Shya-she does what she wants

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Some people are such idiots. You´re a woman on a mission so I´m sure you´ll finish it.

I must google those fish to see what they look like. I´m a total novice where fish are concerned lol. I love the idea of names for all of your fish.
Picture of sunny

He's the red and white fishy in the middle. They can get to be 12 inches wide. Random dempsey is right behind him. My mimi fishy is right below the white and red oscar. She's a Nicaraguan Cichlid. One of my favorites.

My ten inch poly ornate bichir. Havent decided on a name for him yet. He is super awesome! He was an active fish in his previous home but it still settling. Finally started eating so he'll be ok. They arent usually a difficult fish.

They're easier than eels too. My little one didnt survive the move. My big boy went off his feed and finally died. They're like that for some reason.

Need to get a picture of Lenny. He was hiding today. They're a gorgeous fish fully grown. He's just this nerdy looking baby fish now. I love him too. I miss the fishes. Especially my big goldfish.
Wow, I love all the colours, they are all just lovely. Love seeing all the different ones together, I know that there are some fish you can´t put together.

I thought the last one was an eel, are they from the same family.
Gorgeous fish, all of them. Not just one.

We love having fish but it was a nightmare with the ones we tried before. We did the research and got ones that should have gotten along but they did nothing but fight. I would love to be able to have koi inside. I really enjoy their personalities and they keep everything so clean. Then of course I would really like to have some exotics...sting rays and such.
Ugh sting rays. Dont get me started. There are two types of freshwater rays you can get and a few hybrids you can get that dont get super duper huge. They require a strange foot print and my hubby wants one real bad. I'm like noooooooooo!!!
So scatter brained. Fish fighting. Yes it depends on the individual fish too. My hubbys two oscars have been together about a year now. We know one is female but arent sure of the other. You cant really even vent oscars to see who's male or female. They started fighting and rather viciously taking chunks out of each other. Omars narrations are hysterical.
"Babe the oscars were involved in a domestic dispute. I think Blackie was the aggressor. She's being charged with aggravated assault and jail time."

She had to go into the cool off tank while omar rearranged the tank and then reintroduce both fish. A water change also helped with the no fighting.

Tonight we were discussing Lenny the young polleni.
Omar: I kind of want to move lenny into the 210 but I think he's still a little too small. Godwin (omar's ridiculously large marbled catfish) might see him as food.
Me: Uh yeah. You leave Lenny alone. If that fishy gets eaten you are in a bunch of trouble. Like divorce trouble!!
Omar: Seems like you like Lenny more than I do. However I did see him chasing a blue (Omar's pride and joy. He's trying to breed electric blue jack dempseys) hes a suspect in the ziggy murder. No new evidence has come up and witnesses aren't talking.

I dont know why the fish bring out the cop talk. The loaches also had a row at each other. I have two clown loaches and a zebra loach. Most loach species get along with each other. The zebra has been in that tank about a month. He started picking on the other two and they were stuck in a corner of a 75 gallon grow out tank. So he got moved in with the goldfish. Silly fishes.

*No the bichir is actually in the lungfish family. Not the eel family.
PS My new favorite picture of Franklin. He looks so blissful.
"Ahhhh fresh hay. My life is complete"
I'm going to steal that red and white oscar from you! My DH won't let my get an oscar, and we really can't, since the parrots have no real defense mechanism; so the oscars could prove fatal.

Mimi is such a little beauty!

I haven't seen red severums, I think thats what you said you got? I have golds! They've turned to be pretty fast growing fish and pretty lovely looking. And they're super calm and get along with the parrots really really well.
My giant cat fish just hangs out in a log all the time, until the lid opens to be fed. He's like 6 inches long now.

I like the dempsey's, but they're too aggressive. We have a tank of giant babies. LOL

Franklin is such a beautiful boy. He looks really happy.
Oscars can be pretty domineering. Ralph is the grumpy one. But when really challenged even Mimi will put him in his place. The dempseys are what you really have to watch for though. And I'm pretty sure once the green terror gets bigger he'll be a beast but for right now he's behaving himself. Need to get newer pictures of Godwin the catfish. Did I mention he only has one eye? He's missing his right eye of all eyes to be missing. They're supposed to be a shy fish but he knows food come from people so he's quite active. Really the only shy fish I have right now is my synodontis decorus, Lenny the baby polleni though he's figuring out people are good, and my Bichir who is still settling in his tank. Even the loaches are supposed to be a shy fish but they're worse then my Goldfish in following you around.

