Shya-she does what she wants

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There are loads of places I haven´t been but would love to see like Australia and New Zealand, most of South America, loads of places in Africa, Scandanavian countries, Far East, the list is endless. There are certain places in the US that appeal to me more than others but I´d like to get a chance to have a look round at least. Gibraltar is a strange place and a thorn in the side of the Spanish who want it back. I used to have to cross the frontier every day and carry my passport with me as well....weird eh.

Kaley, just heard today that Matt Smith is hanging his sonic screwdriver up....there´s now a race on to see who´ll be the new Dr Who.
Yes trailer does go with that whole redneck thing. There are a couple of places closer to the Louisiana border that just scream Chainsaw massacre.
If I hear a banjo I'm outta here!

There are also rumors floating of a possible female doctor as well. Would RUIN the show in my opinion. I certainly hope that's not the case.

Talked to my dad this morning. Was talking about Franklin and how he sits with him and watches tv. Says when he gets jumpy he puts him in his litter box, Franklin does his buisness, then it's back to the Colbert Report.

So I then asked Omar about this.

"daddy says he holds franklin quite a bit

"He does, I bring him food or beverages
He doesn't really wanna get up once he's got him in his lap. I fed him (Franklin) his dinner on the couch last night"
What a couple of bums! :nosir:
Just Shya!

Omar said she bonked him then flicked him off. Somebody is a little territorial.
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Kaley, that's funny about Franklin and your dad. The picture of Shya is cute!

Morgan, yeah, a lot of the people here have trailers too. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with living in a trailer as long as its liveable, but me, personally, I would just rather live in a house haha. I mean who wouldn't. Yeah there are lots of people who sit on their porches without shirts here. I can't believe the guys you are talking about sat with no shirt on in front of a grill, that is dangerous. There is a person who lives right down the road and when every we drive by their house I almost always see this guy sitting on his porch without a shirt. One time it was winter and it was snowing out and I drove by and he was wearing a jacket that wasn't zipped up and you could see that even then he wasn't wearing a shirt, haha. We have a lot of weird people living near us. There is another house nearby and there's an old woman who lives there and she's always sitting in a rocking chair on her porch either reading a book or just rocking. Anyway, every time we drive by she just stares at our car, and I'm like what's your problem lady?! Of course I didn't say that to her but that's what I was thinking in my head, lol. :p
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Kaley, Franklin is hilarious. I laughed so much imagining him demanding his dinner on the sofa. I had a funny picture of him with a beer in one paw and a packet of crisps in the other lmao.

Yes, there are rumours of a female doctor but I really hope they don´t do that. Have you seen the last season episode as there was something strange at the end...I won´t tell you unless you´ve seen it.
Lol at the beer and "crisps." They are getting a bit ridicoulous and its funny that Omar caters to them. I cant say anything I guess because I'm kind of like that. If there's a cat or rabbit in my lap it's the equivalent of a "do not disturb sign" Omar just shoves them off and I squak at him of course. He's getting better but men!

YES! My loving husband uploaded it for me because I was going insane and driving him bonkers about it......I totally think that's Valeyard come back. Because it was all the Doctors and he was a small part of the Doctor at one point. Even though it was a bit wibbly wobbely, time matrixy weird how it happened.

Missing my fisheys. Funny how much I miss them and I love my little Mimi fish and big silly gold fish, and eels who did not enjoy the move. Omar took this picture of the Green Terror. I totally forgot he got one. Eek. highly aggressive and territorial. But really pretty. Roscoe (big silly goldfish) looks like one of those people who crash pictures.

GINORMOUS PICTURE!! My bad. To lazy to resize.
You might have a hard time getting Franklin back. I think your dad has fallen for him :)

Shya seems pretty happy outside. I wonder why her being territorial doesn't surprise me.
oh my god. I'm shaking. I hate my f-ing in-laws. It's either rant here or make a phone call and cause further drama. My husbands vagina whipped twin brother is having twins. His wife is drama. She's having a "gender revealing party" as her baby shower. It's this big f0ing secret. The secret of her being pregant got out in the first place and she had the adacity to call up my mother in law and make her cry. So his idiot twin is texting my husband and speculating about the babies. Omar guesses they're girls. So the as-hole twin calls up his mother and *itches her out for revealing the gender of the babies. My lovely mother in law decides your an idiot and says so and that he can just be mad. UM HELLO? You regestered all of the damn city and everything you picked was pink? And you think we're all retarded and dont know whats going on. You know what F this I have to make a phone call. Have I mentioned I've miscarried twice? And that I'm horribly bitter that two ****ty ass people get to have one of the greatest blessing ever?
Oh, that's so tough :( i hope to have twins actually, but that's cuz i'm weird. (and I haven't decided yet whether I'll even try to spawn...kinda had a bad experience growing up feeling unliked by one of my parents and don't want history to repeat) Monty sends ear slappies :p
Little Christopher getting his Franklin on

Getting a little braver. Mom put him up there for him.

then I guess he wasnt done napping. Omar said he jumped up there himself

And apparently he's not going anywhere until that 5 o'clock whistle blows.

