Shya-she does what she wants

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Just reading your post Kaley and WC Fields popped into my head. He sounds like a sweet guy and glad he'll be staying. Quite like Cyril as well.
I was kind of thinking the same thing Denise. Droopy lids and ulcers he probably doesnt see all that well. Sorry about the migraine. Hate those. Glad I havent dealt with one in a long time.

I kind of want a name that's not similar to Franklin and like on the other end of the alphabet. I kind of like Rudy but it's not sticking that well. Omar just thought of Walter. Dunno.

Yes. Yes. Mansel has a bit of a dude lap. These pictures make it look super huge but it's not that bad.


And part of Mansel's pox virus. This lovely little spot. His breeder says it comes and goes but the vet seems to think it'll be permanent. As long as it doesnt get bigger.
What a sweet little face he has. I quite like Walter, you could always shorten it to Wally or maybe Titan, that just popped into my head as well. :thumbup
Sooo Shya has pretty much turned feral. Omar didnt pay much attention to her, and daddy ditched her for Franklin. I finally get her home and get her settled and she runs like hell from everyone. I cant blame her as we were always picking her up and dealing with her just to stick something in her eyes. Then...just her...eye. Anywho. Bottom line is she wont come for craisins, blueberries, nothing. Weeeeeeeell.....she likes captain crunch. I've been bribing her with cpt crunch. Haha she's so weird.

Kai's in this bite your clothes phase. And he doesnt like the hardwood floors here and he wont walk on them. He'll go in our bedroom because it means he only has to crawl over like 6 inches of floor but that's it. He's such a little brat. Well he's a big brat. But he's just a baby you know.

And now Sam and Omar are fighting over the couch....and Omar just noticed something funky going on in Sams eye. So I guess we'll go to the vets tomorrow too. I sure did miss all of this.

I'm going to bed...
Awww, he's a cute guy! He looks like he has a snowy cap on top of his head :)

I can't remember(and feeling too lazy to read back), but was it the myxi virus you said he had? Poor little guy. Well at least he's with the right person to make sure he is properly cared for now. I'm sure his eyes must bug him, and that can't be too nice.

Are you sure Shya isn't just playing you? I mean look, she's now getting a forbidden treat. She's certainly clever enough to have come up with a plan like this :p

Well, if nothing else, you know your pets need you. There's nothing quite like 'mom' looking after you.
agree Jbun. Shya has it all worked out. You've been gone and now that you are back she is testing you and making sure you did not forget her dominance and evil genius.

Hopefully, Kai will get used to the floors and stop the clothes biting. It hurts when they get some of you in with it.

Mansel is so cute. I really like his grumpy looking face with such big features. I love the pic where you can see his face head on and it reminds me so much of something from tv or movie but I can't think what. If I do I'll let ya know.
Ok so maybe she did get me with the first piece of cpt crunch. But what do I do now? She was actually coming to me when I called her last night. She wouldnt go back into her cage (we worked on that) Which is something she use to always do. And atleast now she doesnt take off running the minute she sees me or omar. She did let me wipe a bunch of hay off of her though. That was shocking. I think it'll just take time. She's never been overly friendly to start with but never this leery of people. Goofy rabbit.

Total change of subject. I'm on a couple of buy /sell/trade pages and I see a lot of prom dresses for sale. A lot of "origianlly paid 400 asking 250 worn about three hours" type of stuff. Holy hellfire. Maybe it's just me but I dont remember prom being that big of a deal. I didnt even want to go. My mom suggested it to me and my best friend who was a year behind me asked me to go with her to hers. My mom paid 150 bucks for a black dress I wore when I played Carnagie Hall. I wore that dress to prom and everywhere else until I got every last penny out of it. I would never pay or even think of asking my parents for that kind of money for a dress!! For ONE occasion!! My wedding dress (which I never wore *Insert sad face*) was only 500 bucks! My mom wanted to buy it for her "little girl" on her special occasion and I choked on the price and went halfsies with her. Do parents not teach their children the value of a dollar? Is this an acceptable price to pay for a prom occasion and I'm just a cheap skate? Is prom really even that big of a deal? Gonna suck for my kids cause they aint gettin a limo and they aint gettin no 400 dollar dress! And they better be prepared to wear that dress other places! Lord please give me boys!

Even for a wedding. Why pay 10,000+ dollars on a ridiculously elaborate wedding? 10,000 dollars is a nice car. Or a down payment on a house. Or a giant chunk for student loans. A pool for an already existing house. Anything! I guess our wedding was special and it suited our needs. But I've had so many other "special days" with Omar that I remember more fondly than my own wedding day. Maybe I'm just weird? Or old? Or a cheapskate?
No I totally get it. Its all stupid. Prom, like weddings are only a few hours. Why are you spending that much money? You're a spoiled brat, thats why! LOL
I just bought some Reebok running tights, they were on clearance for $25...thats A LOT for some leggings! But I had to look at the bigger price picture, they were originally, $65, so I got a good deal on them only being $25. My husband got an Adidas hoody for $25 and it was originally like $70 and he looks damn good in it! LOL
I feel really uncomfortable buying expensive things for myself, or anything for that matter. Like, when we went shopping the other day and I got my running tights, I really wanted some new running shoes. I found a pair that I fell in love with, $140, HELL NO. I love them, but I had to walk away. I started out that day in a weird "lady haze" where I felt compelled to go shopping. In my mind I was like, I want some zebra running tights, some black ones, so purple ones! I need some new shoes and a new hoody! Then I got there and saw the price tags, tights being $50-70 and hoodies being $60-100, I was like mmmm...better not.
But if I'm shopping for AJ or my husband, I'm like, BUY ALL THE THINGS!

