Shya-she does what she wants

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I was kind of thinking the same thing Denise. Droopy lids and ulcers he probably doesnt see all that well. Sorry about the migraine. Hate those. Glad I havent dealt with one in a long time.

I kind of want a name that's not similar to Franklin and like on the other end of the alphabet. I kind of like Rudy but it's not sticking that well. Omar just thought of Walter. Dunno.

Yes. Yes. Mansel has a bit of a dude lap. These pictures make it look super huge but it's not that bad.


And part of Mansel's pox virus. This lovely little spot. His breeder says it comes and goes but the vet seems to think it'll be permanent. As long as it doesnt get bigger.

He is just so adorable, pox and all! I love him! :)

God another good kid bites the dust. Prayers for his family. He was on his block leave from our UAE deployment. Probably headed back to Sill to report on Monday. Minding his own damn business.

When I got back from Iraq my gunner wrapped his truck around a utility pole and died. He was a good kid also. Lots of fond memories of him. You just never think it's going to happen.


I will pray for his family. I can't believe he made it though being over seas to get killed in a heavy rain storm. It just makes you shake your head. Wow..

Love his colour. All this cleaning obviously tires him out.Problem is when they fall asleep like that, you have to wait until they decide to move to get your property back lol. Certainly looks like he's settled in !!

Chris I *love* your line, all this cleaning obviously tires him out!!!! That
just cracked me up! He looks so adorable on the vac! I don't see how it's comfy, but oh well, my dog sleeps on his metal dog bed with his head hanging over and just about touching the floor! To each his own!

I hope things continue to go well on the baby front. And have a girl, for chrissakes, i have 3 boys to make stuff for already ;) okay, that tone is all wrong, but I think you get where I'm coming from. Oh man, was the dog okay after all that chocolate? They're always saying how toxic it is for pets, but then I hear these stories of dogs eating pounds of it and miraculously being okay.

~ Holy Hand Grenade, that's a huge bunny!
haha Missy. Sam was just fine. He's the worlds best dog when he's not being the worlds worst dog. Which is most of the time. But if Omar wasnt as attached to him as he is I'd have taken his ass to the pound quick fast and in a hurry.

Please dont curse me with a girl. Omar wants one real bad and all I can see is trouble. On all fronts. But they do make much cuter things for girls than they do for boys. Oh well. We shall see.

Light bit of snow and a ton of ice today. Which means they'll shut the whole post down! Planning on staying in and watching movies anyways. Have rabbit pens to clean. I let Kai and Shya out as I started cleaning with their pen. Shya has run into me twice now. Then I was just standing there and I guess she got mad at me. She started digging at my pants leg and bit the crap out of me. Which resulted in shrieking on my part. More our of terror than anything. She just pinned her ears and I thought she was gonna box me. Why is she so bad? Anyone? And for a first rabbit you'd have thought I'd have given up on the species completely...
I think it's just something in the smaller breed females. I would say it's black buns or buns with at least some black but Laverne is just as bad as Shirley. It's not just intact females because Shya is spayed. The two have me once again thinking of a place for them outside.

I got to be kept up well past 2am last night on the third day of the migraine from hell by digging as well as tearing at and chewing cardboard. Figured I would give the two plenty of time out today and within five minutes Laverne was tearing the carpet and bit me once.

They need to be treated like Hannibal Lecter...
The black buns from Hell haha. Sound like they keep you busy. Mine were terribly noisy last night. I couldn't sleep in the room with them, they would keep me awake all night digging, running and chewing. They have far too much energy in the middle of the night.

Vanessa, just thought he'd been doing his chores and was having a little rest :p
I finished all the 6 seasons of Doctor Who on Netflix. I need them to put series 7 on there like, right now.
I love Matt Smith. Almost as much as I love David Tennant, but not quite. And I love River Song. And Amy and Rory, and I love how they told him that he was loved and he maybe finally got it. The last episode, which I guess was the Christmas special since they did one every season, made me cry like a little girl.

Now, I'm watching Torchwood. Because, uhmmm...have you seen Captain Jack Harkness? My husband was like, "that man is too pretty. Wow, look at him, hes like lady-lovely with a strong man jaw line." I was like, "do you need to be alone with him?" Hahahah It was really funny, but really strange. And the guy who plays Captain Jack is gay in real like, so he would probably like a moment alone with my husband! LOL
I do like Torchwood though. I just need more of the Doctor.

Just thought I would share with you my latest tv watching. LOL
I love the Dr and was sorry to see Matt Smith go but my fave is still David Tennant. John Barrowman is on the telly all the time here and yes, he is nice to look at lol.
I really enjoyed Matt Smith but Stephen Moffat kind of destroyed the Dr my opionion. And his story line this go round was a little difficult to follow. No I'm sorry River Song the Dr does not lie. He never has out right lied. He sometimes changes the question or he answers in a round about way but he has no reason to lie and never has in the millions of seasons the Dr has been around. It's little things like that, that irk me. He changes faces, and personalities to a point, but there are certain characteristics that have always been the Dr. If Time lords didnt have a base line for who they really are then what would be the point of regeneration? Ok ranty over. Glad I'lve managed to turn another Whovian!
Houston is having a comic con in May. Paul McGann, sylvester Mccoy, Colin Baker, and John Barrowman are going to be there. I'd love to try and make it down there. Will have to see.

Everything is good on the Mansel front. The spot on his nose is almost healed and super small now. His eyes look a little clearer. He's much more active. And funny how he has no issues with the other rabbits. They share a room but are in seperate cages. If I let Kai and Shya out I have to put Mansel in the living room with us. They'll jump in his pen and eat his hay and left over pellets. Mansel just ignores them. Kai sniffed him all over and Manself just put his head down to be groomed. I dont want them being quite THAT close as I dont want them catch anything he may have. But it's nice to know I want have a three way fight any time soon.