I'm not horribly jealous, seeing red, ready for a divorce or anything. Shmucks.
I hate when sh*tty people have kids. Its like, just because you can breed doesn't mean you SHOULD breed. I have a "friend" who is pregnant now, with her walmart working lying-ass boyfriend and her waitressing job, and his 4 year old. They can definitely afford another kid. You know because $2.33 and $8.00 an hour make you a ton of money every month and all your bills are supposed to be paid 6 days after they were originally due. Makes total sense to me.
Now, my kid was a surprise, but I was nanny-ing for $20 an hour and my husband has a great job, so we were like whatev's, bring it! So we had that under control, but to purposely bring a child into the world when you can't even keep your power on for a 4 month stretch...thats bs.
I'm sorry your BIL is a sh*t head. I have a sister in law thats a sh*t head too, shes all on her high horse with her stupid art degree...yeah like you can use that in the real world. Anyway, I know what its like and it just makes you want to knock peoples heads together like be GET A GRIP!

Franklin is such a cuddle-bun, it really sucks you couldn't bring him with you! I would have just shoved his big ass in my rucksack and brought him along. (Yes, I totally said rucksack.)
If Franklin comes up wasn't me.

Sorry, I should have put this before hand, I'm working on like beer 10 and I might now be making the most sense. The sh*ts funny in my head! hahaha.

Just divorce your in-laws not Omar. Trust me, if he's anything like my husband and he can put up with you like mine can put up with me...then there is no better a man out there for either one of us. haha. They need metals and then they need to eat those metals on days that they drop our fish or don't take their damn plates to the sink. LOL

Oh I'm so done. Whoever said here this is beer 10 and here's the computer should be ashamed. (thanks dad and husband).
haha. Art degree. Now if it was Neuro-science that'd be impressive and I'd be the horse for her to ride around on. But when I need to know a vangogh from a (insert famous artist here) I'll google it. Not drunk but on night shift. It's like same thing. And if it was beer ten I certaintly wouldnt be standing any more.

I love walmart drama. It's like paying for a reality show. My tax dollars hard at work. Have another kid! Government will support you!

Anywho. lol on the medals. you are hilarious. Should write a muse book. I would totally buy it and put it on my non-existent coffee table.
Is it metals or medals?
Its medals right? I was SO wrong up there. hahaha. My google powered laptop was like "nah, you're drunk, I'm not going to correct you tonight." Usually it gives me a green squiggly line when the word is being misused.
But I reckon metal is the actual metal substance and medal is what you give someone for being number one. I guess I should have googled that before typing.

I'm drinking Bud Black Crown, in case you wanted to know, which you probably didn't. The first one tastes like butt but the rest of them have been great!

You know, I have actually thought about writing a book about my crazy rantings and experiences, but I haven't. But the way I figure it is if Chelsea Handler can have a best selling book, so can I. hahaha. Because to me, I make a lot of sense and I make my husband laugh. He might be laughing out of fear, I'm not sure. Oh well.
OHH my nuggets are done!
Bud Black Crown. It sounds like butt. I'm a terrible beer drinker. Unless its expensive Scottish beer or girly Belgian beer I'm like ewwwww. Europe made me kind of snotty about some things.

I looked at your "metal" and had to think twice about it. This retarded government computer doesnt have automatic spell check on it. I hate how illiterate I've become. Use to be a great speller. Now I just mash the keyboard and right click. Ah technology.

Does anyone read the Rabbits USA that comes out annually?
They're having a photo contest for next years magazine. Posed pictures and natural at play pictures.

1st place is a 100 bucks and a large oxbow gift box
2nd place 75 and a med. gift box
3rd place is 50 and like a bag of hay deal.
Totally gonna enter it. Looking at this years photo winners my guys are a shoe in. Check it out. We should all do it.
Omar: "Need to groom Franklin he's got mats on his chin"
"excuse me? You need to check his teeth."
"I think it's just from drinking water. He just ate too"
"He's never gotten mats from eating. Take him to the vet. It's his teeth"
"He just drank water."
"Um.... I will divorce you, you know this."
"....It's not a mat, it's wet fur. I'm checking his teeth now."