But we live in an era where "my super sweet 16" show on MTV is what kids strive for. Even just saying that title, makes me feel old becuase that show was on like 10 years ago. LOL But these youths see rappers and celebrities spending tons of money and think that they should be able to do the same thing and guilt their parents into spending a stupid amount of money for prom or birthday parties or whatever.
I grew up POOR! That price tag is a very important thing!

Now though, not being poor...I'm still super cheap. I don't want to spend a ton of money on anything. Ohh, I have to tell you guys about No Power Summer 2014, I'll share on my blog, its going to be great! LOL

Youths of this time are brats and think more is "owed" to them. When really, they're just brats and they are "owed" a punch in the freaking face.
God another good kid bites the dust. Prayers for his family. He was on his block leave from our UAE deployment. Probably headed back to Sill to report on Monday. Minding his own damn business.

When I got back from Iraq my gunner wrapped his truck around a utility pole and died. He was a good kid also. Lots of fond memories of him. You just never think it's going to happen.

What is that about?! Jesus, you make it out of a freaking war zone, then die in your car? Thats terrible!
So sorry to their families, my thoughts go out to them.
Here here Morgan, kids just want to be on reality TV and get famous and make loads of money, they know that working isn't gonna make them rich. I had a client explaining to me last week that they didn,t want to pay the tax on their fee this year as they couldn't afford it...wait for it...their daughter is getting married inJune and they're spending 30,000 pounds on the wedding. WTF and you can't afford the 200$ for the tax. People just amaze me.

I think Shya is just the most sneaky bun I know and too smart. She's probably missing Franklin as well.
If any of my critters could handle eating Cap'n Cruch and begged for it they just might get it.

Kids are just spoiled but it also is the parents fault for giving in. I think it is ridiculous what is spent on the prom and on weddings. Now I get wanting to make the prom special even though I have never been to a prom and look I survived, but that's crazy.

I think weddings are even crazier. You should not need to spend 30,000 to get married. I thought the purpose of getting married is the actual marriage not all of the flowers and fluff. Not to mention why would you want to put yourself in debt to that point, or your parents or even spend that kind of money when there are more important and lasting things you will probably want/need in life.
Love his colour. All this cleaning obviously tires him out.Problem is when they fall asleep like that, you have to wait until they decide to move to get your property back lol. Certainly looks like he's settled in !!
Some buns will just flop anywhere :p I don't know how laying on the vacuum could be comfortable.
Ack, I'm so behind on everything here. Came by to say I finally ate my camel milk chocolate bars and loved the spiced one, it reminded me of chai. And then I see mention that you're pregnant? Holy crap, when are you due? And yay, Mansel is cute. I went back a couple pages and read his story.

~ Holy Hand Grenade, that's a huge bunny!
I'm glad you liked it Missy! It's some neat stuff. Have a funny story about that. So I sent a box of stuff home and some of it was chocolate for my mom, mom in law, Brother, and a close family friend. Omar was in a hurry to go somewhere and thought he "secured" it well enough. No. His ******* of a dog ate 60 bucks worth of unique chocolate. No one in my family even got to taste it! I remember Omar saying something about it while deployed but it didnt click with me until I got home and was asking my brother about. Then my hilarious brother got mad at Omar for missing out on chocolate. He was in the dog house that day. So was Sam.

I am pregnant for the moment and not very far along. Only 7ish weeks. If I keep this one I'll be due the first couple weeks of October. I'll get excited after I've hit the 14 week mark. It's hard to keep Omar reined in.

Speaking of reining Omar in. As I was unpacking groceries I found a bag of jolly rancher jelly beans. He managed to sneak them in some how. He'll eat like a handful of them, then they'll sit in the pantry until they become rocks and I throw them out. I'll be sending them out to you Denise since your husband likes them so much!

Haha last thing. We just heard our doorbell. I dont even know how to explain it. It sounds nothing like a doorbell. The dogs didnt even bark at it. Omar and I just gave each other the WTF look.
That's a man for you! Leave the chocolate to be destroyed, Shessh! Next time leave a woman in charge of the chocolate, preferably me. I can't guarantee the right people will get it but I promise it will not be wasted!!!!

I'm sure that would make hubby happy although I did buy six more bags this week. Good thing about me shopping on my own, I miss hubby's company and it's not fun like it can be with him but he's not there to sneak things in the cart.

I want one of those doorbells that have like 80 different rings. We had to replace the ones at the house since they didn't work when we bought it. Most people go to the garage door and I can't hear knocking there. Finally got hubby to install new ones. The biggest problem is when he has a package that needs signed for. Inevitably if I didn't hear a knock so they wouldn't leave a package it would be one he needed now.

The one at the front has a different ring than the back one so you know which door to go to. Problem is they are used so infrequently I can't remember which is which. It's bedlam here when someone rings the door bell. The dog goes off bark and rushing around but he won't just rush to the right door to give me a clue he just runs around getting in my way. To make it worse to get to the front door I have to go into the bunny room that requires going over the baby gate and to the door with Thump running around my feet as I bunny shuffle. If I'm in the bedroom or our bathroom then it's through one baby gate through the kitchen then over the baby gate and through the bun room past Thumper.

It always seems to take an eternity to get to the door, not sure whoever it is can hear me hollering "just a minute" over the dog barking and it never fails, whichever door I go to the person is at the other door actually.