Shya-she does what she wants

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I'll be home mid January. The next unit is arriving here pretty soon so we'll be very cramped for space. If it doesnt make it here before dec 15th there is no guarantee I'll see it. Stuff usually takes about ten days to get here. I need to write out my letters as well. I've been pretty negligent in that duty as well. Actually I've been sleeping a lot and shaming out of duties which isnt me at all.
Great Dr Who game on the home page of google uk. Couldn´t figure out how to play properly but loved the doctor being killed by the daleks and just giggled listening to them saying "exterminate, exterminate" hahaha.
Hey Kaley, I keep forgetting to send you a message to let you know I got the card. It's so cute! I put it up in my sewing area where I can see it :)

~ Holy Hand Grenade, that's a huge bunny!
I got your package yesterday. Sorry I didn't let you know until now. My singing mail man pulled up right before I had to leave to pick all of the girls up from school. Then I had to get them dinner and then help hubby put in our new hot water tank. then it was time for bed.

We really like the lamp and placed it and your card on our mantel.

The girls like their rugs. I numbered each and then had them each pick a number from a hat and that's the one they got, no arguments that way. One of the twins was having an emotional break down over homework (their teacher really gives a lot) so I was being goofy trying to lighten her mood and told them they were carpet for on your head so one girl was walking around with hers on her head. Ha! She's silly.

I sent you a card on Friday I think it was.
I also got your package yesterday! I love the mouse pad!
And I also love the rug, its so pretty and nice. AJ was really excited to lay on it. LOL
The candy is...interesting? I can identify a lot of the things in it, but its not the consistency I thought it was going to be. But I did get a really good piece yesterday. AJ also really likes it, but I don't think he has taste buds. If he hears candy, he's like I WANT! hahaha.

Thanks so much! I sent your package yesterday, hopefully it gets there on time. Its in a HUGE box, so don't freak out. I think you're going to enjoy it! LOL There are 2 cards in there, in case they get all mixed around in the paper, so make sure you read them!
I'm glad you guys got it!

haha Denise now everytime she thinks of Arabic people it'll be with carpets on their heads. I sent another box out to you Monday. There are scarves and coin purses for the girls and some other things. Sorry to hear she's having troubles. It seems like schools now a days are harder on kids. One dad was telling me his daughter was learning her times tables. She's in first grade! I was just learning how to read and stand in line!

Speaking of walking around with stuff on your head. I was working kitchen duty and went out to get some milk to restock. I was balancing it on my head walking through the DFAC when my SeargentMajor came up to me. I was standing at parade rest with this milk on my head getting my butt chewed for basically being silly. Later on he commented on my great posture and sense of balance -_-

Morgan that is different isnt it? And it's really popular here. I love to try new things even though some of it ends up in the garbage! I've tasted some weird things too. AJ is an odd little man but atleast he's up for new things as well. Is he picky about non-candy foods? You talk about all this cooking and I just assume he eats everything! Sent you a box monday too.
No, AJ eats nothing that I cook. He eats peanut butter sandwiches and breakfast foods. An assort meant of cookies and crackers and egg nog. LOL But we found out on thanksgiving that he'll eat anything if it has cranberry sauce on it.

Yep, I have a weird one. But thankfully, they say its only a phase.
Kaley... We have been lucky that until this year they have all liked all of their teachers. I can understand though. They are in school for eight hours and are ready for a break when they get home not another hour of work. It's made worse by the fact that their sister two grades above them rarely has homework and we joke about her being back in kindergarten because her homework always seems to involve cutting, coloring and pasting.

I have decided that not all the time but when they are starting a melt down I will let them have 20-30 minutes of time to go relax and then go back to the homework. We'll see how that goes.

The one twin was sitting tonight reading a book on my kindle fire and rubbing the rug you sent.

That's funny but sounds like your sergeant major can't make up his mind.

Morgan...all kids are weird and then they grow up to be weird...Ha! The girls used to not want to eat their food if it touched. Like beasns could not touch the mashed potatoes. So now just put cranberry sauce on everything.
Nope! I never grew out of that one. I get highly disgruntled if my food touches. I want to eat mashed potates not bean flavored mashed potatoes. The people who serve in the DFAC torture me all the time and mix my foods just to be mean. I'll get four plates if I have to but my food aint touchin!
Well they are better about it. We do try to keep from getting too much juice on the plate from items that have liquid with them such as green beans or corn.