Freaking husbands.
OH GOD! NOT THE TEETH! He better take him to the dang vet! Do you think its his front teeth from when he fell?

Freaking husbands is RIGHT! I know what you're saying, sometimes I just want to myself in my own face for marrying that human. Then I want to punch him in the neck for the stupid things that come out of his mouth. (I would go for the neck in hopes I get the vocal cords, to permanently hit the mute button. Yes, thats how I think.) Like when he tells me he doesn't like Conway Twitty or Otis Redding, I just look at him like "I don't even know who you are..."
I like how in your marriage there are threats of divorce over the animals, its the same in mine! hahaha. He talks about killing off my Blood Parrots to get different fish and I'm like, "if those mofo's die from anything other than natural causes I'll leave your ass in a heartbeat." Or when he told me I couldn't get the dog better food because he wasn't eating, he said "he'll eat it when he's hungry enough." I said "then you'll cook your own dinner when you're hungry enough!" Sometimes I have no F's to give.

Have a good day Kaley! Let us know how it goes with Franklin's teeth!
Lol he really had just drunk a bunch of water. It was just clumps of wet fur and his face hairs are getting really thick. Ready to moult again. Him and Kai stick their whole faces in their water dishes. Kai just lets everything drip and runs around leaving little water trails everywhere. Omar was just being lazy and didnt want to check for wet fur or look in his mouth. He said it wasnt a mat and sent a picture of his teeth.
Fraklin had a follow up a month after he fell. His teeth grew in just fine and he had a small spur removed from his left molar.
I heard the word mat and shi* just got real. Omar will probably never say the word again.

Now we're fighting over this leopard catfish whom we've named Godwin after the guy on Duck dynasty. He got moved to a bigger tank, is growing at a ridicolous rate, has a very large mouth, and a voracious appetite. Also missing his right eye......Coincidence? Mimi my Nic Cichlid is in there and so is Pierre a common rainbow shark. Now we got pierre as a fry and had him for about a year. He's pretty fat and gets along swimmingly (yes I went there) with the Oscars. He survived the move and he's smaller than Mimi. Omar refuses to move either one right now. The 210 wont be up and running for another two weeks. If that damn catfish eats either one. It's on like donkey kong.

Lord have mercy my husband just told me how much my Dubosi fry was. 25 bucks! He needs a new hobby.

So weird story. Yesterday I was out in the sun alot and it's like 112 degrees right now. I was very sweaty and I wear uderwire bras. Didnt notice anything was a miss until I went to change to take a shower. I just ripped that joker off like I always do and let out a shriek that made the devil himself cringe. Between the sweat and moving it had like embedded itself. There's this huge welt right underneath the whole thing. This is seriously a stupid issue to be having.
I totally cringed when I read about your bra. I had to move mine around to make sure nothing was melted to me or embedded in my skin. LOL That has to be terrible, how do you put a bra back on like that? And why would you wear an underwire? I would be in a sports bra all day everyday, or are you layering them? I do that.
Wow. I just WAY too personal.

I hope your catfish doesn't eat your Mimi, she's way to be pretty be eaten! I'm glad our catfish isn't the biggest and is scared of the other fish.
Ouch! That sounds like it hurt. I agree with Morgan, a sports bra sounds much more comfy. But maybe it's environmental and anything is going to cause a problem where you're at. Don't envy you.

I'm glad Franklins deal wasn't a tooth problem. It sounds like Omar is going to have to learn bunny terms that are less inflammatory :)
This is my normal work bra back home. Given the humidity and activity level it kind of got the better of me. Last deployment all I wore were sports bras. Don't know what I was thinking but it's nothing Wal-Mart cant fix!

Had to have four stiches put in my knuckle yesterday. Medic practiced her digital block. It didn't work. It hurt like a mother holy sheet. Then felt every stitch. My head was screaming Just do the stitches no Lidocaine!! You know better! But I was like sure practice your digital block. Dumb A**!

And today I bought something my husband is probably going to divorce me over. He hasn't come on line yet but I think he's going to notice several hundred dollars missing soon enough. EEK! But it's this gorgeous carpet. I have this thing for carpets. They're like works of art. I am no subject matter expert but self educated out of this strange love of carpets.

It's a hand made in Iran in the Bokhara style carpet. It's 70% silk and 30% goat wool. Love it. I have a 100% silk machine made one that I bought in Kuwait.

Never should have walked in the store.

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