mamas have been treated for worms... they were when they came and our Vet said a follow up would be good too - the mamas were infested. In all my years of taking in rescue bunnies from bad situations, I've never dealt with a case of worms... I guess that is strange, because we've had bunnies come from filthy conditions before - so I can only imagine how horrible this barn must have been. What a nightmare for those rabbits. Of course our Flemmie litter is attached to us at the hip because we bottle raise them. The NZ babies are starting to come out of their shells and show their own individual personalities. They are a lot of fun.
Here is Peter, my boy, after hitting the motherload of hay
Yukon bunny - our only surviving runt of the Flemmie litter. He is such a lover.
Crazy Hope building her nest - she's not preggers, just going loopy...
Norman, Rae Rae, and all their toys