Baby front is good. Still pregnant. I have to take a hormone and it makes me have super crazy dreams. Omar woke me up early this morning because I was attacking him in my sleep. I was having this vivid dream of this man coming at me. Its weird. But kind of funny...
Oh my god, I might have to come to Houston to meet John Barrowman. Have y'all seen his husband? Hes so handsome too! They have the most beautiful facial marriage! LOL

Being pregnant makes you have crazy dreams in general. LOL

Its good that Mansel is so calm! What a sweetie. He just looks like a big puffy love.
Dude! Tickets from Houston to Charlotte were dirt cheap! I bet it's just as cheap the other way!
I sortof agree with you Kaley, if it's not broken, why fix it, the doctor's fundamental character had always been the one thing that connected them all.

Mansel sounds like ultimate laid back bun but makes it easier if they all get on. Glad he's doing better, not decided on a name change yet ?

Hope Omar survives the dream phase, sound a bit dangerous for him lol.
Did you just look up tickets or buy tickets?! I'm excited! LOL

My MIL flies from Houston to Charlotte all the time, since there is some sort of United hub there. And she says that the flights from Houston to here are always packed. She has a hard time flying non-rev flights from there to here.

I don't even want to know whats wrong with Doctor 12. Why can't he just regenerate back into David Tennant? Or even Chris Eccleston, he was lovely! And he had such a short run as Doctor 9. But I guess they don't do that do they? David Tennant only regenerated back into himself one time because he had his hand in the jar. LOL
Ugh the hand in the jar. Bleh! But I really loved the smart Donna. She's my favorite companion.

I only looked for now Morgan. My brother in law is getting married in July and I wont be able to afford for Omar to go as well. (Maybe shya since she'll fit under the seat. ha!) Sadly I dont get that deployment check any more. And my paycheck now makes me want to burst into tears every time I get it. Oh but I got a 1 percent pay raise this year! I can spring for the extra garlic sauce at Papa Johns now! F-ing congress. I'd like to see them give themselves a 1 percent pay raise.

On a less grumpier note (for me anyways!) We rent a fence so we dont have to walk the dogs in the back yard. I bet Omar it would take Sam two days to figure out how to get out of it. Omar said no way fence is built like a rock. haha yesterday Omar gets a phone call that they have his dog. It took him five. So now he whines at you all the time so he can go out and rove the neighborhood. You have to stand outside with him so he doesnt go under the fence which he can do in several places. And of course when you're out with him all he does is piss around. It just drives Omar insane. I did call the fence people and they should be round tomorrow to hopefully do something about it.

Has anyone ever noticed how bad of an actor Arnold Schwarzenager is? I've watched more of his movies in the last week then I have ever cared to. Thank you Omar. And I dont care what you say. Commando is not a classic.
All of the politicians are a problem. They are all corrupt and should have very large pay cuts. But people need to wake up to. Being in any office was never meant to be a career, mostly because they are more likely to be corrupt that way. It really ticks me off how little the military makes. We had so few bills and had trouble making it. The only time it wasn't so bad was when he was getting hazard pay as well.

The fence may need to be staked to the ground. At least if he is getting out by squeezing under and not that he has dug his way out. If that doesn't work is there any way you could place a chain outside chained up near the door so you could just hook him to the chain and let him out and then go call him back in twenty minutes or however long it is he likes to mess around?
Well, if you can fly here, we're taking care of your food and lodgings for you and Shya for your stay! My house is small and crappy, but its always open! LOL

1% is like a joke. I wonder why its even like that? Sorry your raise is so crappy. They should pay you guys the most!
Haha. I don't like to talk politics. I don't even really watch the news, because it makes me really mad and really upset. I had to tell my husband to only talk to me about emergency things, because I can't stand it. And then he went on a 2 week rant about the government and I was ready to move out. LOL I had to tell him to stop. We couldn't even watch Elisyum because it was so...frustrating.

Anyway! Have a great day!
I see things are the same the world over. Politicians here have ruined the country with their greed, the have been stealing money for years. People here don't even get pay rises, they get pay cuts and still have to work the same. We now do not know how much we pay for electricity, I feel like buying some candles and going back to basics.

You are welcome to come here as well, at least the sun is shining :p
I try not to engage in the news and politics. But I just feel so behind if I dont. I try not to discuss them because it never ends in a discussion. It ends in a fist fight. I am not on the fence about much and you arent going to change my mind. It's funny when my mom loses it though. She's old and doesnt care and will tell you like it is (usually rather loudly) if you're being an idiot publicly. Especially if she hears people trashing the military.
I'm hoping that's what the fence people will do. Sam's never been much of a digger so I dont think he'll start now. I do have a stake and a chain for him but if I'm paying for a fence I want to be able to use it. If bad goes to worse I figure lowes will have something we can use to secure the bottom of the fence. I really wish Sam would use his brain for other things.

Chris dont tempt me!! You can get a mac flight super easy to Spain. I think it's Rota? Me and everyone else wish the sun would come out. It's pretty nice outside today so we're gonna run around and go to the dog park. Supposed to be back to crappy tomorrow.

haha Morgan! Your husband would really appreciate Ellie after meeting Shya. Even if he really knew what Ellie's been up to.
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I agree, discussions of politics always end badly.

Rota isn't too far away, around 3-4 hours which I don't consider too far and it's a lovely drive. So now you know :p