Hi guys!
I'm going to try and post a picture right now before I head to the barn and if it works, hallalujah! If not, I'll use the photo guide to get this figured out. I have sooo many pictures to share I won't know where to start.
I'm having a lump removed from breast in January - and I just reminded myself the week of no lifting and no barn chores will give me lots of time to catch up on RO. Have to look on the bright side of things! Now I'm kind of looking forward to it LOL.
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and thank you all so much for posting and being for such good friends.
Okay so here is my quick picture try for right now. Nibs, my very first bun, will turn TEN tomorrow. He has been so up and down this year I thought I was saying goodbye to him many times, but now he has a round belly, shiny fluffy coat, and he's full of energy. Go figure!

They just like to worry us I think.
When I previed this, it showed the picture working, so hopefully that means it will.