Morgan you just need another fish tank for an oscar! Let me hook you up!
I had a Dempsey when we lived in Germany. I really liked him.

The fish tank we got and set up since we both like having them and did growing up. At the time there was lots of craziness going on from a particular person we can't escape, still is but hubby and I have adjusted. We were really looking forward to being able to watch the fish peacefully swim around and relax.

Did not happen, they fought or bullied each other. It got to the point half the time I didn't even want to look at the tank. Things did eventually settle down when we added more décor and fishies had more hiding places.
I love all this fish talk although I haven´t got a clue about any of this. I must get into this, it all sounds so interesting and I love all the species and characters. More pics, I love see them of all your fish and maybe then I´ll know what you´re talking about lol.
I bet you can't wait to smoooosh your face into that big cuddly guy when you get home :)
Amen to that Jenny!! Omar just posted a bunch of pictures and a video for me. I miss them terribly. I can count on one hand now the number of days till I get on a plane out of here. I'll have to spend a few days in Kuwait but as long as I'm not in this country I'll be ok. My bags are packed and ready!

Christine, fish are kind of easy to get into. We're still learning but you just start with a fish you find neat read about it then find more in it's group. I found I tend to like Central and South American cichlids the most. And certain oddballs like my goldfish. I found him in a pet store thought he was really pretty and suddenly there he was in his own tank. It's expensive any way you slice it but people get tired of dealing with tanks and will just throw them out on bulk trash day. We've found some pretty good deals on craigslist too and we're part of a few groups on facebook. Omar is in a fish club in houston and he's always trading fish or buying others from breeders. I finally had to post on the page STOP SELLING MY HUSBAND FISH!! I dont really know what's in the tanks anymore except for my original fish he moved, the two he bought me for christmas, and his electric blue dempsey group. But he does the water changes, the research, and he moves the tanks so I cant really fault him. I'm the one that nagged him to get a hobby. Just didnt know it would back fire on me so badly...
I think I speak for all of us here... We're grateful for all that you do, but will sure be glad to have you back home safe.

Well, there are far worse hobbies that he could have. Be grateful it's only fish :p
I might see if I can find a tank second hand and start from there, they are loads of fish for sale in the pet shop and my friend´s son also has an aquarium in Madrid and she had one so she knows her fish. I will have to make space in my living room for them, time to get rid of one of the sofas lol.
I might see if I can find a tank second hand and start from there, they are loads of fish for sale in the pet shop and my friend´s son also has an aquarium in Madrid and she had one so she knows her fish. I will have to make space in my living room for them, time to get rid of one of the sofas lol.

Or the bunnies.... Haha, just kidding :p
Well I'm back up to the double digits until I get on a plane out of here. My girlfriends dad has been sick for a long time. She finally got the red cross message that her daddy simply isnt going to make it and he's just waiting for her to get home to die. How horrible is that? What I found even more horrible is that the command wouldnt let her go on emergency leave (or just send her home since we're so close)
Thankfully the ********s atleast let us switch flights so she can get home sooner. Hubby was so understanding. He's such an awesome man. The moment I mentioned Ashley he was like "ah say no more. I'll see you when you do finally get here."

Haha Jen and Chris! My hubby would get rid of furniture or demand a house with four bedrooms just so he could set up his fishes and get more tanks. He's insane. He didnt enjoy moving them the first go round but wont leave them behind. I need to be rich and invest in Acrylic tanks for him. Keep dreaming
I'm sorry to hear that your friend is going through this and that you have a longer wait. It is so very kind and thoughtful of you to change your flight with her. That is a very tough situation that she is in.

It is wonderful that you have such an understanding hubby.
If I got fish as well as the bunnies, I probably would end up living in a box lol.

Sorry about your friend, awful situation and hope she get back.

I need a massive house to rescue all the little bunnies I saw in the pet shop yesterday, must have been about 9 or 10 and they were all just too cute. I need to win the lottery NOW :nasty: