Some of my buns

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Thanks guys :biggrin2:Noel is a total goofball. We have one of those scratch board ramps, you know for cats... I have a picture somewhere, I'll find it. Noel likes to sit on top of it and look about the room. She'll come running down the hall through the living room, and run on top of it and then just sit there and stare at everyone lol.

O.K. why are in this tub?
No! Why did you clean our house? It was perfect the way it was before! Now we've got to tear all this stuff up again!

and introducing one of the new kids... This is our girl with a "hare" lip as Kevin calls it lol. She was dumped by a basement breeder. This girls mom & dad were brother & sister and very young, so she has a few birth defects because of it. She was thin when she came, but has a good belly on her now. She is way smaller than all our other Mini Rex buns, but healthy. She's such a sweetie pie.


She's so cute! Is she multicolored? like a harly?

Those doggies are so darned cute! I couldn't stand it! I'd be playing with all of them all day long!
I think she is Bo - she is a lot like Pekoe, but darker in color.

Since Norman has definately outgrown his very first puppy sweater, we came up with a new use for it today. It works perfect since Noel is convinced she is actually a small dog, and not a rabbit at all. :biggrin2:

what are you looking at?




Oh my goodness...i couldn't stop looking at Noel...what a beautiful and perfect looking bunny.......she is one gorgeous girl...and she looks so pretty with that little jumper on :inlove:

Thank you Cheryl! :)She is truly my Miracle bunny. On Christmas Eve, she was on deaths door and we had no idea why. She couldn't walk, wasn't eating... I cried and cried all night, I was so upset and worried about her. She was in such bad shape and so suddenly I truly thought she was passing. I set up a little nest beside our bed for her, and woke up at 4 AM to hear her quietly munching on some hay. Over the next few days she ate, drank, and started walking again. She is 100 % fine now, and neither us, or our Vet is quite sure what happened. She didn't get into anything, and there were no signs of any trouble before she basically collapsed Christmas Eve.

She brings us so much joy and puts a smile on my face everyday :)She is just so silly and goofy. Watching her chase our Chi, Norman around the house just cracks us up, then next thing you know, the two of them are sleeping in the dog bed together.
I love the Noel story. Not that I love what happened to her, but I'm glad she's fine now.

She looks so pretty in that sweater! She should be a model!
Thanks Montana! :)

I have more pictures from today but my computer won't let me upload them :(I'll keep fighting with my computer, hopefully I'll win.

Until then, these two are from yesterday.

Who made this mess?

I have better ones but again, my computer. It's cranky tonight I guess. Here are Norman & Peanut, taking a break from playing


She is such a cutie :)I have a whole herd of Mini Rex - I just told Kevin tonight I can't believe how big our Mini Rex population has gotten. It doesn't help we got 18 at one time mind you. I can't believe so many people have dumped them - I have found every one of the rexs to have the greatest personalities, they are all so interested in people and other animals, and just want to play and even snuggle!

Here is Mr. Chester today relaxing after a nail trim. He was surrendered after Easter last year. Someone bought him, found out he didn't like to be held and that they really didn't want him anyway, so he ended up here. He is a bit of a grouch, but I love him regardless :)plus, he doesn't bite me, just anyone else that comes near him. And while he hates being picked up, he loves being held. He's a darling, just moody, but aren't we all?

sleepy Chester



O.K. a few pictures of our new families that came from the Barrie SPCA after the seizure of over 300+. I must take the opportunity to again remind all those big bunny lovers, if you have room for one, dozens of them still don't have homes! Our guys are doing great, they are so much fun, and so sweet. Already everybuns individual personalities have come through and we've already got names for most of them. I have lots of pictures on my camera but just have not had time to get them into my laptop yet, but I will!







Oh Donna those pictures are great. I'm so jealous I wish they were still here.

I can't believe the difference in their size since Sunday. This is the cutest picture.


Chris loved the one of the Mommie White Bunny, he really fell in love with her.

Looking forward to more pictures.

Oh my gosh they are so cute! Do we know how old the babies are now? We have to get Susan to take a flemmie- maybe the momma she and Chris fell in love with. She has a single boy who I bet would love a big woman. lol

You should get a pic of all the white babies together- they are so precious with those pink little noses and lips!

And I cant ever get enough of your prarie dogs! They are so adorable. What do they eat? And do they get spayed and neutered and everything? Sorry, Im clueless :0)
LOL we'd be hard pressed to part with any of them now. But definately not the mamas. They have all become house bunnies too. We just love them to pieces. I am so happy they are here and SAFE.
Oh my goodness..just look at all those little bunnies....they're so sweet and adorable!...those pictures are just precious :)

Well - the last week has been very sad and very trying here at our farm. Our latest rescues are doing well - Firely our NZ mama and her babies are doing wonderful. Firefly is a little fatter than I would expect which has left me worried she may be pregnant. I hope not!

a day before Easter Miracle went dry - to make a long story short we lost five babies on Easter, the runts of her litter. She had 14 babies, half were thriving and eating on their own, and the others were barely eating solid foods and much weaker. The thriving bunnies were double the size of the runts. This morning we lost the last runt, Trooper, which nearly broke my heart in half. We thought he would be fine since he made it this far. The remaining babies are all fine, growing, with big fat tummies, eating solid food and drinking lots of water. Miracle is better now that she is on her own - she needed to gain weight badly and would hide at the back of her house away from her babies. With only six teets, and 14 babies to nurse and lacking proper nutrition, her life was not a good one before. She is improving everyday now.

As are the remaining babies. They are set up in our livingroom, taking up most of it lol But they are happy and strong. A lot of sick and senior bunnies come to our Sanctuary and it's heartbreaking to loose them, but loosing babies is hard. We've had several litters born here (from mama's that came pregnant) and we've never lost one baby, except during birth. I wish these babies had been born here and not into the terrible conditions and chaos they were. But they are safe now, and hopefully they will all continue to thrive and just be able to enjoy their new lives. And Miracle and Firefly can rest easy knowing they will never have another litter again.

I have much more to write - but have other critters that need care right now... so I'll share some pictures and write more later :)

Thanks for the blankets Susan - we sure are making good use of em :)

Firefly getting ready to enjoy some parsely


Peter passed out :)he gives me a heart attack everytime I walk by him


Noel checking out Yukon




Miracle & Norman all of the rabbits get along with our dogs and cat


nursing one of Miracles babies


Part of our first set up in the livingroom for the babies - it's about eight feet long or so - two vaccum cleaner boxes and a too set box all put together with little doors, they also have two houses to hide in that are full of blankets, two litter boxes, two food dishes, and water bowls, and two hay racks!


I did also manage to finish our spring newsletter - so that is one good accomplishment :)
I wanted to share this because I thought it was cute. A local guy came over today (all the local people think we are crazy) and he comes into our livingroom, there are eight baby rabbits lounging around WITH Norman the Chihuahualol, the three Prairie dogs yelled Yahoo when he walked in, and in the middle of the room was Noel doing this lol. The look on his face was priceless, he honestly did not know what to say lol. The entire time he was here Noel was running about, sleeping in Normans bed with Norman, drinking out the water bowl with Norman, stealing things and running off with them - it was just really funny. Local people are not used to seeing rabbits like that.



I was just watching the pond right in front of our house - it's full of birds, herons, geese, ducks.... and I just got the pleasure of watching 2 otters hop & slide across it! My first otters I've actually seen on our property - lots of slides & signs of them, but no sightings! I'm really excited!

So a few pictures...

Noel lounging



and my 9 year old Mr. Nibs in the kitchen this morning enjoying a snack while I made brownies..



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