Aww, I'm not picking on you. I know stuff happens, but I just can't stand it when people are like OMG THEY CHEW STUFF! yeah...only if you're not watching's not like you can put your fridge or washing machine up where she can't get it. Sometimes what we do to protect our things and protect them just do not work out. They are tricksy and smart and more capable than we sometimes give them credit. And you know everything will be going along fine and normal and they'll just out of the blue do something they have never done before and you did not expect.
Puppies will chew on everything and people deal with it so why is it any different then with a bun? I had a german sheppard before that in just a few hours chewed holes through two doors. Holes big enough for her to walk through. She was locked in a long hallway. More than enough room for her. All the doors were shut to keep her safe and out of trouble. Ha!
Looks like she's having a blast! And Kai, just looks like he wants to be with HIS girl. I forget how ginormous he is, but seeing him in the video reminds me of what a big boy he really is
I love how they are protecting the tree from her, haha!
I wasnt sure what kind of a tree it is or if it's safe to eat. She hasn't shown any interest in it yet. Shya's to small to and to quick to let lose in the yard like Kai and Franklin. That and daddy wants time alone with HIS rabbit. "Because Kai irritates her some." I've never seen her act like a crazy rabbit before.
Of course I added you Ariana! My facebook lately is posts of pictures from the hubby and general complaints about stupidity while on deployment but feel free. Be assured as I will be stalking your facebook as well. I love pictures. You could be a random stranger on the street, stop me, and go through your whole photo album of that time 12 years ago when your family visited the grand canyon. I'd be the only one who would stop and totally be enraptured.
On for some Kai. Now the little gal is Lilly she's fixin to turn four in June but she's an old high school friends little girl my mom sits. She's a butt, but we lover her none the less. She's feeding him from the herb garden that got planted specifically with the rabbits in mind.
He's just being cute. Which he does best. There is a daddy and bad rabbit cameo. *gags*
Kai is the size of a small child! Holy cow!
I watched the video of Shya last night, I laughed so hard because she was SO excited! She's a quick little thing!
Kai is actually a small German Giant. He's a big wuss too. He has a mean bite though and a very rough kick. He's a sweet heart of a rabbit but the minute you pick him up watch your shoulders. He's nailed me a couple of good ones that left huge bruises. You can do anything in the world to him and he's pretty tolerant. Just dont pick him up. Brat:bunnybutt:
The more I see of Kai the more tempted I am to steal him! Love the big ones.
Your dad is so funny with Shyla. So has she been her typical bad self in front of your dad and he just can't help loving her bad or not or has she so far been good while around him? Makes me think of a friend of mine who was the only person that could get my son to sit still when he was young. He would just happily sit quietly for the longest times.
What great videos. I love seeing Shya binkying everywhere, she is a fast little girl. Kai´s ears are just fabulous and he is enoooormous, as big as Lilly, hadn´t realise quite how big he is....he looked really happy in the garden and your dad cuddling Shya is so cute, she looks as though she´s really enjoying it.
How I laughed at the conversations, I know loads of people who have absolutely no common sense.
Shya is actually pretty good for my dad. She doesnt fuss when he picks her up but will put up a fight for the rest of us. He's seen her box the other dogs and cats and even watched her rip out a mouthful of fur from the cat that took her eye. He always excuses it away. He's learning to read rabbit ears and can tell when she's irritated and will leave her alone. He's pretty much the only one too she'll seek attention from. Well other than Kai. He doesnt take it personal when she doesnt want lovin. Franklin is his second best and always up for a cuddle. He's also jealous of Kai and refuses to learn his name. He's just "the big rabbit." He doesn't quite understand that they're bonded and a little bit intimidated by him.
We had a cat years ago that he really loved and adored. We had a golden about 12 years ago that he really liked but it was faithfully my moms dog. He really likes my old girl but again she's faithfully my dog. Shya may live with us but she's his rabbit as far as he's concerned. Most unusual for the man. But whatever makes him happy.
Seeing him next to Lilly he does look quite large. He only weighs 13 pounds but he's very long and tall. The Ears help the image as well although I dont know what to do with them.
Well it's nice that he loves her so much and she seems to love him as well. I was just curious. I was just wondering if it is like a grandparent with a grandchild where they love them and can overlook there bad behavior because they don't live with them or if he loves her unconditionally, good and bad.
It's a bit of both. He excuses a lot of her behavior and makes a lot of exceptions. And I think he's pretty accepting of the way she is now that he's understanding more and more of her behavior. She's also genuinely on her best behavior when he's around. Her goals in life are to only irritate me. Not so much him. He certainly didnt cringe over all the money I've spent on her. My mother seems to think I've picked the animals over real children. Even then she's lightened up on me the more she's around them.
You try having a uterus in the Army. It doesnt always mix.
So about a week or so ago my husband sent me a box. And in this box was Zebra cakes. I have no idea what it about the Army but Army people love Zebra cakes. I have a joe that doesnt even eat sugar in everyday life. Not big on chocolate nothing. I introduced her once and now it's like her crack. For me the only will power I have with zebra cakes is to not eat them all in one setting. So I packed one in my lunch box today and very quietly snuck into the break room. I'm halfway through the last one and she comes around the corner.
"Haha SGT you look really guilty"
I'm Just staring at her
"Is that a Zebra cake"
Shake head no
"I can smell it"
My other Joe comes around the corner at this point
"Zebra cake?"
Have you ever seen monkeys fighting over a greased football?
So my husband is running around comicpalooza, meeting drs companions and daleks and here I sit on night shift. In the middle of yet another crap hole desert. HOWEVER!! He did get me an autographed picture of Patrick Stewart scoring major brownie points! EEEEK. And one from Frazer Hines the longest running companion on Dr Who! Double eek!!
Can't complain to much about this deployment though. It's gotten me out of going to my sister-in-laws "Gender revealing Party" for the twins she's carrying. Have I mentioned how much I love my sister-in-law? Not.
She's married to Omars twin so I dont even consider her an in-law. Just this person I have to deal with at family functions. She's the most horrid person and I'd like to rip all her hair out. Sorry still pissy about yet another family Novella unfolding.
Kaley, just found you on facebook so have seen the photo. It´s really weird for me cos apart from being the doctors companion back in the 60´s, he was a major character for nearly 20 years in one of our long running soaps over here called Emmerdale. Plus he´s from Leeds which is where I´m from.
I watched the season finale on the BBC a couple of weeks ago....I don´t like Matt Smith as much as David Tennant but I still love the series and the monsters.
I so understand your sentiments about in-laws, they are never our choices after all.