I just got back from mailing your package.
I got a package from you yesterday! I was pretty excited, because I saw the mail lady drive passed my house without dropping anything off. Then like 30 minutes later I was washing dishes and heard her pull up. I was confused but happy to see it was from you!
I thought the chocolate was good, I ate a whole bar for lunch, LOL. And I used the little shiny pouch today, for my lists and coupons and card and phone. I've been looking for a little thing like that, but haven't found one. So its like you were reading my mind! haha.

How did the cookies and cake turn out? I know that you said everyone attacked, but they traveled well? I hope so!
I'm glad you liked everything! I didnt want to pester anyone if they had gotten their mail yet. I had gotten myself one months ago when I was sweating so bad I was ruining my leather wallet. handy little thing.

The bread made it just fine. It was very moist and no mold. (Happens sometimes) I think it was all the oil you put in it! The cookies made it just fine but they're hard. Which is pretty normal as well. We just dunk them in coffee and all is well.
We got our package from you yesterday. Thank you so very much. The girls really like the pouches and the scarves. The twins were trying different ways to wear it. They are pretty small so the scarves were big enough to cover them. The oldest didn't get to as she is being punished but she does like hers.

I like the scarf as well. I tried the orange and green candy. The green was different since it has a spice taste to it. I liked the orange more but really do like the coconut. I may try the others today.

The twins being kids and having seen traveling food shows asked if there were bugs in it. I explained that they were nuts not bugs. Still had to make them try it. The oldest liked the orange.

Hopefully you will get your package soon. I have an idea for something for you that I just have to give you. It must be. I know it is too late to send you something before you come home but hopefully we can work it out for me to send it to you wherever you will be when you do get back.
"where ever you will be when you get back"

I know I'll be back at Ft. Sill but we're in the process of finding a house right now. We were just going to move on post but with my nephew coming to live with us, it's just not an option. He got into some trouble (wrong place, wrong time) and now he's paying for it. In my opinion the punishment doesnt fit the crime in any way shape or form. Not to mention the gross mishandling of his case. Wish we had a little more solidity to our lives at this point, but eh you know me. Jump first ask questions later. Take on a full grown nephew and getting pregnant. How hard could it be?

Looking forward to whatever it might be!

I laughed so hard about the bugs. It's funny what notions children get. I could just see them nibbling tentatively waiting for a surprise. Glad they were willing to try it though.

Counting down the days now. In the 20s. I miss everyone so much and can not WAIT to get home. I miss Kai's floppy ear and creamy colored belly. I miss Franklin putting his head on my foot for attention almost killing me. I miss Shya's faces and the way she can almost talk to me with them. I miss naps with my old cat and snuggeling under the covers with Omar's cat. I miss my dog being my shadow and yelling at Sam. I miss cleaning day with the music turned up really loud and me and Tex-Anne screaming at the top of our lungs "singing" along. Pizza night with the hubby watching the latest Dr. Who or Duck Dynasty. Funny what you miss. I even miss cleaning up rabbits pens and my Dyson vacuum cleaner!
Well good luck with your nephew. It's nice that you are willing to be there for him. I know not everyone is lucky enough to have someone that will help them out when in a really tight place.

getting pregnant is supposed to be the fun part! Ha You never know maybe your nephew will be a big help when the time comes.

Eh, I have never let kids get away with not trying something. I may not always make them eat something they don't like but trying something new is a must.

Well, everything you listed sounds like something enjoyable. It is the small things that really make up our lives and what we enjoy and feel comforted by. I am sure everyone will be overjoyed to see you again.
I got a box! I got a box! I got a box!

My exact reaction when I opened my mailbox on Saturday :) :) I love the tiny lamp! I was like "she sent me a tiny genie!!!" Monty just looked at me funny and continued trying to pull apart the edge of the carpet.

~ Holy Hand Grenade, that's a huge bunny!

I would like for you to know, that today, this evening, I binged watched almost a whole season of Doctor Who. I love it. I told the man I wouldn't watch anymore till tomorrow because he can't stop watching it either, and now I don't know what to watch. LOL

I love it. I can't wait to watch ALL the rest of the seasons. Hahaha. AJ is going to spend the night at my dads on Saturday! I think we'll have a Doctor Who marathon! hahaha. ALL the episodes on netflix!
I just recently discovered Dr. Who myself and in the span of 2 weeks I am almost done with all the seasons on Netflix. I just started season 6 and I am already sad that this is the last one. I am going to have to buy season 7.