Shya-she does what she wants

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Sorry you have to wait a bit longer, but I'm glad your friend is getting home even though it's under sad circumstances.
eh she called her daddy and he's excited for her to come home. Funnily enough her entire family is from Houston. Looking forward to meeting up with her for some Sonic. Small Army.

Getting excited now. Will move camps when the first wave of joes leave. Getting silly around here with the new unit. Nothing to report sadly other then they're all accident prone. Had a guy come in with a jacked up finger. Required a trip to the hospital and a hand surgeon. Few of the new medics got a little queasy. They're all fresh out of training. Oopsie
Hhmmmm you kind of expect people that want to be medics to be able to handle that king of thing. Tow things I don't do well with seeing is any cuts on the face that require stitches. Just the face and I had to go through that once with both my son and daughter. I made it through but was very close to passing out but not till we were at the hospital and the doc was in the room.

And broken bones where the bone is obviously bending in a way that particular bone should not. Haven't dealt with that one other than seeing it on tv.
haha my first deployment was the deployment for broken bones and stitches. One guy came in from a football accident. He was like "my leg my leg! I think it's broken" Most guys over react but the fact that he wasnt walking on it concerned me. We layed him out on the table and I'll be damed his tibia looked like an "S"
"Yep its broken. Sorry guy. Medevac on the way!"

You train to be a medic but if you're never exposed to the gore you never know how new medics will react. Working at the vet clinic exposed me to some nasty situations but dealing with people is completly different. I just had to get over it really quickly due to the fact that people were depending on me. When the guy came in he was shocky and thoroughly freaked. You can't act the same way without causing further damage.
I would imagine if it were my own kids I would freak the hell out. I already turn into a huge mess when it's my own animals. I was a wreck when shya had her eye removed, calling the vet like every hour on the hour. I bawled my heart out when Franklin ripped her open both times. The first go round I looked her over and almost vomited. The second go round Omar is the one who dealt with that mess while I flipped out. The vet was like "...Your a medic?"

I'm really bored now. I blew through three books in a 24 hour period. I read through everything on my kindle and most of it more than once. I have reduced myself to reading trashy romance novels. They're cheap or free. And it's a read I dont care about. I've even learned some things! I am so ashamed to admit to this....

I really need to go home!!
Kaley, it you´re really bored and want more reading material, let me know, I have loads of stuff on my kindle and could email you if you PM me with your email address, kind of stuff you like, etc. If you have anything you particularly would like to read and haven´t, I will do my best.

I´m not too good with gore either although when I have to, I will get in there like the best of them. Hate seeing it happen to any of the animals though although when you´re on your own, you have to get in there and get on with it as well.
I do manage to remain calm on the outside in those situations, just freak out on the inside. I know how much it can affect someone especially kids if you just lose it.

Those are the only books I refuse to read...Romances. I used to simply because I was poor before and could not afford to buy books but did have people that would give me books and they almost always were Romances. Till one book in which the author writing as the character compared a womans breast to a sea urchin of all things. I stopped reading at that moment and have never read another one.
haha Denise thats why I get the romances! They're free when I shop in the kindle store. I didnt know I could get kindle books at my library? Will have to look into to that. I have an older generation 2 kindle and just now found out I could put music on the thing. Chris sent me some books via email so I have some new stuff to dive into. We moved into a smaller camp about a mile down the road from our original one. We have to move in groups of threes and I'm starting to feel like a trapped animal. Do you know how hard it is to find one person who wants to move about with you let alone a second?! Just wanting to pick fights for something to doooo. So ready to go to Kuwait where I can just wander off on my own atleast. Be home the 17th for sure but sheesh. I might not make it. I am not an idle person. And the showers in the camp only have freaking cold water. And I washed my hair and walked out into a sand storm. Someone, anyone please, set themselves on fire, shoot at me, blow something up. I CANT TAKE THE WAITING!!! I'm irritating myself just bitchin about it. But there is NOTHING ELSE TO DO!!!

I used to read Mills and Boons romances when I was a lot younger as my mom and my sisters used to read them. Probably why I´ve never married, I expected it to be like in the books and it never is lol. I used to read them as well in the queue when I worked in Gibraltar as I could read one in the time it usually took to get through, roughly 1hr to 1 1/2 hours for the 190 or so pages.

If anyone want books for their kindle, just let me know, I can get most things and would be happy to keep you girls supplied. I read more in the summer than in the winter but I do love a good book and can get through one in a day if I´m really into it.

I´d like to be able to say that it´ll pass in no time but I don´t suppose it will now that you´re just waiting for that date to arrive. Don´t you wish you could just go to sleep and tell someone to wake you up when it´s the 17th.
Nothing worse then being bored out of your mind and nothing to do. Maybe you'll have some nice trauma to brighten your day.

Haha Chris, I know what you mean. I'm in love with Mr. Darcy. Now what man can measure up to that :)
haHA! I am in Kuwait!! Left tiny little UAE camp for giant Kuwaity one. Stupid C-130 jacked me up but I didnt not puke. Still hate those made by the lowest bider, glorified bus, bucket of junk, planes though!
I forgot how many people there are!! Last time I came through here is was in '07. I'm stuck in a battlion of Field Artillery dimwits. Here there are brigade elements from all branches of military. I forgot how much I LOVED Marines. There are lots of days where I really want to switch over to the Marine Corp. I am so stoked from all the people and patches and stories. Hubbies like... "No! You're coming home! You do not need to go to Afghanistan with a bunch of Marines right now."
"But baaaaaabe! I need to feel like a real soldier again!!"
"After you're flight certified you can volunteer for where ever"
Such a man to keep me on track. I adore him!

RAWWWR! Sorry really hyper on starbucks and soldierly thoughts.

And it smells like pee in the giant tent I'm stuck in. Specifically the area of my bunk. Ewww must have been a man tent before it was a female tent
*gag* someone probably spilt a pee bottle at one point. *double gag*

Fly out in a couple of days. Continent hopping so it'll be neato. Hoping to meet up with some friends in two different countries!
Yay for being out of Dubai!
Sorry your tent smells like the pee-pee. LOL Thats freaking terrible!

So on a Doctor Who related note, I'm finishing up series 4, like half way though it. But I'm stalling because I know that Doctor 10, David Tennant leaves after series 4. I'm like totally in love with David Tennant, so I'm scared that I'm not going to like Doctor 11, Matt Smith. Am I going to like him? I'm really dreading seeing David Tennant leave. LOL So SILLY!
Yuk, I would not like to be in a tent that smells of pee, I have a super sensitive sense of smell.

Morgan, David Tennant is my fave too but I think you'll like Matt Smith as he's totally different.
Agree with Chris, Morgan. David Tenent is by far my favorite doctor. I was really upset with Matt Smith at first and it took me awhile to get use to him. But he plays a good and different doctor. Now I have to get use to yet another doctor but it should be good. I hate what the writers did to the show though. Certain things change with Matt Smith that I'm just not a fan of. The Dr. has always had certain core character traits that never changed from Dr to Dr. The new writers for Matt Smith's series blew a lot of those away. However he did open up and combine a lot of story arcs where there were some major gaps. So...take the bad with the good I guess? And Donna Noble is by far my Favorite companion!! Next would be Sarah Jane followed closely by Ace. Which reminds me! I've been watching the Sarah Jane adventures and I love it as well! It's an offshoot of Dr. Who. Same as Torchwood. And if you also need something else to watch I suggest the new BBC Sherlock. You'll really like it. The second season starts up here shortly. I STILL havent seen the Christmas special yet.
Kaley, I agree with you on Matt Smith but some of the stories were good but some a bit weird. My fave companion was Sarah Jane followed by Rose Tyler. I grew up with Sarah Jane and I love her adventures as well with K9, great kid´s series.

I love Sherlock, series 3 just finished last Sunday on the BBC, they only did 3 programmes, I am so going to miss it but I won´t give anything away.

If you´re a fan of David Tennant, he did a three part series for the BBC called The Escape Artist which I loved, he is just so good.
Sorry! Series 3 of Sherlock is sore spot of me. I've been waiting for it for a LONG time! I have gray hairs waiting for it!

Hahaha. So I've pretty much found everything David Tennant on netflix. He did a short BBC series called Casanova. I haven't watched it yet, but I think its going to be funny.
I have Torchwood put into my list on netflix too.

I started watching Doctor Who with Rose Tyler, I loved her! I was so sad. And THEN there was a moment when Donna asked her to tell her mum that the keys were in the bin, but didn't know it was Rose and Rose disappeared. I almost peed my pants! I LOVE Donna! She's so sassy! But shes hilarious in real life! Could you imagine Donna Noble, with Doctor 9, Christopher Eccleston? He was like the sassiest Doctor! LOL

I guess I need to go back and watch the ones from the 60's on, after I finish with the recent ones.
I'm still not sure about Matt Smith, because I have such love for David Tennant. Surprisingly enough I was a little upset when Doctor 9 turned to 10, because I really really liked Chris Eccleston. But how could you not LOVE David Tennant? hahhaa

I think we just need to make a Doctor Who thread! LOL
The wait is over Morgan. Sherlock series 3 starts next Sunday. Yay!

I feel like I'm missing out on something good with all of this Dr. Who talk. I've caught an episode or two, but not really gotten into it. I may have to get serious and start with season 1 to see what all the excitement is about. I'm sure I'll love it too.
Morgan, Sherlock series 3 is soooo good, I will miss it, I wish they would make more in a series. Watch David Tennant in the Escape Artist, I was on the edge of my seat, he was so good in it. I loved Christopher Eccleston too, he was in it for too short a time but I think that he pulled the doctor out of the 90´s and into the noughties and changed him completely, I think he was probably the most important one for this reason but I still like David Tennant best although I loved Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker as I remember them the most when I was growing up and watching it every Saturday evening. Catherine Tate who plays Donna Noble is best known in the UK as a comedian, her catchphrase from her character Lauren who says "am I bovered (bothered) !!".

I found this with both David Tennant and Catherine Tate from Comic Relief a few years ago. I think it´s hilarious, hope you like it. There are loads of videos from her show and they are so funny.

I love that video with the both of them. I have it saved on my youtube. The 60's series are kind of hard to watch. They're very different from TV today but in a cheesy kind of way. I have whatever is available on DVD saved to a hard drive. Not all of the story lines are complete due to how films were stored (or lack there of) back then. Be happy to put it on a gig stick for you when I get home. Always glad to help a fellow Whovian.

And yes Jen you NEED to hope on this train!

I get back just in time to catch up on the christmas special and start Sherlock!! Happy days!
I'm going to have to watch Sherlock on after its aired on Sunday night. I don't get that channel usually on the regular tv because we just have the antenna. But I should be able to watch it online! I'm so excited!

SO don't tell me what happens in the first episode! I'll be behind! LOL