Some of my buns

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Thanks guys! Bo, Braveheart was no castrated because he was so sick when he was born, he had an infection in his blood that blinded him and nearly killed him... our Vet said therewas no reason to castrate him because he would not be viable anyway with all the damage he sustaned from the various infections he had. Apparently this was not the case lol. :p
Thanks for the update!


I love this picture. It looks so relaxing, I wish that was me.

And I love your hair color. :D
Wrote out my post... then hit back space to erase something, and lost everything - the page back spaced instead... grrr.

Thanks Montana! So when are you coming to visit? My hair has been red forever, but I just recently went redder and darker - you think it works?

Here are some pictures. The Barrie rescue babies are doing well, growing up. All the babies and mamas have been treated for worms... they were when they came and our Vet said a follow up would be good too - the mamas were infested. In all my years of taking in rescue bunnies from bad situations, I've never dealt with a case of worms... I guess that is strange, because we've had bunnies come from filthy conditions before - so I can only imagine how horrible this barn must have been. What a nightmare for those rabbits. Of course our Flemmie litter is attached to us at the hip because we bottle raise them. The NZ babies are starting to come out of their shells and show their own individual personalities. They are a lot of fun.

Here is Peter, my boy, after hitting the motherload of hay


Yukon bunny - our only surviving runt of the Flemmie litter. He is such a lover.


Crazy Hope building her nest - she's not preggers, just going loopy... :p


Norman, Rae Rae, and all their toys


More pictures! :biggrin2:

Firelyfly's first time on grass EVER. Out of a cage, no more breeding, no worries about filthy cages... she was so happy and binkying... even my husband was almost crying!


Miracle, our other rescued mama on grass :)


Snuggles in his nest, eating a cookie, although he's buried so you really can't see it.


Our little fat man enjoying his snack :)


No pictures PLEASE!



Thanks Julie!:)The Pdogs just love their shredded wheat cookies... and oats... and sweet potatoes... they are suppose to love green beans, and carrots and parsely too but none of mine will even touch the stuff, except Snuggles and he has to be starving first. :p
Great pics as usual!:D Firefly sure looks happy on the grass;). Hope is too cute with her whirlybird ears:biggrin2:. Rae Rae is adorable! Pdogs are too cute too. I'd love to meet one one day:).
Awww, all the bunnies are so sweet! :D

How is your little lamb doing? I'm havingto 'sheep-sit' 3 of my neighbours little ones, I love sheepies!
Love your photos, I couldn't choose which animal was my favourite, but Jackson is gorgeous and of course I love the Rexes! :biggrin2:
Thanks guys! :)

AngelnSnuffy - I hope you get to meet a Pdog too!! They are so much fun. I've seen them all over in Canada (Alberta mostly) and in Colorado, Wyoming, and South Dakota, etc. But Wind Cave in South Dakota was my favorite place to see them in the wild - there are so many of them in the dog towns and they come right up to you! And they bring their babies out!! It's too adorable. You can also come here to visit and meet my guys!

Spring- "Lily" the lamb is doing great :)aren't sheep great? They are so much fun and so full of personality! It must be fun sheep sitting! hehe. What kind of sheep are they?

Jenson - Thank you! Where would be without Rexies? :)Jackson says thank you too - he loves compliments! (He's a little self centered sometimes ;))
Aww, that's good! What a cute name too! :D

I'm not sure which breed they are, I hardly know anything about sheep! Hehe! Two have black markings on them, and one is pure white. Should get pictures next time I'm over there!
I just read through your whole blog, and color me jealous! I happened to fall in love and marry someone who is not an animal person (I still love him dearly, he just can't tolerate too many animals for too long). You are living a life of wonder to me. I'd love to have the animals around me like you have. You are a great person, doing so much for those who cannot do for themselves.

I hope that your recovery is going well, for whatever surgery you had done.

Your "one who started it all" looks a lot like my palomino, Elf. They are often sold as meat rabbits, so I wonder...
Spring - Hehe - yes, do take pictures next time! There are so many breeds... and then so many mixes! :p

Elfmommy: Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed the blog :)Kevin loves animals, but not in the same sense as me.. setting up our new rabbit areas today he was hot, bleeding from cutting himself, ticked off... complaining because he had to find someone who happened to come with a bunch of *misfit* rabbits lol. He loves all the animals - but he has his limits for sure... why he keeps tolerating me and them I can never understand... he said no animals upstairs where he put in a new floor... since then, there have been numerous rabbits, one lamb raised in a playpen in the livingroom, the Prairie dogs... three puppies... lol :)

and thank you - I am recovering.. I started overdoing it and learned real quick that I better stop that! Nibs does look like Elf - same color! I'm ganna go look at your blog right now.

Just wanted to share these baby Robin pictures from yesterday :)



Y'know, if I was (a lot) younger, and I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would say "You" :D. You are living my dream, and you are helping so many animals, of all types, I think it's wonderful.

I love ALL your babies - how awesome to be surrounded by all those creatures :D. Those baby robins are just so cute - I love baby birds. They are all mouth and cheeping.

I love baby birds! And those Robins wings are SO gorgeous! don't tell me these are strays you took in? At my office we just let the Zebra Finches I rescued have had their 4th clutch of babies (5 this time around) and they are now big enough to get adopted out, as the Mom Miya has now laid 6 new eggs in the nest.. sigh.. she just won't stop.. We're joking that we should go get her spayed!

But baby birds are so cute to watch them learn to fly or when they take their first bird bath - you can almost see them smile!! :)
You know have the most awesome blog..i love looking through itand seeing all you do and all the love you give to all those wonderful animals is just heart warming..i love them all...but i do have a kinda soft spot for Noel...she stole my heart the very first day you posted her picture :)

Luvabun: Aww, thank you so much! :)That's so kind. I'm not that far away from Alberta technically... ;)

Juliew- Thankfully they still have their mama - she set up her nest under our deck... the nest is so low I can't believe they have made it and not been taken by a predator... she's doing a good job of taking care of them and keeping all the Raccoons away. :)LOL about your Finches!! Busy girl! That is too funny. It must be so much fun watching those babies grow!! :)

Bo- Thank you! :)you are so sweet... but you still can't have the Pdogs... :p

Cheryl- Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoy the blog and the pictures :)and, please don't tell anybun, but Noel runs the place, and she knows it :pI'll tell her you said that :)

I did some nail trimming today... well with the buns I know don't fuss any... I'm going nuts still being restricted in what I am doing!

Here are Maple (blonde) and Moose... my two bonded boys. Maple who is half the size of Moose, is actually the boss lol...


OK Video request of the PDogs as I'm going to be going to my family reunion this summer (August 1 - 3rd) and its being held at my Mom's, Sisters ranch that has the Pdogs and they've NEVER looked at them as other than a nuisance and I'd love to show them "the other side"..

Their great people, very religious and bring up animals well, but have 300 + acreas (raise cattle) so they are slightly jaded.. But I think they would find it great fun to see PDogs as pets and perhaps they wouldn't be so "hard?" against them (other than obviously you can't allow them to eat your profit/food of hay - their biggest gripe against PDogs)..

But I think being the good people they are - they would love to see your guys up close and in person (I'll bring my laptop and aircard so that they can see the photos but I think a video would be precious - especially of the one that loves to be carried around all day - love that little guy - SO much, I'd just like to see your farm in action!).

And I'm sure I'm not alone in my Video request!!!! Come on people band with me!!
"We Want Video" "We Want Video" We Want Video" .. of Trailsend!:D