Shya-she does what she wants

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Welcome to the world of The Doctor! This is GREAT! Now I have another person to discuss the intricacies of Dr. Who with! Christine is my other discussion buddy. It's a great show! A very long running show. 1963! And the 50th anniversary episode happened Nov 23rd and there is a christmas special coming up on the 25th. No jumping ahead though but its happening.
So two days ago my medic comes in with blood all over her face. I'm pretty sure she just cut her self somehow and sure enough she gets 5 stitches. She was playing volleyball and took an elbow to the head. Tonight another medic, my NCO counterpart comes in and gets 8 stitches in the foot. He too was playing volleyball. Stepped on a rock. He tried to sneak past me. I was sitting at the desk and didnt realize he wasnt wearing shoes. I'm screaming what ever it is just medic it yourself!! He gets past me and I realize he isnt wearing shoes and he's leaving behind a blood trail. Hmmm maybe I should check this out. Sonofa!! Alright, alright I'll stitch you up. As I'm working on him a second dude comes in from the same volleyball game and his thumb is inconveniently not located where his thumb should be. *sigh* three minutes after him a third dude comes limping in. I swear to everything holy if you say "volleyball game" in your next sentence I'll rip up the volley ball court myself.
"Uh I fell down a flight of stairs."
we have no stairs any where on this camp. "I'll accept that excuse, here's an ice pack, sit down and I'll get to you when I get to you."

1.) I didnt realize that volleyball was a blood sport
2.) Nights are supposed to be quiet and a chance to relax and catch up on personal stuff. I want off. I havent slept in the week since I've been on it. And people keep coming in for dumb stuff.

Dear Army, I quit. I am going home.
Didn´t know volleyball was a dangeous sport, then again I suppose when you´re aiming the ball at the other players, it´s bound to happen. Looks like night duty sucks, how inconvenient of people to keep coming in and distubing you lol.

Yippee, more doctor who fans. I can´t wait for Christmas, defo watching this episode. It has changed a lot over the years but still darn good programme.
Aawww sorry the children you work with are making things harder for you. Maybe you should suggest they wear some protective gear.

BTW I got the chocolate and shirt. I like the camel on the shirt. The chocolate is different. I could eat it if I had to but do prefer chocolate without the spices. Ha! I hid that it was made with camels milk till after the girls had tried a piece. Thank you very much for everything. It I really appreciated and I have enjoyed trying new food.
I am such a moron. Like, someone should have me tested because apparently, I'm unable to read or comprehend things.
I JUST figured out, after eating all of it, and reading what Denise wrote, that the chocolate was made with CAMELS MILK NOT CARAMEL! LOL
WTF is wrong with me? I'm remember reading the package, thinking, "caramel isn't a new thing, why is this so different?" but it never registered that it said CAMELS MILK rather than caramel.

It doesn't change the fact that I liked the chocolate. I don't mind that it was camel milk, but I'm most worried at how dense I am. My hub just said, "I can't believe I ate so much of that!" LOL

Lord, we're dumb AND we had a kid! LOL HAHAHAHA Sorry future!

PS. I didn't know volleyball was a blood sport either. I would check the sand in the volleyball area, its dangerous!
Morgan...that's funny! I did read it at first as carmel myself. I didn't have a problem with it being camel's milk either. I just hid it from the girls because you never know what will make them decide they don't like something before trying it. Funny how they can be all interested in looking at a fish we catch. Will watch hubby prepare it for cooking and they still love eating it even after having pet fish they really cared about. Yet something like camel's milk could possibly turn them off to a food. You never know!
I haven't savored my chocolate yet, but I did receive it :) thank you so much for the card too; it really means a lot, and yes I needed a pick me up.

~ Holy Hand Grenade, that's a huge bunny!
Glad you guys got everything and enjoyed it. It's fun to share new things and I love to present shop.

hahaha Morgan! That's awesome. Funny how the brain works though. Figured the camel on it would have been enough to give it away! And the fact that it didnt taste like caramel? hahaha
Although I will admit when I read the word pens that's not the word I see first. So what does that say about me?!
I figured because it came from the middle east, the land of camels, thats why it had a camel on the packaging. LOL Thats good enough reason!
I don't know, I never said it tasted like caramel! LOL Now, in hindsight, it probably tasted like camels milk! LOL Oh well, I loved it, thought it was great. Ate a whole bar for lunch, I regret nothing.
I'm going to pass that on to my mom, Kaley. She has the connections to maybe help the kitten get home! She's a big supporter of getting the dogs from the middle east here.
Morgan that's awesome! He gets his shots on saturday and hopefully goes to the kennel the same day. The new unit isn't that happy with him. I asked the Puppy Rescue Mission for help. They're supposed to arrange his transport and everything. He's a really sweet little cat and he puts up with a lot of crap from the soldiers. They're always picking him up and dancing with him or something else that would have regular cats scratching someones face off. I was pretty worried over something this morning and had breakfast with him. I went to pet him and he stood up for his pets rather than wait for me to come to him. He has one of the loudest purrs and he really helped ease my mind.
I only had two weeks left and I snapped today. Had two near and dear friends not been standing right there I would have lost my rank. Both kept saying the same thing.."Only two weeks left. Think about your husband and your babies. They aren't worth it."

It's hard. It's hard with a changing Army. It's hard watching other females flirt and do..well other things and they get promotions, favors, and other things for basically being useless. I'm not naive. I understand this is everywhere. I'm just not built for this "new Army". I am an awesome combat medic. I have my combat medic badge. I've been tried. I've proven my mettle. I enjoy being on the line with my guys. I enjoy and take great pride in the fact that I have the knowledge and the intestinal fortitude to care for them in very difficult, very emotional situations. I love my job.

Today is the first day in 8 years I have ever thought about not wanting to wake up and put on this uniform anymore.

Today was a bad day.
Sorry you are having a bad day. I've been where you are before at work. One girl that would bat her eyes and helplessly say she couldn't do something physical so a guy would do it when I was smaller than her and could do it.

I can only imagine how frustrating it is when you are in the Army though.

You must be getting excited though to get back home.

How much longer are you in for? Have you thought of reenlisting?
Just think that everything you have achieved is through hard work and dedication and down to you as a person. I too have come across people like that and most will fall eventually when things when they eventually have to show what they know and what they can do.

I take my hat off to all in the armed services. It´s a hard job, it´s never easy living in close conditions day in day out and keeping the peace and it takes commitment and a love of the job to keep going. I don´t think I could do it.

In two weeks, you´ll be back home and surrounded by your loved ones and all your animals. Just focus on that and it´ll soon be here.

I wondered like Denise, what will you be doing next ?
I have two years left. There's a contract with my name on it for another five waiting for me in Kuwait. I want to go home. Let the Army pay for my baby, get back into shape, drop my warrant officer packet, and fly helicopters. The apache longbow to be more specific. The 160th night stalkers are now taking female pilots. I always thought it was a pipe dream. Pegasus patch here I come.

Hopefully it works out.
I can't stand women like that, which I understand, makes it so that I can't stand a lot of women! They don't see how really demeaning it is to their self worth, and how ridiculous the men are that pay attention and fall for these tactics. I guess that's just how the world is, which is why I pretty much HATE the world, LOL.

I'm with Chris. You know your worth, and you don't have to do those stupid things that other women do, to try and manipulate men to get what they want. YOU ARE AWESOME KALEY!!! I admire the job you do, and that you've accomplished it through your OWN hard work and efforts. And you a pilot.... SO COOL!!!

And just a few weeks and you'll be home with your loved ones, human and furry.... Oh, and the fish :) Can't wait to start hearing all about them again!
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I can so see you as a helicopter pilot, now I can get my ride in one of those things at long last lol.

I am sure you will achieve anything that you put your mind go for it girl.

I´d forgotten about the fish, I so liked hearing about them. I´d be no good with an aquarium, I´d end up killing them all but I love seeing all the different ones living in harmony, it is so pacifying.
Funny you should mention the fish. We've had several new additions. For christmas Omar found me a super red sevrum. He also bought me a 10 inch poly ornate bichir for one hell of a deal. When we would skype he would hunch over the camera so I couldnt see the fish tank. Didnt think anything of it. But he sent me a picture of the Bichir and a very blurry sevrum was in it. I then put two and two together! He also found his polleni. He is the most adorable baby fish ever. I call him Lenny! The sevrum is sunny and I'm not sure what to call my Bichir yet. Will upload some pictures shortly.

Also! We have managed to raise all the funds for our cat!! The comments people are leaving had me in tears earlier. I couldnt be more grateful. However my command is looking for a person to hammer and make an example out of. We have to tread really carefully. Our original plan to get him off the camp was shot all to hell. We're currently working in the gray to get him off. Have some phone calls to make tomorrow but if we could just get him to the kennel he's scott free. The new unit is just waiting to take over and kill all the cats. Somebody found his food, slit the bag, and poured it out on the ground. He's lucky we dont know who he is because he'd have been set on fire by now. I've never seen so many troopers ready to riot.