Shya-she does what she wants

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I would love not to pay attention but that's one reason we are where we are. I'm pretty much set in my thoughts on it as well, neither Dem or Rep. I'm never completely closed minded or at least I am willing to listen but I'm not swayed without good reason or proof.
Need to get pictures up of everyone. Kai has this little dog bed I bought for them and loves. He wont lay on it fully but something of his has to be laying on it at all times. Last night he was laying stretched out and just had his back feet on it. I try to sneak up on him to take pictutres but he gets up as soon as he sees me. He's always been a little stand offish until HE was readys for pets but it seems he's getting a bit better. Maybe it's old age. Ha! He's only like three now. Still time flys I guess. I always refer to him as a baby and Omar always excuses his faults as "he's still a growing bun." No wonder he's so spoiled. And acts like it. Shya is good about coming when called. Just not about going to her pen when it's bed time. She hasnt gotten into too much trouble lately. I ate all the captain crunch so I had to switch her bribes to fruit loops. I tried a bit of carrot and she snuffed it. I tried a bit of strawberry but she was still cautious. She will come running for cereal though. I still can seem to find an alternative name fr Mansel. He's very lively now. He's so expressive and you can always tell what he's thinking. He's a digger and a chewer. I'll try a dig box for him and see how he likes it. He is so calm and relaxed. Nothing bothers him and he doesnt bother anybody. He accidently wandered into their pen while I was corraling everyone. Shya was not pleased and proceeded to beat up on Mansel. Poor Mansel looked so distraught and couldnt figure out which way to go to get away. He didnt even try to retaliate. He all but ignores the other rabbits even when Kai on occasion jumps into his pen. Kai can be eating his food and Mansel cant even be bothered to get up. He half binkied today. He even followed me into the kitchen and sat there looking at me. He doesnt ask like Franklin but I could tell he wanted a pat. He opens his eyes a lot more now too. Anxious to get his eye lift so they dont bother him so much. Had a minor melt down over Franklin last night. Just miss him so much. I still every once in a while wish Mansel would do some of Franklins things. Mansel never obliges but he doesnt seem to mind the comparisons.

Lot going on. They're moving me from Battalion to the clinic at the hospital. I'd rather have life long hemorrhoids then go to that stupid clinic. Bunch of whiney, undisciplined, privates who have never been anywhere else than that clinic. And it's up to me to chew them up and spit them out. There is one specialist there that's gonna take a brick to the face if she doesnt change her attitude or come at me crazy. I've already tangled with her once but they're supposed to be moving her back to her battalion. I'm hoping such is the case. One of my soldiers is at the clinic already and my other soldier just found out I leave on monday. He was very upset at me, flicked me off, stomped out of the office and wasnt seen for awhile. When he did come back it was to glare at me until final formation. I felt really bad over the whole thing. He's a good kid and always been a good soldier. When we first got to the unit it was just me and him and he's always been my go to soldier for over a year now. I guess he couldnt have been too mad at me as he called me a little while ago to inform me that he found a puppy, wants to keep it, and was wondering if I could watch it for two weeks while he goes on emergency leave. Yes, yes I am a sucker.
Yesy,yes we do need photos and lots of them. I so want to see Kai kinda on his bed, it sounds so cute!

Mansel sounds like a real sweetie! Although thanks to the girls any time I hear digger or chewer I have to cringe. Hopefully he's one that will be happy with the right things to chew and dig.

I hope they do move the specialist out of there.
Kaley! You should get some sea grass mats! Ellie has been tearing hers up and its the best money I've ever spent.
I got the 3x5 one and its great!

Mansel sounds like a total love. It takes some time to get used to new rabbits, but once you do, you realize that they were meant to be with you and you wonder how you ever lived without them. At least, thats how I feel about Ellie.
I was just at petsmart too and should have picked one up for Mansel. Curious as to how he would like it. He's kind of like Franklin in the respect that he doesnt really play with toys.


He does have a dude lap...but I like it. Dont tell Fraggles. He is a very messy eater and it requires quite a bit of cleaning. I'm pretty sure he's stuck with Mansel too as I cant seem to really find anything that fits.

Soooo last night I drug Kai and Shya out into the living room to try and get them use to the hardwood floor. I laid a blanket down for them and they got a little better. I was laying on the floor with the hippity hops and I was nose to nose with Shya like I used to do. I was petting her nose and cheeks with a finger and she had her eye closed all happy. Then the little bitch just up and boxed me. Right in the face. I jerked back and she came at me again! I wasn't even thinking and I cuffed her right in the chest and we just kind of glared at each other. Then she came over and started licking me in the face. God she's so evil. Every time I go to take a picture of Kai being cute he gets up the minute he sees the camera. But I do have a couple of shots..


He got one ear up!


We're buddies! Anyone watch the waynes brothers show? The theme song is what I hear when I look at them.

Sheesh got on the couch with us. Mostly just to terrorize us.


Had an ultrasound done yesterday. Met with the worthless nurse today. Finally found out how far along I am. 11 weeks tomorrow. Making the thing was easy. Dropping the thing takes forever. I am not a patient person AT ALL. I've got stuff to doooooo. And going to the grocery store isnt a good thing anymore. I snuck so many things into the cart. I was so hungry. More so than normal. I dont get that either.
Kaley that gal has so much attitude. I so laughed imaging her kissing you and then boxing you, too funny. Love that last photo that is one bad ass bun look, she is just fantastic, what a gal.

Mansel is so squishy and yes, he has a bit of a chin. Kai and Shya are so funny together but so cute at the same time.

Nine months seems a long time but I´m sure it will go quick. THe first months are slower until you start to see the bump appear. I pick up extra stuff from teh supermarket and I don´t have an excuse lol.
LOL Pregnancy for the pregnant person goes along really slowly. But to everyone it just flies by. My husband and I were just talking about it the other day. But its a good thing that it goes slowly, because theres a lot of things that go into getting ready for a kid. So need all the time you can spare to do that.

When I was pregnant I craved hotdogs with chili, mustard, cole slaw and hot sauce with a side of pork rinds. No onions because they made me bleh feeling. LOL But that was my jam when I was pregnant. How terrible is that?! Those foods are SO bad for you, but they taste SO good! And I really liked pizza and strombolis filled with cheese and ham. And hot wings. hahahaha.

I love Mansel! Hes so squishy cute!

And Kai is huge! Oh my god, that is a large rabbit! Shya is too cute...don't tell her I called her cute though. LOL
Sooooo last night I'm having this crazy ass nightmare. It felt so incredibly real and was really frightening. In the dream I had to go into this house and steal something. Well the devil living inside this like five year old boy resided there and the thing we had to steal was to keep the devil from like roving the earth I guess. I'm with these two LT's I work with, one I dont ever deal with and the other I sort of know, plus my best friend who's a staff sergeant. We're about to go into the house and it's like I had done it before and it didnt end well. So I brief the others and we go in. We all have M4's and we shoot the crap out of the kid/devil, steal the little thing which is like a ratty piece of string with like 3 beads knotted into it and we leave. Our get away car is the red ford explorer my parents have and it wont start. Suddenly I see the devil/kid thing and he attacks one LT and kills him. Then all of a sudden the kid is by me and he bites me in the back taking this chunk out of me. I arched my back at that point and started to come back to lucidity. Suddenly I'm fighting with the kid and I take a key and I stab him in the eye. It isnt working so I get him in the other eye. I remember the feel of the gore and the resistance as I'm stabbing the thing and finally I just sat up straight in bed. I'm throwing covers off, gasping for air, and on the verge of tears. Omar is instantly awake and he's asking if I'm ok thinking I'm having a miscarriage. I tell him it was just a nightmare. He opens a window for me, asks me what it's about then promptly rolls over and goes back to bed. He's such a sweety. No words of comfort no hand on my back till I fall asleep, nothing. So I try to snuggle up to him and he promptly smacks me in the face while getting out of bed for a stinking glass of water. He doesnt realize he's smacked me in the face and just gets back in bed. At this point I'm completely peeved because I keep seeing the creepy devil kid thing and I'm thinking strange things like I'm about to give birth to the anti-christ. And Omar's snoring. Jerk.
What is it about men that makes it so easy for them to fall asleep?

That does sound like a really bad dream. I know I have had some pretty frightening ones that are awfully real and some that are just strange but I don't think I've ever had one that bad.

I think you are just worried about the pregnancy and raising a child in general and it's just coming out in a really strange and horrific dream.

Shame, shame on Omar though but I guess at least you weren't completely alone there was a live body in bed with you.
Really bad dreams are normal while pregnant! I had crazy dreams too!

I'm pretty sure that you're not going to give birth to the anit-christ. You might want to watch Disney movies from now on! LOL
Holy crap. I now know exactly how a rabbit in GI stasis feels. It attacked me all of a sudden at 3 o'clock in the morning. Hubby finally came round the corner and found me lying on the floor in a sweaty pile wishing for death.
"um.....are you ok?"
"No I'm dying from constipation but dont put that part in the obituary."
At least he went and found the anti-nausea medication before rolling over and going back to bed. I remember lying on the floor thinking desperatly someone! find me some simethicone! Please for the love of God I'll learn to like hay! And then for some reason everything I ate yesterday made me terribly sick. People are always like hey congrats on the pregnancy. But no one ever tells you HAHA! Be prepared for the worst experience of your life!!
Apparently it's supposed to end with the first trimester. We shall see. The Army has this super cool program mandated by congress. They have a new parent support group. They have certified RN's, midwifey people, and breast feeding people that will come to your house and help with prevention and teach stuff. I understand women have babies in 3rd world countries with nothing except their mother and the village shaman to help but in my 1st world problems I need to know stuff. It's free and if people dont use it the Army will shut it down. So I'mma use it! I think I've already made the nurse a little edgy. I went from birth to death in the same sentence and she just kept telling me focus on one stage at a time. Some of it you do just have to wing it though. For someone who likes to jump into things I may have gotten in over my head.
I'm sorry that so far the physical issues with pregnancy haven't been too kind to you. Hopefully it will get better for you. Just remember each pregnancy can be different. It was horrible with my son and I had different issues going on. With my daughter it was a breeze.

Eat bananas. Apparently it's a miracle fruit as it is supposed to help with constipation as well as diahrea. I know that's spelled wrong but I don't care! It's not a word I really care if I know how to spell.

Hopefully the getting sick from food will pass quickly.

Take full advantage of the services as that's what they are there for. There will be plenty you have to wing it on and figure out for yourself so no harm in learning what you can.
Aw, hugs. So sorry that pregnancy is being unkind. Just keep your eye on the prize. Also talk to the nurses available. That sounds like a pretty awesome support system.

Mansel is adorable, I really like his name.
You seem have all the worst of the morning sickness so it can only get easier. Yes, take advantage of everything available, sound like a great service.
Months 1-3 are hard, 4-7 are easy and nice because you've stopped getting sick and you're not huge yet, then 8-9+ are hard because you're huge, you stop sleeping, you want to eat all the time but can only eat small things, so you feel like you're a cow eating 500 meals a day.
And if you're anything like me, you'll have some baby feeters in your rib cage and suffer permanent damage. And the last doctors appointment you go to, the nurse will get on the ultra sound and be like, "his feet are under your ribs. Doesn't that hurt?" Why yes, yes it does hurt! All 23 inches of him was crammed into my ribs and he would not move.

I never really got sick, so I can't really tell you what that was like. I couldn't drink orange juice or eat anything fried, I hated the way meat smelled when it was cooking. And I threw my deep fryer in the yard after it made me throw up.

I've heard that peppermint helps with nausea, and eating a cracker or two in the morning before you get out of bed might help a little, if morning sickness is what it is. I only got sick right out of bed a few times, and it was run to the bathroom, throw someone out of the way and puke my brains out and then feed WAY better and I was done for the day. And I remember just randomly throwing up sometimes too. LOL Like, be doing something, have to stop to puke and be on my way. Hahaha

You'll start to feel better! Or you won't. Some people never feel better and are sick the whole time. Hopefully that won't be you.
My SIL is pregnant and shes only like 8 weeks and already asked my MIL to buy her maternity clothes, because shes "uncomfortable". "I'm like, you're like hint-of-pregnant, you don't need different clothes!" The first 10 weeks of me being pregnant I lost 15 lbs. That doesn't happen to everyone though, and some people (like my SIL) use being pregnant as an excuse to just gorge on food and gain like 340 lbs. I think shes going to be like that, since she was a weird dorito addiction. LOL

Anyway, you're doing fine! You're growing a person and thats freaking hard work! But right now, you're in the easy part, the raising of the person is the hard part! You have a long way yet, till that!
Haha Morgan I stress out about the raising part too! But atleast you have a real live person to show for the effort. I'm not gaining any weight or losing. I'm fluctuating in water weight though. I'm having a hard time consuming my own 2000 calories let alone the additional 340 I need and that's with exercising too. There are a lot of things that make me absolutely miserable. Little Debbie is a rotten *hore who should die a fiery death. Anything carbonated or acidic. Onions, bell peppers, olives, ranch dressing, italian dressing, doughnuts. (This thing might actually break my donut addiction.) Anything even mildly spicy. Omars meat loaf. Right now I'm kind of living off of mustard potato salad and capri sun when I get sick of drinking water. Omar bless his soul is going to buy me a compilation of soups and see what works. Our thing has been very lazy. Every ultrasound it's just there. It turned over once but we never see it move. Today it feels like a pulsating mass trying to burst out of my uterus. It is neat though how you and it change from week to week. Next time I feel the baby craze I'm getting another dog though.

I do have some super awesome pictures of the rabbits that I will upload tonight since I plan on doing nothing else. And since I will be getting off my lazy butt and uploading pictures what about you Morgan hmmmmm? Some pictures of the elusive Annie maybe?
Yes Kaley, I'll upload pictures! And of Stanley the new cat! LOL Lord have mercy, its a like an animal shelter here.

Sometime you just have to eat what you can. I didn't eat the right foods while pregnant, if I did it again it would be WAY different.
And now I struggle to eat even 1400 calories a day and I eat all the time, like 5-6 times a day, but its healthy and not heavy in cals. Yesterday I ate 500 calories because of stress. I felt like a sickly special kid because my brain had stopped working it was floating in the 28 cups of water I drank.
Just eat what you can! You'll find some foods that don't make you vomit or not poop for days. LOL It gets easier, then you'll start craving weird things like sardines and raisin bread.

Next time you get another baby craze, you'll have another baby. DUH. You'll see. They're great! I have a crazy, attitude filled, PB&J guzzling brat who is absolutely terrified of worms and I love him to pieces even thought I almost knocked him out this morning. LOL They start their crap early. But hes so damn cute and funny that you can't stay mad! You just talk junk and call your mom and tell them that you had a cracker tantrum and he had to go to bed. LOL Its awesome! Being pregnant is awesome too, for months 4-7. You're cooking a human! How freaking cool is that?!
Yes he is terrified of worms! It makes NO sense!

The other day, we were all outside in the backyard, it was like a Normal Rockwell painting. I was laying on a blanket in the yard, my hub was sitting in a chair, and AJ was throwing rocks into the pond. Then AJ starts to scream bloody murder, my hub runs over and pick jerks him up. We're like, "whats wrong whats wrong? Did something bite you or sting you?" My hub is holding him and AJ is holding his foot out, I was thinking something got into his shoe and bit him. But there was tiny baby worm on his shoe laces. Like, a BABY worm, an inch long or less. I pick it off his shoe laces and he was screaming SO loud and shaking! Like completely hysterical. So we're dying laughing, I was crying from laughing. How ridiculous is that?! I was like, "look its not hurting mommy, its on my hand and it doesn't hurt! Worms are good!" He wasn't having it.
So he went to my dads later that day and they were out back grilling and my dad was like "Hey AJ look at that worm!" AJ looked down at the non-existent worm and took off running back into the house. LOLOLOL

Yesterday was a bad day with him, so I was ill and feeling mean. I held my hand closed and was like, "AJ wanna see the worm?" He tentatively walked to me, and I opened my hand and he took off. LOL It was a little gratifying, but oh so mean. LOL

Hes not scared of bees or wasps or ants. Like, the things that will F you up, he couldn't give any cares about. But the one thing, that does no damage what so ever, the worm, hes terrified of. LOL We'll see if it goes for snakes too, but I think its just going to be worms.
The way I look at it, I can not wait to tell his future wife! I can see it now, sitting down to a nice dinner swapping stories after a few glasses of wine, when I think I'm bloody hilarious, and I bring out the "worm story" and hes like "awwh MOM!" and his girlfriend is like, I have to hear this! And we go into all the things about the worms. LOL And cry with laughter until he finally laughs too and yells, "I'm not scared of them anymore!" Then I throw a fake worm at him. LOL I have it all planned out!

(I'm out of B vitamins and my brain is addled. Ignore me.)
My sister is actually afraid of worms. Why? They don't bite or sting and you could out crawl them on your worst day. She used to leave for the bus stop over an hour early if it had rained. I remember once gathering about forty worms and placing them on the floor right outside of the bathroom door. She was in there for a long time since I left. In my defense I didn't really get that it's a phobia and she was grumpy and mean. She sucker punched me once for yelling at my brother for spilling my kool aid when I had just warned him not to.

I on the other hand am weird and will pick up and toss any I find on the concrete or sandy driveway into the grass to save their lives. Well at least till last week when one of the twins asked if tossing them hurts them and we discussed it and came to the conclusion they could get a grass cut at least so now I lay them down gently.

With my daughter I would only suffer from morning sickness if I didn't eat. Basically I ate several small meals or snacks throughout the day and I was fine. The only thing I craved was rice krispy treats but only mine as I make them extra gooey and they are the best in the world. She did hurt when she would kick which made me figure she was bigger than my son was since he didn't hurt and she was.

With my son I swear I had morning sickness the first 4-5 months. In fact being sick was what made me finally realize I might be pregnant. When I could eat it was always some crazy craving I had like dippy eggs but not the whites or slim jims. Every craving abruptly ended the same way. I'd get the craving once again, eat whatever and then throw up from it and never crave it again. With the slim jims we were driving down the highway in TN, that's when he was stationed at Ft.Campbell. I felt like puking and he's telling me to open the door as he's driving down one of the most dangerous highways in the country. Idiot! And yes, I cleaned the car myself.

The day I was due with my daughter we went on a volksmarch with friends. I really wanted her out since my son was two weeks late. People were asking all day how far along I was thinking I was seven months. Didn't work...she was five days late.