AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Um, who is this? Is this a Rexypoo?
Yep, that's Frisco, a Mini Rex. We took in 17 (Mini Rex) all at one wack this fall, and took in four Mini Rex surrenders in the summer. Two of the surrenders (Mr. Frisco, and Chester) are permanent residents now. Frisco because he is such a great guy and made himself right at home, and Chester because he is a major grouch and I don't feel it would be possible to find him a home I trust him going to. Not many people are patient with moody rabbits. So I get to deal with his mood swings instead! lol - good news is he doesn't bite me, just anyone else that comes near him.)
Frisco came this past summer from Montreal, where a girl there found him running loose on the streets. her parents made the trek all the way to our farm - while I was in Alaska. My farm sitter/Animal caretaker accepted the surrender even though he was suppose to contact me first! But this was an unusual case, and the girl wasn't really surrendering a rabbit, she had rescued him, and wanted him to go somewhere safe

He is one of the friendliest buns I've ever met.
Thanks for the comments everyone!
Angel - that is Noel, she's such a goofball! She'd just been caught stealing some of her dads paperwork, and the face on her is just hilarious - WHO ME? It's impossible to keep her out of the office - I'm not really sure why, but it's her favorite room in the house lol.
Promise more pictures as soon as I get them into my computer. :biggrin2: