Shya-she does what she wants

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Worms, how many hours did we spend playing in the dirt with worms when we were kids, we loved it, squiggly and squirmy worms. I hate wasps although my sister is terrified of them. She turns into a screaming idiot if there's one flying near her. Probably cos she satin a nest when she was a kid. They seem to follow me about. I have had two nests so far at apartments, persistant critters they are and nasty.
I save as many worms as I can, but I feed a lot to the chickens too. I love worms, but sometimes the girls need a nice treat. LOL I feed them the grubs and weird things I find too. I love hearing their happy cooing when they get a good squirmy tasty treat!

I still throw up if I don't eat. LOL It happened when I was pregnant too.

I had AJ 3 weeks early. I was 36 weeks and 6 days when I had him. He was fine though, 6lbs 4oz, 23 inches long. He was ready.
Pictures I promised. Like 2 days ago. Been crashing hard lately. Woke up this morning at 2am with full blown morning sickness. I managed to make it to work and they changed my meds but it ended in quarters and going home. I didnt know you could vomit so much. The first bout at 2 was straight up something out of the exorcist. I had it every where. I just got it cleaned off the walls. -_- I figured since I hadnt had anything like it I wouldnt get it. I was informed that was normal and it may last. How am I supposed to get any work done? It's always something new. The hardest part is putting the life on hold and not really being in control of anything. Emotions included. Oh well most of you here have done it and a few times over. You love your kids. Moving on.

Is AJ freaked out by anything else? I wonder what happened to make him so scared. Who knows what really goes on in their little minds?

Shya sitting in her little bed that she's super territorial of.


So both rabbits are back to breaking out of their pens. Mansel does not see the need for this. So they always sit with him. As long as he's not out in the rabbit room when the other two are out the rabbit room there arent any scuffles. And they're usually scuffle free if they're out in the living room together. Kai gets a little bratty but Mansel is submissive. Considering he's not neutered yet.


Mansel in so laid back. They can eat his food, drink his water, eat out of his hay rack. He's like whatever.


Shya is obsessed with eye cleaning. She over grooms Kai's a lot and I have to watch him. Mansel has a raging eye infection going on and I'm waiting for Shya to pass it to Kai. Thankfully this doesnt happen to often but you never know what you're going to get when you open the door to the rabbit room.
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But how about this one of my new-ish car! That a bird took a giant crap on and made me cry on the way home!

Hhahahahaha. Bird poop is lucky! Don't cry over bird poop. I remember those days of just crying all the time, it lasts for about 2 years after you have your kid. Then by the time they're 3, you're semi-normal again. Unless you're completely surrounded by animals and constantly stepping on lincoln logs...oh wait, you'll never be normal again. LOL

I love that your buns all get along so well! Thats so nice! Told you Mansel was going be fine.

I do like your new car though! Its nice and looks roomy and like it will hold all the stuff that comes with kids well. Since AJ is big now, and we're about to downsize to a smaller car seat, we're getting a small car. Hopefully we're going to get a Fiat. LOL

AJ is just a weird kid. I guess because he spends so much time with me, the weird adult. Poor kid, never stood a chance at normalcy, living in the animal shelter with me. LOL

Since I'm here. Here is Annie's blog. Its a real blog!
Morgan you're a straight nut. That's why I love you.

We have a beyond ancient two door ford explorer. I refuse to have a kid without four doors. However we rented a fiat 500 when we went to Scotland. It was the funnest car ever. I really want one as well. It's surprisingly roomy. We also had a Fiat Panda for the canary islands. Four doors and also a fun little car that moved.

Saved Annies blog. Looking forward to seeing her become a real dog. I dont think it will take you to long Morgan as you're a bit more stubborn than her.
So shi shi and kai were running amuck last night. I hear Kai with what I presumed was chewing on my blanket basket. So I get up to yell at him. But this is what I saw instead. Silly baby.

Also it's April 8th. My own remembrance day for one of the best soldiers I've ever known. Jeffery Lee Hartley.


He was from Hempstead which is only 30 minutes from my home town. His Daddy is the police chief there. The stories I could tell about this guy. All around good guy and a great soldier.
Aawww Kai is ready for you to take some Easter pics of him!

We have a ford explorer as well. It's really needing hubby's attention right now. We have a short in the ground wire that controls the power locks and windows. I had to put enough groceries to feed five plus all the critters for a week in through the driver side door and into the back seat. Now I can't get the windows to go down at all, I feel trapped when I drive.

Really good people are hard to come by and make you really appreciate the ones you do find along the way.
Well. ****. Ask me why I have the tiniest maybe 12 week old bun cowering in my bathroom right now? Go on ask me? Because I'm an F-ing sucker thats why. I saw it on craigslist, they were scruffing it, they were feeding it junk food and they only had it 4 days and were already getting rid of it. Was it the best situation? No. Was it the worst situation. Probably not. Was I worried about it? Well it's in my bathroom isnt it? I may have a home lined up with one of the providers I work for though. But damn this thing is so tiny. I've never dealt with a rabbit so small. It's uncomfortable. And unnerving. It's darling though. And has a lovely otter pattern I guess. Will post pictures tomorrow. It's on its 24 hour calm down, settle in period. Jeeze. Someone stop the madness.
Kaley. You sucker, lol. Don't you know better than to look at those things.
You're a nut! But a nut with a big heart :) I would have a hard time not snatching that poor bunny away from a situation like that too, which is why I can't look at classified ads. I'm also broke as ****, so there's that.

~ Holy Hand Grenade, that's a huge bunny!
LOL My mouth just hung open the whole time I read about your tiny bun. Then Orphan Annie started to whine and then I remember WHY we do these things, because we ARE SUCKERS! Then I just yelled at Stanley the new cat, to not smack Annie. Its ridiculous, but what are you going to do, LEAVE them? No way in hell.
By taking the little bun, you've already drastically improved its life and chances of survival. Maybe if you did keep it, you could get it fixed and bond it with Mansel.

Sometimes its okay to be a nut.
You are such a softie. I love it when they are that small. For you, it must be a big change as yours are pretty big. Hope you manage to sort him, what do you bet your bunny family is about to increase lol. Pics please, he sounds adorable.
Haha so I called the vet first thing to have the little bun checked out. Vet was out of town but I remembered that one of the techs was looking for a rabbit for a co-worker. Her sister and niece are also looking for a lop eared rabbit. So I ring up Amy and she says she'll take a look at the baby. Well we get there, Amy takes one look at baby bun and I'm pretty sure it'll never make it to either of its intended destinations. So phew I'm back down to my three almost unmanageable buns now. But I will keep my peepers peeled for a lop and I feel kind of bad because one of the CPT's I work for was really warming up to the idea of a rabbit. I just checked craigslist again and only saw ads for litters of "Easter Bunnys." Not gonna buy into that business. I'll wait till like June and watch craigslist explode with rabbit ads. Anyways here are some pics of the baby bunny. Holy hell you will die from cute. This is what a "Bunny" looks like!



You would not believe the teeny tiny poops that thing made! Morgan you might because you got Ellie so young but I didnt know rabbits even came this small!! We got Kai at like 9 weeks and he was HUUUUUGE. Like bigger than full grown Ellie sized. French Lops start out smallish but are still fairly large babies. I'm pretty sure Shya ate her way out of her mother fully grown....
OMG I don't think Monty was even born that small! My brain explodes when I see such tiny bunnies! Eeeeeeeeee cute but incomprehensible :O

~ Holy Hand Grenade, that's a huge bunny!
Yeah Ellie was tiny when I got her and I remember being in total shock about her size! Her little teeny tiny poops! I got Foo when she was like 14 weeks ago, so she was already big-ish. But Ellie was a palm full of rabbit.
Its almost uncomfortable to touch them or hold them, like they're going to break. And I felt like I had to pet Ellie with one finger so I didn't mush her. LOL

That bun is ADORABLE though! I do love baby bunnies!
Yay for it finding a home though!
Gorgeous. Mine were that size and I find it hard to remember how small that small was. They are still small but there is nothing like a tiny baby who fits in your hand
Now that is cute I don't care who you are!

I'm so glad the bun has a good home now.

I still feel funny trying to give Laverne nose rubs. Her face is so much smaller than Thumps so I'm always expecting to poke her in the eye or something. Shirley won't sit for pets so she just gets the odd one as she hops away.